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what's up dudes it's pat and welcome back to find the button hey guys so today we are actually playing a different map from a different creature so I don't know how this is gonna work check the Barry Krabs room I know I feel really like claustrophobic right now me too alright so this right here says find the button on our screen alright so should we hit the rules button oh yeah we should probably know the rules of the map okay let's do it so smack this up and we are in the rules room now difficult under Pacifico graph egos rapido is this in Spanish you know what it sounds like how come their language sounds cooler than ours it sounds amazing our sounds boring difficulty peaceful graphics fast I like rapido so class all friend recent 6 plus game-mode adventure oh it is Dukey motel and then this must be the flag of the spanish spanish flag it looks cooler than ours too alright so we are playing on 1.9 we won't cheat dot does that mean they think we're gonna cheat no cheating Pat's I will not cheat we will have fun and I think we are ready to go alright so that's the start button oh this map info as well okay I should make this up alright oh I think that's third si map before if we thought port arthur la M Seven Veils yes don't you correct my Spanish it's fine not even Spanish we both talked about it's like they never showed us the flag this map was made by our turn 21:06 and 70s with a little help by Z lava call a PvP smile face on the map has 12 levels the color of the pressure plate is the same as the hidden button as you advance throught the map the levels get bigger it's so much harder okay that it's Oh it also guys the way we play this is completely different than other youtubers we make it a challenge we have to race to be the first person to find the by it ever single time yes oh this is a builder's channel apparently if you doubt this will we've link that below you can click on that and you can pick out his channel three times let's get this started are you ready alright was there anything else in here let's see start info blank wall that's it see they could even made the room smaller I know start this up alright so this is for us are you ready three two one go that's kinda hoping you should be in that corner wait wait oh there's something over here wait harder looks like they're already this has to be it right there you fell off no that's not it alright I'm doing pretty good Jen oh I see you coming man jen is the most important oh my god I just walked off of your life right now alright I'm almost there no you're not gonna tickle you did you read the map info yeah yeah we did oh my god that's not the right part it's not remember I said it was like the same color as the pressure plate I didn't even look oh my God we're looking for a storm oh my god okay wait what if it was up there and I just didn't notice it oh I'm freaking out now yeah that's French you sound French Alize I really don't alright so yeah this was a wood line are you lying to me no we're looking for a wood button are you sure about this yeah no we're not the smallest level I've ever seen how do you know we're looking for a wood button because it was the same color as the pressure place the pressure plates not would go oh you caught me I know toys wait is there a way we can get up there that's what I'm trying to figure out wait do you think the buttons in the lava this my view I love you making a big mistake in a second underneath the lava please oh my god it's not what happens we died hope you didn't jump into oh my god pound it I'm on a roll have you been oh do you play this beforehand no don't don't lie oh my god you were doing so good right now okay so what color the bun stone again no it's what I need to do better here I like this oh you do yes I do oh you're gonna like it when you lose Oh someone's feeling confident I think yeah I'm pretty confident this side in the back look there's like a little hole but I don't see a button I think that's just to distract you probably right okay that's probably it all right all right skew over here I'm like it off this a minute ago yes we have to okay she's got to be the only way I really don't like jumping on ice oh here we go okay I don't know I don't think this is right at all if it is oh my god I mean that sure Hey I don't think there's anywhere to go from where I am alright okay I'm gonna find it while you're distracted I just went around a circle and there's been absolutely nothing here this one who say that right now it was a hole there was like a little halt wasn't the same hole you were looking at before I was on the ground yeah I was on the ground okay I just poured around something for no reason I go all right this one's wood right are you sure you're lying to me again aren't you what no it really is wood no it's stone this time sorry helps kitty don't you play these games with me you know the clouds are distracting me every time they keep thinking it's gonna be in the classes oh yeah yeah there's nothing over here all right you look so awkward just standing there come on wait for the world see something what do you say that was so obvious it's alright dawn I thought that I'd let you hit that I didn't even think that could have possibly been the plan oh my god I can't believe that was the point that is ridiculous where are you button like harder every level that's the easiest level so far that was awesome no that was not cool it was so awesome there's nothing cool about that wait what color is the button um I believe it is wood are you lying not gonna lie about this where are you Jen you got to stop talking all creepily where is it this is big I found a ladder the one upstairs by the way oh you did yeah but it's not helping me I don't think it's really down there oh no just go ahead so creepy please put in I love you buy-in I love you I hate you right now but you just you know working well for me today are you I'll find you you don't have to sound like a killer when you say find you but nothing can save you now button or it was really not upstairs I found upstairs area oh hi oh hey what's up what's going on um I think it's up here somewhere good luck oh yeah you think so yeah God be right you're lying you're violent jumped on top of my head I cannot find this button all right well it's gotta be around here somewhere I know you you hit something oh I see the skeleton you're talking about it's not over there is it I don't see it but it really looks like it would be you know it does I can't really see through there very well it's over there all right you're right I don't think it's upstairs oh there's the plan where my god wait where was it it was like right underneath the ladder over on airplane it's tied three to three right now I think it is alright we'll go then I have no idea I think I'm waiting though okay right now hashtag winning seriously all right bye how did you find that in ten seconds check these dress give me the chest one's gonna be in there if you win this looking at the chest gonna cry wait what color was he okay stone it's stone all right I mean what you're not messing with me are you it'sit's what all right so there's got to be a stone button around here somewhere where are you buy-in so we're in like a car place right now he's actually kind of cool isn't it so cool it's in the truck it's gotta be maybe squeeze in between these where are you you think that's gonna answer