Mixed Feelings! Plymouth to Roscoff with Brittany Ferries MV Armorique.

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good evening guys from Plymouth uh Plymouth mbay Port is it where tonight I'm taking the um Britany feries MV armar over to rosov in France and honestly I tell you what I would not recommend this for foot passengers at all at the moment because it well it's a good 40 45 minutes walk from the railway station probably about a mile and a half away and then you can you kind of get down here and they have you crossing the road one way then walk a bit then cross the road the other way are they trying to discourage foot passengers you tell me anyway um yeah we'll we'll head in and see if it in any way compares to Portsmouth I suspect not at this moment in time but we'll go and have a look anyway and um yeah my first time here so we'll see what we've got in store for us come on [Music] it is so dark as well I bet you can hardly see my face it is so dark on these of approach would call it a road or some of random carpart there's fences everywhere I don't know looks like they're maybe they're redeveloping it I can't see any bus stops either so yeah like I said it's just really awkward if you're a foot passenger to make your way down here anyway passenger checking up there so on up inside and uh um yeah we'll see what um license store for us I messaged Britney fairies earlier in the day to inquire as to what time foot passengers would be boarding now they never responded so yeah to be on the safe side I ate dinner before making this dimly lit trudge down to the terminal building you can of course get a taxi from the railway station or wherever you're staying but you know that's all additional expense isn't it so cold T anyway the escalator works that's that's a plus point so we sub the escalator to where all the facilities seem to be uh well I say facilities but there wasn't much in store for us really now checking was round to the left here and yeah as you can see there wasn't much of a cute and it was a quick and easy enough experience and I estimated there were around 30t passengers for tonight's Crossing and the large waiting area has a couple of vending machines some toilets pot plants and that's about it really eat and drink before you get here I would say there's a balcony type area where you can view the ship survival and all the comings and going associated with that and with about 45 minutes to go before departure we were called aboard Security checks completed without having to scan my bag I ended up outside again sort of left wondering what to do next right well I went straight through security bypassed all that I don't think that is the bus um I guess we're just going to walk on we just walk on yeah wasn't kind of sure that was the bus or not but it's bit of a downgrade since the last one it's what normally happens somebody check it along here I'm I'm glad I spoke to you then you obviously have done this before yeah but who knows today they might decide to bring the no TR yeah actually makes a changes because um normally um if I'm sailing from Portsmouth they normally bring like a bus or an ambulance or something like that it looks like um but I don't I don't come to Plymouth very often so this is uh it's kind of nice to be walking onto the ship for once yeah I think they bring the TR when need yes of course that makes sense wouldn't it that yeah this is a better way of [Music] board this is quite exciting isn't it yeah walking onto the ship the best way to do it isn't it don't know where we get from here I'm sure we will be directed by the friendly Bing Fair St the stair there yellow St thank you Yeah so basically you follow a walkway towards the ship and then a member of Staff scans your boarding card and you just walk on and somebody else points you towards the stairs or you can take the lift if need be okay yeah my cabin is on Deck nine which is the highest deck cabin wise we'll go up there first I think and um yeah get rid of this bag it's keep me fit anyway 20,000 steps [Music] today ,5 we after another inside cabin for tonight come on they never work these there we go four Time Lucky not bad not bad for a Britney F's cabin key okay well I'm going to very quickly get settled in and I'll give you a bit a cabin too right do you know I'm so glad to get in to the cabin tonight you know when you've been like carrying a bag around with you like all day and you had the same shoes on it's just oh yeah so good um so I'm quite tired and the plan is uh yeah tonight I just go and have a drink um we'll just leave obviously it's dark outside so there's not really a lot to see is there uh but um yeah we get into rosoff 11:00 trench time tomorrow morning which is quite allegedly Crossing isn't it that um so I haven't got a dash out of bed or anything like that so plenty of time in the morning when it's light to show you guys outside and a little bit of the interior and I should mention I am coming back um at500 hours French time from rosof