MINECRAFT WITH DINOSAURS!? - PixARK Gameplay Walkthrough - Episode 1 (PC)

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[Music] hello zebra herd and welcome to a game called picks Ark this takes place in the same I guess like world or universe as the Ark dinosaur survival game but it's a lot more my style very colorful it's sort of Minecraft like I think I might like this one but I haven't played yet where to find out together maybe I'll just do one episode on it or maybe I will do many many episodes on it it's only an early access in the developers were nice enough to send me a code so thank you so much but yeah I'm gonna be trying to play it single-player there is multiplayer so maybe we could do that in the future as well but let us get started with some single-player fun I have to make a new character wait this is a new map uh let's call it zebra town create new map and who holds your eye we're just gonna hop right up be honest with you I just don't know what I'm getting myself into but it might be great Raptors are fast and deadly mounts oh we can mount Raptors yeah I'm guessing this this is basically not really all that much different from arc except for that it just adds minecraft like things to it which is good cuz arc really wasn't my thing and I tried to play it I tried to enjoy it but I just felt like our not maybe it was just that aesthetic I don't really like super duper serious games all that much but this I like a lot of course I've played plenty of games similar to this like minecraft and Q brawl that I really enjoy I don't know how long the Voting screen is gonna take but I will wait as long as I need to ah that is not me I do not look like that I don't think they're gonna have an option to look like a zebra but I know let's stay clothed that might be a good thing twice the change so I can change my characters gender can I change their name oh yes survivor name is not Bob it's zebra and I Hal in the the the lad name is zebra town okay so there aren't a ton of Herot options only six of them which is fine I mean we are just sort of a caveman that wants to ride dinosaurs so we don't really need a large backstory we'll go ahead with this hair or how car will be wiped our brow style of course the most important thing out of any video game is how you suit your brows they all look pretty gang so we're just gonna go with the bushiest once and then brow color let's make that black we'll do a black and white scheme yes I do like some of these for sure oh I think I have to go with those that's good we can scroll down a little bit I can make those I can't make them pure black so our pure white so I'll just make them black we can do a better beard than what we have to that light but the twirl a bull mustache so I think we'll go on with the full the full beard and then facial I'll cover we'll keep that black jewelry style we don't really see much of that because it's being covered up by the beard there is something oh we gonna have a little pipe a little eyepatch er uh oh cool shades I got to go with the cool shades I wish they weren't that color but hey I'll go with the cool shades no matter one so over here we have our map we have some different rallying points I guess this is just where we get the twos were to start off and a lot of these seem to be covered in a lot of water like this one sits in its own island I think I'm gonna go with one like this where there's a little bit more land it seems create a new survivor okay let's just hope this goes off while now like I said I'm playing it single player but there are different like public servers you can join I don't really know what that's like so I'm just gonna enjoy the game single-player and find out if we like it and if we do enjoy wow this is really pretty right we have a little parachute there's plenty of like materials in the floor here and I'm going and totally blind like I do not know how to play whatsoever and all hello look at you you are a male sauropod you're beautiful this game is really cool I didn't even know this game existed before the other day the Dalek developers was like hey would you like to fight I'm like oh of course what is that okay and as somebody who hasn't played Ark since like it released and I don't know too much about it anymore I really don't know like I know we can tame dinosaur look at that turtle and oh oh hey hey um no no I'm sorry I didn't you spawned on top of me that's not a fair level it was available access inventory to apply points okay wait you know they still attack me okay this is a big problem oh I don't even know where my health is press the i key to open the inventory to apply your property points and learn Ingram's that sounds like it could be so much fun if there wasn't a female fee Omiya change me up basically an angry elephant okay you done you done okay great so let's check out what we have here we have ourselves the specimen implant okay we have some Flint and some wood I want to go to the engrams and check out what we can occur this is actually a lot more diverse than I was expecting so for right now we might want to stick with their primitive skills we have like exploring fighting structure produce and traffic there know what traffic is gonna be just yet torch used to brighten up your surroundings wood axe a wood axe which can collect wood better for your than your van at bare hands will probably do this one to start off we need to read but uh how do I activate it I need ten and grand points is that what it's saying down here on the bottom right I think so so how many do I have or no maybe it is saying that I have ten of them interesting oh okay now I see doesn't make a little bit more Sun so I can only upgrade one thing right now I guess which is the campfire can be used for cooking meat staying warm and providing light all right let's learn that yeah and then I'm like this whole section and I still have enough n grand