Minecraft: Welcome To Fallen Kingdom

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all right everybody the day is finally here the moment that maybe some of you have been waiting for but i've been waiting for wow i've been waiting for this for like 10 months now it's been a very long time and finally at long last get to make content on the fallen kingdom server so everybody who's watching right now this is not like the sub server this is open to anyone if you got minecraft java then hop on multiplayer and go to play.fallingkingdom.co i mean i guess it just shorts to the ip but play dot fallen kingdom dot co there you go done that's that's how you get on same thing um so yeah dude pretty swick i'm hopping on this will be the first time we're gonna make a kingdom and i believe the name is reserved that i can be fallen kingdom the kingdom fallen kingdom so well we'll see how it goes anyway all right we hopping on hopefully everything goes nice and smoothly all right we got william the castle steward hello captain sparkles it's a treat to see a new friendly face around here sorry i am blabbering again i know william you're a man of too many words let me be your steward and introduce you to fallen kingdom before you meet the king i will need you to accept this resource pack all right so it'll look super sweet dude it will allow you to see the full beauty of the kingdoms in this world so the the whole thing with all the towers and stuff like that um and how they look super cool all based on the resource pack which is it's really swick and really nifty that the devs were able to pull this off and uh yeah it's pretty awesome it's pretty awesome i've got to say shout out to we should say the bts team the devs for making this cool stuff happen and all that uh okay look at william down there did look at william in the chat william looking swick popping off great it looks like you've got the resource pack equipped every time you enter fallen kingdom this resource pack will be applied automatically if you have any issues applying the resource pack visit the ask for help on the discord uh there is a discord a lot of people have joined it so far once again that the discord is open to anyone the discord is open to anyone it's not again like the sub server the sub discord if you have issues you want to talk to other people then then jump on to the discord which i don't know the ip off top of my head but i'm sure it scrolls through chat and stuff like that so ye all right i will be known as king captain sparkles of the fallen kingdom kingdom which is redundant i suppose excellent well it looks like you're ready to follow me already visit the king follow me all right pretty dope welcome to fallen kingdom i used to rule the world but now it's time for you to take the crown let me help you create a kingdom would you like the name of your kingdom to be fallen kingdom it has to be one word no spaces is it available it is available boys it was it was reserved for yours truly boom look at him look at him look it's so sweet dude i mean i feel like i have to be the fallen kingdom flag right so primary yellow and then and then the secondary is red like we got we got to do that we got to do that it's got to be it's got to be fallen kingdom all the way through dude yes these are my king now if you chose something else the flags would be updated so that it like as i selected the colors it would have changed these flags that's the only reason they didn't update but otherwise they would have anyway looking good we got that outstanding choice now don't just say that because it's the only thing programmed all right kevin sparkles follow me let's set up your kingdom's defenses follow me to the bottom of the stairs i'll show you where your enemies will begin their raids against you all right we just gotta wait for the king to get down there and then we can walk on over say hello alrighty look at how cool he looks from here you can create the pathway uh that enemies will follow you reach your castle enemies must follow your raid path when attacking defense towers may only be placed directly adjacent to the path so we gotta we gotta start over here and then we end at the stairs all right this is exciting cool use the tools in your inventory to create your raid path the final tile must connect to the base of your castle stairway all right mr king madude look at that isn't he cool he's got like a whole crown and all that stuff isn't he so sweet dude he's pretty swick i think he's pretty sweet that's all i'm saying so uh yeah basically the gist of the server is it's like a tower defense server with more stuff coming i should say our next update where uh you know how i like to practice pvp and doing the 1v1s and the 2v2 3v3s etc for uh for minecraft champs we are going to be rolling out a dueling uh pvp whole arena system so that'll be happening so that you know obviously when i got a practice for minecraft champs i can come on my own server and duel you guys here on it so that's gonna be happening um that should be coming out in the next few weeks hopefully it's gonna be the next big update um but also you know we'll be adding more towers things like that we'll get into that anyway okay so let's create we got we can place or undo so um you know we just this is exciting because this is the first time that i'm placing down a raid pack i've tested this so many times and placed down so many test paths uh when this was being developed this is the first time i actually have to like think about strategically what i want to do what do i um oh man strategically how do i want to do this bro uh also hey if you're watching on youtube um then i'll put that it's played off hauling kingdom dot co but you can copy paste it from