mitosis 3d animation |Phases of mitosis|cell division

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mitosis in this module you will learn about mitosis mitosis is a process of cell division that makes possible regeneration of body parts to elaborate mitosis is the separation of nuclear chromosomes into two identical daughter nuclei it is divided into four key phases prophase metaphase anaphase and telophase an additional phase called cytokinesis occurs after the complete nuclear division before a dividing cell enters mitosis it undergoes a period of growth and rest this period is called interphase in interphase the genetic material of a cell increases prophase during prophase the chromatin condenses and becomes short and thick to form chromosomes each chromosome has two sister chromatids joined together at the centromere the nucleolus disappears and the nuclear membrane starts to break down the centrosomes each with a pair of centrioles move apart to the opposite poles forming a spindle between them metaphase during metaphase microtubules of the spindle interact with chromosomes this causes the chromosomes to move and align along the middle of the cell or the equatorial plate sister chromatids are held at the centromere informing the presence of protein structures called Kinetico at the surface the kinetochore holds the chromosomes and attaches them to the spindle anaphase during interphase the sister chromatids separate at the kinetochore and the daughter chromosomes along with the divided centromere move towards the opposite poles as the microtubule shortens the poles of the spindle also move apart and help to separate the chromosomes as the chromosomes separate completely into two sets one at each pole anaphase is considered complete telophase during telophase the daughter chromosomes arrive at the pole and the chromatin starts to decoy also the nuclei reform along with nucleoli this triggers the reformation of the nuclear membrane cytokinesis cytokinesis is the partition of the cytoplasm in animals a cleavage furrow fears in the plasma membrane which deepens and divides the Psalter plasma into two daughter cells each containing a nucleus in plants new cell wall formation is triggered at the center of the cell by the formation of a cell plate the cell plate grows outwards till it needs the existing wall resulting in two daughter cells in this module you have learned mitosis is the process of separation of nuclear chromosomes into two identical daughter nuclei mitosis involves four key phases prophase metaphase anaphase and telophase in prophase the chromatin condenses and becomes short and thick to form the chromosomes in metaphase microtubules of the spindle interact with the chromosomes in anaphase the sister chromatids separate out at the centromere and move towards the opposite poles the microtubule becomes shorter in telophase DOTA chromosomes arrive at the pole and chromatin starts to decoy followed by the Reformation of nucleoli and nuclear
Channel: Bifrost
Views: 4,655,136
Rating: 4.8983068 out of 5
Keywords: Mitosis, Phases of mitosis, centrosomes, cytokinesis, Prophase, sister chromatids, cohesin and condensin, spindle, prometaphase, kinetochore, Interphase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Events during Mitosis, The Cell Cycle & Mitosis, Mitosis Animation, cell division, mitotic cell division, mitosis and meiosis, difference between mitosis and meiosis, mitosis phases, The Stages of Mitosis, animation of mitosis and meiosis, Health (Industry)
Id: DwAFZb8juMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 26 2014
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