so got a little bit of time there but yeah what I intend to do is to to give you a little bit more of an extensive tour around the ship on the way back it's same same one Armory there I'm back could have been P of on but uh but it's not sadly so um but this is fine this is absolutely fine and the cabin yeah I think well first impressions it's pretty spacious uh interestingly the um the bunks actually go lengthways um of lengthways along the ship or certainly the the interior ones here do anyway and as you can see it's two birth so we've got the top bunk which I'm sure you I'm sure you know what this looks like but I'll just bring it to show you yeah um and yeah the lower Bun's made up that's all I'm going to use tonight and not much in the way of sockets so um I can't see any anyway there's um there's one on the desk there but uh yeah a little bit awkward if you want to be on your phone or iPad or whatever um when you're lying in bed anyway yeah so yeah a small desk um no televisions or anything like that um although yeah there's um aerial sockets up there so maybe at some stage there was a TV but I don't need a TV anyway I'm not bothered about that let's a look at the bathroom quickly and yeah well it's a it's a typical fairy bathroom isn't it shower which evitably the water will go all over the floor but um everything is clean isn't it that's the main thing quite bright and it's yeah it's quite nice quite a spacious spacious bathroom actually we've got liquid soap there hot and cold running water toilet all right to be honest guys there's not a lot to show you in the cabin it's noisy French people walking past but so long as they keep quiet tonight I'm too bothered about that yeah so I'm just going to freshen up a bit and head out into the um yeah Into the Night go out on deck and and have a look see what's going on and yeah I'm not going to stay up too late tonight I'm just going to um have a nice night um hopefully get some a decent night sleep uh yeah let's have a little look and I'll catch you in a bit right guys well the inevitable sound of car alarms going off means that we're on our way um about 20 minutes early so obviously everybody's on board all the cars Freight Etc are loaded and uh yeah we're off here's the thing right I just went down to the information desk because I was thinking well I'm coming back tomorrow afternoon so it would be useful if I could just keep the same cabin I could leave some stuff in there Britany feris can have some money and yeah I'll just book a day cabin coming back and she was like oh well you know you should have done it before and I'm like well I only just thought about it and she's like oh well it's going to you know cost you more money now I'm like can you well can you do it um no so he like right okay so I'll need to just book another cabin then when I get on tomorrow yeah you'll have to do that we can't keep your cabin that's like is it book no it's not booked to anybody else so I'm like well that's fine then I'm probably not going to bother and so Britney F you've just lost 30 quid of my money so you know there you go anyway I'm going to go and have a drink in a minute and I'll catch you in a bit yeah and that was about it for the night really the ship Tour all that sort of stuff will be much better in the daylight wouldn't it I had to drinking in the bar and I went to bed now when I woke up we weren't too far off the French coast and it was a pretty nice morning weatherwise good morning everybody from well somewhere off the coast of rosof we got about 45 minutes to run making good progress and yeah estimated time of arrival 10:00 in the morning it's going to be spot on 11:00 French time that is so yeah it's a beautiful morning do you know what there's hardly anybody about I'm standing up here on the top deck deck number 10 I think it is on the MVR Mar and it's not so about not about Crossing last night I got a reasonable amount of sleep in a fairly comfortable bunk so yeah not too bad at all really uh plan is we're going to disembark have a wonderand out now from from what I recall I think the ships they they dock and Ros not in the center of Ros off a little bit out to the center so I don't know what I'm going to see when I get there how far it is to walk into rosof it's a lovely town I've been there before many times but yeah that's the plan and then of course I'm going to be coming back this afternoon and that will be my opportunity to show you guys all around the ship okay head on out in a bit then and I will catch you later there was a little bit of wind about but not too bad though really I certainly hadn't felt the ship move much at all during the night there's some clouds but on the whole a lovely Blue Sky morning as we were nearing Port Britany feris Flagship the MV pavon was departing and there we go guys yeah just coming into rosov now and ponton is leaving birth um heading back out so so that we can actually Dock and yeah did you know by the way that today is the Pont Avon's 20th birthday I didn't