the description i'll put it down there and again minecraft java 1.16 open it to anyone yeah s patterns is probably a good idea because ideally like for archer towers and stuff which archers seem to be a good way to go at the beginning early levels like the more spaces that they can hit like if you have the tower here the more areas that they can hit seems better right seems better um so let's do maybe like this and then and then like start doing like a few s's but we only have 64 to play around with and if i mistake i can like do that and delete it so um i could do this and then i wonder how much i i'll be able to do s wise with like 64 though hmm [Music] it's like i could do this right i could do some of this kind of loop it around like that and you want it you want to use all of your pieces you do want to use all of them um because otherwise you're just shortening the amount of space that that people are going to be able to use in order to raid you so yeah it's uh i know i'm not going all the way around but i'm kind of leaving so the way we'd always do it when i was testing is we'd leave that area over there um as as the place where you put the big stuff like the barracks and things like that so um save all the space of the front for buildings helps oh i guess it does help for time doesn't it um hmm we'll see though we'll see let me see so if i go over here to this i think i'll be hmm yeah i know you can put buildings under there but i'm trying to conserve space and maybe um i guess the only thing is from a logistical standpoint right if i go back around but if i go back around that almost uses up all the tiles and you can't do many s's back and forth if you go to the back um because you have to make a more straightaway path to go all the way back around um no no like oh yeah you can set a home you're right you're right i could set a home next to like the barracks and stuff let me undo this i'm thinking is maybe i'll do because i want this to end up at the right spot um maybe we'll do this i like that i like the look of that that seems good okay and then they go uh once you hit so these diamond things mean that when mobs and stuff hit this they're gonna go up the stairs or down the stairs if it was the reverse way um and then no i don't have too many blocks left because we have we have this whole area up here right so this whole area up here i can put to use with a lot more switchbacks and stuff um so yeah yeah i know i don't have too many towers when we start but we'll have to work on building more so don't worry don't worry we got this i mean probably don't got it super well but yeah uh here's what i'm thinking i'm thinking we just go straight up over here and then we do a bunch more s's on top right right right that's probably what we do because s is maximize the area where towers are going to be able to hit mobs so that's the idea might actually start running out here oh yeah i don't think i don't think we're gonna make it it's too many too many s's too many s's ladies and gentlemen all right hold on okay we'll go this way that's kind of confusing because we're gonna have to put like diagonals uh also still not enough oh we're running out we're running out of a space uh what to do what to do hmm actually what i could do maybe is just go over here do that and then oh i don't even have enough space that way i don't even have enough space that way yeesh yeah i'm obviously going to straight line this but i don't even have enough space there i might have to take away this first first s here in order to be able to make it man there's a lot of backwards mathematicalifying things on this dude tell you what you do this and then that would be that's too little ah how why is it so hard to mathematic hold on i can just go further this way [Music] um shorter s better is that it then that's i need one more okay i just need to add i need to eliminate one thing here oh man this is tough this is tough uh how do i how do i maximize this how do i maximize this hmm we're gonna do this we're just gonna make it come in one before there and we'll go like that this is gonna save three though is the issue that's 58 39 60 61. oh wait this is it 63 64. there we go there we go got it perfect that's all 64. um looks like you've reached the base of your castle stairway would you like to continue with this raid path to return to editing i think this is pretty good i think this is pretty good honestly um yeah yeah yeah it's complete we're good all right that's set that's set in stone pathway created you'll be teleported to your kingdom shortly all right bob your barricade is finished construction thanks bob um all right the king says i can sense greatness in this kingdom however you still have more to build before venturing off on your own all right swick dude so helpful tip you cannot place buildings next to your raid path that area is reserved for defense towers of course it is so now as you can see our path is set it's set in cobblestone and gravel it's going to say set in stone but it's not set in stone it's cobblestone and gravel but as you can see right like we've got this path uh the little green thing outlines the path pretty swick pretty swick so when the ra when other when other enemies raid us they come in from there and then they follow this we're gonna have our tower defense uh towers set up but then we're also going to be able to like defend ourselves like we're going to fight other enemies are going to be able to fight but the whole thing is you know with faction servers right during raid weekends or what have you people can just raid afk kingdoms and it's kind of like ah so i was gone for a weekend i come back my kingdom's destroyed right in this a if a kingdom raids you and you lose you