Mizkif brings Dave to make Hasan feel small

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any awards you're excited about you know what there's a friend of mine his name is Will nef stop everybody's doing this to me it's like I'm not gonna win all no no I'm excited I hope you win Hassan graciously he's conceded the fact you are the bigger streamer now he's not the biggest streamer anymore and you deserve to win the award and I hope you do it's just chatting streamer right is really cooled off so big time not really aular field politics I think yeah I think that was a bad decision for him to get into that what do you think Austin show thank you so much for stopping with us you look fantastic you're going to win I hope so we going to throw it's happening okay hello everyone I'm with the lovely btmc btmc how are you today it it's been fantastic absolutely fantastic far has been phenomenal to see it's been it's been themselves everything is awesome I'm so excited to be here awesome this everything is cool I love to hear it and this is your first ever stream rewards right my first ever stream Awards second event that I'm attending from cutie and to see the show is there anyone you're specifically looking we got the uh the streamer Awards here I Haven met anyways yeah I'm just looking forward to the show I think it's going to be so exciting to watch and uh yeah is there any category of the show that you're looking forward to seeing the result category I'm looking forward to the future where maybe if they add a best rhythm game streamer you know could repr really I guess you're as far away from it as you possibly can get essentially yeah was it too loud all right there you go I can hear now you can talk to Dave I know yeah I I'm really excited for my first streamer Awards this going to be super fun Dave stand up show them who you I'm tall the it's funny because because he's short he thinks like height is all that matters well to him it does yeah when you're short height is everything it's like being rich only rich people say oh money isn't everything but you know not happy money doesn't buy happiness you're like well yeah you only say that when you're rich it's like we're because we talk terms tough on our fresh Flor it was all guys like six4 up and that so he did not look he did not look good went to Bloomingdales cuz none of my stuff fit and I forgot a white T-shirt he did and the Bloomingdales Associates said that Matt was they were like flirting with it almost fantastic last question is what's your favorite he's like you're very attractive look at you with your athletic phys I bought it look like the stream yeah it's extra talking I don't care wait who who is that streamer I have I think he's the number one OSU player in the world you can't even see me on Son's computer I'm not sure bro yo Chad I got the T Tabby socks I just go full cam yeah go full cam um just chat just camming there it is I got the Tabby socks everybody uh I'm going to be putting them on in a second and then I'm going to put the Tabby shoes on wait stay next to Dave let see who taller oh no I don't even have my shoes on hold on let me put my shoes on I'll be tall I might you must be 6'4 6 I'm 6'4 but I you're you're taller than me you're 65 I think boy that was hurtful you don't say that to him that actually what 66 I'm 68 68 you're 68 oh Jes I I don't know I don't dude it's hard to tell when someone has shoes on and you don't cuz it's like it really throws it off more than you expect but for me it's like I don't really I don't really I I brought them here so we can go to the award show and people are like who's that and then people just Spam Giga Chad do you do you do you feel like you don't give a [ __ ] about height like and and only people that are I always give a [ __ ] about it when I'm with Matt when I'm with he brings it up he loves it you Dave got two two people in the elevator stared at him today and we're like I wish I had some of your height they were both old women by the way and he I know DAV loved it everyone loves getting flirted with by older women yeah it's just true it's just like they because they say it fully genuinely like they're not they have no they did not trying to hook up chat there's no point of me standing up when Dave's on stream there's just no point are you even invisible are you oh barely yeah I'm trying to get Dave to go accept an award at the show oh it's young Jeff oh [ __ ] young Jeff young Jeff who's that guy who's that would put my mental uh stability in anguish uh yeah Elon kind of ruined the platform a little bit so you know every day is a struggle on that platform but wait why weren't you why weren't you doing the this this year um fell off oh yeah true they wanted to go with a bigger streamer like extra Emily uh G okay extra Emily's bigger streamer than b both of us so listen it's the 30-day challenge