Minor League Pay / MLB Draft / How Much Money I Made In 6 Years Of Professional Baseball
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Channel: Eric Sim
Views: 355,429
Rating: 4.9447002 out of 5
Keywords: minor league baseball, pay, broke
Id: y2Itmf_I8-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Former free agent sign here:
My first paycheck after taxes, rent and clubhouse dues was 275 and this was in Florida which has lower taxes to begin with
My roommate got called up to AA and started making 400. Before he left we had 7 dudes to a 2 bedroom apt for the season Air mattresses and all. We were kinda fucked because without him we didn’t have enough for rent but thankfully one of our guys was drafted in the 3rd round and he was cool enough to pick up the difference.
Meanwhile another buddy of mine just made it to the show after 5 years in the minors and he madeout with 22 G’s on his first check. That was more than he had made in his 5 years combined with plenty extra to spare.
Oh and you only get paid in season so you’re on you’re own till spring training where they at least give you a hotel room and per deim but it’s still not much unless you’re on the 40-man
I was also a 27th round pick of the Phillies in 2015.
My signing bonus was $1000.
Monthly pay was $1100 before taxes and deductions. We lost $12 a day for lodging and $5 a day for food. My take home pay would've been around $500 a month.
I left after a month cause I quickly realized I would need a real job. Also, I was 22 and sucked compared to the the 18 year olds, so I saw the writing on the wall very quickly.
In 8th grade, we did this 2 month long life simulation project (you had a job, built/bought a house, had a budget, etc). I thought I'd be clever and pick baseball player so I'd be rich and able to design this awesome mansion. On the day we got our salaries from the teacher, it revealed that I made like $400 a month (this was about 30 years ago) and was the lowest paid kid in the class. "But I'm a professional baseball player", I whined to the teacher. "Indeed you are......do you think you would make the majors right out of school?"
Giants legend Eric Sim.
For real though, that’s brutal. Honestly, you would think it would be in the organizations best interest to take care of these guys a little bit more since they might be the future of the team. Never know what you can squeeze out of someone that you invest in. After all that though, imagine how good it would feel to make a 40 man roster and get that league min ($575k?) pay bump. I’d be bathing in champagne that night.
Every year a team gets praised for signing over the slot who fell in the draft. It’s players like him we never hear about who signed for $15000 or less to purse their dream.
Even though, I am happy my team reaches for player who have fallen in the draft (pay over slot for higher talent), its tough to see players who get paid next to nothing for a change for their dream even though most will fail.
Sports is a cut throat business
It would cost each team less than $10 million per year to pay every minor league player something like $50k per year. Even the poorest teams in the league can afford that.
Its something I never thought about much when I was younger. When I would go to watch my local minor league team I always used to think about how awesome it must be to get to play pro ball and how lucky those guys were. I never realized how little they were paid or how the majority of them would never come close to making it to the bigs. My local team would have host families for the players but like Eric said in the video, if your team didn't do that you were forced to get a place with a bunch of other teammates and spend what little you had on rent when you were already living on about $100/week for meals. Unless you are some hyped prospect with a nice signing bonus, the life of a minor leaguer is far from glamorous. I have a lot of respect for guys like Eric who are willing to go through that to try and achieve their dream, as far out of reach as it may appear.
What doesnt make sense to me is how any team doesnt realize that giving these guys 2-3k a month would do wonders for their development. You pour a ton of money into development already, 3k a month per player would do shit to the bottom line. What is that, an extra 300k a year? Then they can focus on DEVELOPING instead of having to work at Chucky Cheese to make due.
Boy it sure would be nice if the rich fucks that own these teams cut down on their weekly fart huffer appointments a bit and paid their employees above poverty wages