points aha okay let's go ahead and unlock all of this as much as I can because I think it'll be helpful okay did I I just now I just unlocked the things to do those things like I haven't actually unlocked those items cuz if I go back to I we got our character in our info and this also has an inventory if I wanted to craft that axe I do have enough to craft it so let's go ahead and make one and then for the pickaxe I also have enough wood for that and finally a torch alright those seem to be the three most basic possible things I can get which is good so what is X X is prone interesting it's gonna tell me more stuff love of this available okay excess inventory to it alright so I have an eleven more points I'm just gonna keep going down the list then obviously it seems like there's other things we need to be way IR level to reach these interesting so I can't like upgrade this one or no I can because I'm level three I want to be able to do the one beyond that though which is level five we'll do a storage box cuz why not also some cloth gloves a cloth hat while this game is moving really really quick um now it's telling me to press space because I can jump Hey okay this game bike it really moves quick there's that elephant she seems to be okay with me now she's fallen in front of my face like I would never want to hurt a female fee Oh Mia so innocent in the nature oh wow this guy fell are you okay down there buddy didn't be able to make your way back up is oh wow it's like a whole little area available under the water you scattered on dinosaur when empty-handed okay can I pull up inventory number four four then uh how do I empty my hand uh oh no I can do it now sauropod level 43 tamable passive normal creature female wild grassland outer ring novice grassland interesting but how do I get you oh you are much lower level open inventory I've been doing that I can drop all items there's only sound like a good idea so I probably want to craft some campfires soon can be used for cooking meat staying warm and providing light I would need a thatch which I don't know if I can create just yet or maybe how do I get that would that be from breaking grass might be the case alright so we can also change our view oh whoa look at this first person oh that's really cool oh look at these guys female patchy male Terra Don or oh you're moving overcooked Pteranodon Pteranodon okay can I wait pickup oh no I dropped that I don't mean to do that so can i M press M view a first-person other this is this is the map huh okay so this is our map right here oh this is a little weird there are different colors for different things Dilli rewards Oh quest refresh timer hunting quest collection quest field there's a lot of information here but I'm like not gonna quite understand for a little while ctrl Q for the quest manager you haven't accepted quest yet press the M key to open your map to see the locations of quest mailboxes once you've completed the quest you need to return to the mailbox at which you except that the quest to submit it and get your reward chest once you've completed each of the quest types for that day you can get a large reward chest holy cow this is like very in-depth I like it oh man oh man I'm getting a little overwhelmed that's what those little things in the map right here are so if we go this way we should be getting a creature taming quest which actually would be perfect because I wanna learn how to tame a creature but where exactly could that mailbox be I mean I probably want to plop down here regardless because I could get at the very least this tree that seems that owl tomatoes or something I'm also a little confused about all the information on the top left I hope I'm gonna be okay and not like run on a hunger or food anytime soon looks like I have sunny day 24 degrees Celsius is what it's like over here is that too hot I thought that was oh wow you feed a Firefly level up is available okay let me do the level up then because the game really wants me to do level ups I don't have enough points for it is there other level up so I'm trying to look for here I don't think so access inventory to apply points I've already done that you're hot you should find someplace to cool down soon okay are you evil oh you're evil you don't like me well I don't like you then get out in your level 35 I don't think I have any chances of Fry's surviving your onslaught Oh my health is on the bottom right okay this is bad this is really bad this hurts a lot uh well this might be the end of me ow oh no I died okay so be careful some of the opponents nearby create a new survivor respawn random location huh weird so I keep some of my stuff here but I do respawn at around location which might be for the better might be for the worse ha so I have a lot to learn about here but I just want to do the creature taming quest oh hey come on it's been like two seconds are you kidding me that's not cool I was alive for like toward a half seconds dude I guess I lost more of my stuff as long as I had my base tools man this is sort of what I had a hard time with with ARC is that I was just like I couldn't really figure out the game before they would destroy me a couple thousand times um I'm just trying to find that mailbox what is it gonna look like I mean presumably like a mailbox but I don't see any kind of mailbox looking thing around here it's saying right now it should be like right in front of me I wish I could zoom in on this map a little bit I mean I'm getting a little afraid of these guys I think they're peaceful luckily oh you have a little heart over you must be at least level 10 to feed this thing okay still saying it's a little bit ahead please don't step on me thank you look at all the variety of things around here though it's beautiful I'm having fun with the game but I have a feeling it's gonna be a very slow learning curve oh there's something okay so that glowing blue