Minecraft: THE WORM DENTIST CHALLEGE! - Custom Mod Challenge [S8E49]

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] here what's up guys it's pat and welcome back to the custom ah challenge hey guys so today we have something extremely important to do what are we doing oh yeah you see that um oh guys go okay don't touch the man I didn't mean to go downstairs so guys what we're doing is merely to kill some giant whoops rip teeth out of their jaws and then put them into a weapon what I said that we're what took me to a weapon yeah that sounds brutal yes Camille I'm down yeah we're dentist today yeah so also guys we need two things we need that the worm teeth and also a hammer from the hurt to these people we're getting both today and we're getting Big Bertha which does 500 attack damage you mean big birdy no yes don't talk like a me you're becoming him I know he's seriously rubbing off on me it's not good it's actually weird cuz you're starting to look like him a little pay what are you talking about I look nothing like him that's nice damn way better looking yeah now everybody's guys if you're new to this year's are definitely gonna want to sneak around for some of the weirdest content when it comes to Minecraft only one way to do it smash your elbow into that subscribe button but don't break your cell phone or your potato oh your elbow oh yes important important so you might remember about two seasons ago we actually went to the structure and the worms stole every single item we had they better not steal my little man I brought him with us oh the thing you saw that yeah look at him hey let me just put him down there he is he's very little maybe I should leave him here in case they steal him you know I you you'll probably leave in here forever I'll just bring it with me alright so let's see what's going on today captain cookie you think you can just run over there and grab teeth out of their mouths yes I can't read out of the worms mouths you'll be begging to come back into my tree house I can't let you back in after you're naked when the worms eat all of your clothes that is disgusting and I don't want my new base all slimy why would it be slimy I'm not slimy when I'm naked are you I don't want to talk about it what you're not what that's not normal some cake over here don't you touch that Jenny she looks like you ate half of it already I think I did it was really really good stop in people's cakes oh by the way guys in preparation for today because this is serious these worms are so annoying I actually became Thor but sighs haha sorry Thor once again and I'm here coming out of every orifice and pants coming out of my head which is completely normal I'm gonna get going all right let's get out of here we have a lot of work to do today yeah we gotta have this weapon I'm super excited for it me too I can't beat down the ladder really I'm too large hey I'm coming must be the lips it's gotta be so they're right over there we're actually in between the king and the queen structure so this could be very very bad yes what is that I bet Jen fell in here you gotta get E oh my god good show I felt a tear just not advancing why don't you fly oh oh yeah I do feel I lose is getting awkward all right so the plan for this is basically I think we need to shoot them we need to fly and shoot them with our bow so they don't steal our goods all right so I need them to spawn better all right just get the tape you see the teeth they're everywhere reason I'm not able to oh god okay oh it's working out all right good guys that could be very very bad I'm shooting them with my boo I see teeth they're dying carving the teeth get him I don't think I lost anything all right good how many teeth did I get I got two awesome Chinese diabetic dying work it looks really weird be honest with you do you like my big teeth no they creep me out a little bit just to be perfectly honest with you did you lose any items nothing all my armors still on and I look freaking fabulous yeah anything for me cuz I'm so high there you look weird no guys what we're gonna do once we get Big Bertha we can actually conquer these dungeons right now it's really not possible at all oh is that you you're a little terrible terror yes I am that's awesome so out there's another terrible terrifying them time to make love with me or something I don't know what it's tried it there did we get teeth I think so but I'm just taking them out to make sure can't go I fell run run don't let them steal anything alright let's just get out of here alright I give up yeah okay I didn't lose anything don't worry miss you oh there you are you're a worm whoo okay did you be the little man in there and you keep him no I have them he's fine alright so this is what we need to do okay let's get down to the ground there's gonna be super simple all we need to do to find the Hercules beetle let's go to that dimension you remember the one that has every boss no no whatever alright so find a butterfly right clicking oh okay I see one right here see what come on it's really awkward my little butterfly let me click your wings I think someone can animate this you trying to catch the butterflies a word seriously you're not gonna go I'm gonna go without you I think oh it's working all right I'm coming I clicked it before you did how do you feel you do realize I was watching you yeah okay you are watching me recording with the fingers of your life all right oh my god they threw me off the whole day oh my god why am i dying and I can't say I think I'm suffocating in a wall it's the not bricks I think you're something nobody applicated a wall you're right alright alright I landed I might be too big I've landed what am i I am so large worm I will switch back and I'm ready to find that Hercules beetle also don't move I need to teleport to you all right god I'm gonna die suffocating in a wall again alright I'm fine alright good I'm sorry to actually go over the edge so that you'd fall but it didn't work I could fly so you wouldn't do it in time we all know it so basically jet we also if you both want to get the weapon we need to kill t-rex too cuz you're missing the tooth oh okay fine do you yes I see something if you can find a hurt through these fetal that would be freaking fabulous okay that's your ex I don't think so what am i oh knob tricks do we need him no okay don't need the dude only really need the Hercules beetle and then maybe like a t-rex why am i rat right now have no idea I was actually wondering that tail loose enchanted golden apple