don't just like have your entire place torched and demolished and b even if you're not around your towers will at least be working for you so you could still defend a raid successfully even if you're afk that's the whole idea but obviously you know you're gonna end up bringing more people into your kingdom all that stuff i'll have to recruit some people over time for now it's just me but i can bring new people into my kingdom and you know potentially they'll be there to help defend during raids and stuff like that but anyway um cool so and then obviously well the you know the fallen kingdom sir we got a scaled down version of the fallen kingdom castle because right now we are at uh level one kingdom level one there's three kingdom levels and uh so kingdom level two brings the cast a little bit bigger kingdom level three makes it the actual falling kingdom castle so yeah we gotta just we gotta just level it up and stuff and things once again play dot falling kingdom dot co all right so now we gotta place down what do do i wanna place it like where where do we want to put things at maybe i'll put the builder's head over here the barracks are really big so the barracks i'm going to have to put in possibly the around the back because i i would otherwise put them up there but that's occupied by paths i don't think it'll fit down here barracks i'm probably gonna have to go to the back anyway i'll start off with the builder's huts um i don't want to block the staircase though i'm trying to figure out what the best place is to build it i could always like move it later if i wanted to but i could go builder's head over here just because we're going to be accessing this to get towers to place down so having it kind of near-ish to the path is a good call i think so maybe like right here would be good to uh put the builder's head now we can look oops i need to keep that out i'm big dumb so now i can look around and just see if it's lining up with where i wanted it to be you say all in the back hmm do you think i should put them all in the same place i could actually do that let me see i can't remember if it's possible to fit them all in the back area um can you fit them all in the back area because if so i guess i could have them all together okay spaced out is more artsy all right cool i appreciate you guys giving me tips on uh my own server thank you yeah i guess i can probably fit it all in back here okay cool cool um flamey ears are all in the front with the barracks in the back gotcha um space them out a little you can make a path in between them yeah because you can like actually make it look nice i suppose i'll try to space them out a little bit we'll see i mean like i could here i'll tell you i can put the builder's hat down here maybe like just so there's a little bit of we got to keep the aesthetics in mind right you got to keep the aesthetics in mind so let me let me see the preview yeah i could put the builder's hut down there and then um and then start you know spread things out just a little bit and then maybe what we'll do is see is once we add people to our kingdom they can kind of polish things a little bit and build other houses add actual fallen kingdom looking houses so let's do this again we can always move these as well hey there we go builders hut is down nice now purchase a bank blueprint at your builder's hut and place it in your kingdom bob the builder can we fix it bob the builder yes we can okay so let's snag ourselves the bank and then i guess i should probably purchase well i guess i have to wait until after cool yes i will outsource beautification absolutely okay so the bank is a is a bigger one bank's a bigger boy so can't go all the way back there um i guess it's too it's too big to fit in that area because it has to stay on the grass so maybe we'll put the bank over here dmc egg by bob the builder nah dog nah okay so let's do let's do the bank maybe here okay let's check the preview that does line up that does line up right there so i think that's probably good okay we're gonna place it down accept it there we go nice your bank has finished construction place the troop barracks building in your kingdom now we gotta run back over to the blueprints buy it and stuff how will i select people for my kingdom i don't actually know i haven't i haven't figured it out yet dude i haven't figured it out okay you know what's really funny is there's this big bug that was going on on the server and uh people were reporting it in the discord and it was something like um they were they're complaining that one of the npcs at one of the buildings was disappearing on them and it was reported numerous times and uh the devs are having a really hard time figuring out what was actually happening oh i've already oh sorry i've already got the uh blacksmith anyway the devs are having a really hard time figuring out what how what was causing it uh what was happening all of this well it turns out um conveniently what everybody who is reporting this bug was uh leaving out is the fact that what was causing it was them trying to really quickly do this like place and replace in order to exploit and cause a building to level up twice in one go but conveniently they left that part out they were like i don't know he's just disappearing for some reason i have no idea why i didn't it just happened i didn't do anything i didn't knew anything yeah it was your cheating that caused it to happen you didn't put you didn't say anything about that did you now huh okay all right you left that art you left that out mm-hmm okay so let's see i think we have to move forward one more right-click let's do a preview yes but then there was also there's also another uh thing where yes the blacksmith's building