MISTER MIRACLE - A Love Letter to Jack Kirby (Documentary)

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what do your characters represent well the characters represent uh a sort of a a transcendent feeling that we we all have inside us that uh we could do better we want to do better uh we haven't time to do better that we can be the people that we lionize if you look at my characters you'll find me no matter what kind of character you create or assume a little of yourself must remain there there are few words in the english language that accurately describe the genius of jack kirby the visionary creator who through both his art and his writing defined much of what superhero comics are and set the standard for these larger-than-life heroes and the things that they represent kirby's legacy is felt throughout every corner of the comic book industry with much of the marvel universe in particular being a product of his unbridled passion and creativity from the x-men to the avengers the fantastic four and beyond the very fabric of the world outside your window was stitched together by the king of comics however if i had to pick a single comic book that i believe demonstrates the significance of jack kirby one that i think distills everything that makes him one of the undisputed legends of the industry i'd actually pick a somewhat unconventional choice that being tom king and mitch jarrod 2017 miniseries mr miracle for those unaware mr miracle is one of the most fascinating comic books published in recent years adapting the character first created by kirby in 1971 writer tom king presents a hero capable of escaping any trap and forces him to overcome the greatest trap of all his mind and his tortured past published over 12 issues mr miracle is not only a fascinating deconstruction of depression trauma and mental health but it's also a love letter to the visionary creator who brought this character to life many decades earlier and the impact he had on not only mr miracle but the entire medium of comic books and superheroes for a book that is so bittersweet as this filled with so many dark and somber moments the legacy of jack kirby lives and breathes throughout mr miracle and in this video i want to explain just how this comic book came to be the real life history behind the creation of mr miracle and kirby's ideas at the time and how this series attempts to discuss and pay tribute to the life and career of one of the all-time great comic book creators before we continue though just a quick reminder to leave a like on this video if you enjoy it and subscribe to owen likes comics so you don't miss out on any future videos in order to best understand how king and jared's mr miracle series pays tribute to the life and career of jack kirby i think it's first worth discussing the history of the man himself and what led to kirby's move to dc comics and the creation of the mr miracle character by the early 1960s jack kirby was already a name synonymous with superhero comics as he and writer joe simon had created the patriotic superhero captain america in 1941. as you can imagine cat became an overnight sensation following the release of his first issue and put marvel then timely comics on the map in the superhero genre after creating the character though kirby would actually leave marvel the following year working for dc comics then known as national comics publication before serving in the second world war after the war kirby would work freelance for a number of different companies with his most noticeable creations at this time being the challenges of the unknown for dc as well as the fighting american character who he and joe simon created after marvel relaunched captain america in 1954. kirby returned to timely now marvel comics in 1958 where he worked alongside stan lee to revitalize the company's lineup of superheroes serving as an artist and co-creator for such characters and titles as the fantastic four iron man x-men hulk and the avengers this period of marvel is often seen as the birth of the company's modern universe and it was kirby's larger-than-life art style combined with lee's witty dialogue that made the book so captivating and popular with readers however in the latter years of the 1960s tensions between kirby and marvel began to grow and while there are a number of different factors that informed his decision to quit the company many point to the launch of the silver surfer comic book in 1968 as a major turning point in kirby's career you see while kirby had created the character in 1966's fantastic four issue 48 and receiving soul credit for doing so lee had been pushing for a solo series to be greenlit that he would write with john buscema serving as the artist understandably this snub only heightened kirby's existing frustrations at the time with the artist believing that he rarely received the credit he deserved for his contributions and that marvel were attempting to distance him from all of the different characters that he created as kirby would go on to explain in a 1971 interview at dc i am given the privilege of being associated with my own ideas if i did come up with an idea at marvel they'd take it away from me and i lost all association with it i was never given credit for the writing which i did most of the writing at marvel is done by the artist from the script while kirby's frustrations with marvel grew it would be editorial changes at dc that would truly set the wheels in motion for the king of comics to arrive in 1967 carmine infantino was appointed editorial director of dc comics and upon taking on this role he made it his mission to convince jack kirby to switch sides the stars would align two years later when the pair met in los angeles and upon kirby's acknowledgement of the tensions within marvel and some of the ideas he had for future stories infantino quickly drew up a