Mini Project - Learn to use API Gateway with Lambda, AWS Service and Mock Integrations

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Welcome to this AWS Mini Project where you are going to get the experience of interacting with API Gateway. Specifically, you're going to create an API using API Gateway and provide functionality to this API using Mock integrations, Lambda integrations, and AWS Service integrations. So this is going to be a really good mini project to get the practical experience across all of these different features. Now to get started, you'll need to be logged into an AWS account with an identity which has admin permissions. If you're using any of my courses, then you can use the IAM admin user within the general AWS account, so the management account of the organization. Otherwise, just make sure that you are logged into an AWS account using an identity with admin permissions and then click on the region dropdown and I normally suggest the Northern Virginia region so US-East-1, but in this case, this mini project will work in most if not all AWS regions, but I do recommend Northern Virginia. Now the AWS service integration that we're going to use within this mini project is going to be SNS, so the Simple Notification Service, and to do that, we need to create a topic. So first we're going to move to the SNS console, so type SNS in the search box at the top and then open Simple Notification Service in a new tab. Go to that tab, click on the hamburger menu on the left, so that's the three lines, and then select Topics. Once you're there, click on Create Topic. We're going to create a standard topic and for the topic name, put API-Messages. Now scroll down and under Access Policy, we are going to keep the basic method but we're going to change publishers and subscribers to use specific AWS account, which is your AWS account. So click on the publishers dropdown and select only the specified AWS accounts and then click on the account dropdown on the top right and click on the copy symbol next to your account ID and this is going to copy your account ID without hyphens into your clipboard. Once you've done that, paste that into this box and do the same for subscribers. So click in the dropdown and select only the specified AWS accounts and then paste in your account ID. Once you've done that, you can leave everything else as default, scroll right down to the bottom, and click on Create Topic. Once the topic's created, we need to create a subscriber and in our case it's going to be an email subscriber. So go ahead and click on the Subscriptions tab and create a subscription. In the protocol dropdown, click and select email and then change the endpoint to your email address. I'm going to use my email address, but you need to use your own email address to make sure that you receive the emails. So type in your email address, scroll to the bottom, and create the subscription. Now you will get an email asking you to confirm this subscription. Until you do confirm it, the subscription state will be pending confirmation. So click on Topics, go back into the topic, go to Subscriptions click on the link in the email to confirm the subscription, and once you do, if you refresh this, it should change to confirmed and you need it to be confirmed before you move on. Now, another integration type that we're going to use is a Lambda function integration. So to do that in the search box at the top type Lambda and then right click on Lambda and open that in a new tab. Once you're there, click on Create Function. We're going to author the function from scratch and it's going to be called api-return-ip. So put that in the function name box, change the runtime to Python 3.9, and make sure the architecture is set to X86_64. Once it is, go ahead and click on Create Function. Once that's created, scroll down and then in the code source box, delete the temporary code that's there and paste in the code from the text-based instructions attached to this lesson. Essentially all this code does is extract the IP address of the requester from the event object, so this will be your IP address, and then it returns it. So essentially it outputs your IP address. So once you've got that code in there, make sure you click on Deploy to deploy that to the Lambda function and then we're going to go ahead and create the API itself. So click in the search box at the top and type API Gateway and then open that in a new tab and then click on APIs on the menu on the left and scroll down and locate Rest API. Make sure you don't pick Rest API Private because we don't want a private API, we want a public one and it needs to be a rest public API. So in my case, that's the top Rest API box and then I'm gonna go ahead and click on Build. Now if this is the first time you're creating an API, you'll see this dialogue. Just go ahead and click on okay. Now we are going to be creating a Rest API. It's going to be a brand new API, so check this box. And then for the API name, just type My-Demo-API and it's going to be a regional API, so make sure that regional is set in the endpoint type. Once you've done that, go ahead and click on Create API. Now in order to use APIs with API Gateway, we need to create resources and methods. So the first thing we need to do is create a resource. So click on Actions and Select Create Resource. The first resource that we're going to create is our mock resource. A mock resource