was burning down from the lava so that that was another uh that was another funny that was happening all right so there we go so the barracks is the biggest everything else is smaller i like how it lines up with the front though that's nice i like that that worked out well i think we're good there except yeah that was early on when the blacksmith was uh burning itself down okay so now we got to place the farm um hey aaron what's up well you know anybody else remember when uh the archers were carol baskins i can't remember was that in was in the beta that they were still carol baskins um anyway they were carol baskins during testing at least uh so now we gotta get the farm place down can that i don't think that's gonna fit back there so let's see if we can just spread it apart by one yep that oh look at that lines up nicely with the edge and then we'll put the last one i think is smaller back there so yeah very slick very slick oh no i messed it up oh shoot messed it all up didn't want to scroll off nope ah shoot okay i'm so stupid i've done this again i just shifted when i'm an idiot i'm an idiot this shifting ends the preview i'm so dumb what am i doing what am i doing stop screwing up you fool okay all right back by one there we go is that good nope that's right up against it shoot there we go i think that's good that's good right there that's good right there i think yes that's good it's good i accept this accept this location all right place the blacksmith building in your kingdom i think the blacksmith yeah blacksmith is small so the blacksmith could just chill back here actually let me see we'll kind of like center it in this area like this nice there we go blacksmith doesn't burn itself down anymore either so it's much improved there we go jerry the blacksmith yeah boys all right now we gotta place the mines right right right right mines are also smaller boys oh wait you know what i should pick up i should pick up hey jerry can i pick you back up oh i can't do this right now um i should have put the mine back there and then the blacksmith in front of it that was a problem um let me just temp put it down i guess i'll just temporarily do it right here [Music] all right we'll do that now they're connected to each other um all right your mind is finished construction let's start by placing your two barricades these will help slow enemies progress your raid path so what i want to do is i want to put the mine back tucked in there because it should fit yeah it'll it'll fit back in there and then i can put the uh blacksmith closer to the front um we'll pick them up after the tutorial is done okay so barricades these are part of the raid path so i mean you just put them down a third of the way through one third two thirds and then the final one is automatically placed at the base of the steps it's a checkpoint so basically uh let's see now that your essential buildings are complete we must mount your kingdom's defense let's start by placing your two barricades these will help slow enemies progress to your raid path first barricade can be placed near the beginning of your path so i mean usually why is to just do it kind of you know there it's also good to do it like kind of at the end of an s so this actually works out pretty well um because you'll have the tower here and here that are kind of able to attack there as well as the ones approaching it so uh that'll work and then the next one um let's see want to make sure there's a lot of space between your first and second barricade yeah yeah for sure fosho i just do them at one third and two thirds honestly um so that's that works for me and so what i can do is also here this is a good place because i'll have towers set up here and possibly another one right there and they'll be able to hit on all sides of the s you know so we'll do that too and then uh left click accept all right and then the final one is auto placed for you uh so the barricades are the only are only one component of your defense defense towers will be best your best chance of neutralizing enemy invaders take these defense towers you can place them anywhere directly adjacent to your raid path uh keep in mind it's best to have defense towers evenly distributed between barricades you must also strategize for invaders to not get past your barricades every time barricade falls it provides a new checkpoint for the enemy kingdom to spawn new troops place your archer tower at any place along the right path to protect your kingdom alrighty cool cool cool so my thought is i kind of wanna so the art there are two different kinds of towers there's towers that um do attacks that are just ranged and like confined from the archer from the tower themselves and then there's towers that actually spawn mobs so the archer tower is one where you just have an archer standing on top of the tower and it's going to shoot at enemies coming down the path the next one the zombie grave actually spawns zombies to get on the path um so yeah uh let's see let's see oh place barricades uh closer so that you don't get a so you don't get respawns closer oh that's a good idea i haven't thought about that actually i haven't thought about the placing two barricades like early on so that the respawn point is really far back i forget can you move your barricades or not i think you can uh click here to interact oh yeah i have to wait until the thing is i have to wait until it's done um cool so here's my thought i don't know whether i should put the art i think i'm gonna put the archer tower closer to this because the arch tower is pretty powerful um so if i put it here it'll be able to attack like basically everyone who is attacking the barricades so i'm gonna start with it here um oh wait sorry one sec