contract one that would pay him considerably more than he was currently earning it's worth noting that kirby at this time was actually working at marvel without a formal contract as negotiations between himself and martin goodman had stagnated with no better offer coming from marvel throughout the rest of the year kirby would inform stan lee of his decision to leave in march of 1970. according to mark evanier kirby's former assistant and later biographer the artist made a series of demands upon his arrival at dc as he states in his book kirby king of comics seeking to avoid another situation like he had with stan lee jack set a condition he would work with a writer who would provide a full script all the plots all the words up front or he'd write the script himself what he would not do is plot and draw a comic for someone else to dialogue with these terms outlined kirby began working on superman's pal jimmy olsen using the title as a vehicle to plant the seeds for a grand epic vision that he had conceived years earlier the fourth world introducing characters such as darkseid in jimmy olsen issue 134 before launching three brand new titles in 1971 the new gods forever people and mr miracle while the new gods was an epic shakespearean opera and forever people with a vietnam inspired book that featured idealistic teen gods mr miracle was notably far more grounded and human heavily inspired by kirby's own feelings and experiences at this time as evernear notes lastly there was mr miracle the super escape artist who was inspired by a previous career of jim sturranko a new generation comics creator who'd become a kirby friend and champion but it was also inspired by jack's own feelings of confinement in his own career and his eternal grasping for some way of breaking free the last of the three fourth world books to be released mr miracle issue one came out in april 1971 and introduced readers to the character of scot-free the son of highfather ruler of new genesis who was raised on apocalypse by darkseid after a childhood of torment and abuse scott and his future wife big bada would flee apocalypse and take refuge on earth with scott adopting the moniker of a master escape artist named mr miracle the parallels between scott's fear of confinement and entrapment clearly mirrored kirby's own experiences with his career at this time as did some of the supporting characters that would be featured throughout this book namely the character of funky flashman an entrepreneur who often attempts to steal money from mr miracle was a thinly veiled satire of stan lee while his right-hand man house roy was a parody of lee's successor as marvel editor-in-chief roy thomas now despite the fourth world books being the ultimate passion project for kirby the response from readers proved somewhat underwhelming with many finding the comics incredibly high concept and difficult to read at times as a result it was decided that both the new gods and forever people would be cancelled by dc following the release of their 11th issues while mr miracle soldiered on until issue 18. considering kirby's move to dc was all built around this grand vision that he had the fact that the fourth world books only lasted a year is genuinely heartbreaking those at dc comics were frustrated given that they had hoped that kirby's arrival would have captured some of marvel's loyal readers with every recalling how people within the company believe he'd stopped being jack kirby the guy who created or co-created so many successful new comics with the end of his contract in sight he was jack kirby the guy who did those wonky unreadable books that didn't sell so great jack the hack some called him implying that he'd however while dc were frustrated chat kirby was devastated after years of feeling disrespected and underappreciated he finally had his chance to break free and show the world the true extent of his genius only for it to be snatched away from him once again kirby would go on to leave dc in 1975 returning to marvel for a brief stint that saw him create a spiritual successor to the new gods in the form of the eternals this reunion was short-lived though and by 1979 kirby had left the company once again from then until his 1994 death kirby stayed away from mainstream comics instead working in animation and publishing several creator-owned books whilst battling with marvel over the rights to his original pages kirby's feelings towards the industry he gave so much for were exemplified in a conversation with james romberger at a 1980s convention as dylan horowicz explains in the epigraph to his comic hicksville in the 1980s james romberger met kirby at a convention in new york kirby kindly looked at romberger's work and then gave him a piece of advice kid you're one of the best but put your work in galleries don't do comics comics will break your heart jack kirby was a undisputed legend of the comic book industry i don't think anyone would argue that but at this time many believe that he was never able to achieve his true potential always confined by editorial decisions and unable to bring his unquestionable genius to life in its purest form and in a lot of ways his short-lived mr miracle series best demonstrates this as it proved to be kirby's last attempt to truly escape the chains of his paths only to find himself back where he started always grasping for some way to break free understanding jack kirby and his history is pivotal to explaining the significance of king and jared's mr miracle comic series as this book doesn't just pay tribute to one of the all-time great comic book creators but it built off kirby's own feelings towards his career at this time and recontextualizes his emotions into a story that serves as a genuine love letter to the king of comics and what he represented throughout much of his career tom king has used this real world history of the