is something generally used for testing and you'll generally make it return some static data. It's often used for testing, so under resource name type Mock, the resource path should automatically populate with mock in lowercase. If it does, that's good. Go ahead and click on Create Resource. Once we have a resource, we need to create a method and the method is exactly how this resource interacts with some kind of compute or in the case of a mock resource, it's how we configure exactly what the mock resource does. So make sure you've got the mock resource selected and then click on Actions and create a method. Now under method we have to select the type of http request that we're going to use with it, such as Get Post or Delete. In this case, we're going to select Get so select Get in the dropdown and click on the tick to confirm that selection. Now the integration type is going to be mock, so go ahead and select that and then click on Save. Now because this is a mock integration, we don't need to worry about the method request or the integration request or the method response. What we are going to do is click on Integration Response and then we're going to expand this, then underneath we're going to expand mapping templates and we're going to add a mapping template. It's going to be Application/JSON and click on the tick to confirm that and then in the box on the right, we're going to paste in the JSON that this mock integration is going to be responding with. Now it doesn't matter what you put here, I've just put a funny message, "This response is mocking you," you can put anything you want inside this message. Just make sure you include it inside the speech marks next to message colon. So only change the part inside the speech marks which are shown on screen as "This response is mocking you." Don't change status code or the value or don't change the message key. Once you've done that, go ahead and click on Save, scroll up and then click on the other save button. Now with this version of the UI, it won't give you any feedback, but as long as you've clicked on both of those save buttons, then you are good to go. Now that's the mock integration configured. Next, click on the forward slash at the top, click on Actions, and click on Create Resource again. This time call it Lambda and it should populate the resource path with Lambda in lowercase. So it's here where we're going to configure the Lambda integration. So this is creating part of an API which Lambda will provide the compute resources for. So once you've done that, go ahead and click on Create Resource, make sure to click on /Lambda, then click on Actions and click on Create method. Again, we're going to change this one to Get, so select Get in the dropdown and click on the tick and then under the integration Configuration, we're going to set the integration type to Lambda function and then check the box next to Use Lambda Proxy Integration. Make sure the Lambda region is set to the region where you created the Lambda function. All of this needs to be in the same region, so in my case, it's Northern Virginia and then just start typing API and then you should see an auto-populated box with the name of the Lambda function, so api-return-ip, select that, and then click on Save. Now you'll need to give API Gateway permission to invoke your Lambda function and by clicking on, okay, AWS will handle this automatically. This adjusts the resource policy on the Lambda function to allow it to be invoked by the API Gateway. So this is the policy that you generally don't see from within the UI, just like an S3 bucket policy, a Lambda resource policy controls what can invoke that Lambda function and we need to add API Gateway and it's done automatically using this dialogue. So go ahead and click on okay and that means whenever this resource is used on the API Gateway, it's going to pass the data into the Lambda function when it invokes the Lambda function, the Lambda function will return some data and that will be passed back to the client. Now the last type of integration that we're going to configure is the AWS service integration and this is going to use SNS. To do that though, we need to create a role that the API Gateway will use to publish messages to SNS. So go ahead and click in the search box at the top and type IAM and then open that in a new tab and go to that tab. Then go to Roles and click on Create Role. It's going to be an AWS service role, so make sure that box is checked, scroll down. In the dropdown, go ahead and start typing API and then click API Gateway and make sure API Gateway is selected. Once it is, you can go ahead and click on Next. These are permissions that this role will be given and we can leave this as Default. Go ahead and click on Next. Under role name, go ahead and enter api-gw-sns-role, scroll all the way to the bottom and create the role. Now once the role's created, find it in the list and click on it and then make sure the permissions tab is selected, click on Add Permissions and then Create Inline Policy. We're going to add additional permissions to this API Gateway role. So click on JSON, delete the placeholder, and paste in this JSON and this JSON is contained within the text based instructions attached to this video. Now this policy is just going to give this role the ability to interact with SNS, so this is how API Gateway will be able to directly publish messages into the Simple