Mini Pizzas | Buddy Oliver

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[Music] hi guys i'm buddy and today i'm going to show you how to make some pizzas not pizza pizzas and pizzas are basically tiny pizzas and pizzas are big pizzas are smooth so first we're going to make the sauce i'm going to turn the hob on and we've got two cloves of garlic here and we're just going to chop them up i'm scared of this thing remember you have to keep your fingers out the way so you do not cut yourself and you can get an adult to do this bit what we're going to do we're going to get this into like a little pile in the middle we can use a slightly bigger knife this is one of the safest methods of chopping it's called a crust chopping very sticky garlic we're just gonna put a drizzle of oil in and then we're gonna get our garlic just put it in there you can hear it sizzling so we're just going to go around with a spatula shake it around make sure the um garlic doesn't burn we've got some canned tomatoes here we're going to put it into our garlic and these are whole canned tomatoes so dad says this is the best ones to get they bursted everywhere so now we're gonna get a masher i'm just gonna mash it up so we can't really see too much skin or the tomato skin in there using the masher makes it turn into a nice sauce smooth texture kind of okay so we can add some salt and pepper to that that's really nice now i just wash my hands some pepper sauce and also what you can add which is really nice is some basil to tear it up so just you can tear it up a bit you don't really have to but and just put it in there i don't really know if my brother likes basil that much mix that around so i'm just gonna put this into on here but only half on so like there and now we're gonna go on to our dough so when you normally make pizzas normally takes really long for the dough to approve and you have to rest it this one it's just a really easy two-ingredient dough so that's 350 grams of self-raising flour so i'm just going to make a hole in the middle and then in with our yogurt 250 grams in the middle it is overflowing that's what happens with wells we can use a spatula and just mix that in then we can go in with our hand after it's all mixed in we just don't really want to get our hands too messy right now so we're just going to give this a stir around and when you can't stir anymore you can go in with your hands and just make it into a dough consistency with my left hand i'm going to hold the thing and with this i'm just going to put all the flour into it like this it's like a dough consistency now so we can just put the bowl somewhere else put this flour somewhere else a piece of flour got my eye at all yes we've got to get some flour and just put it on the board so it doesn't stick to the board our dough then we can just knead that so you can let it rest a bit after you've needed it but you don't have to you can just crack them straight to the pizza it's nice and smooth and now we can cut it into pieces so we can make some pizza you cut your one into quarters and then your quarters into a half so you have eight and i hate math so we've got our eight bits now and we're going to roll these into balls just going to put them to one side before we roll it we've got to turn our sauce off looks really good put some flour out and then now we can roll it and then we're going to turn it over and then we're going to roll it this way so it creates a circle so i'm happy with this shape so i've done these ones and then crack on with this one and you're gonna come back to me when i'm done so i've done on my rolling and i've got a really good stack here and now we're gonna add our toppings we're going to have a tomato sauce but we could add any sort of cheese mozzarella basil parma ham ham chili tomato slices sausage salami sausage spinach sausage more sausage a load of sausage spicy sausage english sausage american sausage italian sausage anchovies now we can make a pizza so put a pan there so i'm gonna oil it so i'll use a brush when i put oil on my hands it never tends to come off and now we can put i think we do three first we're gonna do our sauce of course so don't go right to the edge just leave it a bit of crust there there we go so the first one we're gonna do is a classic margarita got some mozzarella here sprinkle that round so river's actually a really big fan of margarita i like to get the biggest piece of basil and put it into the smaller ones i'm just going to cut these because i want to so that's our margarita one for river so now we're going to move on to my one the three cheese and chili so we've got our parmesan cheddar it's very squishy and take our mozzarella that we used last time we've got our gravy here and then our knife this is a big one and a red one we're just gonna grate some of each cheese and we're gonna mix it up so it's nice and evenly mixed nice long strokes just like this yeah that's enough and then i ate that of course i like parmesan and now we can put a bit of mozzarella into this as well let's just put on the pizza we're wasting our time here and then just cut pieces off this that's enough i cut quite small slices because i don't like a lot of spice in my pizza because i want to enjoy it and i don't want to be like a big battle leaf on the top one of the tips is when you've just handled chili you don't really want to put the chilli in your eyes because when i was in holiday i did that i wasn't very happy so you got to wash your hands after you've handled chili you know dad wanted mushroom and ham i'm gonna give it to him i didn't really like the sound of mushroom and ham go away fly but whatever dad wants and we've got a mushroom but we're just gonna put some of the cheese that we had from the last pizza which is really useful so now for our mushroom mushroom and we're going to do it from this side because if we did it from this side it'll be wobbly so we'll just do it from this side and just cut like this so we've got a little bit of ham here and we're just going to tear that up and then after that we can just put that on there and now i'm going to take them into the oven to bake for 10 minutes at as high as the oven can go so i've done my three pizzas they've baked and now i'm gonna get them off the tray onto this chopping board and this is my one and dad's one the strange one and then rivers one the margarita so now i'm going to cut them up i'm only going to cut mine up because i'm only going to eat my one but so i've also got some salad here and i've got this pizza slice and i'm going to have a try of my pizza that's good and it's so simple because it's like just two ingredients for the base like cheap base and i like eating it because i like pizza why
Channel: Cooking Buddies
Views: 58,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver, Buddy, Oliver, CookingBuddies, Pizza, Mini, Delicious, Easy, Yoghurt, EasyPizzaBase, Tomato, Mozarella, Basil, Quick, Chilli, Mushroom, Yummy, River, KidsCooking, KidFriendly
Id: 0eBbo1UWwn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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