Minelab Manticore vs XP Deus 2: Which is THE BEST Treasure Metal Detector?

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XP day is 2 or Minelab Manticore you're here because you're considering taking the plunge into one of those two options right there well oh snap you came to the right place days two Manticore and I've risked my life bringing them inside you know getting beaten up by the wife for tracking sand in I mean we're going to take these outside and test them but first let's take a look at some of the nonsense information out there look everybody this is adorable best metal detectors I did a Google search this time it's not just YouTube okay here we go eight very best metal detectors 2022 this is from New York Magazine the strategist the very best metal detectors Liza I don't think you metal detected because you chose oh of course it's the Garrett ace 250. bruh of course I own it and you'll see me rant about this topic in this video up here be sure to check it out and I have my own website called iratemetaldetectors.com it's a website that rates the metal detectors that I really have a close working knowledge of ones that I've used for a long period of time and I'm comfortable speaking on and I have the Deus 2 here but what I don't have is the Manticore listen very carefully there's nobody out there right now at the time of this video coming out that is a true expert on the Manticore with the exception of perhaps the engineers that planned it it takes time to really build the knowledge on a detector to be able to speak on it I anticipate updating that site sometime in January but this is what we are going with right now but you are getting an opinion from a experienced metal detectorist with a passion for the hobby apparently I'm also passionate about hoarding yeah who has used many metal detectors successfully all right let's start out with the Deus too I've featured this in 37 videos I've used it a heck of a lot more than 37 times so Meryl why do you have the Deus 2 ranked at number two on the list and let's see a detector that we haven't even discussed yet knocked a macro Legend at number one well you see I got two different ratings on it there's the overall rating and the capability rating and you'll notice that the day is two actually has a higher capability rating than the nocta legend but here's the thing there's a huge difference in price you could get the legend for 510 dollars right now in other words at the time of me writing that which was October was the last update Deus 2 was the most capable detector but we heavily weighed price and because of price the legend came out as number one so what can the deus2 do let's start out with depth and we're going to take an excerpt from one of xp's videos the depth of detection is a very interesting topic the first thing to know is there are many parameters in your environment that can affect the depth for example if the soil is mineralized if it's polluted or clean wet or dry or if it's compacted or Airy plus these characteristics can sometimes vary if you move just a few meters the type of Target also has a big impact on the detection depth the results can differ depending on size weight or conductivity or even its shape and the position in the ground the program used and the adjustments made are obviously important as well as the coil you've chosen and here I'll skip many other factors that can influence detection depth the goal of this video is to use several field tests to better understand detection depth and that under optimal conditions the deus2 can locate targets very deep you have to understand it's impossible to run tests on the detector's power that will work for every environment the results of these tests relate to the conditions in which they were made in my case the soil is not mineralized I also took care to leave the ground as undisturbed as possible to do this I made a cut and I drilled small holes at different depths to insert the targets keep in mind that when looking for deep targets it's necessary to be more focused and sometimes investigate suspicious sounds this is the key to finding targets at the limit of detection now let's talk about coils they are not all equivalent for deep searching let's run a test to illustrate this starting with the 28 inch coil and the original Deep HC program the target is a 30 millimeter bronze coin with an ID of about 88. let's try the target at 40 centimeters deep let's try now with the 22 inch coil thank you the test result speaks for itself on this field the 28 inch coil is slightly more powerful than the 22 and this is simply due to the coil's larger size so with this coil we have a slightly deeper result on clean ground we're only talking a few centimeters but on some scenarios it can make all the difference let's move down to 50 centimeters we still manage to hear the target but once again at the limit of detection we are 50 centimeters down with a 30 millimeter bronze coin he's talking about Roman coins in a site that has no modern pollution and no mineralization my test area has a clean non-mineralized soil the mineralization strength meter remains empty and the soil value registers in 87 even after an adjustment by grabbing for the following tests I'll use the 28 inch coil which is currently the largest available for the Deus 2. let's use the sensitive program with no changes made starting at 30 centimeters we can get it with an ID of 85 and I've now moved it to 35 centimeters we still have it but this time the idea is much lower at around 30 or 31. let's move down to 40 centimeters the sound is a little weaker but we still have it 45 centimeters we still have it but really this is at the limit of detection the sound is very weak slightly sputtering and irregular I think that most users would pass this target by acceptable tones up to 45 centimeters deep with a factory preset this proves that even without making extensive adjustments the Deus 2 can find very deep targets for me in terms of depth the absolute Max that I have gotten in dirt on the Deus 2 is about 14 inches but if you really want to see a Deus 2 crater look