cows with a hat oh thank you okay so what am I looking for again I'm sorry Hercules beetle ants yes that's it the t-rex t-rex okay I hope that's only if you want it alright if you don't want I don't want it so you don't want Big Bertha Thanks alright you're just fine shoe or something yeah something like that so we need to find these I think it should have them spawning during the day down here probably okay I saw something beetle like well I don't have any beetle like things that are some maybe found it alright guys I've got a good idea for a challenge me against Jen who could find the Hercules beetle first oh I found a ham you bet I did but apparently I already had it oh yeah good work come here Golden Apple cows I see a flying shark it's really good I think help you out today I know so basically at night it's gonna be absolutely crazy here so I'm really hoping they spawn during the day hey come on the shark just bit me you're talking about don't you mess with me bugs you'll all die hopefully we need to buy these things well I'm sure at night we won't miss it there's no totally knob drinks more Golden Apple cows yes I'm getting so many a chance to Golden Apple peacocks I see some caterpillars yeah there's caterpillars during the day but there isn't Hercules beetles who I'm lagging your heart really bad it's actually kind of laggy place because it's floating islands in the sky I'm in tracks you're just gotta wait till night guys so we'll be back right now that's right I waited 10 minutes so I can say that so we are on the hunt I bailed it you did again there's so many mobs over here oh god monsters after me oh god what'd I do to it I did something it's over here damn kids come here we need this all right I'm coming all right why don't I switch to my bow yes all right so we need two of these if we both want to get Big Bertha plus we need a t-rex really badly just wanna already come on all right Ragab miss we're doing pretty good my god the lag is real this place is really lagging you can slow the eyelets but we will deal with it has the mercury I sell one you didn't say anything all right so I got the hammer Gianni yes yeah right so we need one more I look like him I look fabulous oh I think I see it on the street bunch around actually my perfect so all we need to do is fly the t-rex after this and we're gonna have the best weapon in the entire world except for excited except for two other weapons of the mind yeah but yeah it's pretty good very awesome it's pretty awesome it's the hardest one to get by far I sell you my gosh yeah I'm just gonna dive in just like your brother did I knock him I think so already know where is it hello God forever what did you do - I was right here okay I'm never to do that again it scared me I thought I lost him all right so he's that 40 yes and dead all right so I don't need that I got two hammers we need to find t-rex alright double challenge ready this you know gets on way does that hack that I want oh no I thought it was a crown it was some weird-looking little deer just fine I like little dudes little weird-looking dude he doesn't yeah this is going well alright so we need to find this like right now hey a t-rex so many mobs around once again we need its tooth so we're gonna have to do a little dentistry alright some extracting it's gonna be painful I see a nasty sword I see a dinosaur are you a t-rex I think you're looking at a nasty sorry oh yeah I see a mole annoyed putting its dirt everywhere honestly this is one of the craziest imaginary existed this dimension seriously everything from already it's the best way to actually get this up all I found the Allosaurus but not the t-rex all right come on a fighter every time sorry I found him he's green right you found him a big zoo yes I got him all right coming oh I'm getting attacked that - hurry hey come on Rosie he's right here I'm not lagging at all he's the green dinosaur II can't miss him jelly no it's for my bowl no where's my bowl oh no it was the rare treat in it oh my god that's bad don't fall off the edge please burn the tree burn it I'm me did you by any chance get my bone no I did it don't lie again oh there it is got it don't worry good job alright so kill the steering's we need your teeth just one alright grab the tooth okay so the truth I see it right there and just what am i right now by the way I see Rex yes we did it we did it yay alright so the hard part is gonna be getting out of this dimension yes alright so actually it's time so this is what we to do we'll race to find Mothra or the brutal fire I just saw a moth or to me tell cuz this is gonna be a way to get out once we kill that a bunch of butterflies spawn we can get right out I was slow talker let's get out here not picking my nose or anything she's picking your nose he actually has both hands chopped into our nostrils all right so do Monster workers it just butterflies they look like butterflies so they probably work so far I have not been successful I don't know about you okay I'm trying you ready bees all right let's go hey kill me a little dude good man I'm so bad at this I got it me work they do okay and I swear thirds I caught one this might take a while I swear I heard momzilla as I clicked on it oh dude yes what I just found another Superman structure dude you did go down all right I click that one check this out did I need it any get in here what if I got in like an iced area because that's where you need a be Chad this is so cool-looking we need to get into this one we already got some stuff from the last one I'm hoping we're gonna get more like geared spam you're a little large no I want to switch don't be rude I'm going in oh it's the Superman place yes Alex said that like 55 party sorry about that how do we owe this all I seen a oh how we gonna get in here swim this is really much more painful than usual your big face is it the way I'm going to do it man to kill you stop you get in the way alright I'm getting here there you go let's go we got laser vision we could have two if you want thank you alright so what about the other side at least this side we can walk into so here we got nothing we've got nothing and we've got nothing yeah well you know why you have a successful you just shoot laser vision at me I did this is hurt how do you do it okay there we go no this is awesome I sell my flamethrower oh god that's awesome alright we need to get serious oh she's gonna go up in flames we must go back to the pirate ship okay that's where we have all the scalps go in you the pirate