Miss Circle Greets Baldi in Fundamental Paper Education!

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hello CL welcome teacher Mr hi it's so nice to why are you guys so mean I'm going to all of you hello everyone PG CH films here back again and and today we're going to be playing fundamental paper education RP fundamental paper education now has an RP well we should all expect that but hey it's it's actually not as bad if you think about it I mean look at this place it's pretty good I got to say I can hear that Basics and behavior acapella it's pretty nice that's one way to avoid copyright so not only you can wear 3D morphs you can wear 2D morphs as well there are so many characters here we can choose there's that iconic Miss Circle there's Oliver there's Alice the creepy girl thvl zip chip and skele there's Riley Claire Abby that's one of the protagonists bloy petunia everyone in pool class for break time okay cubby and Ruby W this is going to be quite interesting and there's two de morphs here as well watch a look at that and I guess that's pretty much it so we got to wear some of the morphs here what should we wear as maybe we should wear Abby oh we have to buy it okay well in that case we got to find Alice the 2D Alice no no no no Abby I meant Abby okay okay nice we are Abby it's very cool I don't know what that is probably gambling don't gamble guys I know a person who gambles she Place PL of Fates I despise though I got to say the school looks pretty nice nothing much very nice white and colorful oh hey look a pool I mean if we're paper and we're in water does that mean aren't we going to melt and disintegrate I mean think about it that actually makes sense so the things I do whenever I go to an RP we think of skits we improvise on the way and I'm currently brainstorming as we walk through the place because H I wonder what this place is I actually want to check that out who is controlling this it's Oreos it's an oreo Factory baby look at that it's so beautiful look at all these Oreos I mean if you think about it Miss circle's blood sugars are completely on the roof right now hell today we going to go to my favorite Factory here we can see many [Music] [Music] all righty what is this is this this is Alice's room you know I always wanted to know what's inside this room so now we can finally discover oh yeah look at that now we're inside the room 1257 I'm going to have to remember that later but hey looks like this is the morph can we try Alice oh no way where Alice baby she is full of color I'm going to kill you that ain't good oh wait this just oh what we're in this Locker for look how oversaturated my colors are I don't like oversaturated colors they're just way too much what is that Alice bunny morph Al what I found Alice's rabbit L the bunny rabbage is so cute my sister has two bunnies one is toast and one is Jammy it's very cute she looks like jam me let me guys let me show you guys a picture yeah that's what she looks like is that a fish that's some delicious fish your bunny who love me fishy nice why am I flying I'm not supposed okay who's that I I mean I guess that makes sense because oh that actually makes sense why looks like someone bought these all right our skit will be Baldi is our guest teacher at miss cirle school so let's try that I'm going to do this uh to the age to classroom nice nice everything is working everything is uh according to plan this is perfect wow it's so cool for Baldi to be a guest teacher in fundamental paper education hi it's so nice to why are you guys so mean I'm going to wow you guys are really rude well the good news is I know how to keep my anger and check and you what I should do I should do uh you made Miss Circle mad you better run well it looks like we better run because Miss circle's mad she is very supportive of Baldi guys well that ain't good we are on the Run let's go but the show must go on Miss Circle has calmed down now it's time to hit the gym might as well go to the gym then just like what Baldi said now I wonder what the gym will look like let's go check it out oh wow there's basketball oh man we could be LeBron what on Earth is even up here what what what is up here oh we're a basketball morph wait wait we should play basketball as a skit Today class we're going to do some physical activity stop being on your computers and start moving a little I'm on a computer today we're going to do some basketball choose your team I'm going to be on this side I bet everyone's going to be on this side aren't they I just wonder how this going to work how do they know when to bounce the ball is a student eating a ball why wow this is an unfair side basketball how about freefor all whoever gets this basketball to the goal wins it seems that the basketballs are bouncing run around the field we're GNA be balling just go to the goal ball you aren't going to the goal come on just move boah okay now let's see here I got to brainstorm some more skits back to the A1 classroom everyone Che your seats today we're going to be learning some