Minnie's Bow-Toon's: Party Palace Pals S2 πŸŽ€ | NEW 1 Hour Compilation | Full Season |@disneyjunior

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please [Music] my ducky you are my number one you're a funny little fellow so squeaking out so yellow you make bath time such fun Daisy it's my turn okay see you tomorrow lucky oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that is not a good sound oh no I think the water's blocked Peggy how could you let me down ducks and plumbing don't mix oh I have the perfect plan once you find lucky give the mine two tugs and we'll reel you in no but don't you want to save life in the building fine down the train I go [Music] nice moves want to play maybe later got a ducky to save lucky where are you no there you are come on [Music] she found him [Music] oh thank you for saving lucky I do anything for my friends [Music] please [Music] and Shimmy Shimmy Shake That tail my tail is almost shimming out just a jump spin left today hey it wasn't exercise fun girls I can't move my body special delivery oh very good what did you order now a super speed exercise bike it gets you with a super shape are you sure you ordered an exercise bike well it's either that or if Flamingo pool floaty they were both on sale yeah okay there's a dozen monkeys the animal sanctuary there was a mix-up in the delivery [Music] [Music] they don't know any better have to be nice and firm no more jumping on the couch see now remember [Music] there's more where that came from banana Buffet being clever's not working either maybe we can move in with Clarabelle well come on it's time to shake those Tails I know what to do who's ready for the monkey scene and it's time to shake those Tails [Music] then Shake Your Tail you're doing right now we did it I'm not [Music] oh [Music] oh daisy as soon as we print up these pets they'll all be ready for the wax and Wiggles Pet Parade just a few more bows to go bad news girls the pets are ready to start the parade but we're still missing our grand Marshals the parade leader who is here Mr Gander nibbles looks adorable oh wait thanks to you rebels will be the Grand Marshal of your fancy Pet Parade let's get them lined up with the other pets [Music] stand right here oh nipples Come Out Boy I just know that Pony's right under my nose [Music] and win the apple of your fries [Music] ready to reel in a tasty prize balls get your golden corn dog before they're gone [Music] we've been waiting to start the parade hungry horses oh corn flabbit angry nipples was ready to be the Grand Marshal of your parade yeah but some dreams don't come true let's go home nipples well at least I got one apple left there Cowboy there's still a way to save our pet parade and your dreams all right let the peppery begin that's so cute well what are we waiting for follow my lead [Music] all right [Music] [Music] chase this place is big yes Figaroa we'll pick out a scratching post as soon as Daisy finds a shopping cart I found one that thing's loud hello ladies sounds like you need some of my handy then this quickly spray it worked of course it worked all right now let's get shopping [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] by using our noodle [Music] foreign [Music] but how do we get into them with this [Music] they just passed the pooper scoopers [Music] oh noodle don't you just love a happy ending [Music] please [Music] would you all mind keeping an eye on Gilbert for a bit we would love to Nana Beaver right come on Joey certain time we'll have fun Gilbert [Applause] [Music] bring him back and the remote's broken we'll have to chase them down then [Music] [Music] oh okay yeah but that little Gilbert tonight's flying [Music] [Music] hi Gilbert wait fake plan but why didn't you grab them [Music] catch him now where's pet cities ever don't give up yet [Music] [Music] that was close Daisy get ready [Music] here you go Gilbert hi girls I hope Gilbert was in any trouble [Music] no none hey Joey I broke your remote I'm sorry I'll hold the heavens all the time and as always they're fixing it good as new but I think something's wrong with Gilbert what's what's little guy [Music] exactly what he needs ready Gilbert [Music] come on it's such a treat [Music] oh I can't wait for Millie and Melody to get here we're gonna have so much fun decorating for the Valentine stands Figaro is a superstar helper hi everybody look what we got [Music] a kitten her name is oh what a perfect name what a talented little kitty you'll be best friend since no time [Music] wow oh he just needs to get to know you come on Daisy let's go make stars yes and let's have dancer help with the banner hi okay sweet kitty I'll show you oh oh perfect did you decide to come help [Music] me let's go help Daisy now you kiddies only paint on the banner wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you you're only supposed to decorate the banner little one but wow look at the banner now let's clean up this extra artwork it's a glitter emergency I'm sure there's more we'll help one too [Music] [Music] we're sorry Aunt Minnie better take her home it wasn't dancer it was you who made the mess I know you were a little jealous about dancer coming to visit but Figaro you'll always be my very special Kitty now go on friendship [Music] [Music] please [Music] and the ice sculptures and the doggy dance tent will go here your majesty who honored that you've asked us to OK Royal part of your two puppies when do we meet the birthday boys they can't wait to have their very first birthday party [Music] don't worry Queenie we'll set this party up before you guys arrived come along boys this this will be doggy doggy boy sweet idea [Music] let us help you you're frosting I mean your majesty ladies [Music] on it oh yeah I'll play with you this will keep them busy [Music] [Music] girls I was hoping that you come along boys that does it