is almost over oh I'm excited 30day challenge I don't actually she's doing this 30-day Gat Challenge and she basically just like she's bigger than both of us yeah it's [ __ ] wait when's your interview I don't know ours is at five oh uh I think mine is a little bit before yours okay we're going to we're going to roll up and just talk about Smite too yeah that's like that's why Dave's here yeah I'm very excited maxor it's actually getting finally after years of being placed PC only we're getting actual Max support yeah CH we're really go into this and just going to talk about Smite 2 and then that's it and then this chat's going to spam Giga chat and then it's over what what do you up for a nomination um biggest fall off nah no way I feel like it's not I feel like you got that in the bag yeah I they didn't even put up it as an award yeah they were like no there's no competition wait Jeff shout out to gym that's actually chat we have three you know we have three ads in this uh show for iron for you do that's nice that's really nice no it's not she made me put up a counter on my stream for the past week putting out a countdown for her [ __ ] it was it was business yeah I'm wait that's the that I thought you paid for it no oh okay that's I thought you pay for it that's why I said it was really nice of you to do thaty I think can Dave go on your podcast why just to talk maybe like about what being tall yeah of course that's what you want me to do I don't I don't understand like what it's funny it's it's mis's fault because he presented you as Like Only The Tall Man no he's also a very successful man oh well thank you man that's very nice what do you do Dave uh nothing in politics I'm in software engineering nice well I don't I don't know why I would have suspected it to he works for Google yeah oh you do yeah oh nice what do you you do for Google uh I work on web browsing Technologies what's nice about him Dave is he has no care to stream ever bro they're F the the AI bought websites are [ __ ] ruining the SEO well I mean I think the search needs to kind of transition to keep up with what am I doing staring okay chat you this is the fit well the tabies are uh they they give me extra height so now we both look so godamn I need a drink I have drinks in there like a fisheye lens situation going on you are you are very broad shouldered no I am a a broad shouldered man that's for sure hello Ka no don't you're going to my jacket up and and everything I'm wearing yeah I think she may have drooled on my shoe just she did yeah oh [ __ ] that's totally fine these have been rained on 100 times I I'll wipe that down before we go we got the tabies on y what's up no K don't touch me all right we got oh we have more streamers going folks this is nice oh people are saying that Hanan had a tag I'll I'll let him know oh this is actually I'm looking at the camera angle here this is really interesting cuz I feel like it's coming I actually am I seeing the wrong view of this CU it looks like there's just so much Dead Space up here and a ton over in this direction I don't know if that's accurate big house yeah definitely a big house I must be I don't know what camera I'm looking at man is this the is this the actual camera view that they're seeing over there yeah it's it's a lot of background huh yeah oh no I think this is he has two cameras one is that one and there's another one I don't know which one is okay these two yeah I was a little bit about Dave he he's never had a sip of alcohol in his entire life that's true that is true and uh what else is what else is there that's it I'm tall and I've never had alcohol those are my two he's never had a shot I'm not kidding he's never drank alcohol his entire life I've never drunk alcohol yeah God shut the [ __ ] up he's act Chad he's if you don't know he's literally just gigachad what did you used to tell us when we' have drinks our bodies uh your body's a temple yeah that's what it that's not my expression by the way that's the only guy made that up Chad so a little bit about Dave he grew up and he never watched TV ever it was he was only ever allowed to read books and this is actually true like only he was able to read books his entire life yeah no it uh we wer like a TV household certainly when we uh we when I was I think when I went to high school I was allowed to watch 30 minutes of television every day which fu yeah it they're asking him a Mormon no no no yeah so he and then he went from that to uh playing Halo all day yeah love Halo oh I love Halo to the point where he basically got he he dropped out of school almost to just play Halo nonstop not that I was like good enough to become professional but I just really liked the game you know at a certain point you have to have a p fashion and uh and then I went to college with this guy found out about Smite thank god well he also realized that he's