ship or no one new York as I like to call it just not know it's hard yes it is come to where Bobby is I have everything here we could graph this guy's let's do it so the one thing I did off camera is I actually made the guards part of it because you know that we had to do that yes obviously they put stuff down because my inventory is horrible and I need to put about 50 things into it right now alright so guys you're about to see some of the most impressive crafting in your entire life now you're joking either like it's really you see this alright so let me just grab all this stuff in here yeah doing it alright okay so this is what we need to do use that I guess I could smack this button here and so impressive it takes a lot of skill seriously oh you like making fun of me right now now it's not a skill all right all right BAM Big Bertha blade made like a freaking beast I think we need we need another category something no check the chest on the right for me all the way in the end okay is there a join there there's a sea monster scale no there's no job all right well we saw I'm gonna get the laughter today we're going to finish this regen I thought we had everything I'm so sorry okay sorry it's raining horribly outside sorry all right so guys not over yet get ready for this so I made the guard now I must make the handle so this is gonna require okay god this Glasgow stuff a lot of stuff they're probably missing things no I figure out we can't make it I'd be so sad if I can't make this I did not try to go to sleep you liar all right so to me recipe for this one BAM but right there then you got this I totally have this alright so right there guys for some reason you kitch you can't click on the bike to shift click it to go in it crashes me for some buddies this way I'm doing it by hand Plus this is more masterful anyways right there everything right alright now you just put them together okay and boo-bear oh my god memory like no other yes yes it's done let me see it oh it's majestic and large real Tokyo she said let's go kill stuff alright okay it's the ocean into the ocean we go alright we gotta find something right I just want to kill something anything alright the alligators yeah ulam from this far away yes you know where you are I'm missing all the action yes actually you know what might be a cool place we're at the candy palace area oh yeah let's go there cuz doesn't the Stafford rum spawn like around that area yeah I think so Louise I'm hoping I think so I'm actually here and I see mouth bass player but we'll see in a second alright sure we are beer is their acceptance after drums around they should be during the day maybe a spot during the day cuz there's nothing here well horrible blizzard what is that oh my god I found something really cool what did you find this is the pirate ship I'm gonna kill the part of Captain what no I found something no pirate captain happy I found the sea horse thing no come here right now wait what is it called the water dragon no no you gotta go y'all get here right now okay can you break eggs up to fat you're an alligator no wonder you can't kill the captain I am killing the pirate captain right now get ready for it are you in here I don't even want to watch douche all right Oh tiding got him join oh I thought you were talking about the other pirate captain oh the dude old dude we talked to a steps no killing him I wouldn't do that whenever they check the loot while right here I find another bubble gun or something you never know this sad is this oh my god I've got a boss oh good alright you want to just like destroy this with our real no we gotta do it near sue quick alright fine that's cuz you're on the roof incident yeah you don't feel like coming in are you lazy alright come and watch this okay Catwoman ooh dead yes'm alright well that was old it's today we actually got the weapons so all we're missing I think is just the jaws we can get that for John off camera yes we ate the weapon alright to the fan shin alright to the fans let's do this let's go nice here we yarn stuck for some reason there's a hat going on over here Bobo's got a queue on that boo do you oh I have an idea of your stock yeah I'm fine you sure yeah I'm good I don't know last time I did this remember this other lucky chicken died it's not your Catwoman you like it I do oh I tried to tell you this happens every time now lately bad another Hank from the last chicken it's good it's gonna happen to work this is like the time I'm like 50 times all right but no I'm serious come on come on all right so let's see what Captain Cook yes to say I don't think I crafted this quite right let's just say it was enough to take care of that other captain he won't be bothering us anymore no you see the skull oh my god is he serious he only craps it part of it - we just clap crafted the blade that's the part of your kit you're curious about not the skull in his hand yeah you guys are so similar all right yeah it's really disturbing captain cookie little what did Captain Cook he do to the other captain he started him wisely he actually chopped his head off with the part of Big Bertha big birdie well anyways this I'm pouring right now it's fine all right someday we're gonna get a new chicken it's gonna be much sooner wonderful use hack no wait you talking about I saw you teleport no I'm kidding all right sir on episode 49 today's winners are presa Navarro my name is Jeff I bet name cupcake Issa and that asian guy thank you guys guys thank you for moving to come up me guys if you need to know how to get into the pantry all you have to do is leave a comment and you have a random chance to get an ad so I hope you enjoyed the video if you did definitely crush that like button and subscribe and we will see you next time hey guys peace out why doesn't this work can you stop please [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 5,480,939
Rating: 4.9117384 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft challenges, challenge, lets play, minecraft xbox, xbox, custom, mod, adventure, modded survival, modded, modded mini-game, survival, dimension challenge, dentist challenge, boss challenge, orespawn mod, minecraft mods, mods, mod showcase, bosses, mobs, funny moments, mini-games, games, game, custom mod adventure, custom mod challenge, armor, weapon, sword, song, animation, how to, tutorial, mission, quest, dimension mod, tree house, house, captain cookie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2015
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