well if i get banned from this server we all know why #Save SSundee, ha... hashtag hashtag Hey, What's going on guys? SSundee here, and welcome back to some more Troll Craft Now dudes today I know today's Friday is supposed to be sky realms We're going to upload sky realms tomorrow with a challenge They're working out a challenge idea right now. So what I'm doing today as You can see I am currently in the laboratory with this ugly Freaking Villager I Want to become a better robot today And I have an idea of how to do that, and I don't think X33N the server admin I don't think he's going to like it too much I have a pretty trolly idea, so as you know like I said we can upgrade all of our stuff So I have an idea for this episode so again dudes real quick quick sellout moment hit the like button down below if you enjoy This video also hit the subscribe button if you're new to my channel if you do subscribe Let me know down in the comments, and I'll do my best to reply Sellout moment over let's get in this episode right so you guys remember this right, whatever Up in the top left all of these different buffs that I can give my character like this right here this cost 18 Experience, and this will increase my movement speed, we check this out. Whatever I whenever I upgrade this hold on There we go now we have thirty percent movement speed Look at this okay, so that is going to be my goal for this episode Let's see how strong. We can become with the use of Something special X33N is going to hate this hang on let's head back home Okay, there. We go so we are back home ah check this out I got on the server a little bit ago to come up with an idea to come up with something for this video and Check my base to see if anybody did anything to ruin my life and Check this out remember this I didn't tear it down just so I could show you guys so we have over here A Crapping many gertrude's they are crapping out a bunch of Emeralds thanks for the free Emc But remember this over here our energy condenser which was condensing Cobblestone down [cut] and if you guys remember this sextuple compressed Cobblestone look at this it equals half a million EMC, and we were just storing all of this up non-stop, but check this out No, Friggin clue who did this but look at this? somebody has a bright idea to replace my sextuple compressed Cobblestone farm into colored pink stone let me reset this hold on, okay there we go So we're making, oh look at this okay, So they didn't actually waste any of our EMC Okay, that's good. Oh [hahahah] I Thought they wasted our EMC, but we still have all of our EMC down here. Ok let's go hold on Let me clean up this crap. Oh good lord, I have no clue who Even Did this, there were no signs. It's literally just Now have endless amounts of colored stone Well played, whoever did this I am a pretty princess now Actually hold on I got an idea Before we do what we were originally planning to do in this episode We're still going to do that X33N's not going to like this I kind of want to upgrade This energy condensed because look at this it's slowly Converts this Cobblestone into the sextuple compressed Cobblestone, but it doesn't extremely slow I kind of want to upgrade this hold on so if i go down here to our base To do this, I need a crap ton of a crap ton. [hahah] No, so what I need let me type in Condense condenser okay, yeah So this right here this energy condenser is what we currently have right this energy Condenser is MK 2 so it's an upgraded version. to make this we need to surround our current energy condenser with Dark matter and red matter This crap is so expensive to any dark matter to, make Dark matter We need a bunch of fuels surrounding a diamond block, to get this fuel We need a philosopher's stone Okay, that's easy to make we can make that hold on let me make the philosopher's stone [cut] so if we throw a diamond in the center there we go [makes philosopher's] Philosopher's Stone [gets achievement] [An alchemist best friend]. I just got to achievement an alchemist best friend. I'm an alchemists and world of warcraft to, yay im such a nerd okay, so philosopher's stone If I throw this up here with [stops] i should have cold yeah five coal if I take this coal There we go now we have Alchemical coal and this is the first step so what I could do. let me go back up here uh uh to this chest Hold on. Let me make it let me let me be smart about this give me a minute [cut] So I made another energy condenser down here so we can just duplicate endless amounts of items So check this out, let's put the alchemical uh fuel up there right and then let's throw in some emeralds Endless amounts of alchemical coal I then if we take this go back into the crafting and then do this there we go now we have the next upgraded fuel that if we take this fuel throw it in the the the condencer erm hold on up there Now we're making the upgraded fuel look [hahaha] and then if we take this fuel to grab this throw this in here We get the final fuel which is the at turn Aeternalis fuel