it for you jack maybe I'm trying to look at all the weird spots maybe it's in the chest right oh yeah I didn't check any chassis ergo do that so just through it even jump I'm like Tarzan Tarzan jumping skills yeah you're not my Tarzan will you go in here this could be the room where are you I'm in the truck room okay look you can actually go in the room I still don't see anything at all either I found the button Jen no you did no it's actually right out in the open wait it is it is yeah it's right there thank you oh my god slender pine oh okay so this it's tied right now again wait this might be my only chance to get ahead okay that looks part Cory wait what kind of blood is it it was um made of molasses glasses yeah okay it's made of wood oh my god sorry for the jump-scare I literally had a heart attack oh my god see this is further proof I won't try the maps beforehand you just leave it on me like did you try I've never been more scared in my entire life that was this worse that as the workshops you I've ever had in my life because I thought we were just playing all right so we're looking for a wooden button oh I got it randomly and all of a sudden I went all right this one's called nightmare I was really hoping I was gonna mess you up and you would think it was wood all right so it's actually I'm winning right now by one no you're not so it's really scary and you really should play like a horror yes all right you ready for job security anyway what color was this one I'm still mad all right it was what my creepy dude just popped out in my face this happened to me before yeah almost died it was really horrible wait I think it's through this door go look okay see that wasn't scary I really thought it might be in here when you said that I thought it was gonna be behind him because that's how the other one was it was like literally right next to the jump scare you locked me in the closet with the monster I painting no I must find you the tour what does where are you I'm nowhere I didn't find anything so don't worry I could hear in your voice no you really are a bad Georgia voice miss I don't see anything down here there's nothing up here all right you were downstairs that okay what does this look so peculiar over here it does look a little peculiar it's like a room they just there's nothing there dude is it in your pants possibly what are you even talking I don't see it you searched the pants I did there is no bind in there no button but I'm kind of stuck in here with this dude in his pants is this button okay I made note of that all right thank God do it this is where we started but I've yet to find a button how did my pants get how do these pants get on me what I have no idea what you're talking about right now and it's honestly freaking me out a little bit why are you wearing the poor dudes pants I don't know how it happened just happy you're literally wearing early wearing his pants till you went into the closet you even grab those things and game on - I don't even know what's going on at this point oh my god I'm going crazy there's nope I didn't we're in a whorehouse I don't like this hey bro do you know where the button is I feel like this creepy dude in the closet isn't gold honestly I thought he was before - because the Slenderman one was and I have no idea where the button is no you know where the button is tell me or I'll take your shoes Jan why did you do something weird downstairs because the closet opened up into a room now I told him to tell me or I take his shoes do you think it worked oh my god I can't believe I found the button where is it whoa what remember the closet upstairs there was like nothing man there was just like two blocks in the way yeah it was opened oh and then I found a hole and weren't can do that now it's definitely from threading that guy yeah it's definitely that Jack okay let's find this button alright so this one I can see it's baa-eautiful I think I'm gonna find this one really quick look there's cake everywhere I know it's wonderful love this I feel like your wedding right now what a good spot okay that was right in that thing you're standing on a second ago Omi's runner must be based on that movie right I didn't see it but you saw the movie yes tell me if this is realistic towards it okay I'll tell ya yeah looks just like it it does it really does I hope then I win this level wait that looks weird probably in this house oh my god it's probably using the house boom alright the pressure plate was made of stone okay it's too much pressure it's got to be in there Jen I don't see it excuse me your big fat head is it the way it's not fat it's big-boned have a big brain oh can I go on top of a tree in there I see something maybe I can't tell my seat I don't think so that's not the way either honey man I have a feeling we use the park or on top of the house yeah we probably do are you wearing the pants from the other day oh my got a panicking I'm panicking oh man as I was joking wait I have an idea give me a boost I'm not giving you a boost Oh oh my god it's probably not even back here I think it is you really think so I really think it is get up there come on oh yes I did it I'm letting you know right now there's like nothing back here I'm looking on the trees there's literally nothing back here Jen very good babies love always its massive way I'm gonna climb the vines I said I was thinking about but oh wow I was wondering where to go exactly I'm pretty sure I won 12 levels right yes I think it was seven to five this time so good I swear you're getting better every single time to do this first you start with zero you got like one improving two then five then you got like zero again and then you get really good yes oh I gotta keep this over already okay complete oreo mapa Minecraft 15 guys there's good news that was absolutely amazing that the levels are really cool there was like Maze Runner there was a plane but they have made a second map which we're gonna be playing next week just came out so dudes I did want to say thank you so much for all the support on the hidden button series it's been going amazingly well I've really enjoyed playing these maps hope you guys have too and binky rest a chamfer doing really good thank you you have some wheat are you steal things from the maps this back this is an animal's food to feed the animals why weren't accepting the food heli cuz you fed them out of your mouth so seeds just come out of your mouth you know they're not burst yet no judge me sorry sorry hmm well anyways guys hope you enjoyed this video if you did definitely crush that like button and subscribe through it like it animal just right on top of it and we'll see you dudes next time you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 3,121,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, custom, mini-game, games, game, dream, hidden, secret, slender, slenderman, five nights at freddys, car, garage, candyland, maze, runner, maze runner, house, map, structure, build, building, button, funny, moments, 1.9, minecraft 1.9, new, extreme, find the button extreme, forest, the end, airplane, dimension, plane, world, land, kitchen, bedroom, living room, popularmmos, gamingwithjen, mods, modded, modded mini-game, animation, parkour, snow, secret area, minecraft challenge, minecraft mini-games, puzzle, vs
Id: Z5w4aCxOdTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2016
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