various characters he writes and their creators to inform the wider themes of his series and mr miracle serves as arguably the perfect demonstration of this technique in practice so in order to explain how king uses this context in his stories i want to hand the video over to steve baxi who will discuss not only how king uses both reality and fiction in his stories but also the original ideas for mr miracle and how this fascinating comic book series came to be writer tom king's career changed sharply in april 2016. the omega men became a new york times bestseller the vision was a critical darling and he was announced to be the new writer of batman for dc rebirth as he explains in a july 2017 interview this should have been his happiest and most celebrated time as a writer however that month king suffered a severe panic attack one he likens to the opening scene of the sopranos upon arriving at the hospital thinking he suffered a heart attack he received a call from his estranged father who informed him that his grandmother the woman who raised him had died in the following months king expressed disbelief at the idea that donald trump would become president a fact that would dominate much of the next stage in his work according to king mr miracle was born out of this confluence of events the short pitch based on king's own experience was trying to capture the feeling of waking up into a world you didn't recognize a world where the good is too good to be true and the bad is too bad to be possible before this existential awakening mr miracle was originally just another batman comic after sheriff of babylon with mitch jarrett's had wrapped both men were looking for another collaboration king expressed a desire to tell an adult batman crime story the war of jokes and riddles the idea was greenlit as a mini-series separate from the main title with king and jarrod's later dc came to king explaining they liked the idea so much that they wanted it incorporated into the main run and they would assign series artist mikhail hanin to draw it later king had drinks with dan didio who asked which character king wanted to do next king expressed his desire to work with jared's again and ddo offered him atomic nights or mr miracle the next morning king went to jared's with the offer and the pair reconciled over jared's love for mr miracle king's work is divided into generations with mr miracle as part of the second gen first there is the trilogy of best intentions which includes the sheriff of babylon the omega men and the vision according to king these three works are linked thematically by characters attempting to cope with disaster each series the main character sets out on a plan or mission and has to deal with their inevitable failure in a july 2018 interview king explains that this period is largely influenced by his time in the cia going in with the best of intentions only to realize there was little he could do and having to cope with the fallout in real time his second era consists of batman mr miracle and heroes in crisis which deals with healing from trauma in one sense this is a sequel trilogy about how the ptsd created by the previous trilogy can be reconciled in our day-to-day lives mr miracle is the thematic bridge to his third era currently consisting of strange adventures rorschach and batman catwoman mr miracle is about how to bridge the gap between fiction and reality this theme is made more explicit in strange adventures in rorschach that use real world quotes and events as launching paths into stories about reality and the narratives we tell ourselves all three of his current books use multiple timelines to demonstrate how the past present and future are concurrent in shaping who we are all three also deal with emotions of the political present where batman catwoman is a book he describes as angry strange adventures was in part inspired by the mueller report and rorschach is inspired by right-wing extremism in america king has always been fascinated by bridging the gap between reality and fiction in a march 2020 interview king explained that the desire to use the real interviews and stories of creators in rorschach and strange adventures came as an extension of his use of jack kirby mr miracle quotes to open and close each issue on both ends of his career king wanted to bring the real stories of creators to the fiction he was producing mr miracle deals explicitly with how the stories we tell about ourselves shape our reality and vice versa this fascination with fiction and reality is actually rooted in king's struggle to understand jack kirby a creator he says takes time to appreciate in 2017 king was invited to a party at san diego comic-con while writing mr miracle where he met steve lailoa an artist who previously worked with jack kirby king at the time did not have an ending in mind for his series and expressed that his favorite fact about kirby was that no one was quite sure what fourth world actually meant liloa interjected that kirby had told him the meaning behind the title which king retells in a june 2020 interview with a word balloon the first world was the established world the world we all know the second world was the old world the world of jack's parents that he came from to the first world the third world was sort of the rising world and then jax said the fourth world is what exists inside me and it's my imagination the first is where we are the seconds where we came from the third is what's coming next and the fourth is myself for king in the spirit of kirby mr miracle is about finding out who you are in part this comes from what people tell you about yourself like grady goodness naming him scot-free as a joke to mock his childhood need to escape it's also about the world you leave behind in the form of children scott has with barda but ultimately mr miracle is about jack kirby's legacy to