Mitchell and Webb on the final series of Peep Show | Guardian Live

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sm1988 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 10 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Awesome link, thanks.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/arcturum πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Spoiler Alert: David Mitchell is turning into Johnny Vegas.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/itsaride πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 10 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies
we all switched on can everyone hear us can everyone hear is without it being painful okay good that was a joy thank you very much I think you have peep show band in the audience so faith crowd it's a bit it's bittersweet because it was completely lovely but also which is only five to go and it's kind of also very sad and how do you feel coming to the end of this so stay happy don't boo you right thanks for joining us so much that was great yeah yeah it feels odd but we're still excited we're excited about the rest of the series you're still we're still working on I was still writing voice overs for episodes 5 hey you are yeah it's not it's nice because some of the ideas in that show like come from you know things that Sam and I have talked to to Damian Rob for you know 12 years formed we've been doing a show we've had little bits that end up back in the show and other bits like do you want to play capitalism we wrote like feels like last week celina be a gesture like ancient history and yeah brand-new jokes yeah so 50 obviously it's been three years nearly since we've seen it on our screens but it's six months narrative Lee since the end of its Dobby going to New York and the end of our series and was it very important to you that they had to be still trapped in that amber they had to stay exactly where they were you couldn't do them three years down the line we could have done I guess it felt like we left them and quite interesting place so we wanted to explore that because you know when you drive them apart much as we did last series you want to sort of want to tell the story how they got back together which is the episode basically and it looked like you'd be shot the opening titles had you know no disunion lips from other bits yeah we shot the title since we had to they made us go back to Croydon once those those titles like a bit there series six time yeah yeah like you have an age I mean you haven't clearly yeah no they were still using the series one titled sense that'll be wrong always a huge continuity issue with you know six months having to look like six months would've been three years I mean you've had a baby you've got back in shape really you have have a shave since your baby yes yes yeah no I think if we'd made it three years down the line that that would that would have been an odd way for it would make the last series the fact that Lazar is going out three years after the penultimate series isn't sort of it would be a shame if that was relevant to the show you know I think it's it's the last series is more of the same show it's not a sort of coda it's not a sort of separate a few years later thing it's more of the same thing and that's why they've got to come back together again because that's the situation that's what it's a sitcom about those two men in that flat that's quite a sound Jessie that was quite an efficient twenty four and half minutes of getting people back together clearly the point of that episode was to get them back in the flattened and that was a really funny way of doing yeah um but it's very kind of obvious it's very bittersweet because you haven't finished making it completely yet but it's kind of with attempting on so your schedules were just so busy three years you were making Babylon and fresh meat but is it temp was it tempting to kind of just keep keep pushing the date back that you started the last series just because it's gonna be so sad but it's going to finish no it was mainly busyness if we weren't such final postpone it was but we were very keen to come try and make this as good as we could we started writing it sort of over a year ago and we trying to sort of give us enough time to do it justice because we want to go out with a bang rather than a whimper basically but it's an even even just in three years you know things have changed so much culturally and we've kind of aware of when you were writing it the sort of the world since certainly since Peep Show started you know kids have been conceived born and taken there eleven pluses it's kind of you know it's such a different world now but you're essentially still trying to make the same point in the same situation is it difficult to kind of keep that going ten years twelve years down the line I mean this is obviously a very I think everyone would agree it's a very post arab spring episode I think you feel that in the fabric of the key studio that's pretty like yourself would see that let me do this right there is there is this is not much of a spoiler but in episode 2 mark does keep saying if you've got nothing to hide you've got like what is it you if you've got nothing to hide you've got nothing to fear which we've been hearing a lot of this week obviously by the time that society goes out you know that'll look like you know that was written before a bad topical comedy that is three weeks out of date right it's not a bad topical comedy is a brilliant timeless comedy - very easy to confuse there's gonna be some coughing we're trying to show that much Julia's not okay she's just a human I wanted to take you back to the very very very beginning of Peep Show because it's really interesting especially now you invented goggle books because peep show kind of well can you explain what I mean by that uh yes we didn't invent gogglebox what to say that they did I know very upsetting lawyers are in the room we the original idea there is definitely lawyer and look it's a Guardian live event is it worth just as interjecting that although you will be pleased we can't we eat yeah even I don't it be nice not to reveal I get there isn't that many plot points but no spoilers yeah nothing about few spoiled sleeping bag that's like this yeah I'd also have you hated it keep it yourself down but yes sorry the kind of journal format because I went when it was in development it wasn't this at all no the first idea that germ of the show was the producer draconic hemp doesn't said well I want to do a beavis and butt-head style show with two guys talking over