Misha Mansoor tries the Brody Simpson Groove Pack!

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hey guys what's up Misha from ggd here and today we're gonna be looking over the Brody Simpson MIDI pack now this pack is awesome because I'm a huge fan of Brody Simpson this dude has some of the best feel out there he's an incredible drummer I was kind of interested to see what he would do for us and he ended up actually putting together these MIDI packs of songs if you will if we take a look at the groove player over here you'll see what I mean so he's got these 15 songs at different tempos right and they have a little description of what what they are over here and then he's got them separated into bridge chorus and trio pre and verse and each one with three variations so this is actually a super handy songwriting tool and I put together a little song which I'm gonna just put again and put together again in front of you right now just so that you guys can see how I went about writing I found this this pack to be really really inspirational and this one probably has has a lot more breath just because well the combination of how much he tackled but also this dude's ability for feel and you know like for example there is a where is it over here there's a septuplets thing here and at this tempo it might sound a little bit off but it's like [Music] five six seven one two three but like it's played it should line up to the bar that's really cool that's not the field I went for I figured I'd go for something a bit more Australian since he's Australian and he's got this DLC which I believe is supposed to be like dead blood or circus ish I always loved the feel of that band they're an awesome band and it kind of inspired some ideas so I mean let's just jump right in and do this I I see a song file I have my notes here I took notes on what what I used so we're looking at song five verse two right and that's pretty easy to find [Music] there's that little turn around there I really like that so again let's just drag down the track now one thing that I'll show you guys I'm doing before we start let's just drag that on to whatever here it's a very slight difference but and and I keep meaning to do a video about this but I've been just doing these these MIDI pack ones I've been kind of enjoying these videos I'm reinforcing these drums with with Lawren a massive again it's not super loud it's that you could you could go more crazy with this but I'm just reinforcing the kick and snare just sort of routing those out you know routing everything out to the same buses and they're all getting processed as if it's all part of the same kick not unlike what you would do if you were blending samples in or that's how I tend to blend samples and said they sort of sound like they if you process them on the same channel they sort of sound like they're part of the same kit so that's the only sort of difference I've got going because I've only got the kick and snare here and I've got the map like you know you're just gonna hear it added on when I just play the groove on the track but it's not like a massively drastic difference so it would be good for auditioning and then playing [Music] and I'll ask you to bear with the pops and clicks for some reason it doesn't like to play nice when I'm recording and trying to do this all in real time but one thing that I'm going to do just because this is something that I like we're just gonna bring these velocities down just just the hair so that we're sort of in that hunt 110 range you know that's the sweet spot for these find the drums are just a little bit more musical so I picked this kind of groove because I've been jamming around with like [Music] so let's see if we can start tracking that just get right into it [Music] yeah like a little Taylan that's a little different and for this for this tone in case you're wondering what I'm using I'm using X effects I'm using the Freedman be bitter drive a little bit of compression and for the cabs always using studios oh this is the setting of music I think it's based off the gentie setting so in case you want to copy this for your notes if you have an axe FX 3 you can get very close if not exactly to the same result using the fourth position on my guitar right now like it's kind of Spanky it's kind of an alternative to the and how about to just you know make things a little different from left right let's go 2nd position for the other side let's see how that sounds [Music] [Music] throughout the bat that's giving us a lot of energy right there like I really I really love the feel I mean if we look at this beat real quick you see like these hits aren't all exactly the same they aren't all the same velocity you'll see there aren't even necessarily lined up this is the push and pull of a drummer especially a really good drummer the really good feel that obviously you can program and then there's ways to replicate it's a real pain and it's very difficult to approximate that this is one of the things that you do get with the the MIDI packs that's super handy is you get the feel you could obviously always quantize it if you wanted to be right on the grade but this sounds like a drummer playing because of that those little micro early and late hits kind of working together and as I said Brody is a master of feel so he really he really dialed that in and I'm really happy with how that sounds so I think what this needs this is usually where I'll just kind of put some counterpoint to him [Music] and I like this push push clean and kind of crunchy tone we have here splits really well with this guitar so let's track that how about we tracked that with a quick [Music] and that's the kind of thing that well let's double it now but they'll work really well if we double