way smarter than us so he immediately left the school that's not true just you literally left the school you were going to leave the school too but I wasn't smart enough to actually do it no you weren't smart enough to actually apply oh yeah man was like yeah I'm also going to transfer and then just didn't put the paperwork in to trans I feel like this looks so stupid you're you you probably should comb your hair before we go I it looks it looks a little unced up top not that my my hair's kind of messed up too yeah but Dave who sees my hair up top besides you and H I think just everyone the chest thing I look good no they're saying don't [ __ ] with it you do look good yeah it's kind of weird no yeah no don't get me wrong there as when I saw him I said there's the freshest I've seen him in years but if you look three Ruckers grads that's it if you look up here you've got a TFT of hair right here do you see this no they can't they can definitely see that you see the angle towards the camera I tough you see the tough right here this right here oh who cares Dave I'm just I was just saying you could comment real fast it's not a big deal you can brush it child cool me your Dave all right this is it this is the fit chat this is the fit what do we think there say who looks the best me Dave or H right should I ju it up with definely the best no no go did you tell them what the [ __ ] drink is no I chat this is Dr disrespects whiskey he he like made a whiskey and they sent it to me I don't know why back when I guess uh he didn't hate me why does he hate him uh cuz I made fun of him for being divorced or cheating on his wife rather not divorced oh did he do that that's too bad he did yeah are you okay that's terrible cheers that is [ __ ] terrible man that's why you shouldn't drink alcohol oh you took that you've never you've never Dr alcohol before I've never had it no that's crazy Dave Dave is a living meme I respect that thank you a lot people give t 10 Dave only uses uh Mac products that's it Apple products prod yeah that's it he'll never use anything else like he he's never tried desktop he only plays games on Mac and that's it that's well it's good a year for you then huh uh Apple's doing a lot in the in the gaming space you got the stranding hi quima went and [ __ ] finally brought death stranding to Apple products which is crazy look I was my my girlfriend you cannot say that he's NPC That is rude that is a compliment to all NPCs out there daav is himself they call me an NPC what what NPC 68 doesn't drink Al has never had alcohol Chad should I do the bolo or [Music] not I feel like you're it just screams like look at me which is perfect I like that you're the one saying that of all people I'm wearing a turtleneck dude what you you talking about I'm not trying to I'm not doing that pull it you know how to run a pool D this dog's so cute mod pull it that's how I run a pole you're saying hard no yeah I would say hard I would say hard no but then if I don't have anything I don't have any you don't need it dude H already a more casual event I was told M turtleneck yeah he lied to you let me see yo put your jacket on I want to see no I I I'm not going to wear come on come on come on come on come on come on I I I don't want to wear this this is the funniest thing is like you're you actually were forced to try hard and it's fun to see you stop putting the jacket on like that Ka move get your belly over did you get it from uh did you get from I went to Urban Outfitter I so I went to Goodwill but that those clothes ripped I don't like I hate suit jackets I hate this I'd rather just go in the turtleneck you look good with the jacket you drink it big boy it is PewDiePie's jacket you'll get used to it wait really yep they're saying they're actually saying no jacket by the way I I agree chat don't listen to them no I think they're right I think they're wait do we run a pole or not hold on you [ __ ] with the Zin are you a zner I feel like this is the most Jersey [ __ ] you can do was it li zimp no no [ __ ] that is it this is basically a tobac less snooze and it's like all the [ __ ] are doing it I had I had tobacco one time at a Super Bowl when I was in eighth grade and I threw up yeah don't and then I met Dave and I stopped doing things yeah don't do things all right NOS are at 58% yes is at 42% holy [ __ ] you're getting thousands of those son you don't need it I feel like it looks it looks like it's supposed to be like a cowgirl or something I don't know a cowgirl it just like I don't know this part I just not feeling it um oh I'm going to bring uh LS bolo tie that he wanted regardless I don't even think you need a tie am that crazy I also don't know fashion I I think I need something around my neck because I feel bad cuz I did not wear a tie because I thought but I mean it's fine you're a guess yeah that I just don't want to be