TV clips and mission aware the guys hopeful want to do it we already knew them and work with them so we were cheaper than animation so the brief was to come up with like another half of a show that would fit in with their clip so the pilot was shot back in 2002 or 1 or whatever was sort of a lot of clips a lot of chatting over TV clips as well as the sitcom that we sort now known as the show I'd like to see that I bet it's almost exactly like goggle books but slightly funny we couldn't we are we couldn't put on usually because there's lots of songs and things which and clips we've got unclear of life example it was the episode where mark leaves that phone message for Sophie saying I like the song we were suddenly originally used was I just call to say I like you but we Stevie Wonder would let us use it yeah yeah right no one by his record but there's something about I mean you know lots of sitcoms have been based around the the disc is it unlikable dislikable though they're not that the odd couple and both both of your parents are as they are they there are so they're not right yeah go via and you know cowardly and self-obsessed and you know what why do we it seems to be a specifically British thing why do we like sitcoms about getting it's a nice people are very funny I mean Aniyah I mean their thing is that they the redeeming thing I think that why we identify with them at all is that they feel like they're in the wrong place at the wrong time and they always think that someone else's in the mainstream and they're all they've all got it right and we're just in our weird peripheral puddle and we and I think everybody feels like that sometimes but but but the challenge is definitely you're right that these on paper these two men are and so it's a question of making them you know watchable enough that you want to keep watching them even though they're bathing extremely badly it's men behaving badly but they've been to university lawyers lawyers the whole audience yeah and it's nothing of the current but in terms of in terms of the EM it's very much it's like a lot of web fat is very similar they kind of do all the awful things that you don't ever do suited watching them is closable it's cathartic in a way I suppose but in terms of when you're actually doing the show and all the way through its it always says additional material by you guys I see you write it how does that actually work well we do lots of we do a bunch of plotting and then we invite daven Robert to come and hear a sort of like this is what we think the shape of the series is and so we get quite a lot of input at that point of like you know big if there's anything big that concerns them like I'm not sure Jeremy or mark would do that it's not heat there's not you don't hugely stick it or in I don't think we've ever taken yeah I can't remember a time we sit without like cigars going no my character wouldn't do this it silently with the big cigars but we do have a lot of fun at that point and so we get ideas at that point and and then after the read-through - there - but in terms of filming is it locked it's it's not it's largely light it's not - I mean when we do read-throughs and things there's room for suggestions and changes and that sort of thing when you're actually filming it it's a filming things POV is a stupid way to film it it's much much harder to do sorry normal way and yes I mean we have it as never it could not be clearer to me after all these yeah why no other programs but as a as a result in sort of our locked into the script you can't you can't cut any corners in the filming of it so so you've got to the senior you started a filming has to be the same thing as the one you finished so there's no use when you've got one shot to go thinking or wouldn't it be funny if he said this is too late and also even with the convergently film thing and even with a sketch show sometimes you know you get bored with your own jokes and you throw something different in and the crew laughs you think oh well good let's do that instead and actually no just remember why you thought it was funny in the first place and even though you've done eight takes of it and yeah you just have to you know remember why you thought it was some back your own confidence really yeah it's also it worries me when things start changing too much on set because everyone on set is overtired so that they're not thinking as clearly as play exactly and you can absolutely sort of go oh look there's a there's a hilarious beach ball let's get that it that's quite work with the story now we're in the Eddy is there any way of cutting around the beach ball no it's in every shot we're just in time because I know in the early days you there was some filming with actual they were helmets right which sort of saw head mounted cameras has that petered out altogether is it something you just decided didn't really work it was basically yeah we lost the helmet cans because the the cameras weren't quality enough and now it's mostly shot with the sort of handheld camera when a brilliant camera camera operator do you use the same crew again and again because they all be sort of happy or it's not - listen Nick Martin is the camera operator is crucial and we you know Becky Martin has done so religiously her sixth series and so we where she knows how to do it very well she's a key collaborator you know we trust her very much on set and very much in the Edit and we couldn't do it without it it makes an excellent height as well very good much he has to pose a thing on his shoulder to be super his map markings bit tall and me and David are but at the low point with the helmet cams that we use quite a lot in series one was a scene where we were driving around coined in and I was driving and there was no Lola asan sometimes when you when you when you do a driving scene the car is on a truck and the truck is driving and you're just pretending but this was me driving a car with the helmet cam on doing my lines and filming David the note came back you know after 15 minutes of doing this round and round why didn't you don't you keep not quite catching David because because I'm you keep looking forward instead of this escape probably because I'm trying to drive I was yes the early budget days before also you realize that you could go like this with the hat yeah like do it twice I was like that was like laughs and then the magic of cutting but nobody thought about we have broke it we have broken a couple of cameramen one camera guy I was teased the safety on point I can't do this I don't know what I'm doing I was they've retained the writer