that an octave below on bass kind of petered out the end there right [Music] and here's something that we can do so I had this note here variation with hats let's very quickly just build that variation I feel like this need this is I kind of closed off with the hats let's build into it with a variation that has open hats so this is very simple we're using the default map here because that's what the the grooves work for and you know you guys all have piano roles so this will be easy to show you but I imagine these are the hats right up just just like that now we have like this this open kind of driving groove which I like and we could just copy that over or no we can't because I did something silly sorry about that no we just duplicate that over by the way that's something I like to do is just leave the sort of beginnings on it makes everything kind of bloom into it rather than just sort of like if I delete this yeah just like that comes on like just all at once sounds way better like I'll just chop it there but that leave that that's where a little that beginning there so I think [Music] let's just grab a little bit more game here [Music] yeah I'll work sound like that we're gonna drop down on the bass as well actually just retrack and going into the next section I'd be good to go down there so that's already sounding pretty good so far it could be our first part I think the goal will be to get like a verse part pre-chorus and of course because that is most of what you need to make a song so if we move on says we're actually going to a different song for this part so song 13 what I have here song 13 pretty one I'm a big fan of these like kind of Tom grooves but doing them more and more lately that's it - 130 - are we crazy are we insane and I was kind of digging it for this vibe and I just like kind of put four chords to this but next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna bring down velocities just a little bit so they're in the sweet spot [Music] I think the only thing we're missing is pedal hat oh I didn't expect to hit that on my first try [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] and I kinda want it to stop well we'll change the will actually fix this ending right now like so actually gonna move that Joe slam like kicks right before a flame maybe [Music] and we'll get rid of this [Music] so little edits go a long way as you can see because I want that to end a little bit early and yes all right go ahead and track that [Music] [Music] oh and because I'm variations going we can't just double track or we can't just copy it [Music] should I do the other side on the second position or on the fourth position I need you guys to vote I don't know I'll wait both alright fourth position it is thanks for the vote guys [Music] very cool very good [Music] and although this is super low game the base is gonna give it so much energy and and you get this really nice open sound the notes all play well together so I was playing around with this kind of like lead melody over this and you'll see over here I've got my t-rex tape delay replicator I was actually just using the axe-fx when I was jamming around with this but we're gonna try this just see how it sounds I've got doing that sort of a quarter note triplet thing cuz it's awesome so let's let's play around and see what we get [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well now all the delay trails in the world but I think I think I have a pretty good idea of what I want to do there [Music] we may cut those delay trails we're in fourth position feel like second for the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right cool and the next riff is actually like the riff I was like jamming on and I have it in like a petal demo or something from the past cool that works it's actually here this sounds [Applause] [Music] she actually add some notes to this [Music] like cheeky little soft cakes like that anything maybe can reduce some if occasion since there's already filled this is my field setting here but we're we're kind of doubling down on that because there's already feel on this but give it a little more fit for more field that's how much more feel I'm giving it all right um it's an extra is I've been saying on this one for a while [Music] - than myself [Music] you [Applause] so knowing that it's like kind of this slower thing I wanted this slow a halftime thing but the cool thing is that like this this MIDI pack has the halftime things with a little bit of energy so this is actually called a half-time Deftones e post-hardcore which is probably the what this song should be called at this point because that's exactly what it is and it looks like I picked where's my notepad song 13 bridge - so I actually picked a bridge but there are no rules so it's like kind of this energetic halftime rather than just going for like the plain ol halftime like I usually would tend to program it and I think that that makes it you know this is at 100 it's a bit of a slower tempo can give it a bit more of a driving feel which I like we're gonna go in here we're gonna do the velocity thing write it down that I like and then pretty much go to jail if I don't add pedal hat to everything and um I don't know I just feel like I wouldn't do very well in jail if I'm honest with you guys I'm soft I'm a musician so we're just gonna go ahead and put the pedal hat in so that I can enjoy life on the outside and I'm gonna see if I can track this without messing up [Music] it's a good sounding beat with delay it always makes it treacherous doesn't it [Music] there's a little messiness there it might it might be finding the mix let's listen actually what's in the mix book [Music] [Applause] [Music] have a click just using the delay the guess [Music] [Applause] [Music] I