Minecraft | THE SPACE MISSION | Custom Mod Adventure

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you see jurors I don't see why even make me do all of these weird endurance exercises I've been doing them all week and you haven't even told me what they're for I get down now please good ah there we go finally ah hook you've been the bane of my life hook but why are you been making me do all these weird exercises please talk to me what we've been doing all these weird exercises for me I'm ready I'm ready for what ah Oh a surprise Oh let's have a look in here testing chamber oh my goodness are you joking right now this is a rocket a rocket you've been training me for a space program truss where are you why didn't you follow me in I haven't been in the testing chamber for ages you've been telling me to stay out of there you are so sneaky you know that this is one of the things that I have really really wanted to do recently especially since we're doing these crazy adventures and I actually cannot believe this right enter our let's go into the testing chamber and you're gonna have to tell me what I need to do because this is one crazy crazy rocket I mean we've been to space before we've been to the moon and we did not use a rocket this big so what's the plan whoa that's a step further than where we've been before Mars is a little bit further than the moon I'm guessing that's why we've got this crazy crazy rocket right then what are we gonna do next okay fuel the rocket yeah okay let's do these things just have a look in this chest here okay what we got we've got um lots of fuel that's good because we're going to need to get to Mars we've also got oxygen masks oxygen gear heavy oxygen tanks a light blue parachute and elite I'll eat a little bit random why we got the lead okay and oh my goodness is this it is mine look at this it's like a space astronaut outfit Joris is this mine oh yeah I'm gonna put on straight away here we go ah there we go yes it go away what I like is my goggles are gone but I'm looking awesome look abate yeah an astronaut oh my gosh I've had all the training thanks to Trey OS and now thanks to Trey OS also we have this crazy crazy rocket so we need to UM fuel this rocket and I remember from doing our little space programs before we need to use this machine right here which is the fuel loader to be able to load the fuel into this rocket now this rocket is like five times the size of the rocket we've used before so I'm guessing I'm going to need a lot of fuels so if we just could I sit in it quickly I want to sit any quickly yeah okay let's go in here here we go nice there we go where's my face there's my beautiful face there it is haha this rocket is huge but we need to check how much fuel it's got no fuel whatsoever well so we need to start getting this completely fueled up so let's do that right now let's grab as many of these fuels as possible I'm not sure we're going to need all of them but let's plop this fuel in here grab the empty canister put this in here as well grab all the canisters out and we should be good to go and we're going to need these empty canisters as well for when we go to Mars because otherwise we're not going to be able to get back are we because we need to refuel the fuel that is leftover from when we take off which hopefully is enough to get us back otherwise we're going to be in major trouble but let's quickly check how much we've got now oh we're almost on 100% let's watch it go to 100 here we go yes haha I think we're ready to go this is a little bit weird I can't believe we're going to go to Mars I mean I don't even know what we're going to find there Joe Vuli idea tray or us no I don't even this is going to be the best are you coming as well okay well you've got to be a little bit careful because last time we went to space you changed you changed a little bit and I'm not going to explain what happens we'll find out if it happens on Mars because we've only been to the moon and it happened there so let's see if happens on Mars but anyway guys I think are ready to go to Mars what we need first though is knock surgeons supplies let's grab some of this and the tank you also need our parachutes so that when we come back to the lab and land in the lab we have some way to land and this random lead the trails are talking about so let's put on our gear we need for the oxygen mask here our gear here and then our two oxygen tanks as well and our parachute - and we should be good to go because if we can't breathe the Mars we're going to be a major major trouble so Charles will be ready for liftoff awesome let's do this okay there jars here we go oh my goodness I'm super nervous I think the countdowns about 20 seconds so we've got a little bit of time to prepare with this rocket is so huge and you can hear how powerful is here we go oh my goodness ha ha I'm actually flying a rocket look at the Stars and we just passed the clouds as well oh man goodbye lab see you later look at the flames and look that's the rest of the desert that the lab is in and the rest of the world it's just a tiny little square from up here Oh show some scared trust I'm scared what am i doing what's happening right now oh it's so weird it's very very weird why am i inside some kind of casing oh geez drawers are you here we have we landed this is super weird let me try and bust out okay here we are look it looks so amazing this is Mars and this is the weird bubble thing that we are we arrived in so let me just punch this open can I put you there we go oh haha Cera's even happens on Mars as well oh dear buddy you don't do too well at soar now oh wait a second is this what you bought the lead with you oh right okay so guys we're going to need to use the lead to we're going to need to use it to drag Taurus around let me just grab I'm the rocket and stuff because we're gonna need that but I'm yeah we need to drag chourus around because