know that I just looked ony fa's Twitter account and they told me so yeah a fantastic ship as well I hope you will agree with me it's probably probably the best one in their Fleet now I've sailed on them a few times down to Spain and I've really enjoyed it if you'd like to see me review the ponton for this channel then please let me know in the comments below to be hon honest I would need much of an excuse to do it she is a fantastic ship it wasn't long before we were heading past the break water towards the harbor itself and by the way guys if you like this sort of thing I would really appreciate a subscribe to the channel and if you click the little bell here you'll be notified every time I release a new video it's free and really doesn't cost you a penny to subscribe but it really helps me out and I can tell you what I'm going to be doing a lot more of these kind of videos in the future I can promise you that so foot passengers were called back inside and we disembarked by a gang we this time and onto a waiting bus which must have driven us all of about 100 yards to passport control where after I was yet again allowed into a foreign country I took a minute or two to get my bearings and just figure out the easiest way to get into town right then guys so yeah just cleared passport control um nice and easy um it's about 25 minutes into the Town Center just over a mile we've got a map with me um plan to Ros off so um yeah just going to head in there now see what I can find got to be back here at 1,400 hours an hour before departure so yeah going to have a look and um I'll see you back here a little bit later on in the [Music] afternoon Ros goof in Britany really is a picturesque town with a lot of Naval History and it's well worth a few hours of your time Mary Queen of Scots disembarked here in 1548 having been betrothed to Doan francea the Future King of France now the house she stayed in is near to the harbor and yeah there are many more architectural Delights to be found within the town itself there are some great views out to see and the many islands that are scattered around it reminded me a bit of the ODS of silly really a little tip for you if you if you're a foot passenger you've just got a little ruck sack like me and your heada of the arrivals Hall take a ride and instead of going up the road which points you to to um the Town Center take a ride and then you kind of get onto a little foot path which takes you around the coast all the way around there you see there's a little Chapel on the Hill there you go and have a look at that and yeah and then it kind of brings you in along the sea front uh but yeah not too bad actually so I'm going to have a little bit more of a look around and uh then it will be time to head back to the ship okay so I was back on the shortest Cross Ride in history and heading for the ferry once more I checked before I headed into town actually as to what time I needed to be back and that was 1,400 so yeah about an hour before departure and after boarding I grabbed a coffee and then I made my way to the student of the ship to watch our departure well I tell you what by the time I'd made it back outside we were already on our way right then guys beautiful afternoon we have just left rosof just see it over there actually we've um probably been sailing for about qu of an hour now and we left early again about qu of an hour early and yeah plan is enjoy the crossing back due to arriving Plymouth at 2010 this evening uh so yeah Crossing of around about 6 and 1 half hours I reckon considering we started early and yeah we're going to have a little bit of a look at the ship I think we'll start at the top 10 right at the top and we'll work our way down slowly so why don't you come with me we'll check it all out and I will catch you in a bit right guys okay so I am up on Deck 10 um it's a little bit of wind about but it's not too bad so I think it's going to be a nice cross it's quite quiet again so there's hardly anybody about really um they're doing some work just on that section there got a few rust spots on Deck something like that it's good to see that it's being maintained isn't it and yeah what we're going to do now is uh we're going to head on down to deck nine those plenty of deck space on this ship as you will find out in a minute so we'll do all that first then we'll head inside the external stairs down to deck 9 and Beyond are located towards the stern of the ship as you can see here but I totally messed up my plan at this point because whilst I was outside I just followed the stairs down and eventually found myself on Deck s well I guess that was fine because actually decks 6 and 7even are where you find all the facilities with decks 8 and N are pretty much much cabins only and yeah me wandering around corridors and corridors of cabins isn't going to be particularly exciting is it so I've actually found myself on Deck seven here uh where you've have got quite a bit of outside space the stern of the ship and when you go