Mint NFTs (EASY + NO GAS) | Why Mint? Ethereum or Polygon Blockchain? Open Sea?

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yo what up guys it's caesar back with another nft video once again you'll have to forgive me for the ac the lights me hunching over like crocker to look at my monitor because once again i am not at my apartment i'm back home should be back in my apartment tomorrow so hopefully my upload schedule and everything will get back to normal starting then and video quality will be back to tip top you know whatever but that being said i want to make a quick easy video for you guys on how to mint your nfts on openc now i remember about two months ago when i was first getting into nft is that there's a few videos like this out there but none of them are really that good no offense to the people out there so i just thought i would make one that was simple to understand put everything into really easy terms and now that polygon uh the polygon network has come out there's actually way more options than there were in the beginning so this is probably the most updated how to meant on youtube so you've come to the right place thank you so much for watching guys and i'll get right into it now there's quite a few websites that you can use to mention your nfts like wearable municipal you know etc but for this video we'll be sticking with openc because openc is definitely the nft marketplace that has the most momentum behind it part of the reason why i'm making this video is they just raised a hundred million dollars to um implement newer blockchains onto the website so in the past they've been using the ethereum blockchain and now they're still using the ethereum blockchain but they have also added the polygon network or matic network whatever you want to call it i'll have a whole separate video on what the polygon network actually is we'll just be going into it just briefly in this video to get you guys an idea of what that means and how that's beneficial to you now first off that means no gas fees so i wanted to get that out there before people click off but we'll get to there i'm not sure if the 100 million raised by open c was just donations or if some of it is the capital from kevin durant but i know that kevin durant put a ton i'm not sure the exact amount but millions of dollars into opencv just another example of nba players heavily investing in openc which is great news for the platform and is definitely super exciting with all that out of the way anyways i want to make this quick and easy so head over to openc the first thing you're going to have to do is sign into your wallet now obviously to handle transactions on these websites you're going to need some form of crypto wallet for the purpose of this video i will be signed in using my meta mask wallet but you can also see here that there are quite a few other wallet formats that you can use and they're adding new ones all the time when i signed up i'm pretty sure there were only four or five wallets that i could choose from and this was you know four months ago and coinbase wasn't one of those options and i had just set up a meta mask because i was getting into a bunch of altcoins and stuff so signed up with metamask haven't really used the metamask um i would suggest for you guys going with metamask or coinbase i need to do research into all these other ones it's like one of the areas i'm still you know pretty ignorant in but metamask has been around for a long time i believe it's the longest running um crypto wallet i could be wrong but i know that it's very trusted in the crypto community um obviously with any crypto wallet or bank state you know banking account or anything like there's always a potential that you get hacked so definitely be sure to if you sign up for metamask i could make a video for that if you guys want as well um not that hard though you just you know fill out some easy things and they'll give you 10 words for your account definitely do not lose those words at all because that is the only way you can recover your metamask account and that will be very important if you plan on selling 10 000 assets and collecting a million dollars so be sure to keep your metamask 10 words safe um i signed up for metamask like i said because they didn't have coinbase at the time personally i haven't used coinbase but i would go with coinbase if i were you because they are definitely the most trusted or like largest corporation i would see they're definitely on a a large economic scale and they're pretty well known nationally so i couldn't see coinbase doing some huge scandal you know so i definitely think coinbase would be your best route to go now logging in we can see my account here 62cs now this is just an account i made up to have fun on openc and you know get the hang of it um any project that i officially release in the future or will you know use to brand or tell you guys about or anything like any official project of mine will be on a new account in the future so this is just like a temporary account i have some you know projects i threw up here just to like get the hang of it and see how to do it but obviously you'll most likely open to an empty screen on your profile page now you can add your profile picture and all that do that blah blah blah i don't think the personal profile matters too much for the most part people just be looking at your collection storefront page now moving over to my collections page we can see three collections that i've made previously just to get the hang of it now if we click on create a collection we can see here that they have the logo image it says 350x350 now i would recommend using canva for all your logos and pictures and stuff i'm sure many of you know about it but if not just wanted to plug canva great free art platform you can put in the pixel by pixel you want to do and it's great for making you know little basic headers and logos and everything for the purpose of this video that'll work i'm just going to fill all these images with some random pictures i already have on my computer now that'll work banner