Minwax High Performance Wood Filler (Epoxy Resin)

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hey there YouTube friends today I'm going to be giving a little bit of a real-world working demonstration of men waxes high-performance wood filler actually let me kill some overhead noise here okay hopefully that'll be a little better this is an epoxy based two-part wood filler from men wax it is a base resin and then a hardener you'll notice the size of the tube is quite drastically different than the size of the can this is a 16 to one mixture of hardener to wood filler a couple of quick things to note here number one make sure that when you're using this product or any epoxy based product it's a good idea to wear a respirator I'm currently not wearing one and won't be through the duration of this video but it will be a pretty quick video so I should be okay this product is incredibly good for all kinds of different types of wood repair and fill some things the note though is that the open time for this product is extremely short when I say short I mean we're talking I want to say the can says don't mix anything that you can't use in ten minutes and I would say and that's at room temperature right now we are at I don't know it looks like about 84 degrees here in my shop it's a little warm but this is about the temperature I normally work at given the higher temperature I'd say you're open times about five minutes so from the time you mix this material to the time you better be done putting it on whatever you're doing you have about five minutes but if you plan ahead and you do a little bit of prep work it's a it's a really great product and then there's a lot of forgiveness as well in terms of what you can do with this product after you've applied it I'm going to turn over here I've got a 1930s era side light here that I'm doing a complete strip and restoration of it will be painted so I don't really have to have it completely stripped back but it's been sanded soda blasted stripped I've used multiple passes of acetone on it to try and get up additional oils and you'll see that I've started the process of filling in the holes that have been left over years of being nailed and and panes replaced all kinds of work that's been done on this side light there's actually a set of two the other one I've already prepared and sanded so I'm actually going to start out the video by showing you what this material looks like and how it reacts after you've applied it I'll do the application here in a moment I put this on probably 20 minutes ago and within the first half an hour it's it's incredibly malleable even to the point of being almost like a carving clay so once you apply this you can come back and do any kind of scraping or cleaning very easily without a lot of not having to generate a lot of dust sanding so I tend to overfill the holes see there I missed I guess I should get the camera in a position where it's my first time using this rig so so I tend to over apply and then using my scraper can scrape back there's a couple of holes here where I'm going to have to fill them again to quite get them filled that's okay it does happen so once you've applied this you can go back and kind of using a scraper this is a hide scraper by the way which if you're interested this is an incredibly useful tool comes with like four different blades I think you can pick it up on Amazon for 14 bucks I'll put a link in the description for it it's really awesome just because you have the ability to change out these heads to different things I found this particular head to be incredibly useful for a large percentage of the work that I do and in furniture restoration and various types of woodworking and looks like I got a little bit of epoxy down inside here so we'll clean that out a little bit so that it'll fit back on there properly all right so back to our video here get that lock down so you can see this material once it's once it's fully cured is in the first like I said in the first 30 minutes to an hour it's still pretty malleable easily sandable in fact you can totally take a sander and do exactly what I'm doing with the scraper to get rid of these layers accidentally put a little bit too much thickness on there so I'll probably just sand that out and it's almost like wood bondo if you want to try to draw conclusion as to how it works sometimes you'll need to make multiple passes my per instance this corner it had a big nick in it so I put a base coat on there I need to kind of rebuild build up this corner a little bit so I'm going to take it I'm going to shave it back looks like I've got a little spot there I'm try to zoom in so we've still got a little bit of work to do on this I'll scrape that back some more here's a big cut looks like somebody cut it with a saw at some point probably when they were putting in trim or some thing and so we'll fill that in you can see that we'll just have a little bit of additional fill to do there and we did this all the way down the length of the side light there are going to be times when you'll put down this stuff this particular spot was right towards the end as the material was hardening and you'll find sometimes that you'll miss spots and you just come back and hit it again so now I'm going to go over here to my mixing station and I'm going to kind of show you guys how I mix this material and the right sized batches for the type of work that I'm doing so in this case I actually need to flip this over we've already kind of gotten that side so now we're going to work on the other side I've already taken a dremel tool and worked into all of these various spots that need to be filled and kind of see these a lot of these are big gouges and holes that were the result of being nailed in and pulled out and nailed in and pulled out some of them are pretty sizable especially along the edge frame where it was when it was nailed into the doorframe so that's what we're going to be filling we're going to be filling all the surface holes we can locate and then we'll flip it up on its edge and address some of these these additional gouges in the wood that will need filled I'll do my best when I'm working here to try and keep the camera on my hands I'm using a little adapter that holds the camera for me while I'm working so I can show you guys what's going on so to start out with let's not mix up our new tube in our old to which ones which it's kind of important because you need exactly the right amount of this stuff so that's 23 grams I was 17 so this is the one that goes up the tube with Berta got open so we'll put this over here this is a whole nother container and I haven't even used yet I usually keep a can of this stuff around a little bit goes a long way meaning that you know you pay 15 bucks for this can and in you know shop like mine where I'm doing restoration work like say for instance here's a baby crib that I'm working on from the 1960s Disney characters I may have used you know probably 40 grams of this material over the course of the entire project now these side lights I've probably used almost half a can but that's just because we have so much so much repair that needs to be made in order