Miracles Do Happen

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as jesus said you know it is the spirit that sets you free not all that the laws and the commandments and everything are very important and the discipline of the church and everything but you know it's empty if you don't really have the spirit of jesus that brings life just like putting a fire on and from the tabernacle i heard these words you have my gift of healing go and use it and now focus on the immaculate heart presents miracles do happen [Music] uh so i was wondering before we get into the the beautiful ministry that the lord has called you to of this ministry of healing and bringing the power of christ to so many people if you could share with us and our viewers uh your own personal story of how you encounter the love of christ in your life i think the first encounter that i experienced was realizing that people i was dressed in a religious habit and young parents would come to me expecting me to introduce them to jesus and one of my my sicknesses that i had was i had been in a hospital for a long time in ireland with rheumatoid arthritis and the reason i came to florida was because the climate was supposed to be very good for arthritis otherwise i would never have been in america my mother general thought because i was on a lot of treatment well the sunshine there would be a really big help well now you could look at that two ways there was sunshine but there was terrible humidity and i was in a full surge habit and you know i was getting worse but now looking back i think the sun in the sky was not what helped me with the son of god amen and it was during those years when i was you know partially crippled and and one part of me was being challenged to you know parents tell me their marriage stories about their and to ask me to pray for them and i'm thinking when i go into a grocery store and these parents will see this young irish nun that said to me you really must love jesus a lot to give up everything i used to think i don't love them that much i do my work i do other things but i had my passion and it wasn't until in 1969 i came in contact with what those days was the pentecostal movement but i was scared of it i was not going to get involved in any of that because i was from ireland where were very you know we we go to football stadiums and all and show all our emotions but you know you pray you're very very oh yes and in florida we a lot of healers and all kinds of people doing things you don't have to say i'll never get into that i'm thinking that wouldn't be my style but wouldn't you know it that i went to a retreat and the first encounter i had was with these beautiful migrant workers mexican americans and i'd never seen such enthusiasm and faith in the catholic church and here i was a nun and i'm looking at them and i'm thinking that wouldn't be my cup of tea and you know i think god was convicted to me that i had become professional all the external things i did but inside i didn't have this enthusiasm you know for the gospel because i think we were more conscious of rules and regulations and while you need them yet as jesus said you know it is the spirit that sets you free not all the the laws and the commandments and everything are very important and the discipline of the church and everything but you know it's empty if you don't really have the spirit of jesus that brings life just like putting a fire on you and so i was getting more frustrated here i was partially crippled and i was a young nun after taking my final vows and the first retreat i had in america when i came was from a priest who told us we might have a part-time vocation and he left three weeks later and so all this was in my mind and i go to this retreat so i went on a retreat to orlando i didn't know what to expect but i wanted the holy spirit i'd heard that that's more important than any gift to look for the giver so i planted myself in the front pew at the retreat and father kind of gave a beautiful talk and then he ended up we were at mass and its homily he talked about the importance of having the power of the holy spirit in your life now i was born on pentecost sunday and my mother always said that you know she had no girls and she prayed and that this gift came a pentecost on them the only girl and anyway as he's speaking he's saying you know i'm going to pray with you all now and you just whatever you feel the lord wants to give you well i'm at the front seats enough he would pray with me this priest i know whatever it is i'm looking for i will get and i heard just an inner voice saying no seek me because there is a danger that you follow people thinking they're going to give it to you and at that moment i realized the only person who can give me what i'm looking for is jesus but he can use the medium of the priest so i close my eyes as he comes down to start praying with people and i'm saying come on now jesus please please let him come to me so to pray with me and again that voice said seek me so i i put my hands i said jesus i just want to know you i just want to experience you and as i tell all the priests and people i work now you could be praying to win the lotto and you could be praying to do all kinds of things that's not god's will won't do you any good but i knew at that moment that what i was praying for wasn't something that was extraordinary or that god couldn't give me because that's actually he wants to give me so at the moment i said those words i felt this hand on my head and i thought my he's like a kangaroo because he's away over the other end of the church and i'm sitting here and i thought he had laid his hand i opened my eyes to discover that i was being healed i had you know my feet were in cast for two years i had these raw i was in really not good shape physically because i was going to have to as a young man take medication for the rest of my life because i was going to be in a wheelchair they told me and the doctor in florida was always saying to me i can give you something to ease the pain so he put me on cortisone and all kinds of drugs well at that moment the physical was happening i i said when people say i don't believe in miracles i said well unless you experience this different story you know so it went down through my body but it was almost i described in my book you know miracles to happen that it was like a banana being peeled because i felt as this power went through me that i was being liberated that something was happening inside me and as it i'm sure put a language on as it came to my heart i fell in