okay all right click to lock your preview and let's see i'll have it facing should i do it in the corner i guess i could just do it in the corner yeah cool and again this is accomplished with the resource pack it's really cool dude this is like a custom model and all that stuff no don't do corner hmm can it not reach the barricade if it's right there i'm trying to thank trying to think or should i do it here maybe you should do it here okay maybe right there then all right all right we'll do that we'll do that oh yeah and then actually it should be i might be able to reach these guys too or at least when up when you upgrade it increases the range i believe so yeah all right there we go oh we can't can't yet all right anyway except all right now the next one is the zombie grave so this one actual rip rick i guess uh only beta testers know about rick i'm thinking there or there which s should i place this at for now rick had a funeral and everything dude um hmm did you hear the first one first one okay all right there we go place it down cool cool i mean i i could do a very i don't know i don't know i feel like there's pros and cons to having your raid your barricades in different places but anyway now we got the next one is a beehive so the zombie grave spawn zombies that are on the path the beehive spawns b's um so i'm thinking thinking like right here would be good because this will allow it to attack the ones that are approaching the barricade while also being able to attack the ones after it um so yeah that's what i'm thinking so i'm thinking as we go right here with it and then we uh let's see left click to place down and then the snowman fortress just slows um so it's probably good to kind of put it in conjunction with another tower so that um can only attack after the barricade oh really can it cannot attack on the other side of the barricade actually here i'll tell you what what we can do is we'll change it so it's facing right here after it that's what we'll do we'll change it so it's facing right here but anyway so snowman should probably be uh do we want to do it at the first barricade or do we want to do it at the uh second hmm you can actually make it so we're kind of front heavy on our defenses we could put it like right here maybe if we put it right here then this they would come around here and the archer could start hitting them so i'm thinking maybe this would be good yeah yeah maybe this um cool so we'll do that we'll do that right click it can always move them if we need to later so okay cool and so as you level up and stuff the towers when you level up the towers they get to see like super they get to be super cool and stuff okay go see jerry the blacksmith to get started slash k to manage your kingdom stop by and see aaron at your barracks to train some troops for raids oh hey and now the chat is here dude all right very very cool very cool okay so let's do got the click here to interact i am going to pick it up and we'll place it down so it's facing this way there we go now it'll be able to attack here and after the uh the barricade cool once again play.fallingkingdom.co if you want to jump on i actually don't know what the roman numerals are next to everybody's name it makes me scared that people are like super high level and stuff like that um anyway come to hub 2 everybody says uh okie dokie so roman numerals oh the servers got i got i got it so many people on number two dude so many people on number two anyway all right so uh next step is i actually want to i want to move around the two buildings real quick i want to switch them around move the mines into the corner and then um yeah okay i have some grace period fortunately because uh you know when you just when you just started you have a little bit of look at this nice nice he's just mining he's just mining all right miner ed i gotta pick up the building real quick and then pick up over here all right my boy jerry let's pick up my boy jerry we're just gonna switch the mine and jerry around all right i'll just put that there nice that looks good and then we'll move the blacksmith over to here there we go that's much better that's much better i think there we go there we go okay cool cool now that leaves a little bit of space for some pathing once we get more people in the kingdom who are better at building than me then then yeah okay i guess i should go to the hub i actually don't know how to go to hub two specifically but all right here we go oh there i guess that tells us there we go there we go not as many people in the other hubs it looks like hub2 is the one that's popping off right now dude whoa okay there's a lot of people here oh my goodness hello everybody welcome to the welcome to the falling kingdom server uh man there's a lot of people with diamond armor okay all right we do be getting punched now we do be getting punched hey welcome to a very uh christmasy snowy hub on the fallen kingdom server it's so loud it's so loud everything's so loud so there's like some shops over here and stuff like that you can get blocks so you can fancify your kingdom and stuff like that and uh yeah so that's that's pretty cool basically the hub is just like it is the fallen kingdom map but has a bunch of stuff in it and things and it's pretty cool um [Music] so yeah hey again everybody if you want to be part of the mayhem and madness play.fallenkingdom.co and i'm sure you'll be able to get like way further ahead of me um but yeah it's pretty it's everyone's following dude everyone's following oh my god once again it's it's like anyone can join anyone can join free to jump on play on minecraft java 1.16 so feel free to hit it up and stuff oh god i'm about to be cornered i'm about to be cornered in here dude i'm