at this video with the title best day ever on the cover we must have gone down 20 inches on the beach which really is the ideal setting to show off the depth of a detector as for the manticore's depth here is a quarter at 14 inches that's as deep as my test card and goes right now Deus 2 hits it also of course depth is important but especially in a setting like New York which like we you cannot imagine how many bottle caps we have in the ground separation is King in New York well I get it that iron leeches into the ground we're gonna do some testing with iron and conductive targets next to it this will illustrate the concepts of masking and separation what's really interesting is that if you get iron with a hole in the middle [Music] it's going to fool you every time I haven't seen a detector that is correctly identified that the circular iron always gets the detector so I put a quarter a green quarter right on top and now to be fair let's mess with the reactivity oh but you forgot to lower the notch dude all right we have reactivity of five we're in general [Music] it's getting overpowered [Music] now a quarter on this would ring up in the high 80s [Music] is it how to read look at the depth meter Advantage mine lib on this one but I I In fairness I was not in all metal on the Deus and I was in all metal on the Manticore okay so I moved it apart we have the Deus 2. [Music] picking it up just as an FYI something's up with my deus's speaker this has happened before it was just submersed in water I think it'll be fine but um it's a little bit soft for this demo so just remember that anyway here's the Manticore on the same test foreign Advantage XP [Music] slow your roll now this is what's gonna happen in the comments the Mind lab lovers are gonna say oh the Manticore did so much better it was a more consistent tone the XP lovers will say well the day has got the target ID perfect like every single time I'm gonna say I'm digging both of those that was a very close test to me okay look at this video right here which one Rings up higher XP days two target idea flaw big silver now believe it or not you see two coins there you got the Morgan dollar and you have the walking liberty half and the Morgan Dollar these are real coins it's not a fake coin it happens on every single Morgan Dollar even though this is the bigger coin it rings up lower then this the walking liberty and then there's my OCD Master work the XP day is 2 Target ID Bible okay this video first of all it's more than an hour long it tests almost everything it puts it on a board listen there's gold rings that ring up just like silver there's something really quirky about the XP Deus 2 Target ID now this was a little bit of a tangent but I I just want to say to you positively definitely if you use Target ID as your decision to dig the only reason that you're going to dig you need to rethink your life I have a lot more to say about the audio and yes you dig based on the audio how it sounds we'll get back to that but let's end this little tangent here and get back to the iron testing all right non-ferrous coin one inch away one quarter length away from iron bar we're starting on the edge it's getting something [Music] now it's getting the iron bar Manticore same test [Music] [Music] now it's centered Over the Bar okay now four quarter lengths away from the iron bar no problem [Laughter] [Music] nothing when it's centered over the iron centered over the coin that's different wrong target ID top of the coil getting it [Music] over the iron bar nothing edge of the coil they're about the same now we go by experience the Manticore Has a Field that is just like the Equinox perhaps it has another level that is yet to be uncovered you know I've used it about four or five times Maybe I don't know eight hours or so of detecting days I've used a lot more Equinox I've used more than any other detector ever I'll tell you this it feels just like the Equinox the Manticore feels just like the Equinox could this be because I'm brand new at it sure I'll say this in the dirt my preference is the equinox on the beach my preference is the Deus too now this is the X Y screen and it is a visual inference it helps you visually inference so I've got the coin down there and what you're going to see is an uphill pattern when you have a conductive Target uphill [Music] now let's bring it over to iron you can tell that it's iron because it's going to be erratic and that's erratic well that sounds logical that's a great little visual inference and many times it is the problem is when the coin is at depth or the object ring whatever you have to zoom in and it does have a zoom function but it is not as reliable as the first three or four inches to the surface so I'd say it's good up to three or four inches maybe you could stretch it to five or six but the XY screen is not helpful after that at least to me now the Equinox did not have Target Trace look at what Target Trace does circular and right on the line [Music] and it leaves an impression of the last Target you saw that go away how cool is that [Music] Target Trace is arguably mind lab's answer to the X Y screen and you see at the top is going to be Ferris the bottom is going to be Ferris and this is where they borrow a little bit from previous detectors you have the e-track and you have the CTX 3030 which had a really sophisticated Notch system and basically the high conductors are going to be over here the lower conductors are going to be over here coins most non-ferrous coins appear on the center line as a distinct round dot do you really think it's that easy or what happens when there is a deep coin much like the XY screen the data the information is compromised at depth what I depend on to choose to dig more than anything else nowadays is sound that's where Deus blows everybody away that's the look of a man who just suffered mind blow yeah we're doing a emergency emergency upload I can't believe this stage two mind blow so we get stuck in our ways like it's taken me so long to try Park mode on this thing but you know what park mode it's got that extra oomph for big signals