that we're really in trouble yes yes seriously so it's quite demanding for some people you know that we've never had the first first ad twice happy first assistant director we get through them yeah they all burn out notorious and TV industry and obviously being a you guys being in the shows obviously made you wildly famous now and you know you're you meet the former street I imagine quite a lot and I think I guess the clip shows bit off the screens for three years maybe this hasn't happened much in need of any time but what's the thing what's the John Cleese walk all the David Brent does that when people see you and go do the thing do you think well you do not get that hell as a terrified it's like Radio gaga all we hear is um you don't get you don't get that reference merci is there anything you'd like them to do now yeah people pay you don't say that but it doesn't really happen I've had people shout clean shares there's a teacher down the front saying I'm with clean chef well done yeah nothing no a part of that that's her only catch phrase really go and it's sparingly used yes and it was it was it was good to use it I think to jog our memories use it in Episode one of this series it was with you know that I think I think the faithful appreciated it which they're using your big brothers you know nothing good is it episode one yeah did we just say yeah you knew you see you mentioned he brought them back and you mentioned that the LD brothers Trump their olz brothers okay oh yeah boy okay yeah like that you have that slightly and I suppose almost in commercial times the dubious pleasure of having created a cult show like a hugely successful but never sir cult show is that I mean is that something does that annoy you or are you just delighted that the people who love it and love it as much as they do the latter because it's I mean it's it and I think I think the people who like the show are sort of comedy fans look like we were before we were into comedy and I feel very good I mean yeah and the way you know that people are don't they get into a show that they really like is is yeah it's what is what what I think it's big thing we would would have would aspire to when we started making it and the it's happened a couple of times what a lot of times with them with a successful cult British show especially the very idiosyncratic ly British ones by the IT grand stuff and they've tried to make picture America haven't they there's been an effect you've been to have involved as well sort of I met there possibly trying to do it again why do you think they can't quite get it right over there I think they could is just every shows are ones that work are rare and you need to get everything working together people writing at brilliant casting a great director and editing and you need everything to sort of come together and usually it doesn't anywhere and sometimes it does with a format that's been changed like it did with the American office and usually it doesn't and I think they could do it again this I think you know there's lots of Americans who like great great comedy maybe there's something about mark and Jeremy not being at all successful in their lives people say yeah Americans like success I don't know is it too British Sam is it just that well we socially interact doesn't quite match them and I'm trying to imagine the America mission 11 failing you know they are we wrote their parts for them yeah so it's that's the challenge you know how do you recast that I mean I guess it's possible but it's not easy yeah and so now it's it's kind of all I mean when do you actually finish you when the actual B edit everything that the voiceover spending weeks how do you think you're going to feel when it really is the end then when this is the surface is all gone and I think a bit like it's a bit like grief in that now some quite exciting and we're all seeing each other a lot of the peep show funerals but when sits well I think I will be really sad when it's over yeah I'll be less sad if it's a good series that's what most is focusing on making it good yes I suppose you're still there aren't you yeah I think the reception tonight may indicate that these guys are all drunk and lawyers and the flat marks flat is a very important and kind of almost character in the sitcom and the fact you you've always end up back there it's kind of the trap but the prison that keeps you there and I understand they it's now it's gone it's been a burn smash dismantling its way it was that that was the sanest bit about it about filming that series that we normally do that there's a couple of weeks in the middle of the shoot where we do that all of that stuff are upset and usually you know that it's going into storage and this time we knew it was not so that was sad when we finished that I think it's been recycled to using it in a different comedy with a maze here the message who watch mainly for the set they should know they will be appearing in another sitcom I think we don't know what it is you really know okay I think I'm gonna go exhibit channels watch out for that piece of wood painted in the doors moon yeah that's going to at this point of the actual flat which was a real flat for the film series that is still there in Boyden and there'll be someone living in it if you can imagine it again it's gonna magic so hopefully don't watch Peep Show it would be upsetting I suppose if you sort of suddenly realized you were living you know if you watch television that that's yeah god no excited press release the other day about and the real time value of sitcom like London properties appeared in sitcoms and apparently Marc's investment relatively to the rest of the sitcom universe was appalling and you only made sixty rounds sorry mark did yeah that's so typical day he can't even ride the London property wave from I'm kidding if you take anything from the set just to you know I think everyone took something yeah man King you play super hands took the sofa I needed a slope yeah and I'm still going yeah we don't need this sofa clean the elephant the big white sofa and he got a man with a fan and with pain it was it was one man with the back and then and he took the sofa I took the Jeremy's a poetry exercise book that contains our mice amongst other things that that person who is in the art department back series and scribbled you bush you won't even properly elected bush are you happy now etc so that's that's what I might open it on that page and frame it or just probably more more more in keeping with the show just leave it lying around in the room I laughably called my study I have