Mixing Water and Electricity

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is a family owned nebraska-based company comprised of seven diverse Brands Chief trusted tested true [Music] well good morning you two hello little pepper don't you look happy she's kind of a grumpy cat in general but I think that's like a cat's job we off she goes she's probably want some breakfast oh we've been having some issues with skunks eating all of her food who are feeding her in smaller portions now so that she gets the recipient of altitude and not other wild Critters unwanted um I don't know if you guys can hear that sound behind me it's kind of a foreign sound something we haven't heard in a while that would be rain folks foreign [Applause] I turned the sprinklers off this morning and the rain just kind of popped up out of nowhere I really don't know where it came from um but regardless we're still going to do our irrigation fix for today we had a Center Drive go out so even though it's raining now I'm sure it won't last long and we'll have to start pivots up again really soon so we better just fix it now as you guys know if you've watched more than one video or even just today's video you know that we have a channel sponsor UMC Universal motion components they have been partnered with my channel for this is the second year in a row that's because we use all of their powertrain parts to fix our pivots this is what a Center Drive looks like and an electric motor attached to a gearbox that attaches to the base cream little pivots that attaches the spins the wheels it's all pretty much does and they just go out over time when you have a 40 year old pivots and water and electricity so we have the best of the best to get them fixed up pepper oh my goodness you know who did that probably the little skunks what in the world could you defend yourself last night the shop door was left open all night last night do you remember what I said about feeding her in smaller portions well she's lucky she just gets whatever she wants you guys I'm losing a little bit of faith we have either really really harsh sunlight that's why you can see it you see how well it's doing in the shade it's given over here and the weeds are just ridiculous so we spread some fertilizer yeah it's got something in it that turns all this uh any kind of Broad Leaf these are all coming up but it turns on white so they can't photosynthesize anymore cuddles don't you so we have a lot of white crab grass I don't know it's Grant said it's going to take a long time and I know that but sometimes I just wish I could close my eyes and then open them up and I would just have like Golf Course of a lawn we got a long ways to go so if you guys have any recommendations we've seeded some areas where the seed kind of washed a little bit or didn't come up as great um working hard to become a grass farmer but I have a lot more experience being a corn and soybean farmer we're in the 2001 single cab black Chevy this morning this used to be grit and I's daily driver there's not that much cab space given that it is a yes a single cab this is the pickup that Grant used to move me out of my college home meaning that we put a lot of stuff in the back but him and I were absolutely packed to the ceiling in here to keep stuff dry it never sounds that great but it usually starts this thing's great 85 000 miles on we got a steal on it when we bought it several years ago well how long have we had this pickup longest ever vehicle I don't know probably close to four or five years I think the Geo Tracker is the longest you've ever held on to a vehicle tracker that thing hasn't made a debut in a long time we should probably get that thing back out we better Grant has historically been a revolving door of vehicles just can't seem to hang on to one thing he likes to trade things out and is always finding a better deal on something else but I like this pickup a lot here's the pivot we're going to be working on broken how did we figure out it was broken Grant it's got a big old Bend in it so the pivot moves around in the straight line around the center point but then all of a sudden this Tower stops and this one keeps going but there's a little switch of like hey this that tells us the pivot that this one's not moving and so it shuts the whole thing down so it doesn't fold over itself because it will do that if that switch doesn't work luckily it's in a soybean field and the soybeans aren't canopied yet meaning that you can still see the rose and you can still walk down them so shouldn't be too bad I wore pants because it is wet outside let's check these out so they are flowering see that going to start seeing some soybeans on these plants here pretty soon this damage is from Japanese beetles they are just the worst past so annoying um I don't know how much of a yield loss we see but I just hate to see the leaves all chewed up like that here look at that soybeans are such a cool plant mentally preparing myself it is so heavy kind of have a long ways to walk you got it all right let's go are we there yet yeah I've only walked a short distance and my pants and boots are already soaked I'll carry the tools it's your boots full of water yes kind of wet outside oh now for the fun part wow beautiful the clouds are so interesting looking this morning they look like mountain ranges imagine if we live next to mountains Grant the first step in this operation is to remove the old Knuckles so that is what connects this bad Center Drive here's essentially like would you call it a drivetrain Grant yeah drive train and then there's a gearbox on that side gearbox on that side trash broken does that line up or do I need to go out more that one that one a little bit nice okay just foreign I would like it to be known that since we do have exposed wires that we've