Notification Service. So go ahead and click on Review Policy, call the policy SNS Publish and then click on Create Policy. Once you've done that, we can go back to the tab that you've got open to API Gateway. Make sure you click on the forward slash, so this is the top level of API Gateway, click on Actions, Create Resource. For the resource name type SNS and this will populate the resource path and then you can click on Create Resource, click on the resource, so /SNS and click on Actions and then Create Method. Now for the method type, click in the dropdown and because we are going to be giving API Gateway some data, we need to put the post method, so change this to Post and then click on the tick. The integration type is going to be AWS service, so check that box, make sure the region is set to the region that you are using, in my case US-East-1, make sure the AWS service is set to Simple Notification Service, SNS. You can leave the AWS subdomain blank. For the http method, make sure that you also select Post, under Action type, we're going to select Use Action Name, and then under Action, we're going to put Publish. So this is the action that's going to be used with Simple Notification Service whenever API Gateway uses SNS as part of this integration. Next, we need to put the ARN of the IAM Role that we've just created, so go back to the IAM console, copy down the ARN of the api-gw-sns-role that you just created and then paste that into this box. Now this will mean whenever this particular resource of the API is used, then the API Gateway is going to publish a message to SNS and this is how you can directly use various AWS services. Now API Gateway supports other direct AWS service integrations. This is just one example. At this point, we can go ahead and click on Save and then we need to make some modifications. So first click on Method Request. So this is configuring exactly what happens when this method is interacted with by the client. So we need to specify some URL query string parameters that are going to be passed in by the client to this API resource. So click on this dropdown and then click on Add Query String and for the first query string type Topic ARN in Camel case, so uppercase T and uppercase A, and then click on the tick and then click on Add Query String again and type Message with an uppercase M and click on the tick. So this is going to mean that API Gateway is going to expect both a message and a topic ARN to be passed in using query strings when this API resource is interacted with. So go ahead and click on Post below /SNS and next we need to make some modifications inside integration request. So this configures how that data is sent to the integration, so in this case, Simple Notification Service. So click on Integration Request, scroll down and under URL Query String Parameters, again click on Add Query String. Firstly, put Message in the name and then under the mapped form, we need to put method.request.querystring.Message with uppercase M and this configures how the data is mapped between the method request and the integration request. So we're essentially creating a mapping between what the client delivers to the API Gateway and what the API Gateway then delivers to the integration, in this case, SNS. So click on the tick and then we need to do the same process again for the topic ARN again in Camel case, so uppercase T and uppercase A, and then in the Mapped From, go ahead and type method.request.querystring.TopicArn with an uppercase T and uppercase A and again, all of these strings are contained within the instructions attached to this lesson. So go ahead and click on the tick. Now at this stage, everything looks good so we can go ahead and deploy the API. So to do that, go ahead and click on the Actions dropdown and then Deploy API. We need to deploy the API to a particular stage, so select New Stage from the dropdown and type V1 for the stage name and then click on Deploy. Now this deployment process is going to give us an invoke URL, so this is the URL that can be used to interact with this particular stage of our API Gateway. So we'd use this URL and then we could access any of the resources and thus the integrations that we've configured within this API Gateway. So copy this invoke URL into your clipboard. Then we're gonna go ahead and open a brand new browser tab and we're going to paste in this URL. Now if we just use this directly, you'll see this error message, so "Missing Authentication Token." What we need to do is specify the resource on the end, so we'll start with Mock. So put the invoke URL and then /Mock on the end and I'm just going to increase the size just so you can see this better. Now because I'm using Firefox, I can have a nicely formatted JSON output or I can see the raw data. In either case, you should see the JSON that you configured within the mock integration. In my case, a status code of 200, "This is mocking you." So that's the mock integration working fine. This data is being returned by API Gateway using the mock integration. Next, I want to go ahead and test the Lambda integration. Remember this is the Lambda code. Essentially what it does is extract from the event structure the request context, identity source IP, so this should be your IP address. So when we use this particular resource at the API Gateway, it's going to invoke the Lambda function passing in some data, the Lambda function's going to extract your IP