Miraculous Ladybug Miracle Box From Master Fu! Handmade Miraculous Jewelry and Kwamis Surprises

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[Music] I think Master Fu made a mistake making me the guardian of the miracle box Master Fu never makes a mistake you're an excellent Guardian Marinette besides I don't even know what to do you mean to tell me all the quamis are inside this little box aren't they a little cramped in there oh not at all it's a whole parallel world in there oh I don't know Tiki I don't know the first thing about being a guardian I'm having a hard time being ladybug as it is what W what's that oh I forgot to mention one thing since you're the new Guardian the miracle boxes like you now what's that supposed to mean uh you'll see Hello T ey miraculous Wy book you get a miraculous run what's a miraculous run uh it's a minisize version of you and she helps you just like I do uh-huh uh-huh I help you because you're now the guardian of the miracle box now uh where's your kwamis oh no she's right where are all the kwamis great first day has the guardian and I've already messed up and lost all the quamis hwm moth is going to have a party he'll have all the quamis and the whole city of Paris will be destroyed ah ah fear not that is why I'm here the milal Box comes with me as your helper every hwami gets a one size helper like me there being that you're the new guardian and all and I can help you find all the quaries you can yes we I can starting off with a a big old Mille box that's tiny uh what me abadaba and mirac bag sham wonderful it's here but the smaller miraculous box is still here never mind that you still need the bigger one to store all of your maaku whes and the kwamis and uh-huh mhm I helpful see oh right proceed all right uh uh mini ladybug maybe you can tell us where the quamis are now yeah we still don't know where the quamis are that's the important part hold your horses hold on I've got you covered you got the miracle box first and now there's a second here it is everyone's here uh thank you mini ladybug but that's just a picture of me yeah that's just ladybug and it says Merry Christmas it's not Christmas and your point is well I guess what Tiki means is just it's not Christmas oh boy looks like my work is cut out for me here you really need my help more than I thought it's not a picture of you here turn it around and look at that we've got all the quaries all right now let's get to work there's a lot of organizing to do you're the new Guardian so let's get to it okay looks like ladybugs got a lot of big responsibilities we've got a lot of things to unpack for her starting off with our new Miracle box since Master Fu made Marinette the new guardian of the miracle box it has changed a little bit it's turned a little more into an egg so let's go ahead and open up our little new Miracle egg box and get some of our miraculouses and quamis in there wa look at that that is one nice looking Miracle box now we just have to organize all of our miraculouses and our quamis in the right place so the old Miracle box looked like this when Master Foo was the guardian now we've got ladybug's Miracle box but first we have to get our quamis in check let's get all of the quamis out that we have in here looks like we have 24 doors here let's get inside door number one it's right over here which kwami will be unboxing here it's fuzzy long and he's a keychain it looks like he's covered in snow now let's look for door number two where is it there it is here's fuzzy sass sass is our snake kwami who usually uses the snake kwami his name starts with an l number three where could it be it's right over here who have we got we've got kelky the horse miraculous next up we are looking for four we're going to go in order down here is four which quami are we getting in here oh it's only ladybug but Christmas Version let's do five it's right over here number five is our goat Ziggy and now we're looking for number six let's go for number six what's in here it's shuo our monkey seven we have cat Noir in his Santa hat eight oh no what happened to our rooster it's Oro what happened to oro's Rooster man it broke it's okay Oro we will glue that back on there it might be this way is it this way I think it's it's that way Puerto Rico number nine where is it where is it there you go right here it's our puppy dog bark 10 we have our Pig kwami it's Daisy 11 let's go for this right here it's our peock kwami and you know who has this hwk moth Poor Little Deuce but she will be united soon hopefully with the rest of her friends let's see number 12 who else do we have we have Roar our Tiger kwami 13 is all the way up here let's see what was in here is it a Christmas themed one yep it's plag he's eating a candy cane what not cheese the stinky cheese that he likes so much here's 14 here's Nuru Nuru is also held captive by hawk moth his hidden identity is Adrian's dead Nuru is our moth 15 is over here on the side it's our Mouse mulu get squeaky 16 is up here it's tricks who usually gets the fox it starts with the letter A next let's find 17 we have another Christmas themed charm it is Tiki she's getting festive 18 is right here we have our little ax it is stomp this is kind of a hard one who usually gets Stomps miraculous 19 is over here here is Waz Waz is our little turtle we are on 20 20 is right here and here we have plag cat Noir is quami 21 is up here we have another little Christmas charm says miraculous 22 is also up here and we have our bunny fluff 23 is right here it's pollen RB and our last one is 24 right over here it's Tiki we get a fluffy version of tiki now that we have all of our quamis it is time to get them inside the miracle box starting off with ladybugs miraculous right on the top Tiki spots on we have marinette's earrings she'll need those to transform into ladybug