to make these paintable so a couple of things from a tools perspective you've got the resin that comes in the can and you've got the hardener like I said earlier the the resin is not really temperature sensitive but it is it does have some some type of high v OC chemical that makes it incredibly stinky this stuff is I mean I can only do a batch without a respirator on because the smell and then I have to leave the room if I don't have my respirator on because it is just really nasty stuff in terms of the smell so you can see it's pretty pretty it's almost like peanut butter and usually what I'll do is I'll take my I bought this little little scale it's great for measuring out things as you can see it's kind of dirty but it works really well you can pick these up a lot of times at convenience stores or Harbor Freight I think is where I got this one so you can see here we've got two zeroed out or what I like to do is I like to take my putty knife clean off my last batch here I don't worry about getting it SuperDuper clean because this stuff's already it's already solid and can be scraped off when it gets a little harder and will come right off so what I'll do here is I'll take my knife and I'll actually just set it right on right on the scale oops and then I'll zero out the scale so that the knife is included in the weight and then I'll take this and usually what I found is with a popsicle stick what about what comes off of here is somewhere between eight and twelve grams depending on how much you load it up oh my guess this is probably I don't know probably nine grams worth of material here and we'll just kind of you don't really have to worry about the open time on this stuff it doesn't do anything until you've actually added the hardener so then I usually just use the lid to put my popsicle stick in there and we'll close that up now once you've done that then you want to set your set your spatula on there and that tells us we've got about seven point six grams I'm going to round that up and say it's eight grams well if you put 16 grams of resin you would put one gram of hardener so at 8 grams of resin you would want half a gram of hardener now what I found is a little less than what they tell you to is good it extends the open time and it doesn't really seem to affect the it slows down the hardening process but it doesn't affect the end product in terms of what you get now once you put a drop on there this little scale a lot of times I have to kind of poke it so we went from 7.6 to 8.1 so it's a little more hardener than I wanted but it's it's close I mean there's no rocket science here doesn't matter I've figured out that given how warm my shop is it doesn't matter if I do the exact right amount of hardener or a little less or a little more little less seems to give me a little bit more time to carve but it doesn't really extend the open time so once I've got my dab of hardener on there my dab of resin then I take that and I scrape that onto my knife and then I'm just going to take this and I'm just going to mix it and if you've ever mixed like oil paints it's kind of the similar method you want to scrape it to get it good and mixed in I usually do that about three times by then your clock's ticking so what we want to do is we want to go over here and we want to start filling this in now when you initially start using it it's really nice and it's it's it's got a really nice consistency so if you have something that you need to sculpt make sure you're doing it early early in the set time like there that's being a little bit difficult to get filled in so we'll just stack it up a little bit and just kind of work our way around here get with the lights a little better I tend to float just a little bit over the top so that it's a little bit proud now I'm going to purposefully slow down normally I would be done with what's on here but what you're going to notice is within a few minutes of mixing this stuff it will start to thicken and when it starts to thicken it will start to do some rather unusual things so little gob in there because it's a big ol it's a big ol hole we're going to have to fill so we'll make another pass on that once it starts to harden it will start to lose smoothie consisteth consistency it'll start becoming a lot more kind of dry and that dryness no no I'll wait to smooth this on yeah it's starting to starting to get that consistency now so I try to keep that in the camera so now it's now it's starting to get that pasty consistency and you can kind of see let's see if I can get it see how it starts to make it starts to kind of gum up then you know you've got about 60 seconds before it's going to be almost unusable in fact it's already almost there you can kinda still work with it even in when it's in this real this real kind of putty like state a lot of times I'll use it for spots like this where I need to jam it into a hole and I don't really care if it's smoothed off and I'm just mainly trying to fill a fill up a wait I'll use the last little bit to do that so now it's already like it's starting to dry you can kind of see I mean it's it'll be hard as a rock here in about Oh probably another another 90 seconds and then when it hardens it'll be like this it'll be like a I don't know kind of just a wood colored epoxy there's a piece of wax paper now it seems that it's kind of soft when it's when it dries see this was this is a resin that didn't get put in a harder that's actually what may be on there as well and this is almost hard turns into a real kind of like clay as it goes into its final hardening state so like I said once once you applied it now we just applied this and it's already starting to if you can get back to it during this stage it's a good time to real malleable this is a good time to shape edges or corners like if you happen to do what we did right here so we get this little spot right here on the side and if you wanted to shape or scrape back any of that it's a good time to do it it's still got enough kind of doughy consistency that you can do that and typically it doesn't shrink back at all it pretty much dries the way it the way it's laid down but you will find that occasionally you'll have to go back over something and do some additional some additional fill but I'll tell you what when you hit this with a sander it is it it's smooth it's just like the wood is I mean there's it's really amazing stuff they've they've engineered this is an epoxy that that when hardened is rock hard and bonds to the wood really well is very sandable and at the same time very easy to work with aside from the incredible fumes so there's a quick intro to Minwax wood filler high-performance wood filler pick it up in most any big-box store I'll put links down in the down in the description for you can pick it up on Amazon if you have any questions feel free to give me a holler and I'll be happy to to do what I can to help you out thanks a lot have a good day
Channel: TMG Studio
Views: 358,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, wood, filler, minwax, epoxy, safety, woodfiller
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2016
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