Mixamo - Blender - Comfy UI a quick workflow

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] um I want to show you how to uh use miimo uh and then import that into blender to create a motion clip for comfy UI and animate diffuse so um I'm in mixo right now by Adobe uh I believe you need to have an adobe account to use it um but it's it's very very powerful and very quick to uh get what you're looking for so um basically you can use your left Mouse click to uh move around middle Mouse to pan and then zoom in and out with your right Mouse uh click here now one thing I have noticed is that if your character does not have a face on here uh when it is rendering out uh AI the faces will flicker so it's just something that I noticed uh so on this one I'm going to use a uh a character that actually has a face on it to see if we get better results go over to characters on the tab here and for this I think what I want to do is just maybe pick um let me see if I can find a a fun character here this is the one I'm using right here called Mannequin and uh it's been giving me fairly good results um let's do this linard character so say use this character now what you want to do is Click over to the animations Tab and um you can do whatever you want uh on this one I'm going to have a character running so just type in running hit the search button here's the one I like right here uh called running now see how he's he uh he keeps running towards the camera what you want to do is say run in place and there you go now your character will actually stay still uh the other thing I usually do is I drag these these out like this um usually doesn't matter you can also change you know the speed of the run that you want um and it will completely Loop uh which is fantastic once you get what you like um uh click this download right here and save it as an fbx file um change the frame rate to 24 and then uh you don't need to change anything else on there just say download and that should just take a a just a couple seconds all right once we have that we're going to jump over into blender once we are in blender uh go to file and then you want to go to import and then you want to look for fbx so click on the fbx look for the location of where you saved it and go ahead and open it and uh if you got the cube let's delete the cube and here you go here's our our file um and then uh you have different render modes right here um one thing I would suggest doing if you have an HDR uh throw that on there um let's see if I can load it up here and create World noes there we go just just so that way we have a a better lit character here um now we don't want the background to show up um you want a solid background so I'm using this easy hdri uh um that allows me to change the color to a solid uh on this one I'm actually going to make it white I want to make sure that it's easily viewable um hopefully you're familiar with blender if not um I have shortcuts uh set up on here but you want to uh make sure that when you hit zero on your keyboard that goes into your uh on your number pad that goes to what the camera is actually seeing I want it looking straightforward so I'm going to hit control alt0 zero and that locks the camera um right where you're looking and then if you click this right here camera to view this will allow you allow you to use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out and then we can position where we want our camera to be so I want it kind of looking straight on like this and uh if you click on the the little Armature this little part right here you'll see all the frames right here so it stops at frame 31 so click on the end and go to 31 now when we Press Play We will have a complete Loop of our character and that's it so what I recommend doing after you get that oh by the way if you don't want to see your Armature it's not going to render it but you can click um right over here and uncheck Armature and that way you don't have to look at it if it bugs you so your next step go into your output properties find a location where you want to save this in here we'll say running and this one is uh oh there's one other step I'd recommend doing so this is 31 frames um it's enough for a very quick Loop but if you want a um a really good animation I would probably take it into a video editing software that way you have a little more environment to play with on there D Vinci resolve I'll just go ahead and show you how to do this now just that way it's easy so um make sure uh when you open up I I just dragged the clip right in here but go into your properties change this to 1024 512 hit save now we don't have any black bars on there and then all I'm going to do is just duplicate this there we go and then if you click this button right here you'll see that now we have I think 3 seconds it's okay all right and then once you have that go to the little rocket down here to deliver it then once we get there resolution's already set up it has to be on MPEG 4 and h264 and then on this one I'm going to say uh running 3 seconds there we go and just hit add to render CU there we go and we are done okay so I don't need to save that up once you have that all done this is where you go into your comfy UI um I'm not going to show you the setup on here uh there is lots of videos of how people do this and I will put some links in uh the comments of some of the best tutorials on that but here's what you do on this input right here you go to choose file to upload and then we're going to um look for the 3 second clip right here say upload and then you type in the prompt that you want so um let's say let's let me change this right in here um I always like putting uh use your mouse wheel to zoom in by the way I like putting Zeiss lens f1.8 on a lot of my um images it gives a really nice depth of field and boka effect and that's how you get these real nice realistic looking images um but uh for this we're going to say um it doesn't matter the gender um it's just going to use this image as like a uh like a map so you can say a a woman um running from a herd of cats whatever you want and then all you have to do um the engines I my favorite engine is this Universal stable uh they just came out with a new one V uh V7 I like V5 uh for doing these I I find the renders look a little bit different you can kind of see um this is what I was talking about with the face issue if you don't have a face on there I think this will solve the issue um because right now what's happening is um there's no face and so it flickers so um what we're going to do is um once you get your prompt done you're going to hit this Q button right here and it is going to come up here and there's all of our key frames of the gentleman or the the character you're running and this next step takes a long time this uh compressor right here what it's doing is it's using a control net to map out each one of these frames as a wire frame and it will also if you notice I have detect hand detect body uh detect face so it's going to use all of those facial features and you have a resolution where you can change it it's set to 512 so you can change that I would be very careful about how high you go on that uh the settings I've been using on on mine is around 0.9 uh start percentage Z and then in percentage one um Tinker around with it until you find something that works for you and if you find something better please do share um this community has been trying to help everyone out um I use the video the VHS video combined so if you double click uh you can type in VHS video combined I love this one it allows you to save it out as a h264 um which is great because otherwise you get a gift file in gift files are like usually 256 colors so they're going to be really um you know really compressed video um the other thing that's really great is um you can save out as multiple of uh getting uh let me see if I can drop this video down so you can see it and there you go so you can see now we we have this very very fluid uh motion his head has a weird Bobble on there but I think that was in the original animation but um yeah so this is a a great way of enhancing your uh your videos to change the frame rates just in case it's not fluid enough so I'm going to pause this and then uh we'll see what our render looks like all right I believe I'm back um hopefully the audio is working on this um I'm glad I use my phone as a backup cuz my audio did not record again but I just want to kind of give you an example of where we're at so far and the face is still doing the the whole flicker so it did not fix the issue I was uh talking about but the other thing is uh my samples are very low so if you move this up to 50 your render oh by the way if you can't like get to your value just click on this again hit Tab and enter and that will pull you out of there it's kind of a glitch glitch and also notice that there's another glitch in comfy if you zoom out too far you you can't see the text anymore so you just have to kind of keep zooming in on it but I just want to show you this is what the the little animation turned out like it's it's a mess uh the cats are all over the place um I'm going to be working on another video to see if it can actually um use like objects from uh blender so that way it will use those objects in the scene as maps for whatever other types of creatures or things you want in the scene but the nice thing is if you notice her clothes are pretty stable uh her hands are not too bad um although her her fingers uh uh I think on that video his fingers are in yeah so it actually can do fingers pretty well uh with this but yeah this model is fingers are Engish which is fine but um yeah hopefully this will work now I do have a solution uh for this um there is some software on um uh after effects that uh can map anything that you want onto anything a face or whatever but it's like this incredible tracking software um that can map on to anything so you can take this into After Effects key her out of this scene and then map on a different face on there and track it and you should have a perfect face so um yeah it's uh this is just a start hopefully this helps and uh I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Skyclad Squirrel
Views: 3,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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