now let's turn over here to the catpaw for cat Noir plug claws out it's cat noir's ring let's get that right in here for him next let's do pollen pollen buzz on we have the B miraculous it's the hair comb and how about the dog miraculous bark on the hunt here goes the dog miraculous it's a choker that goes around the neck let's get it inside the miracle box now let's do the snake miraculous sass scale Slither it's a snake bracelet it gives the wearer the power of Second Chance let's get it inside the miracle box now for the pig miraculous Daisy Rejoice this anklet gives you the power of Jubilation here it goes right where it belongs now for the rooster miraculous orico Sunrise orico miraculous is these two rings with two hearts the wearer puts it on like this to get the power of the rooster here it goes in in the miracle box and now for the power of the ax that's stomp's job stomp let's charge it's a nose ring with studs now for the power of the mouse mulu can fill in for that mulu get squeaky perfect we have the Mouse necklace let's fit it right in here and now for the fox tricks let's pounce that's another necklace it looks like a fox tail and we've completed the top layer now let's move down to the bottom layer of the miracle box you done yet oh the chewing it's so loud mini buug my bed you've got crumbs all over it yes shall we what was I supposed to do I mean this is so boring for me and it's taking forever all right according to to mini buug we need to hurry up so let's go ahead and get to the bottom of the miracle box let's flip this over actually can we flip it I mean I would think you could flip it over I don't see why there would be a problem so why don't we do that let's just flip it over here and we shall go through the miraculouses like this first off we will begin with the tiger miraculous that is Roar how do we Act activate Roar Powers all we have to do is say Roar stripes on and we've got our miraculous it's this really cool bracelet and ring set this is how it's supposed to go oh looks like I've got jica's powers Roar straps on in you go let's see if it fits oh no it's a little snug I think this going to fit do I have to make de cuz it's not going to fit in there there you go wonderful W all righty now let's go for the monkey miraculous and that's shuo shuo Showtime here's our miraculous headpiece it's actually in miniature form but this is definitely not going to fit in there either our little miraculous box has shrunk in size tiny tiny tiny so we shall leave that like that and trap it in there like this let's see if it holds it oh and now we have our bunny miraculous that is fluff fluff clockwise fluff has the power of time travel and now it's time for our Turtle miraculous weaz shell on here's Way's [Music] bracelet and now let's turn this right side up we have oh our Horse let's put that right back in there it's KY Kealy full Gallop oh I'd really like to see how this fits in there caly has some cool glasses and they're foldable ones we know they're activated because of the lights on the bottom now if we go like this and we try to get this in it's not going to budge there you go that's good enough let's turn turn it around to our Dragon miraculous spin it over and we have long long is usually given to kagami Long bring the storm here's another necklace you wear this around your neck to get Long's Powers oh this one popped right out let's put that right back in there the best we can and get this inside the dragon SE ction turn it around and shut the door so our kwami doesn't escape and now we are on the goat miraculous who is our little goat it's Ziggy Ziggy bleed it here goes are horns these are worn in your hair to get Ziggy's Powers it's actually nice these fit in there for a change now we have our moth miraculous this is Nuru Nuru Dark Wings arise oh well that's rather tiny anyhoo it'll work nonetheless we have our moth Wings this is our brooch to get nurus powers and finally we have our last miraculous it's the peacock and the peacock is usually with who Natalie Doo spread my feather perfect now we save Nuru andu from Natalie and Gabriel aggressed AKA HW moth here we go right where they belong now the miracle box is complete yay except we can't close some of them but it's okay it's a slight little fact we can Overlook well not so bad for an egg I'd say woohoo we're done finally mini buug you left the chips on my bed you're going to have to clean that up a fact that I forgot to mention is that the little runs that come with the new Miracle box are a handful and they'll need a lot of training oh we're definitely going to need to set some rules since you're going to be here a lot more now okay fine I'll clean up after everything I've done I've got you a even Bigg old Miracle box and everything with all the quamis I'm going to guide you on all your missions and everything sorry mini buug you still have to clean your mess up go okay well I hope you guys enjoyed unboxing and organizing all of our miraculouses into our new Miracle box and also meeting minibug and making our feel welcome yeah I still feel welcome you're doing just great mini buug until next time I will see you later bye for now [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Cupcake Squad
Views: 45,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miraculous ladybug, miraculous ladybug master fu box, miraculous jewelry box, miraculous ladybug miracle box in real life, miraculous ladybug miracle box toy, miraculous ladybug miracle box handmade jewelry hand kwami surprise from master fu, miraculous ladybug miracle box transformation, miraculous ladybug miracle box from master fu, miraculous ladybug and cat noir, lol surprise dolls miraculous ladybug, cat noir
Id: ChFOjYwJgSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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