Minnesota Fishing Opener, Scoping Lake Winnibigoshish Walleye!

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what's going on guys merham Outdoors here welcome to the channel I'm joined here with Owen how's it going guys so this is special weekend to kick off merham Outdoors YouTube channel we're headed up to the white fish chain for opener we're going to do a couple different lakes probably leech maybe Winnie so we don't know kind of what's going on yet but we're going to start at leech and see where the Hop B is and go from there so so stay tuned for more guys ready to kick off Minnesota open with a B hey guys just got done buying some bait here at snw next stop at our last stop here at the white fish chain where we're staying for the night this is my buddy Parker's cabin otherwise known as pork y here we are real pork one there we are guys you'll be seeing a lot of him this weekend as well um we're going to go upstairs we're on the dock right now we're going to go upstairs and kind of to show you around check here 523 a little chilly out this morning 43° should be warming up pretty fast got our energy and uh we don't really know what's going on so we're going to hit a couple spots that we know on Leach and see what we can't do this morning and uh the bite's not too good we might be switching legs so stay tuned all right ladies and gentlemen we're on the beautiful Leech Lake we got oppr in the back Owen we're headed to Annex Reef uh pork you met last night they tucked in the bay um they're in a little bit of a smaller boat so odds are either they're going to try to make it out early today wind's supposed to pick up afternoon so we might be even coming back to the Bay so stay tuned and hopefully we get on them right away [Music] [Applause] [Music] got all right guys nothing nothing out on Leach we're coming in and saw some small ball tried small ball fishing for a little bit now we're on we came back in been I know probably three pounder here [Music] [Music] there we go guys nice probably three lb small mouth on the hair just fat pre-spawn pre-spawn young female [Music] we're going to switch to Winnie but if you know me I wish I was fishing for these things but let her go might throw another Caster to here [Music] though is it another good one yeah hooked up again here another small JW on the way in not long but not a whole lot of length to her but she is fat draw water is not even down we literally came in here this is where the launch is came in here to go to Winnie and boom literally First cast first drop two seconds [Music] that's a nice oh yes oh yes oh yeah that's four [Music] let him get let him [Music] go don't get him that close you [Music] [Music] B all right guys we're on Winnie leech didn't work out you saw us catch a couple small mouth there at the end kind of just found them as we were coming back into the lunch um we got a couple buddies out here said the bite was good there's 's a ton of boats out here so um this Lake usually gets a lot of pressure right the spring but um we'll see what happens so stay tuned still got them all right guys little update here we just put one in the Box I'll show you in a minute um we're out here on Sand flat just kind of running right on The Brak simple jig a mle4 o 8 O chasing them on live they're all over the place they're all over the place in giant schools so trying to tell you on top of B I get fish on a little bit better than the last one I think absolutely imphal thing is gone choked that chicken it Noe not going to switch jig head all right guys we're kind of down and in straight schools out here just sitting right on these brakes one's got the jig figured out now I got to figure it out what I got on just not working so we're going to try we're going to try bass in the wal eyes air jig should I hair jig them Owen's hooked up got a Christmas tree up here on the Liv scope hooked up right when I came through it o it might be a pipe really yeah it's a pipe is it yeah okay I'm coming little Pike action here prob what we're at [Music] [Music] quick release on this [Music] car should be there just right off the front left nice on the basket Bo go what did I say dude we're bassing them today pops right out little perfect eater we keeping that on oh yep there we go that's what we're talking about got to keep it over here we go there's our first pretty dang good one there prob about 20 some inch here there sick single single one on scul dude one lone RoR we lost to school but hey still catching them we got you been I didn't make there we go another one on the board I'm hoping these mics are working we're going to try these mics today too stay tuned cuz this is not stopping I got oh gosh my a hot School [Music] this oh right my hand and radar let get the next that suspend giant all right ladies and gentlemen we were sculping around found this guy sitting middle of the water CL we're going to get him in here let's freaking go let's freaking go about 18 ft of water about 18 ft of water he was sitting up in about five at the top of five we're going to get a measurement quick picture release dude best scoping jig out there little Northland tackle spell natator keeping that thing per my mow perfectly up and down we get measurement couple pictures and we're going to get her back check that out giant right at 25 and A2 guys [Music] oh you literally C fish I don't even care for a Lindy it's just too fun to live scul them yeah jigging a Shiner I've been using Plastics too yeah 20 probably dude yeah pretty good one oh Sho spotlight [Music] all right guys just got on [Music] [Music] all right guys me and ow one just haded the absolute blast open for these Walley uh this opening Saturday um I just wanted to show you guys what we had going on here so we're on top of these steep brakes with sand Flats right on top so earlier in the morning about 9:30 to 11:00 we were right up on top here and about 12 to 18 ft of water as the day went on the water temp Rose quite a bit so we moved to these deeper flats that pushed out into the lake a little bit more and those are where we caught our bigger spawned out females why did I oh Shar thank you guys for watching uh if you enjoy content like this please like And subscribe there's going to be a ton of videos coming out this summer we've got bass tournaments plann um trips in the fall planed so stay tuned and hopefully I can produce a video for you guys every week
Channel: Merkum Outdoors
Views: 2,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MUm02_afw6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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