Miraculous Ladybug tiktok completion that made Luka's eyelashes grow out pt.12! 🀣πŸ₯°πŸ˜ͺπŸ€”

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hello everyone my name is top and this is my presentation on why kagami is a lesbian number one look at her what lesbian doesn't look like her exactly number two marigami they're clearly dating and is obviously an in-game ship as you can tell from these examples moving on number three compete read the lesbian master doc number four she actually told me that she's a lesbian we actually are besties in real life as you can tell from this photo over here where that is me and that is marigami confirming that they are lesbians and are dating thank you for listening to my okay guys i have some exclusive behind the scenes secret miraculous awakening movie spoilers so keep watching [Music] tiki i can't talk to adrian today marinette you're a ladybug otg you're right marinette my name's not tikki but you should go talk to ajn open your mouth dude what do you think about marinette [Music] marinette she's just a friend friend friend friend fashion i would do anything for mr regress to even help him harvest his wife to spread my feathers anything brimley i'd even throw my son across paris for emily marinette doesn't love me so i just have me my guitar and i give you your house a fork what am i supposed to do with this devilize him hey bugaboo plague who turned you into a sock little kitty on a roof alone without his lady your hair is very your hair is very shiny what is your blood type plague close out [Music] cat alarm cataclysm i'm feeling a little more generous than usual today so cool down and we'll call it quits okay my theory is that gabriel's a piece of [ __ ] but emily was probably worse because keep in mind that adrian was forced to be homeschooled for his entire life but when emily like his appearance or whatever he is allowed to go to public school because natalie asked him to let adrian go like all it took was one ask and making his bodyguard go with him he was so chill about letting adrian go to public school also i have a theory about broken miraculouses and like keep in mind the peacock miraculous was broken and so she was the miraculous holder for the peacock so what if broken miraculouses kind of change your head space it like affects your moral senses in a way because like the miraculous holders are technically supposed to be good guys if a miraculous is broken it could like make them bad because like when alex like in the future when cat noir breaks her miraculous she goes back in time and sets herself into stone so that she could get the new miraculous from minnie alex she probably knew that if you have a broken miraculous it's going to change the way you think like emily had the broken miraculous and so she was also probably the one who forced adrian to be home how about you just keep your [ __ ] mouth shut [Music] [Music] hey cat noir what are you drinking the blood of my enemies kenora that's a nice chai okay can you let me live my life soul crusher spoilers um all i was thinking about when watching this episode is the fact that sabrina was in the closet literally but also figuratively you can't tell me that it wasn't a metaphor and some people will be like oh well she's straight she liked that guy from the new york special shut up she is at the very least a closeted bisexual if not a closeted lesbian okay you can't tell me otherwise i will be taking no criticism also this episode kind of made her and chloe's relationship even more sad because now she relates to a favorite crime by olivia rodrigo even more luca is the ob of miraculous the second choices will always be better they deserve the world they did them so wrong would i come to these characters for advice absolutely not they would probably give me advice that makes the situation 100 times worse oh my god i would trust this character with my life yes i would i would this character is the go-to for advice like they have so much knowledge so much wisdom yes yes you wouldn't think this character has good advice but they surprise you true oh my god you like to go out all the dates this is if miraculous characters were in the zombie apocalypse this character would not survive and in fact they would die immediately luka look listen you have the right heart buddy but you're just too kind for this you're too kind for this world this character would survive a little longer but they are scared out of their mind he is an old man this character just becomes like a ninja warrior they are on the field like hacking zombies oh this character survives but it's basically just luck adrian sir i have told you many times you are not the father miss bustier but it doesn't make sense are you cheating on me no i got a sperm donor because i love you but i would be embarrassed if my baby turned out like you i you really think the owl thing is that weird you are 50 years old and you act like you're eight well [ __ ] future season four episode predictions and what do i think is going to happen a whole bunch of season 4 spoiler warnings so if you don't want it you got to scroll away right now guys this season is going to be insane if we've been getting secret siblings daddy issues all in just the first half imagine what the second half is going to bring in the season finale natalie makes her first physical appearance in episode 13 which is exactly halfway of this season so i think she's gonna be in the season finale again and let's talk about the characters we've been ignoring lila where's lila guys i think lila is going to have a much bigger role in being a villain honestly i'm hoping that lila is hawk moth in the future also where is felix and let's talk about the pattern of naming episodes after the villains right the gabriela grass episode is named gabriela grast and in season three we had an episode named felix it sounds like felix is gonna be the holder of the peacock miraculous i don't know rina rouge is gonna start slowly replacing cat noir some things up with that ring felix stole and this might be the end of shadow moth it doesn't really matter because she never showed sounds like you and i both need a bit of cheering up tonight you've got your heart broken too yep [Music] hi adrian aggressive welcome to miraculous hot seat where i ask you a burning question and you have to tell the truth and for every truth you tell you get a hundred thousand dollars but if you tell a lie you go home empty and poor well i am a rich supermodel so it's okay yeah adrian's gonna lose all the money because he's a liar okay for the first question is your name actually adrian aggressed um are you okay um yeah this is just a hard question but yeah some people call me cat no no no yeah my name's adrian agrest okay the lights turn green for our second question we're getting deeper does your father really love you yes of course no oh that's gotta hurt but for our third and final question who is marinette come on stop it with the music she's lay marinette's lay just a friend who loves fashion dude seriously the lights turn red you lied you lost all the money but but marinette loves me y'all been kind of out of the loop with miraculous ladybug lately because bts had their comeback and i was absorbed in that but i opened instagram but this is the first thing i see oh my god he looks so good the animation looks so good i'm so excited for the freaking movie i just want them to release already look at him look at him yes yes oh my god yeah double homicide [Music] when you
Channel: Miraculous_Ladybug club
Views: 10,978
Rating: 4.8925371 out of 5
Id: KcVV_oZOCd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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