underdressed it's rude Dave you're you should you're fine maybe give Dave the ball maybe you'll look it on him no I I could not pull I love the way his mind works he's like well you're tall wait sense of connection he's like put the [ __ ] well it's true though that that is how it works Loki what I just I just find it funny that I literally brought him over here because he I just think it's funny that he's taller than you is that really why I thought wanted I wanted you me a on yeah no you're you are one of the only streamers who I've actually heard of in real life that that's normal cuz I you know you do real life stuff real life stuff yeah yeah um whereas M if you're like what the the [ __ ] he doing you don't get the mainstream appeal if some guy just talking for three hours about nothing yeah what is wrong with you doing Smite memes H I do okay the Smite mem should make a main stream I'll give him that you got lucky dude you're just your name Trends on Twitter every second anyway so you just get free publicity yeah no it's definitely always good too famously but that's not fair it's like I don't have that well you know you get in the news sometimes I'm not even in the I'm not I'm literally not even in view where is this camera camera go to this camera the full one the the one right here is this no no it's it's the other no it's you say waiting for a son so funny here oh all right now we have Matt all right this is a much more reasonable so you either get to see Assan and Dave or you get to see me I think actually think the tops of head M I really like what you're doing where you where you pull your hairline down a little bit to make you look more useful and I really like that as someone who also does that from time to time I'm getting a hair transer that's a A+ move dog you want to go to Turkey no I'll take you to Turkey I'm actually I'm not kidding I'm getting one but I'm not going to Turkey why not in Turkey it'd be fun we make content there isn't that like isn't there risk there what risk like aren't they aren't they don't have like the same uh bro they literally are the hair transpl capital of the planet is that true why no really yeah why they call Turkish Airlines Turkish hairlines bro that's literally like all the [ __ ] that are flying back from Turkey when you get on a flight leaving a stumble going towards the Western world is everyone's got the [ __ ] berz on with the for the hair transplant [ __ ] wait is it because Turkish people have really good hair to donate or something no that's not how hair transplants work Dave what the [ __ ] you never lost godam you work at Google what the [ __ ] I I don't Google everything I've never looked into how a hair transplant Works Hair transpl Works that like here's what they're going to do the misk they're going to come in and they're going to use this machine that goes and takes like each individual hair from like a strip from the back of his head uh and then they're going to plant it in the front of his hairline it's his own hair Dave's hairline only gets better at the age CH well it just hasn't change you have gray hair oh you OB obviously have oh thank you I I I medicate for it it's uh it's cheating yeah I I take propa propia I do it's not even a joke is that a medication yeah propia uh feride um and minoxidil um here give me the black glasses over there the black glass is not the gun do you like that it's very Texas of me why do you have a [ __ ] gun on your desk you get that mad at your chat yeah sometimes I have to sometimes I have to [ __ ] you know show the chat what's about what it's about you know what I mean it's not real don't worry oh it it looks real it does it feels real too but it's Airsoft oh okay I've never actually like held or fired a GU oh my gosh it's pretty heav that is so New Jersey very strict gun control dude yeah I know awesome that whiskey sucks decent Governor is it isn't it Governor is Governor Murphy Phil Murphy dude what the [ __ ] was New York the back guy what's name chrisis that's Chris krisy and he was universally hated one of the least popular political figures in the country is he still there no he he ran for president again and [ __ ] failed spectacularly he was he was a big man he yeah he was yeah he was a big guy is he going to streamer Awards yeah it's part of his campaign yeah that's part of it's an important part yeah he couldn't even made it in New Hampshire brother I don't know about streamer Awards chat do you guys mind if Dave just takes over and Hassan just like leaves his whole place for a couple months a months the streamer awards are like a few hours well Dave you just take over oh okay yeah he Dave's just gonna want to talk about they're saying no not at all okay all right Dave's going to take over and talk about uh software engineering and uh proper posture and drinking water yeah I I won't have too many comments