Minimalist Apartment Tour

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starting with the bedroom most of you already know that I keep it very simple I always work with what we have so we don't have any nightstands I still have the same comforter pillows headboard bed frame from like 7 years ago again working with what we have until we move um the one thing that is new in this bedroom is this drying rack I will have it link down below I try to dry some of our clothes just for you know to save money and also the longevity of our clothes also we do have our hamper on the side and we do have a random little lamp because the lighting isn't the best in this apartment but this is the only like window space we have and Milo is absolutely loving it so I switched his hammock to here instead of the living room and now he can see more more of what's going on outside we usually get some skunks raccoons and he just loves looking at other animals and hanging out on his little [Music] hammock the only plant that I do own is my monara but as you guys can see she's not at the healthiest stage so again lack of lighting that's the only light that we have we don't have recess lighting we don't have closet lights so that's like the biggest con with this apartment as for my closet you guys have seen it numerous times so I will link up top the most recent closet tour video and I will also try my best to link some of the items that I have in this closet down below moving to the bathroom it is a' 70s theme so it's a little outdated well a lot outdated I should say but I still make it work I try my best to keep everything as clean as possible especially in the bathroom the only thing that we added that was new is our bedday this is the best thing we ever purchased I will have it linked down below we do still have toilet paper cuz we do dry with toilet paper and we also get guests that don't really like the bedet so we do still have toilet paper just in case and above the toilet is two drawers for extra storage and then some face cloths when it comes to our shower I like to keep two things in mind keep it minimal and keep it clean so I try my best to keep the tub and the walls clean and I try to keep our products at a minimal so just keep like the basics shampoo conditioner face wash deep conditioner and a bar of soap that's all we both use and it just works out really well with such a tight tight bathroom [Music] when it comes to the only two outside closets we have this one in particular we just keep our like work gear in here so camera gear lenses our robes um cleaning supplies I also have laundry stuff so I do have a thing of quarters because we have to pay for laundry here in quarters only so that's that closet and then with this closet it's pretty simple I have two two baskets for storage and then I just have my little self-care area as for the living room my partner still has his little office space in here and it just works out with all the outlets and stuff so this is just working for now I know it's not the neatest or cutest look but again working with what we have um also when it comes to the couch I kind of stopped folding and putting the R pillow out it was just becoming a pain in the butt so I just keep it to the side and I will have a video soon on how I keep my couch nice and clean um but this couch is from Jordan's I know I get a lot of questions about that and I will have that link down below as well this is just plain and simple it's a cat area Milo's food and then we have our projector which you guys are very familiar with as well we've owned this since 2021 it's a great projector you can watch things at night you can watch things in the daytime and the picture quality and sound is absolutely phenomenal moving on into the kitchen again I like to keep it very very basic I don't like a lot of things on the countertop so we do have this fruit basket that we got for free we have some hand sanitizer reusable cloth napkins to save some money we also have our water purifier attached to the faucet and then another thing that I have been trying my best to do is keep the sink extremely clean including the um garbage disposal so I finally purchased some gar garbage disposable um little tabs that go in it and I find that it's been keeping the entire kitchen smelling fresh but this is like my little cooking area I was doing a simmer pot to make the house smell good as well I'm always about like making the house smell good but keeping it natural um this is a new thing we did not buy this this was free which I'm very happy about we've been brewing a lot of tea I also purchased these reusable little Kake cups so we can put loose tea in there or coffee whenever we have guests over if they want some coffee we always have Santa Domingo coffee on Deck so just in case we don't drink coffee again we drink tea So lately I've been obsessed with mulberry tea um a lot of herbal teas we end up picking these up when we went to New Hampshire I also like peppermint tea so we are a huge tea family and the rest of the cabinets is just your basic storage don't let some of these cabinets fool you this looks very minimal and empty but best believe the reality of it is in the dishwasher so I was washing a couple of the things that belong in those cabinets and then this cabinet is just for seasonings I like to use just herbs so I'm not a fan of using anything that has added salt I like to add my own salt so I keep a lot of herbs on Deck again we've been trying to eat as clean as possible it's it is a little tricky sometimes um we're not perfect but we've been trying to eat a lot more greens a lot more toast tofu mushrooms Peppers um things like that a lot of clean food items and the last two areas are very self-explanatory I've talked your ears off all about Milo's little cat area I'll have all these products linked down below and then of course we have our dining room table so on that note you guys I hope you enjoyed this short minimalist apartment tour and I will catch you in the next video [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: Kyra Ann
Views: 95,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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