address and then return that to your browser via API Gateway. So let's test that out. So in a new browser tab, we'll again use the invoke URL for the V1 stage of our API Gateway, only this time instead of Mock, we'll use Lambda, so the Lambda resource name. Now depending on the browser that you are using if you're using Firefox and you try to use the pretty JSON version, you will get an error 'cause it's telling you that it can't pass the JSON. This is logical because what's outputted is just our IP address. If you're using any other browser, this should work fine straight away. If you're using Firefox, go ahead and click on raw data and this will output your IP address. I've obviously blurred mine out on screen. You should see your IP address and this is extracted from the request by the Lambda function and then it's returned back to your web browser, so this will be your IP address. Now next we're going to test out the SNS integration, but in order to do that, we need to make a post request. Now we could use an application such as Postman and the instructions for that are included in the text-based instructions for this mini project. Alternatively, we can go ahead and directly test it using the API Gateway console and that's what we're going to do. So go back to the API Gateway console and then I want you to go ahead and click on APIs and then click on the My Demo API link. Then click on the post below SNS and there's a button here called Test with a lightning symbol below it. So go ahead and click on Test and this will allow you to do a test of this API Gateway resource and method. Now we need to type in the query strings to interact with this API Gateway method. So to do that, we're going to use Topic ARN in Camel Case, so uppercase T and A and then equals and then we'll lead the ARN for the SNS topic. So move back to that tab and copy that into your clipboard and then paste that in. Then we're going to use an and symbol and then Nessage with an uppercase M equals and then we're going to type a message in there and if you want spaces, you need to use the plus to represent a space, so I'm going to use "Cats are amazing." So that's going to send into this API Gateway method two different query strings, the topic ARN together with a message and remember, this is what we configured the integration to expect. So scroll down and click on Test and then on the right, you'll be able to see the response body, the response headers, as well as any logs, so go ahead and explore those, but what you should also get is an email because remember you configured an email subscription to this SNS topic so you should receive an email containing the message that you just entered. Now that's everything I wanted to cover in this brief mini-project on the API Gateway together with Mock, Lambda, and AWS service integrations. Now API Gateway is a really powerful product that you can use to create managed APIs either on their own or as part of serverless architectures. This mini project has only scratched the surface, but hopefully it will give you some idea on how you can use it in your own projects. We have come to the end of this mini project though and so what remains is for us to tidy up our AWS account. So to do that, go ahead and click on APIs and select the API that you created, click on Actions and then Delete and click Delete Confirm, then go back to the SNS tab, click on Topics, select the topic you created, click on Delete, type delete space meet, and then click Delete to confirm, then go to Subscriptions, select your subscription, click on Delete and click Delete to confirm, go back to the IAM console, click on Roles, then find the api-gw-sns- that you created, check the box and click on Delete. You'll need to confirm that deletion with the role name and then click Delete. Then go back to the Lambda console, click on Functions, select the Lambda function you created, click on Actions and then Delete and then type delete and click to confirm that deletion and click on Close and now the Lambda function's deleted. Go back to the IAM console and locate the api-return-ip-role that was automatically created when you created the Lambda function. Yours might be slightly different, but it should start with the name of the function, so api-return-ip, select it, click on Delete. You'll need to confirm that with the name of the role and then click Delete to delete that role. Then in the search box at the top, type CloudWatch and open that in a new tab, go to Logs and then Log Groups. Now you might see lots of log groups listed. You're interested in the one that's named the same as the function that you just created and deleted, so look for api-return-ip, select that log group, click on Actions, Delete Log Groups, and confirm that deletion and that means the account is now back in the same state as it was before this mini project. So that's everything you're going to be doing in this mini project. I hope it's been enjoyable. At this point though, go ahead and complete this video and when you're ready, I'll look forward to you joining me in another exciting mini project.
Channel: LearnCantrill
Views: 16,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AWS, Amazon Web Services, API, APIs, API Gateway, Lambda, Simple Notification Service, SNS, Integration, Mock, Event-Driven
Id: sDxsTPbUiik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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