his legs are so swollen the econ even moves so I guess we should go and explore let's go and check this out look at this oh we call that anti-gravity as well look at this Charles boying it looks incredible oh man is there anything even around here the oxygen tanks are working perfectly as well Caballero's let's go for a little walk shall we ah no I'm stuck in this crater now why are you telling us to come this way actually it's not too bad if you just bounce up as well look at that Charizard a whale of a time look at him absolutely loving it come on there buddy let's go up here and see if there's anything we haven't found anything yet which is a little bit disappointing but the best thing is that we can actually lift off wherever we kind of want to because we've got these launch pads so cool your head is huge oh my gos maybe that's the size your brain in real life anyway let's bounce up here and oh no way oh look at this as well look there's the earth could you see the lab from here I I don't think you can anyway Charles look what I found what is this they look like you or you you look like then come on nobody No chill out chill out it's okay it's okay just chill out a little bit right then look at these guys they look exactly like you oh what's that something in the distance as well maybe these guys know what it is look at this they look at us Chara silicon a speech he'll just beat you okay we come in peace um strange in villager people you okay let's get through this gate here and then we can introduce ourselves um this is extremely odd oh man Joe has come through here what are you doing you need to come through you know what I'm gonna help you out here let me just grab no careful you lost your lead there we go got it back I'm just going to quickly grab some of this so that I could try to hop you over this fence actually so you just break this gate they're not going to be too happy with us if we do this by we'll replace it it's okay I'm sorry all right God Rose come through the gap come through the gap so we can introduce ourselves are you being are you being like this on purpose why are you doing this to us we can't just be like this when we've only just found these moon villagers how are you Lord blue what are you hello I'm sure these guys speak a very very odd language you know what I'll note this is not going very well is it buddy you're being like a pain in the butt because you can't even you can't even walk properly but anyway just let's put this here and I'm going to try and communicate with this guy he's speaking in a strange language this is a normal villager language no I don't know what he's saying sure uh do you know what he's saying yeah give it a go try out I'm looking forward to hear their scorn and drowse try and speak alien villager can you do it wait is responding he's actually responding Jos it's working carry on what's he saying the mysterious egg has been stolen what is that what does they even mean we need to explore this place a little bit more right trust if you feel like coming in here then feel free but if you don't then just stay there and don't go anywhere please jeez right there num oh this is place is looking magical really magical and what's that in the distance as well this is insane look like all these really weird chests and was that something supposed to be here mysterious egg maybe maybe the mysterious egg was supposed to be here oh man they've got one of these as well look at this a moon buggy that's incredible right Charles you need to ask if this is where the mysterious egg was supposed to be trailers I can't speak alien yet where are you right you need to you need to communicate to Lord blue hear what I'm trying to say I'd try it never go that sounds good okay what's he saying ah Wow the evolved mobs stole the mysterious egg do they want us to help him out maybe we could do it try us but we could do that what do you say yeah I could do it yeah we could do that Lord blue don't you worry we will get your mysterious egg back um oh wait a second other evolved mobs over there is it in that castle okay I understand that that's got to be a yes right good right can we use your moon buggy ask if we can use the moon buggy to get over there looks like it might be quite easy to get over there rather than just jumping yet I saw that a little nod of the head and oh wait a second trust What did he say oh really ah oh wow that's amazing thank you so much don't worry we'll get your mysterious egg back right and let's go through here sorry guys sorry I don't mean to be barging in like this but I'm a human it's okay and oxygen levels doing pretty well as well in the top right hand corner right then the double chest what have we got in here we have got oh wow look at this we've got um three blocks of cheese we've got some throwable meteor chunks these ones are hot ones look look at that we've got a grappling hook some armor some a heavy-duty armor and a - sword coz I've ever seen a - sword before but let's put all of this stuff away just in case um it gets in the WAGs we're going to need that to get home anyway we've got the leads um let's just grab all this stuff my goodness look how generous he's being this is insane and some food as well cuz I'm gonna get a little bit hungry up here right then oh look at that it goes on the side of my astronaut suit haha I'm looking good and this - sword is amazing as well we've also got some throwable meteor chunks which look really really nice and a grappling hook cool right then lord blue we will save you do not worry is this you yes it do don't worry buddy right then this arm closes off so don't get in and show us you ready good let's drag you over so we're going to use the moon buggy this is gonna be super super awesome hopefully it's all fueled up because this right here looks like a normal one fuel canister actually it's so funny that you do that um let me try it and see if it's