Misheard Lyrics in METAL! (Part 2)

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/tormentedforeternity 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
what's going on guys thank you guys for joining me today now i already did some metal misheard lyrics but there's just so many amazing ones out there i had to do a second episode here's another one's from psycho social this one i heard of and i just love it wow that is terrific i guess we know where slipknot sits on this debate huh let's cut the music out and see what we get jojo so i called jojo so i called jojo i guess i'd call jojo she next up we got night wish this is just brilliant like it goes on and on but that opening is just freaking brilliant [Music] ironically those are four of my favorite things i mean i don't actually like the dentist we'll do the metal test but i i guarantee we're not gonna get anything i don't get hooked up [Music] blocked in your country you know it's a good thing nordvpn is the sponsor for today's video you see i'm from canada i deal with this bs all the freaking time here's my solution just open up nordvpn and essentially just pick a country nordvpn has thousands of servers all over the world let's say i'm from hong kong and bam just like that i am now in hong kong or at least appear to be to the internet you see nordvpn takes all your online personal data and encrypts it so that it is invisible to anyone trying to get it and get this nordvpn has no data logging so nobody not even nord will know what you've been watching so go to nordvpn.com terryberry and use coupon code terryberry at checkout to get 68 off of a two-year deal with nord with four additional months free then you can completely forget about your fear of the hackers so now that nordvpn is on we can continue our video thank you all right how about some maiden yeah fear of the dark no no fear of the dark fear of the dog [Laughter] fear of the dark yeah that's duck alright yeah i have a phobia that someone's quacking here that sounded much funnier in my head come to think of it have you ever looked really closely to the album cover of fear of the dark fear of the dawn i have a phobia then someone's gonna peck me all right metal test see if bruce dickinson really is afraid of the duck [Applause] still not picking anything up that's that wasn't even like screamed fear of the duck what is happening i didn't say that at all fear of right next one is static x with their song fix see what we got here wow that was a mouthful i feel like those are the three key steps to success putting in jell-o drug tests banana sex that's basically the natural life cycle not the pudding and the jello drug test banana sex okay i can't do impersonations okay here's the actual lyrics don't like the actual lyrics at all and now we got parkway drive guns for show knives for a pro metal core got a little crazy with song titles back in the day but here's the missing lyric or no the misheard lyric race a dirty fart i don't think dirty farts are supposed to hurt uh i mean unless pikachu yeah fell out of there like what are the actual lyrics that is straight up a dirty fart oh it's returning for your heart you really have to be careful with the word heart the word fart cause you're always this far away from fart how is that returning for your heart no no that's a dirty fart and well let's see uh let's see what it actually is hard okay apparently it didn't say fart i was really hoping for a dirty fart there it is how about some hate breed that's a name i haven't heard in a while here's their song another day another vendetta or is it another vendetta i tried oh my god i'm trying not to laugh but i'm really mature [Laughter] like i can't hear anything other than that i hear what you want to hear but that's supposed to be vendetta that is not vendetta my friend that is a part of the female anatomy but let's see what the metal thinks of the uh uh yeah [Music] sorry i'm not sure what you said i'm pretty sure we said all right this next one isn't metal but we gotta throw uh a solid rock one in there it's ac dc dirty deeds and the what [Music] and i've heard millions of different ideas some of her dirty deeds and the thunder sheath dirty deeds and the jungle jeep the possibilities are endless dirty deeds and the dungeons yeah i definitely hear the thunder chief though let's give it the metal test and uh yeah see if this tickles your nipples [Music] this thing couldn't pick up a bad note to little wayne solo i'm close to getting up all right now we got winter sun epic power metal band with their song star child they're gonna give us a little insight to how the universe was made wowie that was probably the most epic balls i've ever heard [Music] weather winter sun should be teaching science lessons yes how is the universe made with our balls yes how was i made your dad's ball okay the actual lyrics are forming universes without walls much less epic [Music] yep nope don't like that sorry now i bet you've gone decades thinking metallica was saying sad but true you're wrong here's what he's actually saying [Music] wow that actually does sound like sand patrol how did i never hear that before even without music it kind of sounds like sand patrol [Music] all right now i know i know a lot of metallica fans don't like to talk about garage ink but chill out okay wait wait wait their cover of die die my darling has a pretty brilliant mr lyric check [Music] what just happened your preacher left and i bum-farted [Music] what is a tomato baby your preacher left in a bomb oh still farting carrots i see you preacher laughed in the bum fat you're a fart right now we got typo negative with black number one and i've never actually listened to typo negative so here we go [Music] that's a good solution can't go out because your boobs are showing dye in black no one will ever know or you know just wear a shirt [Music] yup i'm hearing boobs but again you hear what you want to hear right let's see what the metal hears though i am back this thing just doesn't care anymore i'm not plugging you in tonight how about some opath these okay let it speak for itself you have to try this best made taco of the earth the beans are diabolical [Music] let's give it the metal test mobile go bad that's what i'm saying you try to do the texas test and your mobile goes bad cousin thank you guys for watching subscribe and join my three mil sub club thank you guys for watching subscribe and join at three milsim curb [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Steve Terreberry
Views: 1,993,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stevie T, Misheard lyrics, Misheard metal lyrics, SteveTerreberry, metal misheard lyrics, part 2, misheard, misheard song lyrics, hilarious misheard lyrics, misheard lyrics part 2, fear of the duck, in metal, misheard singing, metal songs, wrong lyrics, Sad but true, Metallica, Dirty Deeds, Google Translate, heavy metal, misherd, djent, TTS, tts test, vocal test, Steve T, Wintersun, text to speech, singer, Slipknot, Wishmaster, sand patrol, more misheard lyrics, rock and metal
Id: NAmvlUGG_I4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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