we just found these three yeah that was an excerpt from this video God level Deus 2 XP day is two the most important tip with the Deus too it's all about these bad boys and there's even more sophisticated ones of these plus you look cool but anywho Square tones it made me understand size under the ground I could hear the difference in those Rings versus a coin you know I could to a certain extent do that with the Equinox but it is next level with the Deus too I could just picture a conversation between the engineers and the XP headquarters somewhere at the top of the Eiffel Tower in France we need an equalizer ha ha that conversation probably happened and that's probably where you get these more advanced options than the Equinox have audio theme normal enhanced depth prospecting that's for the gold mode now Target tones and ferrous volume let me be totally honest I cannot speak on those yet I am just fumbling around at the very beginning of my journey on the Manticore but and I put my headphones back on for this I could say after using the Deus for almost a year now I would be fine without the box without the target ID like because I understand the tones pretty well now yeah with the day is too you have all of the controls here and you could essentially move everything around here essentially and a lot of people leave this at home and just go hunting like this with the coil oh and we'll get to the coil the flashing coil and the headphones and the controls and that leads us to the legendary learning curve of the XP Deus and xpds2 which is what we're talking about yeah those headphones I was I thought it was the power button to turn it off but this video saved me thank you to XP Deus 2 FMF um basically you have to push plus and then minus to turn them off my point in showing you that is there are hidden quirks that just keep coming at you there's so many levels to that detector some people enjoy that some people want Simplicity now what do I not like about the XP Deus 2. let's discuss that let's start with charging the coil yeah so this is the charger of the XP Deus 2. and you have to charge this plugs into the back of the box this plugs into the headphones and then there's the butterfly this gets plugged into the hot coil see it blinking that means it's got power now here's the thing this is really tough to get on and you have to shimmy it if you thought charging the Equinox was bad because you know the uh the wire thing would not catch they fixed that on the Manticore it's pretty easy but charging the day is two there have been many times that the box has charged but this has not it has to be perfectly put on all right so now in the last video Big Score I found thousands of dollars in gold with my metal detector that's the day is two I found a great chain problem was the Box fell off yeah this snaps on and snaps off and there is a tether that uh honestly I just really should have tethered it to uh for situations like I was in but just be warned that it is more of a possibility to lose this ironically with the metal detector then when something is really really fastened on now battery life I think I have on my website that the battery life is superior on this well it is for this but the problem is you also need to charge this so this this will last you a long time I think it's designed so that it doesn't I mean you do have a backlight on this if you want but uh it doesn't have the same colors as the Manticore you know it's not as high maintenance of a display but guess what is high maintenance this it's not bad battery time I'd say you get maybe six hours on a charge um six to eight don't quote me on that but it just always seems that this runs out faster than this and this one was basically a hissy fit on my part uh the coil basically ran out of batteries before the box and the detector does not work when that happens now we are getting to this navigating this thing you remember those old Casio watches that had like all of this uh you know these things hidden basically pairing it with the coil that's one thing foreign that took longer than usual and we have to navigate this thing I should have chosen the headphones you're gonna have to put up with a little bit of beeping here let me turn down the sensitivity and actually let me put it to the headphones so you might hear my headphones in the distance but this is quieter than usual so basically you could switch programs with the plus minus some people love to push buttons me hell to the no and it took me forever to get here there's basically let's go back one two three choices that you have options menu ground balance turn on tracking which I consider to be very important you have to go to the third one then down and then you hit the plus button to turn it on then you go back now menu General um disk you know turn it up turn it down this notches out some stuff and basically the overall disc sensitivity now there's sensitivity and not in this program but watch this this is the other thing let's go to one of the beach programs oh there's salt sensitivity so there's no uniform you're easily distracted you're easily distracted oh yeah and you hear that beeping well that's inside and that's because of the lights anywho oh my god let's get out of this program because this is just annoying me from a distance okay that's better anyway you have stuff that just appears randomly on the program it's so annoying and it's not it's not like uniform that is what I'm trying to say but you have all of these now notice some of them have experts you go to the expert screen this is how you get to multitones Ed Plus so that's five tones let's go back again option and you have all of the different options Manticore on the first day I felt very comfortable could it be well here look so you have the gear and you could go up and down from here and everything is really in one place going back iron basically you could you choose your pattern and you could either apply it or not but everything is really just in one spot much easier I'm actually covering this two videos in a row so I'll be quick this needs to be connected this bottom