Mix Minus Explained - step by step phone interviews on the Zoom LiveTrack L-8

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hey Derek castaway studios welcome back we are moving forward in our zoom live track l8 series and today by popular request we are going to get stuck writing to the phone interview trrs mix - cable business right after this [Music] all right so I'm pretty excited by this machine so far I've done a few little experiments but I am yet due to busyness in my studio I'm yet to convert the whole studio to using this machine for a couple of weeks before I can do the full road caster vl8 shootout there's going to be a few I'm already noticing a few major differences that are gonna make some people very very excited by the l8 and some people possibly stick to the or choose the road caster but that choice is a massive win for podcasters and creators that choice is a big win for people that have possibly need to multi use and all kinds of things and both companies are working so hard to provide the best possible solution and I'll and I'm overwhelmed with the amount of effort that both the zoom and Road are putting in to make the best possible content which is exciting but let's get down to it today we're just talking about trrs now if you don't know what that means I will show you trrs is an mini-jack an 8 inch mini jack cable that happens to have one more one more channel I guess then you use your one you use through the stereo so we used to the little ones that we poked into our me you know disciplines and Walkmans and all that sort of thing basically a tiny little stereo headphone cable with this you'd be familiar with this little guy from things like old iPhone headsets and headsets and things of that because it has that extra channel for the voice to come from the microphone into the device and then send a stereo signal back so trrs this is very important so you'll see three little rings on there all right that this is critical they're not that easy to find and I was super super super relieved to find that zoom had chosen to give you one with their machine why not if one of the big selling points is they're getting with the times and offering mix- on board let's make sure we can do that without having to run around some pretty elusive cables from electronic stores which I've have found that so I got this one from a shop in Melbourne called J car and that's fine but all your other stores do not stock TRS maybe they do by now but twelve months ago no siree Bob but so moving forward as quickly as possible just quickly people always look at my videos and say what's that little box that you've been pressing the buttons to change the scene have a look boom boom this is how I control my OBS scenes originally it's called a little Garros stream deck and they are readily available they're not that dear I love this thing but that's another that's something for another day I think I've done a few videos on the stream deck as well so go and have a look okay so back to these so the idea is you put that in that's there's a special place for that and that has built-in mix - mix - means simply that the audio has been specially mixed that comes out of here to be everything except what's being put in so basically the person's voice on a phone call will not hear their own voice back again causing an echo so it's very very important before the road caster Pro you had to manually set up your mix - so on the old my old mixer and also my zoom l12 live track I need to set up one of these output channels and then make us take a splitter and have the input and output and then I set that channel which is another still we don't get into that how to do that right now but I set that channel to output so you need splitters and wires and all sorts of things this does it all on board because of the need of podcasters to do that and the need of podcasters have things simple because content comes first before getting carried away with tech the text should help make it easier for it's not harder alrighty so what I've done is I've plugged that cable in I have set this channel this these channels here this button here selects what they do right so that top red one will mean that this channel will be accepting audio from this mono I'm have to check that I think it might be stereo actually let me check that one I'll put it in the notes this quarter inch input here I think it is stereo but there you go will be an input without the mix - right and press it again and that lights up just on this side it says 7/8 I'm still a little confused about why it says 7/8 and I'll get to that a bit later because in my setup in the da W Reaper I have set that channel to accept stereo channel 8 channel 8 left and right which which it is doing as a stereo track so I'm not sure exactly what that means but let's get to that I'm happy to I'm happy to learn as we go press it again and it's USB 3 & 4 which is one of the alternative it's the alternative USB input channel to get a different audio from your computer so you can have your computer sending one software might be sending USB 2 tracks 1 & 2 and another piece of software like say Sky 4 something might be sending it to 3 & 4 so it's kind of handy it gives you an option of using the computer for two different audio sources on two different tracks it's not what we're here for so let's get back to this press it again and it and it activates the activates the sound the sound board which is all programmable and that's for another day right okay so putting it back to that because that's what we're here for this should be a mixed - situation now I had a question on my channel how do I record that from my phone into stereo so I've plugged that into that cave when you can see my old iPhone and I've got it in the classic iPhone converter right okay so it's just simply treating it like a normal output and I will use face so they say you don't see me putting my code in all right so have a little listen if you dare and so this is Christmas this is my podcast if just a 1/2 you dumb goofy break up episode no year-olds I'm gonna put you to a new one just because gonna begun if we survive look around if you look around there it's clearly recording in that track there trrs phone in stereo eight left plenty of beard say without any more let's stop that now so if you you could see that was recording into stereo looking at this master mix but I must say the in the channel it's hard to sorry I've got confused as to which screen I was working on here in the channel here input stereo this is where I've set it up so input stereo eight left and eight right so that is recording my phone through that jack in stereo alright that's that's that part of it done okay so let's find out if the phone thing works this is something I haven't I forgot to set up and so what I'm gonna do here's me right so what I'm going to do now is make a phone call excuse me for a moment okay I'm hearing it are you hearing it Tara I'm making a video so be nice it means I'm making a demo video on how to use the phone interview system here can you hear me okay yeah yeah yeah do I sound beautiful yeah do I sound handsome thank you alright so where are you running a machine right now just to confirm Tara's a woodworker a very very good okay all right but so that's good so that you're not hearing my voice echoed back to you at all are you like I said people I did not preset this up oh thank you for being a sport Tara I just needed to quickly test it and you're my favorite guinea pig alright thank you and bye bye alright so I think you'll agree that worked well and I didn't record it maybe I should have maybe I shouldn't but that worked well so the mix - worked and well let's let's it recording I'm gonna put it on PC and let you have a little look let's do it again hi you've called Tara from Redd Foxx and Wilcox I can't set your call right now I'll pay for the message and I'll get back to you please leave a detailed message after the time when you have finished recording you may hang up or press one for more options alright so we're pretty happy with that we can see right there that that's been recorded in stereo so terrific I think that should cover it let me stop that recording now and come back to me and the Machine so more than happy with that so that's that's a that was a no-brainer the my first attempt at doing that was was right then live so that should give you an idea look at some sometime soon I'll run you through setting up the channels for your Audio Driver and all that sort of thing but it really is quite easy look I'll just do it quickly now while you're there and I'll touch on it later so this is a Reaper in Reaper I'll go to preferences and I'll go to device audio system a zo a s I owe and which is unfortunate because that's also the name of the Australian sort of Secret Service federal FBI kind of viable or CAA anyway a zo driver zoom l8 right and when it says enable inputs you choose the first and last the first time and it will be ok every time you turned it on so first will be track one master left so one and two will be left and right and then one two three four five six other microphones seven left seven right eight left and eight right so there's all of your tracks so you make sure your first is master left and your last is eight right and then you're good to go all righty I think that's enough for now pretty happy with the mix - fantastic adios [Music] you
Channel: Castaway Studios
Views: 8,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rodecaster, podcast studio, podcast, rodemic, rode podmic, rodecaster pro, l-8 zoom, zoom livetrak l-8, livetrak l-8, zoom l-8, zoom livetrak, zoom l-12, zoom l8, zoom livetrak l-8 podcast, zoom livetrak l-8 portable, livetrak l-8 review, mix minus, mix minus podcast setup, mix minus with usb mixer, mix minus setup, mix minus audio interface, mix minus zoom l-8, mix minus zoom livetrak l-8, trrs, how to record a remote podcast interview, podcast interview over the phone
Id: Rk7r5GyL9-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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