No clue. We can grab this and then duplicate this hold on, There we go now we have endless amounts of fuel, and that was remember. We just made all of this fuel out of 16 emeralds do we have any more emeralds in here. We have 64 emeralds grab this throw this in here This energy condenser is freeking broken. Okay okay So let's grab this fuel Ah now I need a diamond block, so if I do this Ah so I need four of these right and if I take a diamond block put it in the center surround this with the fuel This gives us one dark matter this thing is freaking expensive Holy Crap hold on let me go ahead. I just got another achievement. Let's go ahead. Let's make Dark matter Out of this let's turn in all of this Ah ah let's keep one of each just so we can dupe it later on There we go. Oh my gosh. This is Expensive. I mean we do have all of these nether stars So if I throw in this entire stack of nether stars let's see how much dark matter we make Holy Crap I Think we just broke the game So what I have to do. I need hold on hold on dark matter. I need to make one two three four four of these dark-matter blocks And we just got another achievement [the achievement that he got] A block that matters Okay, so now we have Dark matter blocks let me look this up, so if I make Ah condence Condenser hold on, hold on Let me look this up. Ah energy condenser MK 2 right, so we have the four Dark matter now the red Matter blocks When you red matter okay to make one red matter To make one red matter it takes three dark matter This better be friggin worth it game. Now i need more of this fuel hold on hold on let me grab. okay That should be more than enough fuel hopefully so if we do this this With the dark matter there we go, okay So now we have red matter right so we we just we just got [achievement] [Even better matter] so if we take the red matter Right throw it up here it'll start to make the red matter and erm hold on let's keep one dark matter for later and then let's use all of this dark matter to make red matter here we go There, oh look at this 15 red Matter okay, we have 16 red matter. I think that's enough hold on there we go and now we have We just got another achievement [Red and Shiny] now we have everything we need For this, so let me be smart here. Let me go ahead what I'm going to do for later duplication purposes I'm going to keep one of Everything so let's keep one red matter [cut] so let's grab this energy condenser, right Let's throw Ah let's throw all of our stuff up here just so we have it for later date one of each one, one of Everything just so we have it for later. Okay there we go so if we do that? and Then that and I put the energy condenser in the center There we go Energy condenser MK 2 to this thing has an EMC value of almost 10 million Holy Crap this better be friggin worth it thank you gertrude's for crapping out more EMC, okay. So what im going to do, let me grab all of this Cobblestone grab that Let's break this energy condenser. Oh good Lord [haha] now let's put down this energy condenser MK 2 right there Ah okay and then di[cut] does this work and then let's put down, sextuple compressed Cobblestone Okay, that eats it much faster Okay, okay, hold on. let me throw in all of this let me throw in all of this pink but look look how fast this eats the erm Cobblestone Look at that that is almost instant That was definitely worth it So essentially what's happening all of the cobblestone that's being pumped into this chest is Instantly being transformed into the septuple compressed cobblestone so we're never having any backup That is awesome Okay, dudes. That was worth it okay. So that's done. We're done upgrading that what I'm gonna do now Let's set up this farm X33N's not Gonna like this All right, let's do this X33N's going to freaking hate me, but it's got to happen My goal is to become the strongest robot on the server So what im going to do hold on let's first create. I need a clock a [types it in wrong] clock Redstone clock which is really easy to make this right here, so we just need redstone I think I have everything to create that let me make sure No, of course. I don't have a. I don't have a simple Redstone torch Ah Ah game please are we good there We go, so we have a redstone clock this is Gonna be beautiful okay so here's what I want to do we're going to throw that they're Right okay, okay Now what I need to do. I need a grinder Yeah, you guys remember this from sky Factory a mob emr a mob grinder. Which is this okay So we have everything except for diamond swords will they make diamond swords. I need two diamond swords there we go Ah Ah wait what else am I missing oh the Draconic core okay So I need to make a Draconic core Which wait I don't have gold How do I gold I am currently the richest man in the world? I think I've gold up here actually hold on make let me make sure yeah, we have gold up here, okay So let's go down here throw the gold up here So I think all I'm missing is the draconium ingots which I believe ya look at this I have 59,000 