Mizkif & Emiru play QWOP...

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I think I'm really stupid today you ever wake up and just feel like your brain doesn't work yeah when um almost every day no but you're smarter than me no I don't I don't think so is this show [ __ ] how' you go out of bounds you always have to think outside the box that's how you evolve now watch this if I do it in one try you ow me ,000 ready okay if I if I don't do it here I owe you $1,000 more [Music] okay um you didn't even try like someone said desktop audio that's $2,000 aoou oh I'm autistic I win classic minus [Music] $1,000 [Music] oh [Music] [Music] wow wow oh oh he saved [Music] it and that's my career woo $3,000 all right do it in one try Jack gives you a $10,000 each oh I don't know I don't know how to play this watch okay here here's the Mario clip classic oh I don't know what I'm doing dude why do you have these settings and watch just one shot oh my God I actually don't yep here we go just classic just do it all right and she does it in one try like are you [ __ ] kidding me oh wow it's so good here you do cute w i do op we're going backwards okay you do you do it you want me to do the whole thing yeah let me let me watch okay I got to get I got to I got to actually get autistic my [Music] God okay ready [Music] mhm now [Music] [Applause] what the [ __ ] [Music] break shake my hand okay yep [Music] now [Music] [Music] oh it was close I need something to motivate me but like you got to become like this one day he doesn't he I he's probably has not looked at his chat once in 2 hours oh no this this is going to be me in like two to three years like he literally has not looked at his chat one time no this is my plan watching I like best kind of this is what people talk about when they're like streaming is easy that is the best life okay play patty cake are you trying to farm shorts what what are we doing okay I don't even how do you play patty cake okay fine [ __ ] you what that's all you think about nowadays what huh like you you lit just think all I care about and like all you care about is like just farming shorts now it's [ __ ] disgusting like what do you like what like what is wrong with you are you projecting on me again by the way how does it feel that my car is sellable for more money than I I bought it for in your car is a piece of garbage um that's fine cuz I like my car I don't want to sell it okay are you gaslighting me um I don't think so all right if I don't do it here I give you the d The dimsdale [Music] Flats just have to focus I I need some motivation mhm all right [Music] ready [Music] you know I can eat like Naruto wow I'm depressed so talented okay if but don't do it here I give everyone 10 grand [Music] bro move bro move bro move bro move that's not fair are you bored [Music] no [Music] if I don't do it here we stop playing pogers doomed one more right here this is the last one we're done I didn't finish my sentence now this is the last one if I fail here it's done 16 star is [Music] dead q w q w q w o w q o p [Music] [Applause] w Too Fast Too Furious I'm too fast for y'all man dang good try good try ah [ __ ] he's doing it again believe [Music] [Applause] [Music] it yo mizy was the autism guy here I know you can cop this cup just like you can hit 20,000 Subs shut up [Music] man [Music] I got it I got it I won I won I won I won I won I I I I literally have it look I me what what what I won I won I won [ __ ] I'm stuck in the [Music] ch [Music] you going to keep distracting me while I'm [ __ ] trying to do this sorry this thing fell down just walk wa I mean this content blows you guys are so [ __ ] spoiled it's CRA it's my stream now I'm sorry oil it's crazy like you guys literally don't realize that every streamer plays boring ass games all day I'm constantly trying to just entertain you guys but I'm the problem [ __ ] people ow I kicked it out of the room what nobody likes cheddar woo where is he what' you say where is he I actually kicked Chad out of the room what is name name five chats exactly can't name five chedds hello Miss kff how are you do you guy all live in the same house so this is me I'm mkff I live with Bonnie wake Grayson um when this is emy's house Emmy lives with Russell simplyy and Corey so that's basically it then right next door to us is extra Emily wo and C um down the street from them is xqc Aiden Ross and like six people were probably in jail and then um up the street from us is a linity uh it's the street to the right of us is fandy that's basically our whole layout I could send you my address if you want to make sure you got got all that covered but that's basically everything um EOB lives in the trailer parks um similar to the ones of the canker sisters from edad and edti yo Nick lives in a mansion okay maybe I'm just bad at this game now morning smile I'm sick of quap I'm going to throw in the ocean back him up so I can take him to the get down oh he fat no the ocean's this way okay guys uh what's your favorite ocean the Pacific Atlantic Indian Arctic the Arctic okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] no how' you get out of the ocean huh Mr Beast got me out oh yep well he does like to clean trash out of the seat look at this art I found oh hello hello Chad I'm sorry I just had tectone stream open for a minute
Channel: Mizzy Glizzy
Views: 12,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mizkif, Mizkif and Emiru, Mizkif & Emiru, Mizkif Emiru, Emiru, Emiru Mizkif, emiru mizkif, mizkif, mizkif and emiru, twitch clips, twitch, twich highlights
Id: aYmF4lylQJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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