Minthara's opinion about everyone in the camp

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A desperate collection of vagabonds and Strays did you have anyone particular in mind it would have been better for us had she embraced sha and claimed the power of the Goddess but it is better for shadowart to be free of that poisonous influence the gods are the source of of our woes though I concede the cha is far from the worst of them Your Divine Puppeteer is just as toxic as Shadow Hearts my little marionette the night singer has some admirable qualities far more than her insipid sister but her followers are repressed take the child Shadow heart she does not even know who she is but still manages to pity see herself the very concept of shon worship is self-indulgent they would have you think every whispered word and hidden thought is of value but it is not so I have performed a thousand interrogations squeezing out the most guarded Secrets held in heart mind and soul I can tell you this when the trivial Parts have been whittled away and I have sifted through what remains in most cases a person amounts to nothing at all he's been deprived of freedom and strong blood for so long that he is addicted to both while those addictions have their hold on him he is still a Slave no he is well aware that I would ex sanguinate him entirely if he flashed his fangs at me and while you live you'll be enslaved to your appetites and hungers we all feed on something and if we are deprived of it we will fight for it but aaran is not only bound to his needs and desires he is still bound to something more powerful his master he will only be free when kazador is dead and that is as it should be when the time comes we must hope that he does not only take cazador's long life but the power that has sustained him as well I have encountered few gith yanky in my life those that I did were Raiders they croaked out pleas for Mercy in their alien tongue as they died meeting laelle makes me wish I knew more of their culture I did she told me that she has nothing to teach that cannot be learned through observation of her prowess in combat perhaps she is right she certainly cuts a striking figure in battle there is a Precision to her ferocity that I admire whatever culture you and I once shared it no longer has a Hold on Me L sworn you still listen to The Whispers of the spider Queen's web I only obey my own heart's desires most gith do not seem to know that own Hearts nor do they need to they have strict hierarchies and commitment to a single cause some like laelle question that cause but even so she retains the discipline of her training the wizard no it is pointless in my my experience the moment they leave their libraries Wizards have the life expectancy of a gnome in a war either the enemy recognizes they are a threat and kills them swiftly or their curiosity leads them to combust while experimenting with the limits of magic our wizard is already in a state of suspended combustion thanks to that orb between his ribs I suspect it is only a matter of time before he goes up Up in Smoke I will reserve my social graces for those who might live long enough to appreciate them I have never known anyone so ferocious and unassailable in battle and yet so fragile and impermanent in their very being I often think of mortality as a curse in time all that I am and all that I have known and learned will be lost in time our cities will be dust kak does not seem to have such anxieties perhaps because she cannot afford to she exists in the moment and she will burn out and be gone in a moment there is something very beautiful about that she is intelligent strong and capable as both both a leader and a fighter an impressive woman it is a shame that she devotes all of her talents and experience to the futile cause of the Harpers their Devotion to preserving balance is pathetic it is precisely because they are perceived as good that they are so dangerous then their intentions do more harm to the world than any warmonger could they fear change and would rather maintain mediocrity than face the risks and challenges that progress demands I would rather break the world and build it a new than be satisfied with its imperfections he would despise me if he had the wits to understand me but as long as he believes we have have a common cause he does not see beyond that I enjoy his Simplicity allo help me sometimes I almost Envy it if I did not have my schemes I would hardly know where to aim my boot as we saw when he acted as the stone Lord Minsk is a dangerous tool a powerful weapon without a mind to guide it his righteous rage has been directed at my people in the past and it can be as brutal and merciless as any act committed by the Dr fortunately for now he punches wherever we point and serves our needs well he is exceedingly self-righteous amusing considering he bound himself to a devil will doesn't just have blood and dirt on his hands he has stains on his soul those last more than a lifetime it is as it should be purity of soul and deed will not help us to survive the absolute I would rather be allied with a warlock than the spoiled son of a noble who has more experience with diplomats than devils
Channel: Heath
Views: 2,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minthara, Baldurs gate 3
Id: uMzCzRBz7I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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