Draconian essence so if I do This there we go now we have endless amounts of draconium ingots and let me do that throw this up here we should have everything so if we make the drecon[cut] Draconic core There we go throw this up here and then do this There we go. We now have ourselves an overpowered Mob grinder You guys remember this from erm erm sky factory, right? So what I need to do now, let me grab some power. I should have a tesseract somewhere maybe back here I Thought I had an extra tesseract yeah, I got a tesseract there Let me see if I could find another one. I know I had one somewhere,[cut] so we have everything okay so what I have to do. I'm gonna fly You guys remember our? Starting base way up here. Remember this this was Jordan base remember I ripped out all of Jordan base This was Crainers base. I ripped out his base, and this was my base you remember this episode like the one Way back here. That's where I'm Gonna. Go hold on i have got to fly in that direction Okay, give me a minute. Let's get there. I'm going to set up the portal gun so I can get back and forth really quick This is probably going to get me banned from the server [cut] look at this place Brings back so many memories this was Jordan's old base that I ripped out of the ground That's the old scoreboard. There's Crainers old base so many memories And there's my old base Okay So why I'm here if you guys remember? Way back in the day. Yeah right down here erm erm X33N, X33N and Kehaan down here They made an automatic mob grinder that drops mobs down for us to kill to get our erm our. if you look at the top right our levels Upgraded so we can actually fight stuff in the world remember that so if you click this summon button check this out It just drops down mob that we could endlessly kill to get levels and items and experience and the experience and the items would go up there and get thrown in the trash, so we couldn't use it I I got an idea First hold on let me let me do this, let me do this, so let me go ahead. Let me jump in here Oh, it's all protected. Oh I can't get in here How can I do this? Hold on hold on let me think about this let me try this I have a vacuum hopper right there's vacuum hoppers up there but if I put the vacuum hopper, right there So all of the experience instead of going up there since this is closer all the experience will go into there so if I go into here hold on let me get rid of this and then do the Exp output Right there, right so the Exp will get thrown out right there and into this Experience obelisk right so all of the experience will go into here, and then what I can do for The items because the items will also get sucked into their let's put it output it to their put a chest down there So all the items will go into this chest and all of the experience will go into this obelisk So what im going to do hold on let me. get some building blocks. let's go. Let's head back home Let me grab some building blocks So this should work Let me go ahead. Let me put Maybe back here. Yeah, right there. I guess right there, will work that what I'm going to do the mob grinder we're going to throw the mob grinder right there right adn then what we're going to do behind the mob grinder or under the I guess on top let's do on top throw the tesseract power the tesseract and There we go now the mob grinder is fully powered So now this is active So whenever we press the spawner button hold on its spaws mobs The mobs spawn they die to the grinder does this get experience? this obelisk Already has two levels of experience now check This out I know you think it's Ssundee how the freek are you just going to sit here pressing this button over and over again? No, I am not That's why I have this redstone clock. I'm going to break the button throw down the redstone clock. Oh Wait hold on hold on that didn't work. that didn't work hold on if I throw the redstone clock right there they're gonna endlessly spawn this [cut] let's see how much experience. We already have eight levels in here [wierd noise] look at look at my experience levels. im at level 4 I'm going to take all of this out We are now at level 15 in what a minute a minute worth of this farm going This is good. Now what I need to do hold on hold on. We go back home. Let me go back to my base Ah This is good. Let me find a chunk. I need a chunk loader hold on let me make a chunk loader now if I throw the chunk loader over here This thing is always going to work This is this is good. look in the chest This is good. This is why I play Minecraft 10 levels there. We go. Thanks for the 10 levels of experience Thanks for the mob grinder X33N I appreciate that but Ah anyways dudes for now I'm going to end this here if you guys have enjoyed of course hit the like button down below also if you're at all new to my channel hit the subscribe button for more videos and let me know if you do subscribe I'll be sure to reply to as many of you guys as I can in the comments Ah hahah Ah Yes This is a good day. [wierd noise] This is good