love with she he was as real to me as you are and even more i jumped up me that didn't like emotional demonstrations and i i started singing i haven't a note in my head and tone deaf and i'm sitting beside a doctor and he's looking at me think this catholic i'm very you know all dressed in my habit and he's looking at me says are you all right sister i tell don't worry about it well i'm up singing and i'm free of pain and when he said this to me i looked at him and i said i said look at me he was real of course it was it was a tremendous experience and i just had the most wonderful spiritual experience with the physical fader until i went back to my doctor he was not catholic but when he when i walked in he looked at me and said what happened to you sister because you know if physical healing doesn't is only an external because i kept thinking and that moment you know the thing about the holy spirit is that he doesn't need time to fill you with the knowledge and show you because all the things that happened to me in a moment like that my vocation i heard the lord in my heart didn't hear a voice but it's not your gift it's my gift to you what you do with it is your gift back to me and this went on all kinds of in an instant and that i never had any doubt about anything in in my faith if that doesn't keep going you have to it has to grow in you but i went to the doctor the following like monday and i told he said to me what happened to you so he took tests you know blood test urine does all the things you would do to see with the rheumatoid arthritis which i had and he put his head in the destiny start to cry he was really moved he had said he had never experienced this but he believed in jesus and he took my charts and everything was clear anyway so i start my journey and i'm a great believer that you can't live on the past experience it's like that's the spark but then you have the responsibility of keeping the spark growing and it's hard for people to trust in jesus if they don't know him and i say this and they think that you're naive they'll say oh no you're naive but the horrible things are going to happen and i keep saying i know but there's always remember the final battle is one jesus won the victory so he only asked us to do our part we can't save the world he already saved that he already give us well anyway i went back and i started to pray but i had one big fear you know what it was of healing because you know people hear your heels and they automatically start thinking that you you have the gift of healing and that you know and they start following and i thought i don't want names on i mean faith eaters and all these names that people call you right i didn't want any part of that did you also worry that about the jealousy that would come as well if the lord was going to give you this gift from other religions and christians worried you know the lord had a lot more to do with me because the initial experience that started it but then he was going to show me all the things that still needed cleaning out on me so i said i'm never going to tell anybody i was healed except my nuns and the teachers because the teachers couldn't figure out in the school i taught in tampa well all of a sudden i was able to run and do things with the kids so they would say what happened your sister brings you underway in a weekend and you're totally different anyway every day i would pray but i'd say now i'm not telling those charismatics or anybody i have the gift of healing i have i've been healed because they've been tributing things and i don't want any names tagged on to me i love teaching and it's none of their business i convinced myself i'd say stop this business anyway who wants to know that i was here so i i worked in a prison i i mean i did things like after school on weekends we go to the prison and i look back and i think the thing i started a prayer group i knew nothing about it but i started a prayer group with the youth and i was very involved i came from one day not known any but renewal to another day been praying with people and talking to people and about jesus and all but never said anything about healing so it comes to pentecost sunday and my parish priest who was a really good man but he was one of those cynics you know what character and he'd said to me breach because he knew i was healed and all that happened as well he said how is god i'd say he's wonderful when did you talk to him and then he'd say to me now you watch those charismatic because i mean you know there's all kinds of things you know that hear god and everything and i hear voices and i used to say you know what i'd laugh back at him but i never fought him because i thought he doesn't really know what i experienced but you know what put it in my head because on pentecost sunday i'm in the chapel no i'm in my room at the convent and about quarter 11 at night on the eve of pentecost i get this idea i didn't hear any heavenly voice i got this idea going to the chapel and pray i thought to myself pray quarter to 12 all the nuns are in bed and i could pray tomorrow and this same parish priest used to say weed of him up at 6 30 and i was celebrating masters at the conference he says you know god looks as good at it why do you have to be so early well anyway i'm telling god tomorrow morning i'll come in and make a holy hour but i couldn't get it out of my mind you know you hire something go do it now so i'm going to the chapel a little small chapel and i'm sitting in there and this silence comes upon the chapel and the next thing that happens is that i start hearing a voice and i'm thinking of my monsignor i'm getting this voice that he talked about and all the voice it was a still profound silence in the chapel and from the tabernacle i heard these words you have my gift of healing go and use it and i said i listened and i was fl i was really shocked so i said listen jesus i don't want any gift of healing now you keep it yourself i knelt down i said a prayer and i left i told jesus no in certain terms that i want this the next day was pentecost sunday never told any of the nuns told nobody because i thought there's no way i'm going to tell anybody because they think i'm losing my crazy yeah crazy hearing voice is what monsignor had said i go to there was a big meeting for pentecost and this nun holy name sister nelly says came over to me and why she said oh you know bridge there's a little boy here with a very severe deformed foot and would you join me would you would you pray and i was about to tell him her about the night before and something