thing might be the mailbox I've been looking for the mailbox of my dreams one might say if things are sort of spawn in as you come into the area all I can run look at me nobody careful I want to use up all my energy I don't really know what some of the symbols are on the bottom right it's also saying I'm very hot oh hey that is very loud except quest master of obtaining difficulty - please don't attack me keep running buddy taming creatures will increase your chances of survival stop stop it around think about the little guy accept quest item container I'm shut out of 100 I already accepted this quest once once you complete it hold on what what once you complete it go back to the mailbox taming creatures will increase your chance of survival okay wow there's a lot of info difficulty one oh maybe it was difficulty 1 butts in brackets looks like difficulty to demócratas will increase your chances of survival quest me to obtain a Pheo mia with a purple berry how do I get a purple berry well I didn't see that a couple trees like these seem to have berries in them so maybe if I knock this down nobody get a purple berry or nothing I got 10 would never mind and I didn't get nothing but that some of these app that berries in them right I mean some of these little trees as well I'd imagine when have berries can I destroy these at all oh I can just pick them all again anarcho berry okay so I think maybe that's probably we're gonna get a little bit more here is by foraging I get all Thai and kinds of berries but none of them are purple berries apparently maybe they're purple berries but they're not actually called purple berries please don't attack me please don't be why are you so quick why are you so speedy leave me alone what'd I do to you oh boy this is gonna be a long long journey to figure out what in the world you do in this game uh can pick up some of this mage Oh berries some more thatch can you stop it what did I ever do to you I gotta remember to run i gave already the dash button okay there's gonna be a fun learning experience won't it okay so loading screen I'm falling back down as I am falling can I check out my quest really quickly with purple berry it doesn't specify what kind of berry but I lost all my berries so uh oh there's a Meho berry I just eat one I think it's a one how do I give one to you you're the Pheo MIA right pretty sure pick up pick up I got some stuff there wait oh yeah I guess it got a level up oh I got dinosaur poop oh great so hey you must be level ten to feed this fee Oh Mia I'm not level ten so this one's this is gonna take some time then hmm in the meantime maybe I should focus on some new thing as a craft here I have a wooden stick made of a piece of wood by simple processing you won't feel much damage but Kenan flicks done well that'll be helpful I need more wood let's go ahead and act out a tree or two shall we I'll probably want to apply more points soon but well I'm doing all of this was trying to pick up some stuff and then we can knock down this luckily it hasn't like oh boy I don't know what I did there it hasn't gotten rid of uh what in the world are you my little tools look at you're a rabbit and it's so adorable I want you to be my pad okay so this doesn't give me too much but I'm just hoping it'll give me experience ah that's what that one in the bottom right is I think that's a level up the very top symbol I think it's a level up symbol very cool so seems like just doing basically anything give you some level ups this is taking us a while down so looking at the bottom right and keeping a good eye on everything will surely be difficult but worth my while but this actually does borrow a lot of ideas from arc let me go ahead and first-person mode maybe this will be a bit easier I'm a little worried that in this angle I'm gonna end up missing out on a lot of stuff though uh oh hello sir you're looking great this fine day sir please don't stomp on me that's all I ask once again think of the little guy will ya okay so that little rabbit is so adorable okay you're going the other way I wonder if I could feed some in this other thing I know it wants me to get a feel man but maybe I could get something else it'll be happy let's find out where are you at can I feed you feed yep there you go oh you are tamable I'm taming you you must wait until it's hungry again so I need to hang out near you until you are ready to eat again and then maybe that'll be what tames you ah I am learning all right well in the meantime you can just hang out here if you don't mind or not up to you really I probably get out of first-person mode I'm still not quite the level to feed you yup still need to be level 10 so when I want my now I'm level 5 I'm only halfway there I can start getting some of this stuff we have a bed we have a thatch stealing fast foundation so we can start building with these materials very good here we have a rope ladder peachy saddle Apache saddle interesting ok um can't quite afford that oneself Lord something maybe a little cheaper just like that cool so we are actually building up our available things your has changed I can feed you again see yeah it's getting closer - taming you please don't step on my friend he's my only chance at succeeding I think because I think if we hop on him and use him to attack that'd be much better all right we got some wood Theron oh is he already ready to eat again okay you're a hungry little guy aren't you ah name your patchy uh uh I'm gonna name you Poochie the patchy except our first little friends can I ride you Equipe saddle to ride oh no way I'm stuck Oh problems problems there we go it's not your fault pootie this is so cool his follow distance is medium so I probably shouldn't have um did what I did which was spend all my engrams so that I can't afford this so I'm gonna then do a couple of level ups but I'm almost there already there we go just got a level up how much