I'm guarding those puppies Buckingham Palace Style uh [Music] why are we moving [Music] we can explain no need girls I saw everything with my own eyes we've never seen my puppies look so happy but what about the party oh I can help fix that [Music] and just in time [Music] a royal puppy party is a hit and girls we must plan ahead for next year's party when this hit in marmalade turned two oh my [Music] God this traffic is going to make us late to the Tour de France bike race but we had to get these decorations to the party at the Finish Line how are we gonna get around all these cars [Music] bike ride through the French Countryside all I'll say is thank goodness for baguettes and games you better be peddling back dead Daisy I am I am [Music] wait a minute I'm confused [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you always fans of the Tour de France any minute now the cyclists will be coming down this street oh Team Pink is in the lead yes shortcut shortcut ever [Music] what are we gonna do we have to get these decorations [Music] [Music] how are we gonna catch up with it [Music] what's this [Music] this is crazy [Music] should we make it to the party on time but you also won the Tour de France really dead [Music] [Music] just a few more balloons and we're ready for Dance's birthday party oh Daisy Millie and Melody will be thrilled when we give their kitten dancer this balloon bouquet but how do we get all these balloons into Bessie or there's a boat there's a way oh once they're stuck oh hold still you're up Minnie we're floating away oh Minnie these balloons to dancers Kitty party we'll find a way right now let's just enjoy the friendly friendly guy in [Music] diesel balloonies use flight modulation plan 81-c 11-47 U-turn coming right up you're welcome [Music] that was close oh [Music] come on [Music] thank you you're welcome oh no the ocean and at least we'll have a nice view [Music] now what oh he's adorable [Music] [Music] oh dear [Music] [Music] thank you wanna pop in on a birthday party oh I hope Aunt Minnie and Daisy come through with dancers balloons they sure did look oh no it's a cat wow happy birthday are you all ready for a slice of Kitty birthday cake how about we rescue dancer first [Music] please [Music] [Music] look what we found shopping it's a smart bag its name is spit spots big spot it's going to keep our apartment squeaky clean we control it with my phone [Music] welcome to the family spit spot thank you [Music] spot has turbo mode that's the way the cookie crumbles new cookies on the couch please please hey [Music] Cheesy Pops are messy stuff [Music] it's gone which means we can't stop can't stop it raise your feet need help fast pizza delivery [Applause] ladies Pizza is yummy but the crust is crummy [Music] I'll never get to eat their own apartment again this turned out to be one crummy night girls I've got a real crummy idea [Music] happy happy home oh she really only wanted to help [Music] movie sounds groovy cheesy hey why aren't these on the floor [Music] [Music] my granola bites will get us to the top shoes bird no Critter's gonna get my granola bites [Music] [Music] my shoelace hurry up Daisy Oh Stacy don't freak out what what cause you got a critter on your pack what hey hey that's mine [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ola Bandit hey let's go [Applause] okay no more [Music] that wasn't so bad let me guess oh my soggy cogs oh there's no way no way the face my son said now our picnic dreams are dashed I guess we better head home foreign [Music] [Music] and just in time look wow we couldn't have done it without you yeah you're a pretty clever Critter oh fine you've earned it [Music] the parties [Music] oh yeah and now let's make a big slap [Music] s [Applause] wants a juice box a penguin oh he's just trying to cool off it's fine if you want to swim with us you have to play nice thank you [Music] oh [Music] I feel like classical [Music] [Music] and that's that [Music] it's on penguin [Music] [Music] no more swimming no more splashing but there is one thing we can do [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Music] I can't wait to show off my disco death moves at Goofy's big dance party this disco ball needs to beat it up here by Sunshine but it will be a party just one more pool oh I have to go after it but how look around I've got an idea give me a boost [Music] see you at the party [Music] tonight [Music] all of our friends will be will be disappointed we can roll faster and we all do the disco dance [Music] you gotta move [Music] [Music] we did it the worst Minnie what a hot diggity disco entrance it was nothing we just dropped right in here [Music] [Music] oh it's wonderful to be back in the room for our friends she's the best meatball loving pal a goof could ask for we just gotta roll it in and we're ready for the party well I still gotta pick up the Nina's gift ciao girls [Music] oh one please [Music] [Music] [Music] can you take out a photo sure say for Mario [Music] thank you you're welcome [Music] get behind me girls [Applause] oh boy that was close who knew dessert could be so dangerous no no Nina's party is about to start [Music] [Applause] [Music] birthday cake yes it's magnifico I love it muffin says we love you like meatballs [Music] come on in and join the fun yeah [Music] these sniffles are the worst guess who's here to take good care of you oh there's no need to trouble yourself clarabella oh it's no trouble at all a good breakfast will have you back on your feet in no time oh boy foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you oh come on fly from Jacks movie you okay yes I'm about making something simple like a cup of tea I can handle that and now for the cinnamon this must be it my cinnamon tea is going to clear your sniffles right up [Music] oh [Music] this is poison jelly spice oh there must be something I can