image why not now definitely take your time and make some great art pieces for this because this will be what is on display for your collection um like i said your artist personal page doesn't really matter but think of like when you go to the board ape yacht club or me bits or something or crypto punks the uh well crypto punks doesn't really matter they already have the reputation of being the first but you know you really want your branding to be coherent with your art and your personal brand or your website you know you want things to mesh that's usually you know how you get your sales up name we'll just say uh you know tutorial i guess okay sweet so tutorial means you can you know put a custom url i'm not going to do that can make a description i can say i am using this or a youtube video cool category uh i guess we'll say it's art you know you can but you can do collectible you know anything you want to do links you know discord blah blah i would definitely recommend if you're making your own nft collection definitely definitely make a website you know hire some guy pay 100 200 if you're trying to make a big bag especially if you're like if you're passionate about your art you know you don't have to put a ton of time into it a simple website will be fine but you're going to make try to like make some money grab ten thousand art collection at least pay like 200 on a good website a lot of these projects are doing that too their websites are pretty nice so definitely have that discord you know whatever don't really need too much else now here you can set your royalty uh this is the fee that you collect anytime someone resells your item which is beautiful first time ever passive income and art baby i love to see it one of the reasons why i started this channel and love nft so much but anyways the percentage fee is your personal preference it can be as high as 10 or as low as zero figure out how much you want if you want to be money hungry or if you want to be nice to the resellers you know obviously a lower royalty will probably promote more reselling of your projects but like i said if you have like a crypto punks you know if your art super valuable and you think people are gonna there's gonna be a high demand for your project why not set it to 10 you know get your money bro now moving on to the main reason why i made this video the blockchain you get to select the blockchain now previously all the projects on openc were on the ethereum blockchain and they still kind of are technically but now there is a new option due to this 100 million dollars raised they were able to add a new blockchain and they will be implementing new blockchains in the future but they have the polygon blockchain now i want to talk about the ethereum blockchain first of course so let me use polygons so we can see here ethereum says an open source blockchain that powers most nft sales now that's right obviously that's the ethereum we know and love now the ethereum blockchain has more security but you have to pay insanely high gas fees obviously there are some times where you can get away with it and pay maybe like 10 to 15 dollars per mint but i mean that is pretty bad if you're going to be doing 10 000 you know collectibles that's 15 that's 150 000 on minting prices now obviously you could try to hire someone to do smart contracts and program your website so that people go to your website buy the nft and then pay you a price and pay for the minting fee but i'm not exactly sure how to do that yet i'm still researching smart contracts and i'm hoping to learn the whole process i want to figure out how to code to generate 10 000 assets and then i want to figure out how to code a smart contract website on the ethereum blockchain that will allow for the buyers of your nfc project to actually pay the guests for you but until that becomes a reality for many of us the polygon blockchain is going to change the game now unfortunately i don't have any artwork ready and i probably won't for a while but the polygon blockchain is a new blockchain as i stated or well not new blockchain entirely but new to openc and if you look at the top ranking on openc there is hardly any polygon projects the top two polygon projects on openc right now is the zedron project and the chicken derby project but i didn't realize that those projects had already been implemented on the polygon blockchain and had just been on openc due to their like overwhelming popularity i believe i'm not exactly sure how they worked that out how they were on the platform before the polygon blockchain but anyways the reason why this is important is because no one has conquered this space yet there is going to be some board ape yacht club of the polygon blockchain why would there not be this is an untapped space so far no one has had a really successful polygon project yet so this is a huge opportunity that is just out there waiting to be fulfilled by you know any one of us now let's dig a little deeper into the polygon blockchain i really hope no one's clicked off this video yet i know that this is probably bad i'm not sure how i'm gonna break this video up i know i'm just gonna throw it all into one thing but the main focus of this video is the minting and how great this polygon blockchain is now first off let's talk about minting maybe i should have done this at the beginning of the video i'm sorry guys bear with me but what is minting why do you want why do we need to mince our nfts when i first went on openc i was like yes you know i made that one of those first collections i made that we saw earlier was like a hundred colors i thought oh i'll just do a super minimalist collection and someone will buy it so i spent all my time making 100 images and i put them on there and i uploaded each one and i put like 10 properties for each one took me like 10 hours and of course i told myself like the whole time i'm like you know what i should try selling these so i don't get to the end and then get surprised i get all the way to the end of uploading all these and i realized that like you know i have to pay