stopped me so i just prayed with the prayer you know the child and i left for california and then for to go to study never today well i did find out that the child was healed completely now it wasn't my faith i'll tell you josh because i mean i said short prayer and left but just to end this part of the story i went to california and sitting beside me was a clergy man in a gray suit but i didn't know who he was or anything so in the middle of the meeting we stopped and this man turned around and he said to me he put sand to me then he said sister i've never spoken to a roman catholic nun before but you have the gift of healing you know you have it god spoke to you about it and i'm looking at him and he told me that he was it wasn't and i'm thinking now he's not a catholic so i'm looking at him think uh he would how would he know then i thought he's a mind control reader he must read minds and i'm debating this as he's talking to me and then he looked at me and he said well didn't you hear god i said listen i'm a roman catholic nun and there's no way and i started telling all the reasons i couldn't accept the gift of him because my mother general and the bishop and everything and he just sat there looking at me with the most penetrating eyes and went all finished he says he says well he says you have a choice to follow god's will or to listen to the people of the world just like that and he said tell me what happened to you in your chapel just like that and i honestly don't know whether he was a pastor of some protestant church but i don't know whether he was an angel or a read person because i thought at that time i didn't understand the power of the spirit but i had said to god it back when when this thing happened to be in the chapel listen lord i'm not telling anybody but if you want you can tell people i went to a conference in los angeles with some of the sisters were going to and he um during that time just very briefly i went to a false prophet because somebody said to me oh there's somebody can tell the future and boy did i learn he was demonic what's the way that that people can discern between a false prophet of the uh from the enemy in the true prophet of the lord i have come to realize josh that we are living in a world this present day that there are many false prophets there are many false visionaries there are many false executions and i i can only tell you that i believe that the person the person themselves the first call is to holiness is to humility is to a love and humility means that you're not out looking for the attention to yourself that you're not um trying to lure people with one of the things that bothers me and i've learned through experience that when you find people who want you to put aside the word of god and to take their words or to follow them you have to always be careful who are the magnifying who's behind us and satan one of his ploys is to bring us away from truth is to bring us to listen he clothes part of truth and it's like giving you an apple it looks all rosy on the outside but it says rotten now how do you discern well my my way now is to follow the way of the church there's things go on that are wrong in our church but my faith is not built on those people my faith is between jesus christ and you know in in times people worry about what's going to happen the future of the catholic church and i always say for 2 000 years in faith and mars the church has never that's the guarantee we have now the later on i got the five hour insight and to the to what ordination was again i wasn't i never thought of this we'd become very critical of the priesthood because priests were leaving and i went into the chapel one day and i said jesus what's wrong with the priesthood and a voice answered me and said what do you mean have i ever given a gift that is not perfect how have you thanked me for this gift and at that moment he said now i'm going to show you the ordination of a priest and for six hours i sat and wept and josh i couldn't tell you on it on a tv just you know a program it would take me weeks months years because what i saw before me was the most unbelie i think i was brought to the other side of all the beautiful things we see on the altar the bishop there laying hands and you know to the world it doesn't mean a thing but if you see it from heaven's perspective and what god is doing to one of his own creatures that he is sharing the most precious gift that no human being is worthy of not even the bishop of the pope and that day after i said i wept i was in such uh i couldn't believe that that the holy trinity would do such an act in in a man who is he god didn't call ancients he didn't call men who didn't have a normal sexual life who didn't have the normal weaknesses when you look at the apostles and that day i became very aware and i was very conscious of the what was what i was seeing immediately after showing me the whole inside of the priesthood the lord then showed me a crisis coming and he showed me a first of all a sea of darkness and he showed me that that there was a big responsibility it it's like a prophetic word that i must go out and speak to the laity about priesthood that i must recognize that the priesthood isn't made in and and nurtured in a world that is on a role of to destroy us and i walk out and from the from where i was sitting i got to the door this anointing of love for the priesthood came over me and i know it's like a mother whose son may be the biggest criminal but he's her son and she'd say underneath it all he's a good boy well i was able to see that the priesthood is not what is all these terrible offences that this sin that's all sin but it's not the priesthood because the priesthood is is a gift of god it is it's the priesthood of jesus the vessel may be sinful but you see jesus never expected them not to be sin but he did give them the promise that he would be with them so since then i have ministered all over the world i met father my father kevin scala who was also in a ministry to priests so both of us now have been around the world five times so today um and you asked me we were talking about sickness and pain you know i'm after having the awfulest virus that has kept me out of ministry until now for this last six months i was in the mayo clinic i was in a hospital for two weeks i got meningitis some time ago i had a terrible twitch my fifth and let me tell you josh that in both of these scenes i used the gift of medicine i got anointed i prayed i'll tell you about the thing in my face i had this awful twitch i'd go to doctors and