a picture from the wall of marks bedroom of a vintage car that's it yeah the thing I think everyone wanted and I think that Becky Marta the director took was the the biscuit to the serie the horse biscuit tin from oh you I got it that I'm afraid did you yeah what it's very another way out it makes you put batteries in it in it yeah make some noise over horse never I don't think yeah what about you guys what I got Jamie's Bongo marks FDR doll and Debbie was like yeah I've got the cookie jar which sounds like quite a sword that is just that or no I got a Genghis Khan as well in the same range nice very nice I'm obviously the Peep Show and I understand most of the supporting costumes they are coming back for this series so we know Olivia Coleman's coming back to the lovely pictures a little cry and anniversary super hands and various others do you have I mean it's hard to pick favorites do you have favorite incidental all supporting all sort of character that aren't in every episode that what's your favorite could you pick one I could okay great pick super hands I guess you see he's in five out six episodes and means it in the most episodes so I think he gets the prize and he's just sick Georgia right format so predict where doesn't come from because do you write the right format did you all know no rigidity we had Danny Dyer in mind my my said this before is the poly record I don't know that would have been a different experience making yeah in the public record who who auditioned yeah Russell Brand auditioned for that part also sorry but Matt is super hands always will be yeah and is quite brilliant in terms of the two of you I'm not I don't see soup and in either view so it's really some well your drunken your you know how we I think we thought this guy of a guy who write make up his own nickname a kind of sort of really wide and kind of worrying but not really quite as you know there's that episode way Jeremy goes and works with him in a record recording studio and you know he's actually really good at getting the lattes and getting the right skim milk so he's kind of we always knew there was a bit of a fake level to him as well the very first idea of him was Dutch right that's why is cool BAM we did additional Dutch guy and he we said like what we know and I go dutch that's was this go Matt Cain okay and a favorite character of you he's Nick the best one I think oh no or Johnson don't lose mine I'll take Johnson I don't yeah I mean I really feels invidious no it doesn't they're not here they don't care I think um some people are here no I couldn't I can't I couldn't I couldn't you can pick one what about you guys you guys should go for one of the one episode ones this GOG God with God was a lot of fun and there was some the character played by Steve edge who turned out there mark makes a friend yeah Darwin yeah all right Steve a to play the core on blaze that's right and it turns out it's all joshing and then he turns out to be willingly right way and of course mark is brokenhearted though mark has to make this really tortured speech about I mean I have a dream that's all fair enough isn't it it's got the limits of Marx PC yes very good um we saw the aforementioned you know that some of the tearful pictures from the set as you were coming to the end of shooting and it's genuinely you're going to be sad to see this go on using all that well the letters of film we're looking for twitches or musical there'll be a good old gap before you get to be these boys again if you ever do you know what's what do you know miss the most about them about the experience well I don't I mean I I don't know that I mean won't be the early mornings it won't it won't leave that no I'm not no I'm not going to say nothing cuz it's going to be very weird it's it's been I mean the way normal sorry I'm interrupting yeah well I wasn't quite sure because many would it would definitely have been something yeah a feature I think I think I've sensed that you were gonna talk until you found a point exactly as you know I can't just think of it while I'm not talking know we dress identically that's why basically now I've lost my oh yeah um well we haven't done it for three years anyway so we've sort of been living in a no Peep Show world for a while and it's not that bad I don't know and only other I don't we knew it was coming back and on the other hand we start videos Sammy just said you still haven't on the voiceovers for Episode five and six so like you say we're going to the funerals but we haven't really suffered the loss yeah so it'll be we're not worried I didn't wake up on foot 19 I mean I still love the grille on it we're still on holiday you know we still got dinner on the last night so you know we're not stuck we refuse to start packing that's the chick that's cheerier than the funeral yeah yeah really and in fact I'm sort of in between it's a sitcom engines more serious in the end of a holiday but not as serious as a person dying okay pensee time yes some people died doesn't matter risky yeah so it's difficult to say is what I think we're you're but if the thing is that you I mean it we've loved doing this show we're very proud of it it's you know the biggest part of our career it probably always will be and that's you know we're very proud of it but the other thing that makes it really weird coming to the end of it is it's been it's been 12 years and and you you think you can't think we can't think about the show without also thinking about the 12 years and you think of it that's a big section of our time alive and it you think about life and aging and the human condition in a much bigger way then then you mean to I'm going to die can you believe it I can't live everything we could do alive everything it's still less yeah why are we just do it libel it's not over there's still the ice cream on the way to the airport oh right in my hearse maybe if we carry am I going to show you what die yeah oh that's nice immortality through was a try that's what's gonna happen and so um obviously people will always ask you about one of these film if at the end to down to Downton Abbey people can't except at the end it has to be but no it's not dead is it I mean there is obviously potential I'm assuming you kind of said there's no happy endings and no one dies so we know these characters will still exist somewhere will there be a kind of whatever happened to the peep show lads when they're old and where will they be ten years time what I'm not going to me doing like where are they we we've said that we'd like to think about that if they rob were available operating that