MishDom Q&A ❤

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hi everyone cap Dom here and I asked you guys to send us some questions using hashtag ask mich and Dom do you have any funny stories or cultural misunderstandings that have happened between him okay so a lot of people think Dom is French he's not French he's Swiss he speaks French his father is Italian his mom is German so he's he's own melting pot he's a melting pot so you have lol we have in dr m dr is like LOL so lol means laugh out loud yeah and MDR means moldovia which means laughing so much - you die okay which of you is the most romantic well I don't know this year who would be the most romantic that's such a question to like you know get troubled in ago or something let's ask them questions are you you're gonna get into a fight it's it's Michelle she's more romantic I'm trying to avoid any fights here cuz your little magic being romantic is more about um small attention Stars sparkled through the year and then really one day something you can do every day every week or whatever what is the weirdest thing you each discovered about each other the weirdest thing are so many I can't bless one he is very meticulous on how his bathroom has to look after he showers I've never seen anyone take um a window wipers squeegee and squeegee and wipe down yet the entire glass after showering I mean this his bathroom is immaculately you can eat off of the toilet seat it's so it's just that it says I don't like when I'm about to take a shower and everything is not in order I just want to be able to jump in and just enjoy it why wait to two separate showers and it's also good if somebody comes in your shower never you know like a friend comes over yeah you want me to take a shower Boop he has a cane shower ah when it comes to food like just you know I was a little bit surprised at fish eyeballs and stuff like that I chicken feed but then I tried chicken feed actually very good it's it really is just a cultural barrier or something you know it's same thing I tried bugs in Thailand with family at first you like I am but it's just a matter of absolutely you know and it tastes good I think the small one was good the good ones I didn't let you every need like a giant spider a fried spider try it fried a nice wide fried it's okay I'll eat like a fried Nintendo controller I mean I don't remember where which country its raw eggs of spider when you bite in it they just come up let's consider a treat that's something I who can get a cookie from their forehead to their mouth fastest no hands so we have to balance it here okay I have a big friend agent yeah I have a big forehead so crab it's like already down line we both failed so let's move on to the next challenge let's see it's a tie okay um can you do the accent challenge oh okay the first one is Australian can have some water water please now okay French French accent well the French accent I can just speak for yes so tomorrow we are gonna meet in the district 15 it would be nice if you come like we nice if you come at five if you come at five around ok Spain good luck there watching you Don Spanish rice that's the Italian oh okay it's a lien getting dear Italian and you see uh I mean Jamaican llaman Java yeah Irish Irish I uh I'm somewhat of this the Irish accent yeah no one's more like that can you do bridge how can the drokken okay you still have cooking at your base whatever if a zombie apocalypse happened tomorrow what weapon would you choose and why if I have to choose a real one across boat cuz you don't run out of ammunition and if you do you can just use wood I would actually turn myself into a zombie I would do the whole makeup and I would just encourage wood don't roll myself in zombie blood and guts and can't even tell a difference Dom did you know Michele was famous on YouTube when you met no not a thing like no no I knew she was probably not from from Europe she was speaking obviously American America merica I just noticed she wasn't speaking French so I was like well she might not come back again that's it that's where I stopped other question do you guys ever fight if so how do you resolve it we do fight very rarely I would say once or twice a year we would maybe this year was a little more maybe this year was four when's the wedding are you sick of people asking that question oh my gosh how ironic it gave her that as my love no no no we're not sick of people asking asking us that question but it's very personal it's also very important for us and it comes it comes across our mind it comes because when you project in the future necessarily projecting to marriage wedding a family where we're going to live so sometimes we think about it we talk about it that's already a lot but that was the last question thank you guys so much for submitting these questions I feel like we have so much more to say than just you know about we want to talk about other things to that that are beyond just our little world that we live in so if you have some heavy questions and you'd like to know our opinions I'm kind of volunteering here but it's too late I did not set it I just want to go home please super smash I do too actually thank you so much for watching if you love you guys bye
Channel: Michelle Phan
Views: 3,079,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MishDom, Q&A, Michelle Phan, Mish, Dom, Dominique Capraro, AskMish, Makeup Tutorial, MichellePhan, Michelle, Phan, Dominique, Capraro, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Relationship, Dating, Makeup, Tutorial, How To, Beauty, Look, Ricebunny, Love, Michelle Phan Boyfriend, Boyfriend Tag, Questions, Interview, Cute, Couple, Cute Couple, My Boyfriend Does My Makeup, Husband, Married, Tag, Funny, Challenge, Accent Challenge, Accent, Ethnicity, Romantic, Tips, Personal, Vlog, Advice, Food, Boyfriend Tag Michelle Phan
Id: o5gH5d-DxfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 24 2015
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