being punched so much all right i gotta go i gotta go okay home because we gotta make some progress i gotta i gotta start farming things dude i gotta start farming things okay let's go uh i guess i i think i can just go there we go all right all right we gotta make progress we gotta make progress let's do it all right gamble will the captain escape the corner okay so we're gonna have to set a home back here at some point oh i didn't even show you the raid table the raid table inside the castle is really cool i'll do it in just a minute okay so uh yeah there's gonna be a lot of dueling in 1v1s and 2v2s that take place once uh once all that's implemented so that'll be pretty cool okay let's see who do we want i think we want to start farming first billy butcher makes me think of um what is it the boys all right let's see billy welcome king i'm glad to see you out and about on this fine day you can come here and anytime and talk to me about crops and crop related matters when you harvest the crops of mine that will go directly into your bank to keep you from cluttering up pockets while you're visiting my little piece of land here you can also go talk to joe over there and he'll do some animal breeding for you all right very cool dude i'm ready let's go billy let's do it so um let's see we got a big goal to start with let's see i was given a little bit of uh what the best practices are to um oh i also oh apparently i should talk to uh jerry first at the blacksmith but um anyway okay let's see what do we want to do let's do bamboo because bamboo's pretty bamboo's good cause pandas that's gonna start harvesting there and then we'll get some cows probably i would say um let's do let's do that and then ye all right cool cool cool cool they're gonna grow up over time and let's talk to jerry and then uh all right so very cool so we need to we need to work on leather stuff basically and then we basically have to go into the mines with naked and mine would run back make some tools and try to get unalived by all the mobs and the mines so yeah so locked leather helmet armor forged from the hides of slaying cows so we're going to want to do first and stuff um i could try to run into the mines naked before i even have cows he basically broke now good we're we're off to a great start ladies and gentlemen we're off to a real great start being broke um instant finish ooh i got instant i got gems i'm not as broke in the gym department um let's see that would allow me to that would allow me to get some armor at least more quickly maybe i should insta finish the cows and then i can get some leather so i can and there we go all right i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it we're gonna do it we're gonna do it sorry baby cows i'm so sorry okay i have 2611. this is good i can make a full set of leather armor i can make a full set i've just made one perk i've just made one purchase for gems okay just one purchase with 69 well no no like i mean the gems i have gems i made one purchase to get gems but then i got it okay i gotta be i gotta be like i gotta be i gotta allocate them smartly um i gotta allocate them smartly okay okay anyway it's for content so i gotta unlock you yep and then uh okay so five leather we gotta forge all right it's gonna be one at a time okay jerry come on let's make it happen dude let's make it happen jerry gonna be gonna be sick yeah there he goes jerry my mans jerry my man's okay now let me get that for eight weather very very cool very cool thank you jerry thank you jerry okay cue multiple and my big dumb am i a big big dumb maybe i'm big big dumb dude i know the poor baby cows though poor baby cows all right very cool actually where do my uh what are my stuff oh yeah two items in inventory right right right inventory there we go click to claim click to claim heck yes all right and then let's get the uh let's do the leggings oh yeah yeah right i gotta i gotta get more cows cued up right okay can i can i cue up more cows oh wait no no no oh it's 800 gold each time right right at least i'll have the leather armor but i'm gonna have to get some stuff dude i'm gonna have to get some stuff i am quite poor i am quite poor right now um and then this okay some boots all right jerry come on let's make it happen bro go to the hub and sell the beef yeah i suppose so okay so i think uh the proceeds will be in the proceeds will be in the bank right i think i gotta run over the bank real quick i got to run to the bank and then uh yes i sell i will sell in the hub i'll sell my beef in in the hub for me all right richard you ready to grab the uh the meat out of my safe deposit box yeah you ready to do that dude oh heck yeah dude let me just uh let me grab some of this out of here dude let's see where is my next page previous value eight all right how do i withdraw my beef or can i just do i just go to the hub directly and then i can sell it there oh yeah yeah yeah yeah sell directly 666 they made changes basically earlier on in testing you would actually get items directly into your inventory but i guess there was like a way to exploit that so it's changed to this system which i'm not as familiar with so yeah that is why all right everyone has everyone has dispersed from hub 2. everyone is back in their kingdoms they were like all right it was fun right there while it lasted but now we must actually make progress on our kingdoms alrighty who buys who buys oh yeah john at the butcher shop dude we gotta sell oh i got meat oh yeah i got meat i'm gonna sell for 275 gold my dude all right here we go oh i'm rich i'm rich we got money dude we get money hey home okay let me actually while we're in the castle look at this king captain sparkles isn't that the sickest click for castle info