rather belated underlying didn't know that about they're going to die don't die of yet would be up really not yeah the West we'd love I think we'd love to yeah doesn't have fine see what they were doing in watch a yes what can you what do you imagine maybe what happened considering the cyclical nature of their despair and they cause you to escape it where would they be Integra comment thinking they've got to be in the safe life but maybe I maybe not maybe not yeah I don't know I it's very difficult to that one of the reasons I think that that the you know the show it's right of the show's ending really is in it's about men in their twenties early thirties post University and it's a different situation when they're in their 40s and it was going to so yeah I think if Mark it doesn't if nothing you know if Marc's career doesn't take off in from tedious directionally once I he might cash in his albeit not brilliant investment in London property equity and sort of go and you know live somewhere with a properties cheaper on the change chart see I'm staying in London I would like to see them in a half-built Hotel in New York sands running the kitchen if it comes back it has a totally different job surface TOB Ariane holiday studio audience crazy mad stuff happening people clap when we come in yeah why the ponds everyone else we here with teeth and but in terms of the the world of Peep Show it's a very it that's of tone you sir early on it's kind of I think other other sitcoms have probably tried to borrow from a little bit but I think it coming back as it reminded me how distinctive it is and in terms of other writers you know you've only there are very few is it to they were true there are three writers you've ever kind of let take the reins I fact it one of them is inherited from Brown John Brown wrote some fresh meat and sign of blackwell and Tom Basden yeah Tom Basden and what how did you identify that they could get the boys that they would know how to take these brilliant Rice's and we'd work with them all and you how good they were and so it wasn't hard to pick those three they're all brilliant really what's the kind of conversation like when you you know when you sit down with them and say here take off take our babies wow do you kind of describe to them what you want them to do or do you just look at something we have quite a you know we as I said we tell David and Rob what we think the shape of the series is we have quite a clear idea so then we say and to John look at the spot here in the in the arc of the series and so they need to end up roughly here and this is where they start out and leave some maybe some areas and then could you come up with a plot that would would fit into that jigsaw puzzle but they the voice is just entirely down to them the voice of the writing as in baby it almost it's almost a job of kind of copying how style isn't it but it's yeah I mean it's more than that it yeah but you know what I think once you've got people to write for and you know characters it's it's um it's it turns out if you have really good writers they can they can do it yeah sadly well if you if not no I won't say better but never have broken fan sign a black girl talking to him you're going to come up now but what can you tell us anything about the show you're doing with him because your next sort of pilot II project together as YouTube is with Sanne Blackwell he wrote veep and the thick of it and as a genius and what is it and can you say anything about it well it's a sitcom I think the two things about it oh it's a sitcom and it's not definitely going on television okay yeah so the man we can only kind of talk about this sitcom like it exists the more you sort of thing but if Channel four here that we're talking about the sitcom but yes they might go well that's all very mission the sitcom yeah so you know there's a pilot script which is very good and they may or may not make a pilot and they may or may not do I mean I thought there so now they're both aliens no they're not they're firemen one of those are firemen the other ones gay female yeah Jordi's but no we sort of it is to that all good thing is we don't know if it'll happen we hope it does so we don't want to go or about but is that that's one thing will be he's writing and you're hoping will happen what else he lead you up to you next are you we started we started writing we so writing a web series oh yeah one B but also to B's go back a bit yeah but we haven't finished I think yeah I mean with with technical yeah yeah well you're gonna be doing some Bob your yeah I mean I'm in it yeah I'm playing Shakespeare in a sitcom about Shakespeare yeah thing that's the filming in the new year exciting in that series that's the best yeah that's that's happening and studio sitcom I mean half of the movie playing Saffy's boyfriend her bath her baffled Detective Inspector boyfriend so so I'm a I'm a I'm a policeman and how do you feel not yet and we're doing it now I I did it's weird because I'm the sort of number seven on the call sheet which is help ranges so it just it just means I which means I'm knowing it much which basically means great trade yeah great much better picture movie ever gets very excited but I've done a few days and I'll do some more next week and then I don't know when it finishes but I'm but yeah they'll be out next year and I'm writing a book yeah but I ready I'm ready to propose it for a book it's a funny memoir about masculinity about how I wasn't very good at being a boy and I thought I'd finished the proposal 10,000 words I'm really putting some effort in propose I gave it to my literary agent and he said if you make this 15 percent funnier will get more money which is a very way about 15% funnier I mean what I hoped to give every 15 words is the question is will you get 15% more good I think I am does anything well I just I hope what he meant was there would be a disproportionate get like 30% yeah yeah that's where we start anyway that is my by no means I'm sorry why I'm emphasizing the money aspect I it's a very it's a very intimate and passionate project that early which I've got to make funny for cash and dry open to that some audience questions I'm sure you're all like really keen to ask them stuff I just wanted to find out what you to do next before you've been very quiet I think tell you got some things they're in development people are nothing really I can now and is it are you carrying on together having a little break and you go see it guys yeah we are we've something haven't been writing anything else than this for about a year twelve and fresh meat which