create a story that parallels and makes fantastic the everyday need to survive kirby's paranoid pill became scott's anxiety always escaping became running from death kirby's idea of the fourth world was to make an epic out of what it means to live and king's contribution to that legacy is making our everyday life feel as epic as it is personal [Music] tom king and mitch jarrod's 2017 mr miracle series is one of the most fascinating and unique comic books i've read in recent years throughout 12 issues the duo reinvent the classic hero taking the original premise outlined in 1971 a new god who can escape from any trap and use it to examine the impact of childhood trauma and ptsd on someone whose life has been defined by trying to break free but never truly escaping their past the book follows scott's attempt to find peace in the life that he and big bada have created on earth where he's an international celebrity and arguably the greatest escape artist of all time despite this success though scott is haunted by the trauma of his childhood raised on apocalypse always fearing that the past he fled will one day catch up to him this fear becomes reality in the first issue of the series where darkseid has murdered hi father and reignited the war between apocalypse and new genesis ultimately forcing mr miracle to choose whether to flee and escape once again or finally face his trauma and attempt to overcome it while this series is clearly an exploration of mental health and trauma themes that writer tom king has analysed throughout much of their work mr miracle is also a deeply personal tribute to the hero's creator jack kirby as mentioned previously when the character was first created mr miracle was a symbol for kirby's own fears of confinement in his career with the fourth world books he went to dc to publish serving as his attempt to break free and finally tell stories that were unquestionably his singular vision king and jared's used the setup of scot-free being forced to confront the world he escaped from to comment on kirby's career and his legacy particularly the ways in which the fourth world comic books influenced the entire superhero genre the notion of combining a love letter to jack kirby with an exploration on ptsd and mental health may sound like two entirely distinct themes at first but for tom king any attempt at telling a modern mr miracle story would have always resulted in kirby's presence being all over it as king explains when i read the fourth world stuff to me it reads like an incredibly personal work it reads to me as a guy who'd been through war and come back from it it reads to me as a guy who'd achieved his greatest dream in life which was to become the sort of comic creator for his family and then lost it and was trying to recover it when he moved from marvel to dc it's known that he originally developed the fourth world for marvel as this kind of asgardian world then he brought it over to dc when he felt disrespected how marvel treated him to me when i read it i see all of that mixed up all that anger at stan lee marvel all of that combined with a guy who grew up in the jewish ghettos of the lower east side and had to scrap for everything he ever had and fought his way through world war ii to me it reads as an entirely personal work with this in mind it's clear that mr miracle's journey to overcome his trauma and find happiness in the life that he and bada have created on earth as well as the constant fear of his past catching up to him is designed to parallel kirby's own anxieties at the time of mr miracle's first publication this sense of entrapment that scott and jack both share is represented in a number of different ways throughout the series namely as scott attempts to raise a family on earth he's haunted by the looming figure of darkseid the comic's primary villain with the phrase darkseid is frequently glitching onto the pages with scott constantly fearing that he will one day have to face his adopted father once again it's worth noting that darkseid is not only a character created by kirby but they're a villain whose motivation primarily exists to eradicate free will the very thing kirby sought for for so much of his career likewise jared's near exclusive use of a nine panel grid throughout the book also contributes to this feeling of confinement with the rigid layout beginning to resemble bars on a prison cell the longer the story progresses but this link between kirby and scot-free isn't just evident in their fears of confinement as throughout mr miracle king attempts to offer some form of peace and closure to the hero and by extension offers a fitting send off to his iconic creator this is best demonstrated by issue 5 of the series you see in the previous issue orion had traveled to earth to seek scott's help in the war against darkseid only for him to believe that scott's apprehension was due to him secretly working with his adopted father and as a result mr miracle was sentenced to death issue 5 serves as scott and barda's final day together before his execution the couple spend the day in los angeles visiting the chinese theatre where they place their hands upon the various handprints scattered throughout the pavement scott still mourning the loss of his father and fearing that his pending execution is something even he can't escape from finds himself placing his hands against those of jack kirby over the course of a single page this moment encapsulates so much of what this entire comic book series is about throughout the story scott struggles with his past and the expectations set by his godlike fathers seeking to simply live a happy life with his wife on earth but finds himself being dragged back into the fight he once escaped from this fear is demonstrated perfectly by scott reaching out to place his hands inside of kirby's only for his hands to be just too small to fit