to mint them and i didn't know what that meant but i understood that it mattered and it definitely does matter i had no clue what i was talking about now minting if you know what bitcoin mining is you don't have to understand bitcoin mining but uh minting and bitcoin mining are essentially the same thing minting is just the ethereum version of um mining per se now mining i never understood what are people talking about by bitcoin mining and i could never explain it but i think i've finally gotten a pretty good explanation here so if you think of the blockchain what is the blockchain think of the blockchain as like a notebook and it holds everyone's information in it that uses the blockchain network so each page is like a block in the chain correct now there's a lot of things that go into mining a bitcoin and i can say that in another video if you want but when you mine a bitcoin essentially you are just adding a page to the notebook like uh and the page being a block so you are just adding a block which has information if it's bitcoin it's like transaction information so like if i send you to bitcoin then that transaction will be inscribed on a block and someone has to mine that block and mining means like putting it on the chain so once they mine that block then it becomes part of the notebook and is on the blockchain forever so same with minty now we have to think what makes these nfts valuable you know what are they buying when they buy this art they're not just buying like people the biggest thing that uh with nft is a lot of haters say is like oh you know it's just an image and with the first time i saw nfcs that's not donald you know it's just an image but why would anyone buy just the image the reason that people are buying these things is because they are minted on the blockchain that's why that's how cryptos and nfts overlap like even the first two weeks i was doing this i think i've been in researching nfcs about two months now and all that stuff has really just hit me in like the last week even though i've been doing a lot of research i feel like so it's hard to put all these concepts together but if you can understand that minting an nft is important because it puts it on the blockchain and that makes it valuable because then you're able to that information is there forever who bought it oh that nft was owned by lebron james 10 years ago or it was bought on this day or you know yada yada yada it's it ensures that the purchase is credible and that that work is actually owned by a certain individual so minting is obviously something very crucial to the success of an nft you can't just upload something on openc and not mint it it you know it might sell you know i'll never say no but there's a good chance it won't sell i would definitely not buy it so minting your project is essential now we could mint through ethereum which i'll go through first which obviously has huge gas fees as we'll see here or stick around and we can i'll show you how we can mint using polygon and that is completely a hundred percent free no gas fee and we'll get more into the reasoning behind that later and maybe i'll make a whole other video about it but so moving on here we can pick ethereum or polygon i'm going to choose ethereum for this one but looking at polygon we can see um payment tokens we can get paid in eth if we look at ethereum we can get paid in eth weave you know whatever a few different tokens but if you want you can add whatever token you want here um obviously not whatever token but they have hundreds of altcoins here if you want to be paid in anything else and you can even add your own token i believe you can send like a letter to openc and have your own coin listed which super cool um i'm not sure how many of you have your own coin but that's the last thing you have to choose about your collection is the display display theme you want to paddy contain covered blah blah just follow the recommendations by openc and create your collection now i'm going to go to my previous collection because i already have one built on the polygon chain and on the ethereum chain now here we can see my horribly failed dumb idea for a project color cults now i was just going to like i said try to make a minimalist project upload a hundred art pieces oh actually really quickly let's show how to add an item it's obviously your right corner here add item you can add whatever item you want you know jpeg picture mp3 file wav file i think music nfts is a highly untapped you know territory i definitely think you should try to get into those if you want but purpose of this i'll just throw some picture in here you can name your item external link description blah blah you know for youtube something and then you can put in your properties which are like you know goldie uh board api club you can say like you know smoking or this or that you know whatever levels stats if you're selling trying to sell like a character for the metaverse if you're that deep or something if you're that deep you're probably not watching this video but unlockable content explicit and sensitive you know what most of this stuff is self-explanatory and depends on if it applies to your project or not but you can just really skip past all this if you just are uploading some artwork it would definitely be good to add some properties or stats make up anything about your artwork make a great description story sell properties rareness sells um but if you're definitely if you're just selling one singular off piece of artwork and you sell just a bunch of different works probably don't have to be too concerned with these oh no i forgot to mention this before they show blockchain again but as of now you cannot change the blockchain that the project is on now this project i made a few weeks ago on ethereum well actually we'll check in a minute um with my new project if i'm actually able to switch but i believe as of now you are not able to switch between the ethereum blockchain and polygon blockchain once you've made the collection so be sure to know which blockchain you want to use long before