Minute With Maxwell: COLLABORATION - John Maxwell Team

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I'm glad you're with me today I'm in it with Maxwell my name is John and I would like to talk to you on the principle of collaboration which is a higher level than cooperation you see when I cooperate with you that means I sit down and we work together but when I collaborate with you we sit down and I want to work with you and get together there's a difference between us just getting together and cooperating that's good and wanting to get together and wanting to cooperate it's that one that makes collaboration such a higher level word and a higher level walk than just cooperation and what I've discovered is this i've never collaborated with anyone that's good that they didn't make me better so when i go into a meeting with peers and people that we're going to discuss an idea or talk about a way of direction for an organization whenever i get together with them i get very excited because i know three things about that meeting one is i learn something you cannot be around a table collaborating sharing that you don't learn something it's just an impossibility if you in fact if you spend time with people and you're not learning something you just really are with the wrong people trust me on this the second thing I know that I'm going to pick up though is I'm going to pick up creativity because when you get good people in a room and they start collaborating it's the synergy and the mixing of the ideas that gives the greatest idea a great idea is a result of several good ideas good ideas that are put out on the table and it's gonna be a wonderful time to not only learn something but to really become more creative and I find myself thinking things that I wouldn't have thought if I wouldn't be in the room with those people doing things I wouldn't have done if I wouldn't be in the room with those people you see they make me better they make me more creative I'm learning from them and the third thing that I'm going to learn when I leave that room and get out of that room it's all I'm gonna value the people in that room more than I ever have I always walk away from those kind of meetings just kind of shaking my head and say man those guys are good those ladies are good Wow I've got more respect for them I value them greater because I've watched them work I've watched them share I've I've watched them build off of each other play off of each other get better together so there's nothing I enjoy more I mean if somebody said what is an enjoyable day for you just let me in a room with about six people that just love what I love and do what I do and let's just make it better let's just put it on the table and may the best idea wins and let's just keep adding value to each other and I promise you I'm energized by the end of that day it's been a good day for me that's what collaboration is all about wanting to work together I sure hope you've got some people you like to collaborate with and I sure hope you do it soon thanks for being with me today on minute with Maxwell
Channel: Maxwell Leadership
Views: 62,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john maxwell, coaching, training, mentoring, leadership, self growth, self help, personal transformation, personal development, speaker, author, coach, john c. maxwell
Id: rdf3lV2RIpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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