is I next year push me oh yes when is it in no no yeah okay they will be out we have filmed it does exist good that's that's a good thing to take home well I'm let's thank Rob David Sam and Jesse very much there will be some people moving among you in the usual fashion with microphones and around I can't see but if you have a question please shove your hand in the air wave it around and and they will come to you any question and this young man down the front here is looking nervous but I think you should open it up hello hello hi good evening I'm really curious to know in the episode where you have like the New Year's Eve episode what was going on in super hands his apartment that was so horrific that it puts him on his ass well I mean I've got we did of course film that it was too horrible to show on television laws were broken yeah um no it's no it's nothing is it that's not I hope the whole pointed it it's the worst thing you I just was curious to know what the worst thing would be in your guys opinions I'm not saying if anyone who can't imagine something too bad to actually say it's an unimaginative person okay fair enough that the code of silence way to get off as usual by Barry Mitchell come ready follow that thought aloud he said we can't say yeah if if you're thinking about the worst thing exactly you wouldn't say that not the worst what you'd say is like something a few stages you know the civilized side of the worst thing we could really bring everyone very I said the worse no wait say first thing might not be very funny all right all right I couldn't say the third worst thing next question please see yes that that Chuck in the middle there's about three rows in the back turkey it was turkey yes lovingly put on by the army I don't know what the hairs were I'm hoping to spit something I don't know Oh Turkey railroad yeah it was a it was a it was a big turkey leg hey did we that what I think it one of the interviews you do because it's shortlist magazine someone did a kind of top ten moments memorable moment yes it's difficult I mean there there are there are so many great bits but it is yes it's pretty memorable isn't it yeah yeah family fair dues I'm not going to argue with them yeah whose idea was it to call the dog mummy by the way uh yours because you had a cat called mummy you've got a cat called mummy my family out of college easy time okay and next question you had a microphone easy tiger would also be a good name for a promiscuous cat if you have a microphone and just waves that brilliant okay okay you lose and then sir you at the back Peter said your hand up you're next okay pepper okay yes what do you question hi everyone and not so much a question but David can you call me a piss kidney please now all you what can you just call me a piss kidney piss piss kitten yes no no peace with his kidney its pygmy of course oh yeah I'm gonna guess who I am I only said that once years ago in fact that's gone yet you you piss kid till I could get work in panto just doing go in and go on at the meeting in the second half they pitch kidney could become a tradition like buttons I like doing that question of question time they used to film question time in this in this theater hmm okay and yes gentlemen the back wheel beard what's your question hi yes first of all I want to say you guys are alive and well in Canada thank you and um my question is when you guys started the first season did you imagine it would go on this long for 12 years I yes I mean you outlasted Seinfeld in runtime no I think we you know we hoped it would go on for a long time we wanted it to we definitely wanted to go on for a long time but I think if we would we weren't ever mad they were we I think we've made salad worked on sitcoms that were pulled during the run I mean if I make it to the end of it not all the episodes were filming that so we were we were really sweating I mean I remember because this is just the time when people start previewing the show I remember sweating about what the Guardian guide would say about first episode and did you do were you at the Guardian right then I probably was by dating you weren't allowed to review things so we would it would have been a severity 9 series and be interviewed in front of lots of people you'll be able to quote somewhere - you'll be like so you off it was a yeah I mean now while the streams gone very well well done ultimately you don't get a show like Peep Show coming from a group of people who would who would be that optimistic about it would be a people who start the show thinking it'll get a 9 series make very different sorts would be called yes bat Titleist okay here's another question if you have a microphone can you wave exactly inscribe see who has a microphone already just because I don't wanna pass people by him just being even might be a god hello good evening this is specifically to David and I want a specific answer if possible please how much washing up do you think you could do without any washing up the honest answer is an infinite amount not very effective thank you that's how I go home now are you happy with that and this young lady down here I think this next do wave wildly cuz my it's quite hard to see you at oh you're there it is okay um so the characters were obviously written for you guys and it's a kind of dynamic that is quite similar to a lot of the stuff that you guys have done that you've written for each other has being in Peep Show changed the way you write you've written for yourselves and like sketches and things I think you might be I don't know if this is what you meant but what springs to mind is the when we had a sketch show there was a sort of behind-the-scenes thing where we talk to each other sort of as ourselves and we found ourselves falling into that it's already made groove of the one who worries too much in the morning doesn't worry enough and so we started doing sort of them I mean wasn't mark and Jeremy it was very much asked about him but that was the sort of dynamic and so we definitely pinched that from people oh I suppose did we know as we've already pinched you from yourself you'd think that'd be very unfair we were like we all know he's almost we stole us back briefly and then the show got cancelled and then you stole us back again yeah now I don't know who are you Jeremy okay yes what a question um who's the worst at corpsing and were there any scenes in particular were really hard to get through because of that pass and Joseph he plays Johnson who plays just he is here by far the worst of all there was an occasion when he was it was a meeting he was chairing