you upload your pictures and you know pictures images are music whatever and freeze metadata the freezer metadata just create your item first now freezing metadata is a little bit different than minting um i believe that means like the file name and like the art name and everything but i would definitely recommend freezing your metadata because i not many um people in the community i believe are interested in buying something that's been tampered with by previous sellers but i could be wrong all projects are different personal preference i tend to not get too involved and caught up in the freezing metadata so now let's finally get into minting one of these nfts so if we go into the color call it once again click on one of these bad images and try to sell it let's see what happens here so you know i can set price highest bid bundle you know i'm sure most of this stuff is self-explanatory to you guys you can set the eth price you know we'll put something very low uh two dollars include ending you know schedule future time privacy whatever so now first off it's your if it's your first time on openc and it's for mine i've never done this before but you will definitely no matter what or well not for the polygon but if you're doing ethereum not only will you have a gas feed but if it's your first transaction on openc you'll have to pay one gas fee just up front to even begin using the website now this can be anywhere from like ten dollars to like i've seen as high as like eighty dollars and i've here you know heard much higher so not great here we can see if i post the listing let's see here it will take me into my meta mask and right now we can see that the gas fee is 24.63 now i am definitely not going to pay that at the moment because this thing would never sell so if you're going to be minting using the ethereum blockchain you definitely need to either have a ton of money understand your artwork is going to sell or look into smart contracts or some way that you can set up a website and have people pay the mint fee for you but if i were to pay that amount then my nft would be minted it would be up for sale and all would be good you know hopefully someone would buy it i would get paid and you know goes on from there heading back to my collections if we go into this collection here learning to love myself now i just thought this was some funny branding some cool stuff i just wanted to make it like an abstract page put up some weird art and uh just to really you know get an idea of the polygon blockchain so i have this piece that we can see that i uploaded yesterday but we will add an item and we'll go through the whole process this time because i don't have to pay for it so we'll just upload this abstract piece of art we'll call it uh up making youtube video you know there's a link i'll say i was happy when making this video true uh collection uh if you have multiple collections you'll be able to select which collection properties traits stats if it applies to your collection it does not in this case so let's see yeah okay this collection i just made yesterday so whether or not your collection is new or old you will not be able to change the blockchain once the collection is created and then freeze metadata you must create your item first so now being on the polygon blockchain if i create this item we will have to please wait and it's been created so now we can visit but it hasn't officially been minted yet until we go to sell it there we go we create it again and now we can sell this at any amount we'll say 0.1 this time up in my price i have a creative royalty of five percent it doesn't matter no one's gonna buy this please don't buy this um if you do i love you but definitely i mean i wouldn't recommend it but so now we can complete our listing here sign in with the wallet you don't see nothing we've listed making youtube video and now anyone can come here and buy my project for 21. on and it was free to do free to mint this is on the um polygon blockchain so this is a great segue i'm sorry this video has been so long and all over the place i wanted this to be quick and easy but i hope that it makes up for it by being very informational and hopefully easy to digest i feel like i've done a decent job laying out all this information so if you agree please hit the like button and subscribe i would really appreciate it leave me a comment definitely please it means the world to me if you leave a comment like let me know critique me really like tell me i'm ugly like whatever you got to do like i just uh want to improve for you guys so i'm sure many of you are thinking what's the catch like why is polygon gas free and what's you know it seems too good to be true right i did quite a bit of research on the polygon blockchain so forgive me if i'm looking down here i'm just peeping at my notes so the polygon blockchain was first started as an altcoin called matic so uh the names are used interchangeably um it's recently been called i forget what they changed the name so i believe they changed it to matic network but it's called polygon on opec you know it's pretty confusing but just know that polygon and matic network are the same thing and there is a matte coin that you can actually buy on coinbase i've been looking into it recently this is not financial advice but could be a good play if all this turns out to be true and with the polygon chain being added to open c and you know you know have to keep an eye on it it had an all-time high of 2.62 in may 18th okay i'm getting so off track here but anyways it's down to about 0.9 right now so a little sauce for you guys right there and with the capital raised there they were able to make their own network and kind of transition into trying to become a scaling solution for ethereum so polygon in many ways works off the ethereum blockchain sometimes it can more than others it's hard to explain the polygon network is really very flexible for creators it sacrifices a bit of security for sovereignty freedom and the ability to like for the creator of any project to influence the blockchain a bit for