say too much caffeine well you just have to offer something maybe you have in your family and i got fed up of this in florida i sat at adoration and i said now listen jesus i'm fed up of this i can't forget my face is going and it was getting worse to go away and come back said now jesus there's three questions i'm going to ask you please find a doctor for me that can find out there has to be something wrong with me secondly if you don't find a doctor cure me yourself like you did my feet and thirdly if it's not your will then give me the grace to offer it up because sickness can do one of two things it can make you bitter or it can make you a saint like pope john paul ii we saw how he became the suffering christ amen but what did jesus say to me and i heard it clearly from the host go see a neurologist so i came out and met one of the nuns and i said you know this i am i'm to see a neurologist she said who told us himself in here jesus so i went a doctor got me a neurologist i walk in after 10 years if nobody tell me what's wrong and she looked at me she said sister i know exactly what's wrong with you and i said can you cure me she said well there's two cures are permanent and um temporary i said we'll give you the temporary first she said botox i said what i said am i catholic no no i can't have botox i said my mother general would have a stroke here now every three months ago and get botox second thing was brain surgery i said really so i had no fear she told me what she thought was wrong i had a nerve and a a a blood vessel and a nerve they fused together fused together and the blood vessel kept pulsating on the nerve and wore all the skin often just give me a twitch would have gone down my body and then it would go to the pain nerve and i'd i'd be a basket case so she said you can go on a brain surgery i said fine i'll have it i came out and i told father kevin and my secondary jacket they said are you crazy you're going to brain surgery so i went to have the brain to make a very long story short i went to shan's hospital in florida told nobody the mother general never told my family anybody except the sisters i lived with i said because they'll have me dying and i brain this and that so i went in i had a big bone taken out of the back of my head so i have a hole in my head back here and i had he cut through the blade he couldn't go keyhold search so he cut into the brain he separated the two and they kept telling me he's very serious you know you could easily end up paralyzed or not able to all these things they have to tell you the worst things and you see they were telling me this and at the same time i was saying well now jesus you don't make mistakes so i went in i had the operation i came out and i'm lying in the room that put me in and written on the ceiling and beautiful color was miracles do happen just believe and i thought you know i have a book that's in 37 so she told me seven years ago a little boy was in this room and he was healed and said that's up seven years and that was my sign two weeks later i was home and back at work but you know during that time of suffering i went through the dark night and i say to people who suffer don't feel bad when you find it hard to pray because your body is your prayer i would go into the tabernacle i just cried and i'd say jesus i can't pray i i just offer this suffering please heal me and there was the big fear which every person must get during sicknesses i'm almost afraid to say god if it's your will because there's the tear there to want to say it but afraid of the suffering i remember lying in tampa general hospital and the words going through my head you every person must enter a school of suffering whether it's the physical the mental whatever it is but you can do two things so what i did it was the only new thing i knew i sat in the chapel and i used to cry to god and i used to say you know please god if it's for you give me the give me the strength to suffer it but i learned never to say it to people oh you know it's easy and you can join it's a struggle yeah sickness is not it's part of original sins partisan but what we do with it and that's why the only thing we can do is cry out to god i had a brother i have a brother who's for ten for nine years has been suffering terrible cancer pain smoke 60 cigarettes a day and his most beautiful spirit he never complains and i was saying here i am and i took so i tried everything but the lord gave me the grace and that's why i'd say to suffering people you'll go through your darkness but stay close to jesus even if you can't pray just take a picture of the divine mercy and look at it and just say jesus please that's a prayer i learned your body prays when you're not able to pray especially in the suffering so there's a redemption with our suffering at times we will never know the people that are in heaven because of what how we have taken them on this is why intercessory prayer is so powerful people say oh i'll pray but i don't think you know sister would you pray because you'll get it and you and i say but you must believe if you're praying for your son or daughter i could tell you millions of stories but i can't on conversions through intercessory prayer i mean i prayed with somebody in scotland for somebody in ireland and the day i prayed and they were miraculously healed in a hospital thank you so much mr breech thank you god bless you thank you very much and i pray for you thank you hello pilgrims this is guy murphy on focus on the american heart and i'm so excited to announce to you our release of our new website focustv.org you're already familiar with the great quality programs that focus tv has given you for many many decades even and we're also spiritually merging with total years pilgrimages that brings you to all the wonderful places of grace throughout the world especially where the blessed mother is appearing the focustv.org website will also have a live channel where you could help our ladies try for mac and heart by joining us in daily prayer nine o'clock and 12 30 with the rosary and three o'clock for the chapel of divine mercy the website will allow you to include your personal prayer intentions because god is the answer so as we spiritually pilgrimage together we'll see you at www.focustv.org god bless be sure to like us on facebook [Music] download our free focus tv app
Channel: Focus On The Immaculate Heart
Views: 7,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AY4v0mrSBYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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