inside from there that's kind of head directly into the bar area so you can imagine in the summer it's going to be really busy out there and there's all sorts of little little nooks and cranes as well like I said deck seven but you got stairs up there to deck eight just kind of believe a little bits balcony there you can going on and look just goes up and up and up there all the way back to deck 10 we come and so let's continue with the outside space while we're here and head down to deck six so deck six overlooking the vehicle deck one of the vehicle deck as you can see now there's not much on there today uh yeah good views from here looking back at the ship I think and what you will find is um and the Britney fies have this on most of their ships you will find the Wales and Dolphins information board [Music] I promise you I will have a read of that later and if I see anything I'll try and get a photo or two but they never come out that well do they inside on Deck six then and this is where the information desk is where if they are interested in taking your money you can book cabins cinema tickets Wi-Fi Etc there is also a small private Lounge here where you can reserve a seat for € and listen to the throbbing of the engine and my advice don't bother it didn't look particularly appealing to be honest and was completely empty during this Crossing now then we move forward to the shopping area where we have a small lab Boutique shop on the left which is waiting by the usual chocolate small gifts books newspapers and all the travel sensal that you may need all very standard stuff really and then opposite that is the larger lab ique which is where you find all your alcohol and perfumes and larger and more expensive gift items yeah again all very standard Britany fa type retail space this and again as you can see it was very quiet at the time of this Crossing and next to the shops are two small Cinemas and I was able to have a quick look inside Cinema 2 the door was open so yeah just had a quick peek inside and yeah they do look quite nice and proper seating too adult tickets were €9 children €750 family of for €30 hi now towards the front of the ship on Deck six we have LA cafe which was F today for me though this was the most relaxing area of the ship a further reserved seating with views to the front and sides was available beyond the cafe seating which if you did have to pay for this well it it certainly wasn't being monitored today and yeah easily accessible I didn't stay inside for long it was getting later in the afternoon so I decided to head outside again to just make the most of the weather and the views on the way back to Plymouth [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] deck seven then now and the main bar area which does have a small stage so in High season I suspect that like many of the other Britany fairy ships there would be some entertainment on offer I don't know if you've noticed but it's very blue everywhere isn't it and for me the DEA well it seemed a bit dated to be honest and the color scheme well it just made the inside areas feel a little bit dark the service was okay here though and the prices were good really 525 for p of John Smith's beer for example a chance planet was closed what were the chances of that and you can see here that there are doors to the stern of the ship and the outside seating area there is a reading Lounge just off the bar here I'm not sure it's the best place for it when the ship's busy yeah i' put it on Deck six personally if it's even needed at all now like many of the other Bry feries Fleet there was no separate restaurant on the MV armor and so for main meals it's the self-service restaurant on this deck and that's about it one thing to note is that if you do want a main course the hot meal service was closed between 1500 and 18800 hours British time and I can't blame that to be honest there was so few passengers on board it would be a total waste of food and time to be cooking all the way through the Crossing yeah I tell you what I I'm starving and they don't start serving hot food until 6:00 on board so yeah there's a bit of a weit considering we've been at sea for about 4 hours uh but anyway here it is and um yeah it's fish and chips and a pot tea I don't know why I needed to lift the lid there to show that um but yeah looks okay as16 and 10 cents for the two so I'm going to dig in and I will let you know what it's like in a few minutes time but guys well uh yeah I ate it a couple of peas at the end there um how would I describe it um functional it served a purpose fill me up um yeah not the best meal I've had on a ferry and not the worst um so it was all right pricewise it was it was reasonable yeah average really B like the ship but I'll come on to that in the summing up but yeah I just going to finish my tea now uh we've got about go out um an hour and a half to run something like that so yeah it's g a bit gloomy out there I was hoping for a really nice sunset this evening but um no chance