whatever is best for their project if they want cheaper transactions like low gas but the matic chain allows for more flexibility depending on the layers you use you can have at the base layer of uh poly uh at the base layer of the polygon chain i know this is getting a little complex i fully don't even understand these issues yet but just think that at some layer of the polygon chain um the ethereum chain exists and it could be more or less in the chain depending on how any given network is using it i'm not exactly sure how openc is using it but i would assume that it is just about as safe as the actual ethereum network on openc for them to have adapted it now don't hold me to that statement i'm not sure especially because it's on beta on open c maybe there could be uh issues with the website or whatever now the reason the polygon blockchain hit that all-time high back in may is because it was soaring due to shiva inu and all these other altcoins they all run on the ethereum network and with the popularity of nfts increasing and all these different alt coins increasing the gas fees have been going up and up and up because the gas fee is really just a transaction fee that you have to pay due to the amount of transactions occurring on the ethereum network at any given time so the more stress on the network the more you are going to have to pay in gas fees now polygon uses a bunch of different layer two solutions which is pretty advanced and i can get into all the specifics in another video but all you really need to know is that the polygon chain makes it you know offloads some of the pressure from the ethereum blockchain so it is still technically very influenced and like a part of the ethereum blockchain but it allows side chains and a bunch of other different methods that allows the polygon blockchain to do transactions completely free to the user the polygon chain has practically been optimized for an nft marketplace and that's the whole reason why i wanted to make this video for you guys i'm not sure how long this is going to be it's been about 30 minutes i've been sitting here discussing this um i should probably break it up into a bunch of different videos but i'm just going to put out a huge high value video for all you guys i'm sure i'll try to break this down into a bunch of smaller videos in the future and get more in depth in each one we'll definitely be talking more about the polygon chain but the whole reason i wanted to get this video out there and stay tuned for this because like i said i'll put in another video but i believe this polygon chain will be huge there is a as i said huge untapped opportunity no one has had a project go viral on polygon yet and i don't understand why they wouldn't i think everyone's using the ethereum blockchain now because you know it's what's more popular but the only difference between ethereum and polygon as far as i'm concerned on openc is one click in the collection and why the hell would i go on on aetherium when i can go on polygon for free and i really feel like once we just break that ethereum stigma and obviously we haven't much had time much time to do it yet i'm sure it will get to that point but my bet is is that some of these different blockchains are going to start to take off so i think this is huge guys it's you know two months ago i was like really wanted to get into nfts and i got crushed half the reason why i made this channel is i was like man i can't pay the gas fees i don't know how to code and make 10 000 generative works of art like i can't keep up with these guys so i was like you know what if i can't beat them why don't i just start a youtube channel so because i wanted to get involved in the community in some way i love the art and like it's not a money thing like i i just wanted to be able to make collections that were cool and possibly make money through art like that's my dream so i was like okay if i make a youtube maybe i can inspire someone that actually has those skills or the capacity to do those things and then maybe i could have some friend out there that actually makes a successful project and maybe one day they'll reach out to me and be like yo caesar thank you so much you helped me make my project like you know if i couldn't do it for myself you know it would mean the world to me if i could do it to other people you know what goes around comes around i love doing good things for other people it's the one thing that makes me feel pretty good inside so just wanted to throw this information out there for all you guys because now we can like like if i had art right now i could upload it for free 10 000 generative not exactly there yet i've got a lot of learning to do and i'll definitely let you guys know how that goes and you know teach you guys all you know the whole process as soon as i'm able to code 10 000 assets you will know so be sure to stick around for some more high-value content i cover every single nft project this that in the third you know comment whatever you want i will cover it so i got you guys thank you so much for watching and i'll see you guys next time leave a comment say like squiggles if you made it this far on because you know i don't know if people ever make it this far in the video but love you guys thank you so much for watching i hope this was a quick and easy as i said in the beginning whatever it's my interpretation and i think it's pretty good so love you guys peace
Channel: Cesare Joseph
Views: 11,632
Rating: 4.8804922 out of 5
Keywords: nft, nft art, nft investing, nft tips, nft advice, nft predictions, nft evaluation, huge nft sales, nft minting, free nft minting, how to mint nfts, how to mint nfts free, mint nfts for free, polygon blockchain, mint nfts for free open sea, mint nfts on open sea, free minting on open sea, nft gas fees, how to pay no gas fee, no gas fees on open sea, ethereum minting, bitcoin mining, polygon minting, matic network nfts, polygon network, polygon nfts, open sea polygon
Id: EMZl7Zv9RGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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