got any fuel it has it's got a hundred percent I'm sure see okay are you still attached um I hope so oh yeah yes look are you doing I don't want to run you over look come on let's go oh this is cool this is really cool yes over to this crazy alien castle that it looks like it's held up by laser beams this is insane noise insane is this buggy though and it looks like that grappling hook is gonna come in handy because we're not gonna be able to get up to that castle without it looks like there's a platform just there we could use but um trust I think I'm gonna have to leave you here because you can't use the grappling hook and you're going absolutely crazy so let me just park up the buggy here like this there we go and I'm gonna have to leave you here buddy so don't run off onto the lead I keep forgetting as the gravity affects all this as well this is not good right there buddy stay here do not do anything weird or anything like that and here we go let's use the grappling hook and I really don't know how to use this so I'm a little bit worried let's try it out shall we oh dear let's try this let's try it here we go if I can grab up there we should be good let me see if I can grab the edge of this I do not know what to expect though but a mob army on Mars it doesn't really sound good Charles please don't move too far I need to go and grab you on the way back here we go hook grappling hook here we go let's try and charge up and boom is it not working grappling hook I need you to let's try it here we go ah there we go it worked it worked oh my goodness no oh geez I fell I absolutely fell that's not good let's try this one more time I think I can get it this time if I do a quick jump and then fire it we should be good yes god I know this creepers and stuff up here here they go here we go ah don't blow up don't block oh no he knocked me off why would you do such a thing oh Jesus is scary this is really really scary I don't like this at all look at this guy he got two bows these guys have like all kinds of oxygen and stuff as well this is madness this is a lot more difficult and I thought it was going to be you know what I'm gonna eat some cheese if in doubt eat summit cheese there we go look at that it looks so nice it's fresh from the moon all the zombies as well let's see if we can get back up here huh oh no I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to charge up first and then launch it there we go grappling hook master yes I made it okay I think I'm ready I think I'm ready let's go let's jump up in all there's so many oh jeez look at these guys oh they're hitting me they drop space money this is cool right I think if I stay up here I should be okay look at these guys oh my goodness this is insane right let me grab this block of cheese eat it a little bit and here we go oh man these guys are crazy good job out this crazy armor on let's just keep on hitting keep on hitting and try and get out of it oh I'm stuck I'm so stuck I need to find this egg that he was talking about oh jeez this is madness Oh oh jeez writing let's try and get this guy as well look how big these mobs are as well they're massive right where did I put my cheese where's my cheese and eat my cheese guys any more cheese no don't knock me off don't know me off anymore I can't even reach the cheese guys is bad I need to reach the cheese go away zombies right then oh it looks like it's at a shrine in the middle yeah let me see if I can grab the shrine in the middle I need to use my rocks as well throw these rocks get out of here all these rocks are working perfectly oh my goodness this is awesome we got these guys out of here oh Jesus I've like oxygen tanks and everything it is madness right got him got him let's just get through here let's see if we can grab what's on this bit here oh man there's so much there's so much let me see if I grab my cheese this is perfect grab cheese eat it regen a little bit and see if they all know the spiders as well they're actually going to be able to climb up and get me I just need to regen a little bit let's do a plan of action there's a there's a skeleton there or wait it's popped off the ceiling grab it here we go let's see if we can grab what we need oh geez where is it where is it around here I grabbed it already I have got it look mysterious egg yes let's get out here oh my goodness get out here zombie get out of here we go troz I'm coming home and let me just eat this there we go lovely lovely cheese nice you know what you can keep your space money you can keep it come over here get out of here I don't need all your money go away go away we need to say this mysterious egg back to the alien villagers come on show us oh geez rather than let's see if I can grab I'm yeah I've got a lead or so more underneath the lead here we go grab there we go nice and we also going to get this moon buggy and look at them they're picking on each other let's get out of here buddy let's go back to the alien village oh jeez that was intense of all the arrows in me that was so bad but good at the same time of course because we actually completed the mission alright let's go and take this back and take the mysterious egg back to its rightful owners hopefully we got enough fuel in this thing yeah we've got tons right then let me try and park this can we park it here we go careful Charles I need to park this there we go nice whoa that was intense right and let's go through let's go to the other side actually I should be able to push you through here shouldn't I let me just get this gate out the way because you can't get through the gates and I should we ought to just push you through here come on tres at least come and say hi let's not be rude shall we here we go right then where is Lord blue I don't really know the difference between everyone that's not you that's not you there you are karara's you need to tell him that we've got it telling that we've got the