a meeting JLP I wasn't even better it was quite quite a lot of people in the scene which always means in Pecos and nightmare to film and he decided it was he rightly decided it was funny when he said the word Frankford if he went Frank fort one fort in the middle of a normally yes you guys need to realize that I'm going to run water it's just hilarious and back how a corpse himself yeah having lit upon that idea he was then I'm able to do it again and then it got and then it sort of spread spread like a like a bacterial infection across the hose because it got to the point where he would start thinking in advance he was going to say Frank or going to say it normally I'm not going to be at would started laughing and then there'd be the one where he's not laughing he's keeping it together and everyone else starts laughing that they're so nervous that he's going to start laughing that was yeah that really that got to the blood one just kind of angry yeah yeah that isn't about people wants to stop laughing but but they're just over we want to go home so that was yeah that was development also when in the the attic not attic they upstairs bit of the church in the wedding oh yeah we both went Joe's when Jamie's ordered to piss himself and they had a contraption that baby there was a water tank in a hole a little tube that went down into this area and then it was the hot apartment guy go suddenly and it was just the it was the fact that it went everywhere so that the sound of liquid hitting a wooden floor it's just so perfectly how are you - magical sound really really we both have a lot of trouble yeah and that's of course that's that that was very annoying to everyone because at the point where they've sort of gone go on the pissing yourself contraption if you don't get that take then after the trousers have to come off you know driving it won't dry and the hole and the hole that bit of the attic floor has to be dried with air dryers yeah this is a 45 minute reset on the pissing two pages I'm surprised you went more method I went to see em Jake Horan to play Lady Macbeth once he posted up on stage yeah that's all about okay another question mm-hmm I guess I was gonna ask a very similar question about whether you wrote characters and then find that you're writing Jeremy and Mark but that was asked brilliantly so I won't do that and when you're writing and let's see go oh cool can I have a quick one when you're writing to the lovely bit of dialogue in that in that episode with the sea bream and artichoke how long do you sit trying differ because though the reference is familiar what what is so brilliant that this they're so well done how long do you sit there going turbot avocado that hour and my last question is should I suck mummy's fing ignore that one obviously but answer to nil to be going we do spend quite a long time figuring out sometimes the right words don't we in sentences like Freiburg two ages to come up with because I saw that episode where the glass took a long time to come from wherever I think you wikipedia'd the glass producing cities I think it's a smug middle-class laugh at that yeah yeah I think that's often they're just his first draft and it's one of the samurai does and it sticks and then other ones a lie oh you know let's go through all the Bond films what's funniest and a twirl is Octopussy a bit on the nose and then what you'd expect for should it be Goldfinger that's really what you'd want so you do we do sometimes obsess for a long time and other times it's just it feels right the first time yeah another time for just Wikipedia it where's that where does Glass Company I did the line about sea bream and artichokes that was actually cut down in the Edit that it was as originally scripted it was we sit around watching workstation with Kenneth planning and eating complicated things like sea bream and artichoke and which I mean Cibrian our guide I've slightly missed the phrase complicated I think Mark Davis the editors here maybe we can just get him to go back and yeah Marcus I cannot Franco okay next question as they're up there um do you guys have a proper story art for the character of edge or I mean is he still working HMV is his houseboat still more that roses are malicious just waiting to it we do learn we do learn something you've got a yeah so three he does get a mention yeah we don't meet page behind me page page what do we know he was in rotted I mean he did have it he had a dog didn't he because I must because there's the phrase who wanked off pages dog oh yeah somebody when somebody oh just on profile page Tim hey did gold went God you stole from my hedged in my deal remember the whole serious in case goes because Jessica's gone pieces he was bullied by Jerry Buss never started to be like oh I've got a lot of tweets about page over the years like when's Petra I'm back like gecko annoy miss bass he's not really like a person yes I quite please people care but it's closed up and it was the big Sue's with like page visit with a race just but and then they decided them to make her a real character so you know who knows maybe we did discuss meeting page shouldn't win the series was but you don't but we do find out it's an interesting backstory we do maybe when the show comes back it'll center around all about the spinoff yeah well if you're going to be in something written by black well we're gonna write hey you're furious with them one okay next question and yes Oh what do you get it what house how did you get that chair so clean I'm actually feeling that my iron dinner earlier with Sam and a sort of a light pattern ER of grease ended up on my shirt from an unwise placing of a fork so I feel I'm not I'm not worthy of the clean shirt designation was that your four-plex eggs this is assisting steak thing yeah at the table no but they brought it they brought it sizzling the tables it is slight activity food a touch of Knickerbocker glory a bit of all you're having that yeah but so but I think I think mark I think mark just uses you know a decent detergent probably so probably supermarket own-brand cuz he doesn't like to be fleeced I'm just I'm stunned that liners survived as long as it's actually conv Lee yeah the little kid who was sunny Mitchell in the act who played Series one came back in series 5 I think to here I which time he had become an adult satisfying saying okay I'm not quite sure how much longer we've got so that someone could let me know by the magic of telepathy and but next question hello I just wanted you mentioned film earlier and play actually a two question so I'm so instead of being greedy I'm