inside of his creators i think it's worth noting that in real life kirby doesn't actually have his handprints outside of the historic cinema though his frequent collaborator stan lee does as such it's unsurprising that scott and barda's day together would be interrupted by funky flashman the character kirby created to parody lee in the original mr miracle comics although scott's arc in this story is designed to pay respect to kirby's own experiences at the time he first wrote the character jack himself is actually represented by two other characters the first one is oberon mr miracle's longtime manager and father figure who's revealed to have died sometime prior to the first issue scott and barda visit his grave later in issue 5 where we learn oberon's surname was actually kurtzberg the real surname of jack kirby now oberon's death is not only designed to parallel high fathers with scott now having lost both his biological father and the man who was arguably more of a father figure to him than anyone else it also allows king to explore how his memory affects scott throughout the story and by extension how the legacy of jack kirby himself affects those that he touched the other character king uses to discuss kirby's legacy though is to me far more unique and fascinating as in issue 7 barda gives birth to her and scott's first son who they named jacob jacob also the birth name of jack kirby symbolizes hope throughout this series being the family that will help scott overcome his demons but it's actually in his relationship with funky fleshman that king attempts to provide closure between stan lee and jack kirby you see not long after jacob's birth both mr miracle and big bada are forced to return to new genesis and lead the fight against darkseid causing the couple to ask funky to watch over their son as such while scott is forced to confront his fears head-on and stand against darkseid we see jacob and funky playing with action figures and creating imaginary stories together in issue 10 for example after scott returns home funky tells him a story that he and jacob created describing an epic tale of a star-eating god and his helper a reference to galactus and the silver surfer whose solo comic was a major catalyst in kirby's move to dc however while scott quizzes funky on whose idea this story really was flashman insists that it was jack who provided the imagination and all he did was simply add the words in a way the relationship between funky and jacob is tom king's attempt to provide a friendly sense of closure to liam kirby's often contentious relationship in the very last issue when scott returns home to find funky once again playing with jacob funky tells him that jack and i have nothing to approach ourselves about now this simple line might actually be one of the most heartfelt moments in this entire 12 issue series as it references the very last conversation stan chuck ever had before the latter's passing in 1994. as lee himself explained in a 2014 interview i tell you the last thing jack kirby said to me was very strange i met him at a comic book convention right before the end he wasn't that well he walked over and said stan you have nothing to approach yourself about he knew people were saying things about me and wanted to let me know that i hadn't done anything wrong in his eyes i think he realized it then he walked away this sense of reconciliation between the two legendary creators serves as a touching send-off to each of them with their respective legacies in the comic book industry both together and apart being celebrated in this comic likewise scot-free receives an equally fitting send-off in the final issue of mr miracle you see in issue 11 scott now holding the title of highfather after orion's death travels with barda and jacob to apocalypse to finally confront darkseid who tells them that he will stop his invasion of new genesis if they hand over their grandson to him initially it seems as if the couple might actually hand jacob over to the villain before scott stabs darkseid with a fahren knife a weapon made from the flesh of orion with the ability to burn a new god from the inside and kills him with darkseid now dead and the war over the final issue sees the family return home where barda gives birth to their second child a girl named rosalind who shares her name with the wife of jack kirby seemingly scott's fear of his past coming back to haunt him exists no more but it's once he returns to earth that he's met by the ghosts of everyone who has died throughout this story orion granny goodness darkseid and even oberon the comic begins to make the reader speculate as to whether or not scott is truly alive however the question of whether or not the comic's happy ending is real is never fully resolved as king's primary focus in these closing moments isn't to expose scott's fate but instead to demonstrate his growth and journey throughout the events of this book as scott speaks with the ghost of oberon he does begin to question his reality wondering if the life he's found with bada and their two children is too good to be true only for his longtime mentor to tell him what truly matters is the family and the purpose he found throughout his journey taking inspiration from the infamous kirby quote oberon tells scott that while life may still break his heart there's someone out there who'll help him put it back together the final moments of this series see an emotional goodbye between scott and oberon as the hero embraces bada in front of an illustration of kirby's final issue of mr miracle with the king of comics proudly watching on from above barda tells scott that darkseid is but we are too and that despite whatever anxieties and problems we may face as long as there is hope somewhere deep inside of you there's always a reason to persevere and there's always a reason to keep fighting for the