part needs to be connected to the coil roped around and the top part needs to snap onto the box or be snapped Where'd I put it there it is can you see how I need something to be wired see this thing right here this comes off air why do you need this you know it's sending a radio signal and if this is underwater it's going to disconnect from the box it is a quirky machine and I'm so glad that I learned Deus it's like learning another language it really is it's a sophisticated detector that can really morph into any situation from diving to high iron areas shoot man you could even dive in a high iron area just make sure you get your tetanus shot the Manticore improved on the weaker areas of the Equinox but that's a statement that really needs to be dissected in itself The Equinox was a freaking Masterpiece every time I would pass Somebody by detecting in New York Parks they had an equinox this spread look at YouTube Look at videos on YouTube from 2018 until maybe right about now almost everybody uses an equinox there's a reason for that there are new equinoxes that came out that also intend to improve upon areas of the previous equinoxes such as leakage my question to you is how much deeper could a detector go how much better could it separate than what the Equinox already brought especially if you have the extended versions of their coils the 15 inch and the six inch and now the market is flooded with options I mentioned the legend before the legend goes for 509 dollars right now and 400 and change if you don't want the headphones you do want the headphones though those are important I own the Equinox 600 and 800 I saw very little difference between the two and you could get the 600 for 600 right now I just would not submerge it Meryl it's the voice in your head what is it voice the people want to see you dunk the mandicore in water do it plus the running water will scare the dogs yeah I think I'll do that God you're an idiot step one we just made sure that everything is sealed the cap is on that is very important and oh let me just point this out you got the light here that was totally copied off of uh knock the macro Legend um another Improvement that they made you got this great uh shaft that's here that you can change the length on I'm gonna need to do that to fit it in the bathtub but everything is sealed let's turn down the water all right here we go I'm not really feeling nervous about this there's no way that my lead makes this mistake twice mind lab don't do that oh my God the dogs are nervous they think they're getting a bath don't worry you bathe the other day it's okay it's okay we're getting there where do you want to go outside you're not going to get a bath box is almost fully submerged all right box is fully submerged let's turn it on [Music] it's alive my final thoughts are coming in a second but first quick message only 20 of the people who watch my channel are actually subscribed please hit that subscribe button hit that like button share this video it helps my channel grow helps us make more videos like this were you guys even nervous I wasn't where you going where you going do I suggest that you get a Deus do I suggest that you get a manticore you can't go wrong with either one that's the truth we've reached an age in metal detecting technology that's a lot like colored televisions I remember around the turn of the Millennium you saw this showroom full of these awesome colored televisions and they really have not evolved so much since there have been additional features put on you know for instance you could put Netflix on your television but in terms of the overall picture quality it's very much the same as it was in 2000 how much more is a detector going to separate how much deeper can it go how much deeper are you willing to dig I still see as of right now the legend as the ultimate value in the high end detectors at uh 509 with headphones that's a heck of a deal maybe that's 95 percent of a day is two 95 percent of a manticore you know those two it's a toss-up and it's really what you are looking for the sound quality and the Deus 2 I'm telling you square tones that is an achievement you can literally hear size and understand okay this could be a ring and this is a zinc Penny you know you can hear the differences so clearly with that the Manticore you get a lot higher quality navigation you get Target Trace you get ergonomics and comfort with both it is such a toss-up it's really close again it's tough to say at this point because I have used the Manticore five six times I've used the Deus 2 a lot more but coming from the equinox and knowing what a work of art that metal detector was and how every other company chased mind lab this has got to be good so how are we gonna solve this well the answer is really going to come over time when we match signals I give my friend one of the detectors maybe the day is two somebody who's familiar with it and I use the Manticore or vice versa and we find the deepest signals the most challenging signals the ones that are crammed in there with other stuff and we try to match that process has already begun on this channel so stay tuned I'm telling you though I can say definitively now you will be happy with either detector but listen to the point in this video both are quirky a day is two is especially quirky but both are spectacular that's the truth thanks for watching everybody
Channel: Metal Detecting NYC
Views: 51,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting new york city, metal detecting, metal detecting nyc, metal detector, treasure hunting, metal detecting new york, nyc metal detecting, metal detectors, metal detecting nyc channel, metal detectorist, xp deus 2, xp deus 2 metal detector, deus 2, minelab manticore, minelab manticore vs deus 2, minelab, xp deus, minelab manticore detector, minelab manticore vs xp deus 2, treasure metal detector, minelab equinox 800, minelab equinox 800 vs manticore, equinox 800
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 58sec (2098 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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