egg What did he say nice one so should we place on the podium see I'm starting to learn a little bit of alien at least I know that means yes right and let's grab this and here we go let's plot this guy on here and there we are that looks fantastic I can see why it's such an important part of your community oh my goodness Jairus I think about enough of Mars for now it's extremely hot here and Oxygen's almost halfway so I think I think it's time to say goodbye what do you think come on try and translate a goodbye to me for I'm where are you lord blue is this you you and your villagers have been amazing thank you so much and I'm glad that we can help you out can you say goodbye for us for us go and say goodbye awesome we'll see you later Lord blue let's go out the way we came in and put this fence gate back here we go out of here there we go nice of a good choice this has been incredible what let me just grab the rocket and the launch pad hopefully we've got enough fuel to get home but um where should we launch from let's launch from down here because it seems a little bit safe and it's away from all of their village and stuff so here we go let's plot plot but but but you have to be careful there buddy let me get rid of this lead there we go come back cool it in midair let me just put this back there we go you're in the way I just need to pop this Launchpad down and then the Rockets are we fjord yes we are let's 65% nice you know what try us jump in and let's get out of here this is gonna be awesome let's get home here we go almost ready for liftoff let's get home to the lab see you later Mars ha ha ha and we're out of here look how speedy that is whoa we're here we've made it and I think my parachute is working I can't see it but it's definitely working because I'm definitely here look although there's a chest as well why is there a chest Oh into the water perfect ha ha here we are we're home oh my goodness this has been one crazy crazy adventure um Trey Oris if you did you make it back into the lab let's go back into the lab guys and see what's going on Kuras are you here you around here anywhere buddy oh there you are and you're back to normal your blue self is gone which I'm a little bit upset about I was kind of kind of looking forward to seeing you in your blueness again but anyway we need to get into the treasure room and put away all this stuff I mean we haven't got our rocket anymore because it disintegrated on the way down but we still have this awesome space ooh oh we got the armor as well Oh Joe just realize I stole all their stuff oh dear birdie way let's get to the treasure room and put all this stuff away whoa okay guys we are done we're putting all of the space stuff inside the hidden underground treasure room so Josh you ready Sean awesome let's get going so we've already got the pressure plate down sensors drop down and you can say oh my goodness Charles every time every time we go back upstairs you knock this over can I can I knock it this way so work nope ah no it's not gonna work if I'm gonna knock it this way so difficult to just get straight on that almost almost that'll do that'll do anyway some of you are asking in the previous episode where the superhero stuff is and I kept it here because it just looks so cool in here in sure it's kind of set this up anyway so um yeah we're keeping it here for now which i think is really cool the doors and stuff and Wow it was cramped on my face but anyway this is a super long room now and oh my dress what did I say to you while I was upstairs that you were supposed to put this stuff away we could have - were gonna have to do that for next time now guys every time you forget to do this anyway let's look at the Mars adventure or the space adventure in here it is so we've got Lourdes blue or a statue of Lord blue here we've got the cheese we've got a Mars dirt and stone on the floor which I thought was pretty cool we'll squat a replica of the egg we've got the armor I was using and we've got the space outfit that I was using y astronaut outfit and he is holding the sword that I was using and also the grappling hook but it's kind of gone through his leg I don't really know what happened there but we also got the moon buggy replica and the rocket on the side as well which is quarks it's kind of spinning - so that is pretty much in oh yeah we've got roses outfit here as well because well it wasn't really an outfit it's just kind of a replica of what you look like when you're in space buddy what do you think yes pretty it's pretty scary so anyway that's gonna be pretty much it but today is a custom one event you guys I hope that you enjoyed it and if you did please do leave a big fat thumbs up I know so many of you have been requesting a space adventures here it is and I hope that you enjoy and if you did then please leave a big fat thumbs up and also if this happens to be the first video it's seen by me then please do subscribe and join team TDM today pour daily minecraft videos and so you won't see any content like this anywhere else it's fully custom fully awesome and so fun to play as well so I'm glad you're enjoying it as much as I do so again thank you for watching and I will see you all next time good
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 18,465,665
Rating: 4.9027886 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mod, spotlight, showcase, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, yt:quality=high, 1.6.4, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, Minecraft (Video Game), 1.7.10, 1.8, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, colosseum, challenge, minigame, mini-game, mini game, minecraft mod, minecraft mod showcase, minecraft mods, 1.8.1, minecraft space mission, minecraft space, minecraft rocket, galacticraft
Id: _cu_x8YLWBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2015
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