on politics unfortunately so I don't think that would be as interesting to this uh this community but he's taller than Hanan which means he's more right yeah that's how it works yeah the taller the person uh the better the person is what I always say that's why Miss gives the biggest piece of [ __ ] we know it's virtuous to be tall yeah okay um I can't what are those shoes man they're tabies it's it's so annoying that you could just pull crap off like that I don't think I can like that's something I would see at like a My Little Pony convention I mean they are they are yeah they are like the camel though so you're not wrong um okay chat uh I'm going to call a uber for us to get there right unless you have like do you have a one to chat if you been My Little Pony convention have you have you do you have a car here or something or or we going to Uber together wait you smell good let me smell you smell me you smell like aan what does that mean I don't know I went to Bloomingdale like I [ __ ] you want to smell me he actually he got a lot of different Colones that's he's doing a blend why are you doing a blend was bloomings always expensive I thought it was cheap clothes he went in he was asking you're like buy one get one and stuff it's like the $5 sh why would you need two at the same I was just curious cuz I was like I remember my mom a guy who loves a good deal my mom used to go there and get free [ __ ] so I was like oh $200 for a a turtleneck when Matt was in the dressing room the sales associate was like yeah like if you guys need a more budget friendly option and I was like just shut up um hold on you bring a plus one uh no here you want to here's another gun this one's real though yeah thank you that's what I was asking for yeah thankss in chat I I was really asking for the yeah this is a Daniel Defense Mark 18 uh famously I think used in the Nashville school oh my gosh well you can have this said did you just see someone say something bad in chat so you pull that out what what's wrong with you what I'm just you know when are you coming to rumble by the way this is not even a joke he does it's not real it's not real the door's open oh yeah huh the door open door's open for me yeah yeah secure a contract for me that's like a billion dollars and I'll think about it [ __ ] it dude it's time it's time for me to [ __ ] jump ship honestly it does nothing for me to be like honest and consistent it's just like if anything it's garnered more we have 4,826 Subs sub yeah just done nothing for you no dude that's not I could get that if I was Whitewing too are you serious what Liam is at the award show view want to get invol all right call to Uber uh I got to I got to got to go he's a Mario 64 streer that's crazy Mario 64 he's like one of the best speed Runners of all time wait the same thing over and over does not leave his house you lit can't even see me I'm I don't know what to do here wait there I am Hassan you have to bring ness's glasses on left Assan left well no he he's going to get changed in his bedroom or something I think dude this house is so [ __ ] big it's annoying I mean your house is bigger barely this place like 8000 really oh I guess I just haven't explored it enough I guess I walked in and um one more question you Bo like so well then [ __ ] is like I'm not doing well enough like shut up do you think that PO exality all the time I've never seen you be happy with your viewership what I think the one time I saw you're happy was during the wow meta why are you saying this live in front of a studio audience don't say this in front of them no not like you're not happy with the with your viewers you love you love your viewers of course no it's just the uh why don't you sit up so they can see you was that the C oh man did Conor's pants go up yet yeah he what are you doing are you are you are you portraying yourself as me um what up 25,000 viewers when Dave went on train yeah cuz he's tall he's a taller man than me that's why glasses uh I have it right here hold it yeah uh everybody thank you so much for watching uh see you tomorrow we'll probably do like no balen no Rick no javoni what are you wearing um okay anyway love you guys I'll see you tomorrow
Channel: MizWig
Views: 25,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emiru clips, mizkif esfand, mizkif, streamer award, streamer awards qtcinderella, mizkif streamer awards, otk streamer awards, ludwig, emiru streamer awards, charlie, mizwig, mizwig clips, qtcinderella, qtcinderella clips, moistcr1tikal reacts, hasan streamer awards, hasan, hasan mizkif, mizkif dave, mizkif dave streamer awards, mizkif red carpet, extraemily, extraemily streamer awards, streamer awards 2024, hasan dave, hasan dave mizkif, mizkif hasan, mizkif hasan dave
Id: hjfvyx6W6iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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