Misty Edwards - How to Fellowship with the Spirit

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the Lord is still to this day searching to and fro and he's looking for a resting place he's looking for people who don't strive against him who aren't wrestling against him who don't have you know a hundred different agendas that are outside of his own agenda and he's looking for a place where he can rest the House of Prayer is his resting place but before we can be a corporate resting place we have to become an individual resting place the Lord wants us as individuals to become a house of prayer a tabernacle a tent of meeting do you know that you're very frame was made for the presence of God body soul and spirit either way that you were designed you were created as a tabernacle you were created as a place of prayer for the Spirit of God you all know that your body soul and your spirit whenever you how many of you would call yourself born-again believer yes we've been born-again when you when you signed up for Christianity when you said yes to the blood of Jesus and you received the forgiveness for your sin you were born in the spirit and that desert of your spirit was flooded with the uncreated God the uncreated God lives on the inside of you do you know that it says in the scripture that the fullness of God dwells in your inner man that whenever you said yes to him he invaded you like he did the tabernacle of old when the glory of the Lord has filled the temple of old and the priest would fall out under the presence and they would all cry glory and they would shout for glory and they they couldn't even stand in the presence or when the presence that came on the mountain with the children of Israel and it shook the mountain and the trumpets were going and the children of Israel was screaming and running away they couldn't even they were so terrorized by the presence they didn't even know what to do with themselves that presence moved in to your spirit the day that you were born again you have the uncreated God living on the inside of you you have everything that you need for life and godliness for power the fullness do you know that you're never going to get more of God than you have now living on the inside of you when you were born again you received the fullness the very seed of God the very essence of God his very presence is living in you and you are the House of Prayer you are the tent of meeting you are the tabernacle when we come together as individuals who are filled with the glory of God then corporately he begins to break out among us and one day he's gonna fill this room in a manifest way that we can see it with our eyes and the world will see it and he'll go into the streets and the highways and the byways so we see a little bit of that now but for the most part in this hour it's happening on the inside of you but here's the thing the manifestation of that spirit inside of you happens in your soul which is your mind your will and your emotions and though you have the fullness of Christ dwelling inside you your mind has to be renewed do you know close your eyes just for a second that is your soul hello soul that is where you live that's the soul can open your eyes the Spirit of God it says it's like in your belly like right here you know if you ever get that gut feeling or that the spirit if you ever feel the Spirit of God the presence of God like in your belly the Lord wants us to learn to fellowship with the spirit it's at pause prayed that Christ would dwell in our hearts through faith and that we would be strengthened by the Spirit of God with a divine might and energy on the inside he was talking to believers when he said that that's not about salvation he's not saying I pray for you Christians that you just keep getting saved over and over again that Jesus keeps moving into your heart no he's saying I'm praying that the fullness of the Spirit that is in you would rise up and take over your mind your emotions your heart your desires your will this is where the battle is this is where the fight is it's in the arena of the soul he is after which is the same thing in this in this context I'm using it interchangeably with heart the Lord is after your heart he is literally living on the inside of you and he wants to invade your heart you are a sacred space you are the most sacred space in all of the created order of all of heaven of all of Earth of every piece of property of every landmark your soul your heart is the most sacred piece of real estate yet we highly encrypted the mercy of your mind you're just kind of at the mercy of your imagination are you at the mercy of your emotions and you just feel like you're kind of being led around by some wild stallion that's leading you where you don't want to go did anybody does anybody know that feeling you're like I don't even know how I got here you just kind of feel out of control emotionally or in your imagination and you just feel like you're always at the mercy of your mind well the psalmist would talk to his soul and he says listen o soul whenever you're in the depths of despair I am NOT at your mercy listen o soul why are you down cast put your hope in God and he would speak to his soul and the Lord wants us to take control of our inner life I'm telling you you will not walk in the fullness of the power of God in your ministry on your words in your worship in your relationships and your finances until you learn to control your inner life a man who can control his spirit is stronger than a man who can conquer a city is what the proverb says but so few will fight this fight so few will fight the that's from the inside out but the Spirit of God is literally living on the inside of us and he is waging war on our behalf against our lust against the pride of life against the things that hinder us from being a tabernacle a place where God can rest but there is a place in the spirit it says we labor to enter interest it takes work to get there to get the reins of our mind to get the reins of our emotions and all of our lust and our our desires and our preoccupation with ourselves to pull all those reins and say no we're gonna go drink from the water of faith we're gonna drink from the water of the Spirit I'm not gonna live like somebody of this world under the Sun life under the Sun is a vanity in a chasing the wind but by the power of the Holy Spirit who lives inside of us he has given us the capacity to live transcendent to live untouchable unmovable rooted and grounded unshakable unstoppable there is a power that's indestructible living on the inside of you but you have to access it he's a person you have to talk to him you know we're not waiting around for something to fall down from the sky the father already poured out the Spirit he poured out the Spirit on Pentecost he poured out the Spirit already now there's going to be different measures of different manifestations but we're not waiting around for something to fall down from the sky the person of the Holy Spirit is the greatest treasure of heaven on this side of time because he is what gives us access to Jesus he gives us access to the Father he makes us one with that holy pulsating heart that's been burning from eternity past that same spirit that is in the in Jesus you know if you're I've said this many times let's say your best friend is standing in front of you and going you know what I'm gonna move a to a faraway country there's no internet there's no phone we're not going to be able to talk but don't worry because I'll put my spirit in you and we'll actually be closer because you'll know what I'm thinking what I'm feeling what I'm doing and we'll be together all the time you would think what you would think that is insane that's what Jesus did though and when he said to the twelve disciples he they're sitting there and he goes he said actually I'm gonna go the father's gonna give you the spirit and it's gonna I sure in a whole new dispensation until I return to the earth and the Spirit is gonna be in my stead so to speak the spirit is going to become the teacher the guide the spirit we have underestimated the power of the Spirit and we have relegated him to Chara's mania he is a teacher he is a friend he is a comforter and he's closer than a brother and he's living on the inside of you the Lord wants us to learn to become a house of prayer to become one with that burning holy fire that lives on the inside of us
Channel: Onethingneeded
Views: 53,625
Rating: 4.9366198 out of 5
Keywords: Misty Edwards, ihop, ihop-kc, house of prayer, fellowship, Holy Spirit, Christianity
Id: XOvVOn_-XZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2012
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