happy ending that you deserve more so than anything else i want this video to celebrate the genius that was jack kirby as well as highlight the significance his work had on future generations of comic book stories while there's no shortage of great marvel and dc moments to choose from that articulate just how kirby changed the superhero landscape to me tom king and mitch jarrod mr miracle series is such a visceral and heartfelt tribute to the legendary artist one built off arguably his most personal creation knowing that the fourth world symbolized kirby's imagination the fact that king and jared's use this space to tell a story that celebrates jack kirby is an incredibly fitting way to honor both his body of work and the man himself kirby's work always combined the normal with the fantastical telling inspirational stories of heroes and gods whilst always making their struggles feel truly relatable to readers showing us all that even the most powerful beings imaginable still shared our fears and fascinations as glenn david gold explained kirby elevates all of us into a realm where we fly among the beating wings of the immortal and the omnipotent the gods and the monsters so that we dreamers all can play host to the demons of creation can become our own myths and that is the legacy of jack kirby that king and jared's attempt to celebrate at its best jack's stories made the incredible feel human and the human feel incredible and i don't think it's hyperbole to say that he was the ultimate everyman of the comic book industry to quote legendary comic book artist neil adams to know how important jack kirby is you'd really have to know how important the comic book industry will become not what it is today in the daily work of a person it's hard to see how important what they do will be unless you step back and view it as a whole only then can its richness be seen in dim outline his life's work has made him a place in the minds of people that will only increase with time and never diminish in some strange way in some friendly way jack has become one of his own creations a new god attempting to follow this formula king and jared tell a story about one of kirby's most human characters a hero who often represented the artist's own anxieties and fears and used it to not only discuss the very real problems that we all face but also to celebrate kirby's most ambitious project one that was so deeply influenced by his own life story and the people around him in short mr miracle is a brilliant tribute to jack kirby but his legacy isn't just confined to this 12-issue story it can honestly be felt in virtually every corner of entertainment from the blockbuster shattering marvel cinematic universe the dc extended universe and even beloved film franchises that are far removed from the world of comic books and superheroes such as star wars and even alien kirby's artwork and his epic visions are genuinely a fundamental cornerstone of the media that has shaped generations across the world and it's this legacy that has made him one of the most celebrated and beloved names in all of entertainment as well as the unquestionable king of comics there will honestly never be another jack kirby but that doesn't mean his impact isn't felt throughout so many people today in a lot of ways we all carry a piece of kirby with us in our imagination and because of that i think his genius and his legacy will live on forever the superhero form i think is a feeling more than a drawing i like people naturally i see people larger than life we all dream yes we we act realistically but we dream beyond that reality and our dreams make us larger we all want to be larger and we all want to see what's beyond all horizons and today we have we have our superhero we believe in them because we believe in [Music] ourselves [Music] hey everyone thank you all so much for watching today's video i hope you enjoyed it if you did please make sure to leave a like on the video and leave a comment down below as well let me know your thoughts on everything we talked about in this video i can't wait to hear what you have to say as always this video has been a huge project that i've been working on for some time and i want to give a big thanks to steve baxi for helping me write and research the video i will leave a link to steve's channel in the description so if you enjoyed his contributions in his chapter of the video please do head over to his channel and take a look at some of the content he's making there if you're new to owen likes comics please make sure to hit the subscribe button and the notify bell so you don't miss out on any future videos and if you enjoyed this video and you want some more there should be some others on screen right now that you might also enjoy if you want some more of me you can follow me on twitter just at owen likes comics and if you want to help support the channel and help me make more videos you can do so over at patreon.com owen likes comics again thank you all so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it and hopefully i'll see you all next time so until then take care and keep reading
Channel: Owen Likes Comics
Views: 95,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Owen, Likes, Comics, Owen Likes Comics, mister miracle, tom king, mitch gerads, mister miracle tom king, mister miracle comic, tom king mister miracle, mister miracle comics, scott free, jack kirby, jack kirbys fourth world, comic books, jack kirby new gods, jack kirby documentary, jack kirby interview, dc comics explained, mister miracle explained, mister miracle tom king explained, comics explained, comic books explained, dc comics, marvel comics, video essay, documentary
Id: _Z8XuwIHbbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 44sec (2204 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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