of that unfortunately but it won't be long before we can see land and then we'll be taking a few shots as we approach Plymouth I'll catch you in a bit before I went outside again I made my way over to games Planet Back Down On Deck six burnt off a few calories pretending to play Moto GP in the style of a board Allan Partridge now one other thing to note is that there is no exclusive Club Lounge on this ship you know like the one I used when I went down to Santander a year or so back I'll link to that video here if you're interested and yeah that's the thing really I mean it just seemed to me that this ship was just lacking a little bit of the Finesse and Facilities that other ships in the Britany feris Fleet can give you and not all of them granted but compared to let's say the MV Normandy or the MV monsam Melle that operate the Portsmouth K route which is a similar length of Crossing well you know they both have alicart restaurants for example so yeah it's just something to note if you are looking for that kind of thing when you're booking your Ferry Crossing I did try out the Wi-Fi you get 60 Minutes for free and then 1 hour 3H hour or unlimited usage for €350 €9 and 15 respectively now price I paid for this one night trip I guess you could call it was £91 which is not too bad really considering you get a night's accommodation with that however I do think I can probably do a little bit better next time on maybe something like a mini cruise but do let me know your thoughts on whether you consider the price I paid to be value for money or not and if you do have any recommendations for any other Ferry trips or would you like to see me take a cruise for example then yeah please let me know in the comments below your ideas and suggestions as always are most welcome anyway we were nearing Plymouth by now and it was a suitably gloomy approach into Port yeah I must say I wasn't looking forward to the trudge back in the dark from the port to my hotel but at least it wasn't in the middle of the night the dis embarcation was again via the van and then a short walk for now back over to passenger arrivals in the ferry terminal all right back in Plymouth from he me I think we just got to walk off avoiding the vehicles nobody's really telling us much about this but uh yeah what I'll do is um I'll sum up the experience when I get to the hotel uh because it's another 15minute walk really for me and uh yeah once I've got myself sorted there I will sum up give you my thoughts on the overall experience we catch you in a bit okay then guys back at my hotel room in Plymouth and what did I think of all that well I thought it was a distincly average performance by Britany feris um the ship yeah a bit dated average there are many better ships in the Britany feries Fleet um the service on board the staff again no more than average really for me some of them a bit disinterested one of the female um members of Staff behind the bar was was really good and apart from that yeah nothing really to dat for me at all uh Plymouth Port well honestly it is a nightmare if you're a foot passenger it's getting down there um it's a good 30 35 minute walk at least from the railway station there and then they they've got you walking across the road one way and then back across the road the other through some kind of fenced off car park the terminal itself there are no facilities it's just like okay they've got toilets on a vending machine wow osof on the other hand is a lovely place there's a bus stop right outside it's a 10 15 minute walk into the Town Center really nice so yeah all in all well you know if you got the choice between Portsmouth and Plymouth choose Portsmouth every time then again I guess if you live in Cornwall or Devon maybe Plymouth is your best if will be a limited choice and but yeah there you go for me I would say an average Crossing an average ship distinctly average crew would I recommend it no and go to Portsmouth plenty more choice and plenty of better facilities thank you very much for watching let me know your thoughts in the comments Below have you had a good experience at Plymouth thought or a bad one what do you think of the MVR Mar overall like I said let me know in the comments Below guys thank you very much for watching I really appreciate your support and until the next time cheers for now
Channel: Let’s Make a Trip!
Views: 22,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plymouth to roscoff ferry, brittany ferries, ferries to france, let's make a trip, ferry travel, ferry vlog, planes trains everything, plymouth to roscoff, roscoff ferry, plymouth millbay, plymouth ferry terminal, england to france ferry, brittany ferries mv armorique, brittany ferries roscoff, brittany ferries plymouth, plymouth port, uk to france ferry, rough ferry trip, stormy seas, night ferry, night boat, roscoff, brittany, brittany ferries ships, cross channel ferry
Id: OSptt2h9xFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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