history everyone get your history books nice they're getting their history books out an Apple for me thanks yum now for today's history question I'm going to ask you this history question number one 2 + 2 what is the answer that's not even a history question I don't know history that's not history well who cares I don't think they ain't oh they actually got it nice okay good question two 3 * 6 what is it 18 they got 18 okay all right that's that's fair enough history question number Three 6 + 6 what is it 12 you got it correct moving on to the next one history question number four 3 - 0 equals thank you you got it on to the next classroom now get out your math books we're going to be learning math all right let's see oh everyone's instantly got it out like a snap my computer blue screened now I'm back hey guys I'm going to pull a Twist on them instead of math it's actually history where was Martin Luther King Jr born yeah that's going to get him ah yeah look at that all right oh Atlanta Georgia who was the first American to win a noble Peace Prize I wonder if anybody knows this key keeps saying me Joe widen it's not Biden it's not LeBron James either oh finally someone actually got it right it's Theodore revelt and I said it yes good good good good good good now I'm going to tell everyone to have a pool break let's go let's go ahead and swim it's going to be so much fun yay all right oh this is the principal's office H imagine if the principal and the I don't know who the principal is in fundamental paper education but yeah yay we're swimming we're having a nice pool break something is hidden in the corner of the pool how what it oh okay 108 6192 anyway yay look at this nice little platform it's so nice oh everyone having a swim oh yeah fish actually makes sense it works here whoever races to the other side of the pool first gets an apple I'll say go when ready ready set people AR fall it's not even ready yet here we go here it is go oh yeah yeah look at that everyone's just racing okay who won I don't know but it's kind of complicated gives the Apple nice anyways guys that was fundamental paper education RP well I got to say I'm glad we found a way to improvise our experience of watching this video on the way it was a little bit awkward at sometimes but I I think we made it it was definitely worth it oh yeah uh for people who want to join my peaceful land I'm sometimes here whenever I record my outros mostly there's a clothing store if you want to get some of my shirts they're right here here are some of the recent ones plus shoulder pal you can buy it right here in my group in Link in description or comments I took the house asset map oh yeah the credit to Neo's void and Anto for making this they are absolutely awesome so I decided to just renovate the entire house because this look much prettier this is where me and spidel live it's so pretty and beautiful they did absolutely amazing on this if I'm going to be honest anyway I'm just going to give you a little quick detour before I end this video this is the this is the dining room and this here is the living room veryy nice this is the kitchen look Ste cookies also favorite TV show white and also uh there is a fireplace which we can sit by the fire nice and cozy and there's a bathroom nice bathroom who is that is that Danny I think so anyway let's keep on going up and then here is the upstairs room wasn't this like as I was saying the upstairs room there's an empty room that that's not finished because I forgot to take the finished map but anyway there's also an unfinished part of the map here I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be a bathroom and also my favorite part of the house is the library if you take a look around here look at that there's a blue sheep very adorable but yeah you can I love reading books so you can just read books here ain't that just very nice you can sit in these seats all right that's basically it that's just a few changes in peaceful world since I want to update some stuff it's been been pretty obsolete for a while all right I'm just going to end the video right here and we can call it a day as always I just want to say make sure you use St code PG Jo films when you're buying roblux and to smash the like button and subscribe to never miss a video ever again peace out everyone I'll see you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: PghLFilms
Views: 273,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldi's basics, baldi's basics in education and learning, baldi, gangnam style, baldi mod, baldi's basics mod, baldi gangnam style, null gangnam style, playtime, principal, bully, gotta sweep, arts and crafters, 1st prize, baldi paperwork, paperwork, job fired, you're fired, baldi boss fight, fundamental paper education, miss circle, paper education, baldi vs miss circle, miss circle's attack, baldi and miss circle eat, baldi miss circle, fpe, roblox, roblox fpe
Id: 5ielhBUWItA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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