engrams did that give me eleven so I should be able to afford this now now how do I make a saddle a saddle is the wrong page right here I need leather how do I make leather I'm actually not sure it doesn't seem like is it something that I can craft because that's the case let's go back to the Engram hmm primitive skill metallurgy industrial skill I can't afford any of this any time soon magic level 10 is a portal level 7 so I can't quite do any of that [Music] there's still something down here I can't quite see let's see if I type in leather no that's in quite work how do I make leather I might just have to take on an enemy or two hmm because I can't ride Jun you're close dude I don't hold any to show the oh oh convert to pix block equip saddle a ride access inventory change name order disable following set aggression to aggressive cycle to agressive neutral let's make you aggressive so that if any enemies come near us maybe you can help us change follow distance to medium I mean it should be way well oh is that change follow distance the highest change Lao there we go so you should be really close to me if I walk away you should follow me and you should be aggressive so if there is an enemy nearby you go for him and I can now he flies away you coward he would have been me up okay so in the meantime where you going dude that is not close oh gosh she's going against somebody else and he's going against one of the elephants these elephants are rough dude be careful in the meantime let me quickly oh did you get him well my little go-getter and kill me is dead wait what you hold him stop pushing me stop pushing me uh can I just beat this up no I'm so seasoned axe oh this is weird oh I'm getting leather oh this is working I'm figuring it out on my own no tutorial needed okay there is a tutorial needed but oh hey no no my friend stop pushing me ah you got a little low on health now okay maybe this is a little bit too close of a distance so for the saddle it is right there craft this item and look at that I got myself a saddle can you stop you are making this a little difficult I will be honest I can't even see what's happening oh here you push me oh no no how do i yeah hold II change it to medium okay now it's that can I please I might have to go into first person okay this game still has its wonkiness I'm so sorry my friend are you alright it Clips saddle I should have one right here and then do I just put it on you uh no no I don't understand hold on equips saddle a ride maybe I need to put the saddle in my inventory just like this and then put it here can I just do that really quickly no I can't odd I don't understand where you going now don't fight the big guy again you're such a go-getter I love it poochy but no comeback you move too quick I had to put you off of aggressive because you are just fighting the whole world right now okay well uh Oh better wait Bucci wait calm down boy uh neutral your neutral to everything oh gosh oh he's mad now though oh gosh she's mad at me isn't he bojay oh no he's okay he's a kind wait are you my friend now I don't think so it Clips saddled a ride why is this now Orca transfer all items are you sure to change for all items no transfer same item this drop item that's probably not what I wanted to do yeah how in the world do I give it to you I know this is probably the most obvious thing but like I know ha what's happening stop it stop down protect me poaching protect me wait run run oh why did I have to fall down a cave again I blame you Poochie yeah you're responsible for my downfall but you also inherit everything I ever had he's not even helping me right now because I said in the neutral but what am I supposed to do eat I mean I would like to just have a second to think but I'm not gonna have it wow this game is weird so far note to self do not go into caves let's respond to our land on location maybe our little Poochie POW will be okay or maybe we'll never see him again I have no clue how is our level though we're still okay we still keep all of our levels which is good thing is now I would have be careful about you you attacked me last time I think we're not level 10 just yet so sometimes the best thing to level up just seems to be running around and picking stuff up everywhere so for right now Poochie I don't know where he went hopefully he catches up soon I don't know which with these big beams in the sky I'm sure that could be useful wow you are that must be some deep water for you disappea no you know you only have your neck there oh look at you you are a a mail dodo you must wait until it's hungry okay I just want to learn more about your kind okay so we're currently taming you I don't really know if it's helpful to tame you and I don't think I can tame you just yet yeah I won't even look at let me look at your information so I'm gonna see that's the case I'll go ahead and pick up some poop this is a very bizarre game though if I haven't mentioned that already we could get a Spears in a copper weapon with a longer reach and we do have all the materials to make it so if we could get the level 6 soon that'd be actually fantastic so maybe I should just go around and pick more things up chop down a tree a few trees or something and the meantime it can like rip up this grass which used to be a great way to get some easy experience now let's go ahead get the sphere the sphere not the sphere what am I talking about I didn't think it was level 7 but I guess I am yep I'm level 7 our character looks so cool so craft spear oh no I don't have these items I don't have rocks apparently I should be able to change that pretty soon am i picking anything up by doing this I don't think so so I'm going to try digging into the ground seeing if I can't get some rocks like I've gone rocks yet so maybe I can just go this way and get some like what is this right here this might be rocks that's clay hmm not exactly what I'm