gonna try and link them in a really inappropriate sort of way in a convoluted way and first of all about the film and then secondly which of Jeremy's or jezza's massively inappropriate girlfriend's was his favorite and if a film were to come back which one would she be in what who is what my favorite word Jeremy's favor your favorite sweet yes Jeremy but Janet see Jeremy's kind of forgotten I mean Jeremy's in love with whoever he's in love with at this moment I mean he really lives that I mean Nancy was was a big deal but then I were oddly enough I watched the first two episodes of series six today with Elena and Elena was terrific character she also looked like a Bond girl but yeah he's always had these girlfriends are much better looking than me so it's in that in that beautiful sexist way that we have on television but they've still been my age there hasn't been a whole you know maybe when we come back one with 50 or 60 we'll have girlfriends of a 25 and that would be more a traditional sitcom my favorite I mean big Sophie Winkleman a funny person and a very funny character but yeah I've got two words for you what was it mentals mental Pasha actually really embodied there and then yeah the relationship she then developed with Johnson I found yes when they were in that house and one I think one of my favorite lines in the whole nine theory is Johnson shouty for upstairs Suze where's the big scissors yeah I spoke of a certain sort of domestic yeah well in line gets a reaction like that Dee are you ever tempted say yeah that was mine and do you just take I can't believe I'm sorry that partnership is yeah I find it just it's it's very very great it's just very nice to hear people who know the show so well I can't say I'm yes but I feel that Jeremy really loves Nancy don't think he hasn't referred to her ever again I can't no I can't help she doesn't come up yeah he talked about her a lot in the scenes around televised that's okay hi I was just wondering um could you ask your BlackBerry back but you're late your bellboy after your question please sorry how could you ask your blackberry back but like a lady in the lake you're actually turning me into basically a prostitute it's what we do generally but there are normally a bigger camera so I'm gonna I'm gonna do it I'm not gonna judge him right yeah can I have my black I am I am so sorted for Pantone now who's good me okay we have time for two more questions so raise your hands fight each other making good ones he's next I'm so either win the monochrome shirt with your hand then you know you're scratching your head that's not very good a guy there with a microphone Jim okay so a person with mic friend you first and then say you're lost said brilliant Thanks um me and my wife really really love all the sort of random things that jazz and Mark say to each other so things like there ain't no quim likes to party like a friend hound him dirty someone's already mentioned the L dude brothers and there's many many more just wandering wet where do they come from they just completely random or they references to something or where do they come from they come from a stupid stupid brains difficult question to answer they're written they're written by us and they and we think of them random but yeah I get I guess it's a nice thing about samurais writing partnership that we feel able to say stupid things and not have the AMA go well that stupid that's really stupid you've gone over the edge now what I like in the pilot I'm you were saying we're all ourselves and you know we were nowhere and this was a big shot and we could really screw it up and you called a major character super hands I just think it's magnificent my news year's voice super is it hands like I've seen it written down now it's hands alright fine and it's two words not one and you know it's just why just it's just great who else would do that you're out of your mind Matt King tells funny story about a carol service user ah yeah he was at a carol service with his wife and children those again a nice outdoor cows has nice Christmas the event everyone's feeling very festive and someone spots him and shouts oh Scissorhands and then the bloke next to the bloke that shouted a scissor and is mortified and goes it's super Anton come which which in Matt's view ah was more inappropriate to the aperture of the carol service than getting his character's name he's just in so embarrassed okay and yes gentlemen in the monochrome shirt follow that thank you um I was just wondering I mean peep shows one most kind of eminently quotable TV shows and I know you said it kind of informs the way you act and you write do you ever find yourself for example telling someone off when they combine the metric and imperial system we're talking about war tell echo for plumbing like does that ever come up in your kind of everyday conversation any picture lines what I've I don't think we say peep show lines but unfortunately I do I hear echos of marks thoughts in my own head and certainly some of the specific you know fastidious worries he has a sort of thing I also obsess over I might a euro sorry I like the Euro I don't actually obsess over the euro but but certainly you know a lot I mean we've talked a lot about his you know his big radio for speech as I call it on the episode when everyone's been trippin and he's been pretending to be and he sort of cuz I'm touched all normal I'm turning on radio for its you know it's only because of the miracle of consumer capitalism you're not all lying in a ditch with rotten teeth dying although that now sounds very pre credit crunch but but yes now I've never actually echoed his specific words or thoughts but definitely that there's definitely elements of my horrible brain in his I think even horribly break I've no relationship with Jeremy's yes and I think on that note we have to end it so wild appreciate you
Channel: Guardian Live
Views: 413,191
Rating: 4.8896551 out of 5
Keywords: peep show, david mitchell, robert webb, Mitchell And Webb, david mitchell rant, david mitchell interview, peep show series, peep show series 9, peep show series 8, peep show series 7, peep show series 6, peep show series 5, peep show series 4, peep show series 3, peep show series 2, peep show series 1, comedy, comedian, that mitchell and webb look, robert webb david mitchell, robert webb interview, robert webb cracks up, david mitchell robert webb, peep show cast
Id: M1-eDQeEPeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 27sec (3687 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2015
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