MinuteVideos is CRINGE

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it seems I have missed one before we carry on I just want to bring up something that I'm sure you're all aware of already recently I've been caught up into some YouTube drama with a youtuber named no glow no no Glen may have nice hair but he smells like booty hole and I just you know straight-up told him that I was just being truthful and then he'd threatened to report my channel I think I think I win number one boys number one these little patches NOLA you smell and your hair is nice bro you the real diesel patches dude no way bro the real diesel patches did hold on did there's no way dude I don't know I don't know how to see if it's actually you you can't go to people's channels from chat or from super chats or not I could report you though I might report you I saw I saw when you put me on that tearless dude I was a little bit low I ain't you sad little low but Susan if you're watching this which I know you are because you're a big fan of my content I would like to file a sexual harassment claim on this man but with all that aside today's topic will be minute videos so minute videos uploads videos that are not a minute long but over ten minutes gonna get that sweet ad revenue kind of false advertising but they're kind of like the other story time animated channels but instead of doing animation they kind of draw what's happening it's like a comic strip so I guess they get some points for originality but the stories are still fake as hell the art style is still straight-up diarrhea and the characters are either [ __ ] or just straight-up and um let us begin this journey together what are these I thought as I was looking for something my brother's room it was a stack of CDs with anime titles on it they were titles I'd heard of and I was excited to see them this one right here is called boku no pico it's a 15 classic I then tried to watch one on a CD player but was shocked it did not contain an anime or even close to a cartoon show but a video of a man and a woman doing an activity so you were snooping around in your brother's room to the point where you were able to find porn you must have been digging through your brother's stuff pretty hard to find that [ __ ] I hate people like you found a wink it to to furries on deviantART or you know some other normal porn I should have to worry about [ __ ] like you snooping around and going through my stuff but then again I don't know anyone who still puts their porn on CDs this is [ __ ] caveman needs to get with the times I was furious at first how did my brother acquire this kind of CD just watch this gross was all I could think damn [ __ ] it's just porn why are you freaking out I was an elementary at the time and knew little about relationships and intimacy we were born and raised in a traditional Christian family and we're taught that all lovemaking activities are bad what I'm pretty sure that lovemaking is okay as long as you're married I think that's what you're trying to get at because if Christians and in practice lovemaking they kind of die out which to be fair that would be the worst thing in the world fast forward to college I got admitted to a national university we're only the best and brightest students study support kids are just as bright as white kids we're only the best and brightest students study few stupid people I'm smart go so I could show you a smooth brain yeah that's another reason not to like you you're very pretentious I imagine many scenarios that could happen since it was my first time being away from home I imagine even getting a boyfriend or a girlfriend because why not later on I was again introduced to things a little naughtier than anime it's called hentai and it's art my roommates and I would often watch these anime after studying or whenever we felt the need to we were always loud and giggling like teenagers I honestly enjoyed it at the time though I thought it was gross at first you were right to be grossed out who the hell watches hentai with their friends that's not normal but then again doing it by herself is not normal either why am I feeling this I asked myself cuz you're a [ __ ] weirdo how would it feel to actually do it the female characters seem to be really enjoying it yeah they seem to really enjoy that tentacle going up their vagina they enjoyed so much that they shed tears of joy and when the female character in the hentai is yelling please stop no more she actually means harder daddy whenever I was at home my room I would watch these videos I would access different streaming websites and set my browser to private mode to avoid being caught is it better never sent my stuff to private mode because I had no idea that was a thing when I was a kid it cuts the point that I watch these videos every single night I didn't know what to feel or think how could I do this I need to stop this this isn't right this is a sin the way I see it all I gave me a pee-pee in a hand for a reason so if you think that's a sin you need to read the bhagavad-gita again it was all oh why is your neck like that who I fell for head over heels with but turned out to be gay it really broke my heart because big gayness is a sin he was really handsome and sporty and I imagine heavy a great night with him oh god the neck it just looks weird giraffe neck doesn't Bend like that I had several other crushes and flings after that I can see why you're into these guys this kid's right eyes bigger than his left one this kid has Jimmy neutrons head and I need me to say anything about this one you and your owl neck will get along greatly with these people I just got hired in my first job now she looks like a [ __ ] toad did the artist just give up midway through I don't blame him honestly I would hate to animate a story about a girl who Dirk's off to hentai he likes music are an enemy too though I secretly like naughty anime the most those are considered animes too right no because when your friend asks if you want to watch Cowboy Bebop that's not the same as hey want to watch uncle daddy tentacle with a bit of mayonnaise he looked at me and said finally what took you so long my hands were trembling from his words he was waiting for me at any moment I was waiting for it to get hot and heavy would he push himself onto me and we would have a classic cubby dome there are names for this [ __ ] Oh God shut up diesel you're just vanilla I'm sorry but this [ __ ] is cringy if I went up to a girl and I was like hey you want a cab aid oh she would call the police on my wee bass or would he speaks sweet nothings into my ear will slowly undressing me I'm a wanted animal rapist in five different states so simple four years have already passed and we are still in a relationship how time flies and yes we are still both virgins haha you haven't had sex yet you don't throw yourself out there all the time what are you responsible or something our next video is about a user it's pretty funny let's watch these idiots when I was around five months pregnant my boyfriend and I got into a serious argument the yelling back and forth escalated into him shoving me when he apologized I told him you didn't just shove me you shoved your little boy as well yeah girlfriend you tell that bald [ __ ] not too many teens think about planning their pregnancy as a teenager but I was that girl I would admire seeing these pregnant teens on YouTube how they had gotten pregnant and how that ended up growing their relationship even more with their boyfriend even to the point of getting married and that's why those videos on YouTube are extremely toxic no one should strive to be a pregnant teen that's [ __ ] absurd I hate seeing all these channels about these pregnant teens who think their life is so great but really they put themselves in a horrible position I don't care if I'm coming off as judgmental it's not fair to the kid those channels are complete as in you're an idiot for glorifying them so when my boyfriend of three years thought it was time for us to start a family I completely agreed we were both 18 which he thought would give us an even bigger advantage because we weren't just teenagers but adults that is such idiotic logic you don't have kids until you're capable of taking care of one or at least you shouldn't because there are a lot of morons out they were just don't give a [ __ ] just because you're now an illegal adult doesn't mean you're magically capable of taking care of a child I ended up leaving my after-school job because I was too sick from the pregnancy to work around the same time my jobless boyfriend irresponsibly decided to drop out of school Oh No Wow who could have seen this coming the next day I went for my regular pregnancy checkup and when I told my doctor about the pain she checked me down there looked up app she checked me down there she checked me she's I'm going to send you to the hospital because he were dilated and I can see the bag of water dilated at 25 weeks is that impossible you don't have to trace the heart acting you're in a stupid animated youtube story that'll spill you were doing nearly took out my eardrums the doctor informed my boyfriend and I that our baby would have a 50% chance of survival if he arrived right now fortunately that didn't happen he died despite the betrayal and disappointment and trying to be the best version of myself and provide the best life I can give to our son at least this one is ending on a responsible note usually the main character these other animated stories see themselves as the victim even though they've been the [ __ ] the whole time so I'll give this one credit the stupidity in the video still pains me though a teenager who strives to be a parent at their age is an idiot
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,330,510
Rating: 4.9451728 out of 5
Keywords: animated youtube channels, animated youtube stories
Id: QGUwGng4owU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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