taken apart the power main power shut off is off there's no power on this pivot right now so it's safe to be working on this no juice no juice uh we are so while this is our new UMC Center Drive here we have two different parts that we're going to be putting on either side so that we can show you the difference this is the old used knuckle okay this is the new knuckle that we're going to be putting on this side UMC of course like I said they're industry leaders in pivot powertrain parts we couldn't get this one off because the bolts were so corroded none of our wrenches would fit I would have taken this one on and put another one of these on but with the tools I have I can't get it off but just look at what a serious upgrade these UMC Knuckles are and look how much nicer and bigger these bolts are because we have to be out here with these little guys in the mud and you know how fast these things rest away or get lost even um yeah and then these are just like the simplest things to connect it's just really nice they slide right on you just tighten a few bolts you're good to go I love these things I also believe it's an improved Puck design and material that these use so these things can go bad and like I said there's just water um obviously coming out of everywhere in this pivot water and sunlight not great but these are supposed to be stronger and last a lot longer so I just walked out to pick up to get some parts um and I'm getting like squishier and squishier ew it's disgusting sorry I probably should have put like a true warning but there's like your rubber boots have turned into funnels huh look at look at this are you ready oh make sure it doesn't Splash on me ew so gross putting this U-joint together I've got two more bolts and we're on the wiring and we're good to go foreign Knuckles are secure now the tricky part when we wire it are we going to phase it correctly we shall see I think Grant um a good 50 50 chance yes it is about a 50 50 chance for either phase it correctly and then when all of the tires are moving this way this Tower will also move this way but there's also 50 chance that when we wire it these towers all go this way and all of a sudden this go ahead and goes that's how pivots flip over so hopefully that doesn't happen [Applause] farmers get to be a little bit of everything farmer is kind of an umbrella term they also try to be welders electricians Structural Engineers equipment operators truck drivers accountants a little bit of everything this is just about the last vice grip we have available on our farm every other vice grip is holding together some kind of irrigation fix or holding a battery cable onto a terminal a little ridiculous we'll say Grant I might be a little bit biased I like your your hat and your shirt you liked it yeah I don't know why something about it is just speaking to me looks nice done brilliant all right now who's gonna walk down there to start it okay I gotta think about what I want to do I can't name him ready are we doing corn beans wheat no ready I gotta think about it plain old regular rock paper scissors are we doing two out of three to be determined okay ready okay ready Rock Paper Scissors Shoot oh that was risky all right Rock Paper Scissors Shoot getting kind of nervous Rock Paper Scissors Shoot oh same okay okay okay okay ready Rock Paper Scissors Shoot dang it Dang It Rock Paper Scissors Shoot oh now he wants it to be two out of three okay Rock Paper Scissors Shoot have fun down there enjoy your walk ride two circles I don't really want it to get caught in the tire I don't know maybe I should just take it off you better just take it out I hauled a new one in You Haul the old one out the don't fall while Grant makes his long walk that way I'm going to clean up our work site and then I will stay out here to make sure that everything is faced correctly okay I'm a little bit nervous um I feel like radios would be very ideal in this situation because if something does start to go wrong I'm filming and I can't call Grant like immediately I'm not on the phone with him so we'll see how this goes I just got off the phone with him he is out at the panel he is going to start it hopefully goes in the right direction we'll see look at that looks like all the towers are moving in the same direction oh that is so relieving look at that it works beautiful I know that grit and I do a lot of talking about pivots but sometimes the best way to explain to you guys how it works is just to actually show you so I'm going to stand out here at this Tower until Grant actually get things fired up so you can see what it looks like do you hear the water making its way through the pipe oh it's coming starting to get enough pressure behind the pipe to start all the sprinklers so the sprinklers turn on and come right for you and the tires just move Tiny Little Bits at a time man I still have stuff I need to get from under there uh it delivers big drops of water that is for sure oh my goodness oh look what we got oh oh grasshopper it's not my only little ride-along pal look I'll see him jump I think we getting slow-mo here's my other Little Ride Along this is one of those Japanese beetles I was talking about it caused so much damage dumbest bugs they are the worst but we got it fixed hopefully after today you have a better idea of what a pivot is and how it works and how many repairs are needed to keep them running but I'm sure there's more where that came from thanks for watching and Grant and I'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Laura Farms
Views: 154,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Farm, Agriculture, Equipment, Vlog, John deere, tractor, machinery, construction, truck
Id: 0sLy1wrM_WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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