upgrade your castle see it like it gets it gets pretty gnarly you can get up to uh like what a 24 things or something like but it costs a lot you got to get mad monies to upgrade your castle a lot of raid points gold ingots and stuff dude but yeah you got that crown look at the raid table is this thing so cool dude this thing is so cool you can then it like you can go and do you can select a raid you can do a test rate against your own kingdom oh i wonder if i should do a test rate just so you guys can see well i need troops i need troops before i can test raid they'll show you your troops and stuff like that oh i only sold one oh my goodness i didn't realize i only sold one i got to go back i gotta go back man i was content with that price for just just just one for all the beef he's gonna give me seven 275 gold for each one this man's this man goes ham oh rich oh we're rich we're so rich dude it's crazy it's crazy anyway the raid table is cool we gotta we gotta work on troops in order to do that wow beef is truly stonks bro it husks for a uh test raid i don't know we'll see dog we'll see dude we'll see anyway but you can also like on top of all this stuff you can you can buy building blocks and stuff and so you can beautify your i'm sure that there are some kingdoms on here that are like really really beautiful and stuff like that mine is not yet but all right so next up i've gotta go get wood for the for the wooden tools all right jerry what am i gonna need for these tools and weapons okay so locked wooden pickaxe head into the mines and get yourself some logs and come back and speak to me and i can teach you how to craft some tools you'll need 20 logs to create a wooden pickaxe keep in mind that you can harvest any wood that you see in the mines oh yeah i should cue more cows you're right i'm cute let me cue it dude i love i love that you guys in chat are educating me on what i need to do on my own server see this is why it was really good that we went through a beta and that we were out for like a couple weeks on a soft launch before i make content because now everyone's like no no no no this is how you play on your server dude this is how you play on your server um so anyway yeah let me cue them up let me cue these boys up let's do it click to breed some cows you're right i need food for troops but i also need gold in order to be able to spawn cows so oh chickens give more gold oh i gotcha maybe i'll cue up some chickens next well what i hear if here's what i can do here's what i can do do i do it do i do it do i do it do i do it so i can get mad gold oh the cost is 2 000 gold the chickens are expensive i don't even have the ability to get them dude no don't do it okay okay we'll do it i won't do it i won't do it i don't do it i'm gonna go into the mine and mine would this is gonna be scary though because these boys are gonna be assaulting me in the mines and i have nothing to hit them with okay yeah since when was chicken more premium than steak right i know dude all right whatever dude chickens chickens give big money big money all right here we go i just jumped into a cobweb all right we are at mine level one so the cool thing hey soccer boys just like me just trying to oh frick there's skeletons so these are the skeletons are scary boys yeah you guys defend me defend me help help defend me please i am small boy i am but small lad who cannot defend for himself oh boy oh leather you make a whip hold on thank you all for protecting me dude yeah i get the wooded spawn i guess but we we made we good we good we good so the way that the mine works is that like you're able to mine ores you're able to mine wood you're able to mine all that stuff and then it turns into another block and then eventually like over time it just regenerates right so you can keep going back uh you keep running a loop and but there's also there's mean mean boys in the mind there's also five different levels of the minds this is mine level one and there's probably some real fancy people who are out there in mine level five which they keep getting lower and lower underground and stuff and yeah it's it's like it gets gnarly dude it gets gnarly dude get wood in the safe area okay whatever bro whatever i'll do that oh you can't enter level five mines yet oh okay oh right because that's kingdom level yeah you have to upgrade your kingdom level in order to get to like level five mines and all that stuff so ye all right we gotta get up to level or 20 20 wood and then we'll be able to run back real quick so let's go to so the way the mines work it like the mine you know on other faction servers there's like a war zone right the mines are kind of that but but they don't um you don't have to worry about losing your stuff when you're in the mines that was that's always been a pain point for me on other servers is that like you work really hard for all this good gear i'm gonna get an axe don't worry you work you work really hard for all this gear and then you run into the war zone and then in like two seconds you just lose everything that you worked super hard for so that's not how it works here um if you get unlived you only lose the stuff that you've acquired in that session in the mines uh whatever resources you've mined and stuff and also uh you can only be attacked by uh enemy nemesis kingdoms so those are kingdoms that like you've raided and and have raided you those are the only ones who are actually able to like fight and pvp you in the mines everybody else is just like chill and neutral and stuff so yeah you can't just lose all your stuff when you're in the mine fortunately all right well you want a wooden wooden x let's do that real quick 16 logs easy easy peasy lemon squeezy okay so are we ready to go