do love real tape delays cuz they do that thing where it like kind of cuts out and warbles and whatever love it so I'm definitely gonna be use this for this one it's slightly more game on the other side just to change it up I find when I'm doing these sort of like rock post Rocky kind of vibes like uneven stuff always works out well it's even amazing I'm double tracking everything but I just haven't really figured out other parts that wouldn't crowd it so [Music] bring the delay level up a little bit a little bit of saturation [Music] [Music] well that's awesome I'm only recording the tail just so that loop well because the beginning of it needs to have the kind of delay trials you'll see what I mean if we loop in a second time over but [Music] great we could just loop that again we could just reinforce this with some heavy guitar is heavy yard guitars all right so let's just feed a little more game here why not yeah we're absolutely crushing it with the game right now [Music] it should sound pretty good and we're gonna do my favorite thing next which is let's try some octaves out I was fine like octaves are really cool because you can layer chords you can get some more depth out of it without actually making a chord that requires so many notes one that you can't play it and two as you have like distortion you add more and more notes the harmonics and all that can interact in bad ways or ugly ways so if you have octaves you could get more notes in and it'll still sound pretty clean you can even throw in cheeky power cords or clothes over the top if you so desire so let's experiment a little bit we experiment like starting on the beat [Music] [Music] okay cool [Music] [Music] it seems slightly different so we don't have too much of the same delay going on here replace this delay i like mono bucket bucket brigade delay BBD what do you think it stands for tell me in the comments and we are going to sync this up to the tempo think we're doing what court dot sounds about right and because it's in front of the drive it's gonna interact in the same way that that's been doing word plays along makes it very noisiest kind of the opposite of that old octave thing I told you about let's bring that up there bring some death [Music] it can be a bit cleaner got stereo track here so I want to play with like this melody that idea have over the top we can do it on the second half I don't know what do you guys think first position second position you need to vote in the next five seconds for Justin camis one alright second position it is thank you for your vote appreciate it [Music] let's go with that [Music] just in case we need it yes it's like kind of like a little ear candy melody thing here so I think this is already sounding pretty good we're kind of crushing through this I don't waste too much of your time but why don't we look at some bass [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right cool so let's start with the beginning I think we could just match [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so there we have it matching here we could just drop [Music] five string bass go down to a I believe which we're not going to use [Applause] let's try that cool we got the low-end filling that out nicely [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] probably keep that a little bit more planted [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] probably need another probably fill out that fill a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the eternal debate of whether you play it straight or not putting that to a vote that was an executive decision there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah we're gonna go actually drop the octave they're probably [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right so that's that's the bass there could be done there probably should end it there this has nothing to do with drum program but you know what I've got piano here just shout out to practice sounds we're gonna layer this actually layer this this thing here so I you know if this is boring to you you can just shut the video off now if you've gotten all you need about drums but I'm just gonna mess with this a little bit [Music] cool let's pattern that kind repeats [Music] [Music] that's that man riff just gonna little trick I've got my sustain pedal here [Music] it's like you played it [Music] all right glue that together [Music] [Music] I'm gonna let's grouping these together oh man I got put there by accident whoops yeah that's annoying that was you [Music] and and you can add my sustained point here because I think I did too early so I edit stuff and we can have realistic sounding piano what do we say [Music] and let's match that as well make sure you make a new lanes it's not crowded [Music] all right solo both of these so we can hear it [Music] [Music] actually we don't need to extend the note because the sustain pedals got us [Music] go up an octave [Music] all right listen to that [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and that's yeah that's a good start well this time the whole thing let's listen the whole thing and then we will call it fellas thank you so much for being patient enough to watch all of this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right well that's it thank you so much for watching guys and I will catch you next time
Channel: GetGood Drums
Views: 13,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ggd, getgooddrums, misha mansoor, brody simpson, drums, midi, djent, metal, prog metal, writing, jamming, matt halpern, adam nolly getgood, derya nagle
Id: T4aXzI6dzos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 49sec (3229 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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