looking for Oh or I cannot quite break this right here's rocks right looks like it to me uh it's a rock all right looking like a rock so let's go ahead and break that one got it it is very interesting music going on right now this game like it's very action-packed but also quite overwhelming like it is it's a gift that keeps on giving hmm so what else do I need for this I also need wood what's pretty easy if I can find a tree but I gotta be careful of every cave in existence because I fall down them it's like doomsday also it's starting to get dark so I feel like if I were to do another episode on this we might want to just start fresh start totally fresh that way I can uh there's like no trees around here there's some trees over there now I'd be careful with how I walk up this so that I can just sort of start from the beginning of the day again and not have to worry about it getting dark like it currently is oh boy what's attacking me please no I don't see anything so I'm just going to hope that nothing's happening you know sometimes this go just to wish it goes away it looks like that's exactly what happened okay so um I need to go ahead and make a spear I think it would be the craft item craft all what if I just grab plunk is this something like is it a throwable spear or is it more like it says in my clip I have one so yeah this is actually a throwable item right well yep I just threw it can I pick it back up prime disappear times 2 huh weird can I just use it for a little jabbing powers I can't yeah yeah yeah okay that's good so it says I have a new level up available well like I do but I can only afford too much of this stuff so I don't know why just chills out there the entire time oh then like this whole list of things like sometimes it does that sometimes it doesn't it's weird probably need to start making food soon what is my level level seven I mean I could try to tame you I mean level twenty nevermind what about you you're not very nice are you you know what well you're gonna either chase me to I'd my doom or I can fight you so let's go for some fighting here huh okay this is a problem I'm not doing very well ow ow okay I get it okay yeah this is a very difficult game if you guys have played it or maybe you've seen some other people play it and you know a bit about it I would love to hear your advice and of course if you'd like to see more of it I'm a little on the fence I don't really know if we should keep going with it or if we should not it's simple enough maybe we could wait for it to be develop mard is an early access game so it should be getting updates it'd be fun the fall of the development of this game but only if you guys are interested of course but yeah it's getting a little late here well let's learn how to make a couple of other things before I finish up for today of course there is some clothing I could make cause armor provides basic protection from cold and hot but really no physical protection ok I could craft some of that I don't know where I equip these kind of things um character info I guess here look at that I got pants the most important part of any wardrobe the pants more importantly can I make a campfire I can make a bed axe is a single-use respawn point only you may use it so that's not as helpful as I thought um not as helpful as a minecraft bed I suppose we have a chest it that way if we do get taken out we don't lose as much because it'll be all on the chest hopefully and then the campfire would be helpful for the night but I need more wooden Flint's because I keep losing all my items from dying over and over again it seems like any like dangerous thing can spawn and from just about anywhere though it's just a hard part alright can I feed Jun I'm gonna feed you to start taming you and we lost our whatnot do I still have it I don't I don't have my you know what it's called the I forgot the saddle of a saddle ascending in deep water press e to take a drink oh really ah can't imagine that wouldn't be bad for you might find some diseases or something oh yeah that we were just here a moment ago look guy who took me out was right over here I can try to go and get my stuff again but he might be chillin out there still I'm really curious about these but that seems to be a very long run and this one might even be closer um so we could try that out really quickly let me try to grab my stuff and run over to one of these big beacon points I don't know what you're supposed to find there um oh my oh my be careful oh yeah he's still chose like yeah this stuff's mine I don't even know how to use have this stuff but it's mine can I make this big parkour job no I can't okay okay I have learned a lot of lessons today and I'll be sure to apply them possibly if we play this game again but I think that's gonna wrap it up for today's episode of picks arc like I said already if you want to see more of this game be sure to let me know in any way that you can I think that'd be down below or in other means I would love just to hear your thoughts on it but for now thank you so much for watching today's episode of picks arc but just what video makes you come and dinosaurs zebras owning you've watched at the end that you are a zebra tastic viewer check out more episodes like this one on your screen right now or by subscribing enjoying the zebra herd by the way thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: Zebra Gamer
Views: 47,594
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: PixARK, Pixark Gameplay, PixARK Game, ARK, Minecraft, ARK Minecraft, PixARK PC, PixARK PS4, pixARK Nintendo Switch, Pixark Switch, Pixark Part 1, PixARK Episode 1, PixARK Walkthrough, PixARK GUide, PixARK Beginners Guide, All Dinosaurs, PixARK All Creatures, PixARK All Dinosaurs, Zebra Gamer, Zebra Gamer PixARK
Id: imuBadIdyVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2018
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