oh we still waiting out here we still come on cows grow up become big cows dude they come big oh the bamboo is ready though yeah yeah yeah all right my boy billy let us uh harvest heck yeah and then so what were you guys thinking next should i do should i do beetroot bamboo is good for pandas you can you can train pandas with bamboo which is pretty nice um oh beets for gold okay beets are profitable i got you all right billy hit me with that hit me with that beetroot should be quicker than the cows though which is nice beetroot get buku bucks all right we gotta we gotta turn up the beat here dude we gotta turn up the beats okay let's get this from a boy jerry heck yeah oh i mean inventory there okie dokie and then we must go back in the mine can i do a uh can i set a home here i want to set a home here kingdom management uh you already have this page selected can i do just uh okay set home there we go that makes things quicker yeah cool cool cool cool so be back in the mine hope to find some diamonds tonight except i literally can't mind them because i don't have the proper tools for it ow i forgot you take fall damage in here only use mob drops for raiding until you get farm level two oh oh [Music] so don't get more gold but i do need gold in order to be able to like get more crops and stuff like that so i don't know man all right i need to get 20 for a pickaxe and then i can like start getting coal and stuff oh wait is it going to count if i have multiple different types i can't remember i can't remember crops the best way to get gold okay okay oh so like the food i should use for troops um gotcha let me just i'll just keep mining wood because now we'll be able to make all the other tools the other unfortunate thing though is that while we are having fun right now i am going to have to move on to plasmaphobia in seven minutes um but ye ye dude thank you everybody for being good protectors much appreciated i am glad that uh you guys seem to be enjoying this so far i like seeing a lot of no's in the in the chat that i have to leave this when it is my server that devs have worked very hard on for a very long time so i'm glad that you're enjoying it so far once again though you can play it for yourself so even if i'm not on it you can still play it at play.fallenkingdom.co you can copy paste the link that's in the description if you're watching on youtube java 1.16. or you can just uh click right or copy paste it from like the chat command i should make a like a panel down below in the panel section below the stream to shamelessly self-promote the server um let's see okay nah dude we're not at the point of having to off camera grind yet no we're not at the point of having to off camera grind yet no no no no oh man i ran out of my axe though bro all right back to a home hey flamey what's up you're looking swick with your diamond gear dang that flamie's kingdom is ripped af um let's see man you guys must have gone cray-cray in order to get up to uh diamond there all right let's do it let's do it cool cool let's get some more uh tools and weapons now 16 12. i guess we're going to need to make a full set here probably ye actually i don't really need a shovel let's do a pickaxe and we'll do uh we'll do an axe and all that stuff um what is what's the richest uh most winningest highest level kingdom on the server anybody know is there i actually don't know if there's a battle top equivalent on here all right there we go inventory wooden pickaxes uh adam lauria got it okay all right all right adam lauria or atlas summit got it these are the most crowns fancy fancy fancy all right well i'll be coming for you i'm gonna be coming for you adam lauria and and uh uh atlas summit all right fallen kingdom will not fall it will it will surge it will surge okay all right let me snag this get level two castle first yeah whatever i can't even fight him because i'm a level one pleb that's whatevs dude chill chill boys add me loria are you telling people to add you is that is that the idea add me gloria uh oh i can call now i get cold now boys yee dude also can i just get uh yeah you just get stoned now that'll be cool for like stone tools and stuff risen kingdom is there a risen kingdom or i will be risen kingdom i will turn fallen kingdom into risen kingdom my kingdom will rise oh the parkour i know there's like a parkour there's like some kind of makeshift path that people created this parkour course at least during the beta in order to like get out of the world or something like that ow how dare you mr archer that's not yeah sir burn take him out take him out how dare he attack the king of the fallen kingdom thou shalt not okay i actually do have to get rolling though unfortunately because i gotta move on to plasmaphobia but i'll be playing i'll be playing tomorrow as well so we'll pick up where we last left off tomorrow um but yeah thank you all once again for uh watching this portion of things and make sure that if you're watching on youtube like if you liked subscribe to uh sparkles2 also follow twitch.tv slash captainsparklez and um why did i not go home four three two one okay there we go but yeah also maybe more of you will be on tomorrow once again fallen kingdoms that play.followingkingdom.co check it out ip in the description the video and also the chat command it goes and it's pretty swick so uh yeah glad you guys were able to tune in we move on now to the next thing yes
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 216,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, fallen kingdom, minecraft
Id: QWmQisN8wCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 2sec (3482 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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