make to help the girls feel better haha corn muffins one shortcut coming up get ready cause there's nothing like a get well muffin this recipe is Really Gonna Pop [Music] all of it all I wanted to do was help you better my dick is all cleared up mine too our sandals are gone whereabouts you didn't I did it looks like laughter really is the best medicine you're the best now it's our turn to take care of you but no more corn muffins ever [Music] cause our parties [Music] happy birthday to me happy birthday Daisy oh everything's looking ducky ripik for my big birthday party tonight and we even got no laser lights and bought machines and all of our friends will be here soon oh I'd better head home and pick out my birthday outfit [Music] now where are those purple bows what the party invitations I thought you mailed these out but I'm not unless I feel like I'm a mama milkshake no one picked up their phones so now what I guess we'll have to deliver all these invites by hand oh my poor [Music] oh boy [Music] they're ruined what their males ready to fly here we go [Music] just happened the confetti canning turned on a party invite sister Daisy she'll be so disappointed well about what where is everybody well you see we forgot to mail out your party invitations and now No One's Gonna show up except for us oh well big party would have been nice but you two are all I need to celebrate my special day oh too bad we won't get to use your new laser lights and fog machines that's it follow me huh Minnie what are you doing we're using the biggest [Music] thank you so many this is Charlie [Music] oh girl you are the best happy birthday baby [Music] [Music] looks yummy our garden harvest party for our plants is going to be veggie ribbon I can't believe we grew all these fruits and veggies our friends are gonna love them this [Music] [Music] come back here oh there's two of them [Music] [Music] our Harvest Feast is a flop our friends are going to be so disappointed [Music] I get it catch come on [Music] tricky little tricksters but you've made harvesting fun of course you can join ever the best part is sharing it with and new friends [Music] [Music] these glow-in-the-dark paints are gonna make these pinatas was that it's just the wind Daisy why are you so jumpy cause Legend says on Dark and Stormy nights the spooky doodle stink monster returns to give you a fight stink monster what's that well let me tell you about him on a stormy night I get a sense of fright When The Lightning Strikes beware oh cause when you open your eyes you'll get a big surprise watch out the stink monster is there he's got spots and horns like prickly Thor and a nose of clothes white leaping but the spookiest thing of all is a stinkiest [Music] oh dearly there's no such thing as monsters well we'll see [Music] that's kind of weird oh girls there's nothing there [Music] [Music] what's that smell I don't know oh dear [Music] you're the expert do you tell us the only way to get rid of him is with something extra stinky Daisy give me your shoes hey okay fine follow those fun [Music] what I think the stick monster is right here I think we found this big monster wrong I bet he was spooked just like us I guess I got a little carried away we all get a little scared sometimes Daisy even a little stinker [Music] cause our parties [Music] we've got a busy day tomorrow at the polka dot Party Palace so let's get a good night's sleep see you in the morning good night thank you [Music] and now what did you girls hear that [Music] oh cute and loud oh hello I need my body sleep oh we're back to bed I hope [Music] oh what are you doing oh wait come back [Music] hey come back with my pillow hey watch what are the noise the baby owl got inside he's gotta be here somewhere oh that's my pillow let me have it no it's not the time for a pillow fight let's play along and maybe it'll Tire him out good thinking [Music] Minnie if we don't get to sleep soon I'm gonna quack up sorry Birdie Buddy it's late and we can't play with you anymore [Music] it's not just about playing is it need a friend might cheer you up little baby cry your eyes there's no reason left to cry it's time for us to sing little baby welcome home now you'll never be alone I'll take you Under My Wings oh it's another owl oh you want to say hello [Music] what a night well girls looks like we can finally get some sleep please [Music] well I guess my style is called messy oh girl today's big Millie Melody and all their friends are gonna have so much fun finding these eggs the kids are gonna be here soon we better hurry now after we let the eggs dry oh no what's wrong polka dot egg is gone well it's not like it got up and walked away listen [Music] oh something moved on my hooves and look it has [Music] where'd it go it's in here somewhere [Music] this one's gotta be it found it [Music] they're all gone even my messy one no oh they're on the moon oops [Music] is scrambling my brain at least I can't fly oh my God those eggs got us beat they have to be around here somewhere but where [Music] thank you baby challenge [Music] we're sorry we won't be able to have the Easter egg hunt that's okay we'll play hide and go peep instead [Music] mama got no doodle move [Music]
Channel: Disney Junior
Views: 4,570,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney junior, disney, junior, disney jr, djr, kids shows, minnies bow toons, bowtoons, singing, song, music video, burps, balloons, minnie's bow toons, minnie, daisy, episodes, dance, bow tique, bowtique, cuckoo-loca, bow toons, clarabelle, full episode, funhouse, fun house, minnie mouse shorts, minnie bow tunes, minnie bow toons, minnie bowtoons, minnie bow toons shorts, minnie mouse bow toons
Id: t_ezw-NQ0Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 13sec (3613 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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