Minecraft TekTopia Mod 1.12.2! | Stream #11

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hello hello hello how are you I'm doing all right how you doing I'm doing okay I'm dropping frames a little bit but other than that I'm doing well I got some sleep how are you doing I'm doing all right also dropping frames obviously are you guys doing how's your weekend going it's it's I don't even know what day it is hopefully y'all are doing I eat right so we are dropping frames you know I don't know if it's twitch or if it's something on our end we do have some houseguests who are using our Internet at this time so I think I think ones outside oh hold on a second well on black screen hold on oh you were yeah hang on professional oh wow streamers I'm a professional stream stream your butt is what's gonna happen next you're gonna wave what black screen 2019 that's what that's that's what it is look at what I did guys holy look at it oh oh oh oh oh all you with OCD are you are you are you put picking up what I'm putting down here don't worry I'll screw it up before too long organization in Minecraft feels unorganized time I don't know what it is yeah I stayed around on line after stream yesterday even though I was dead dog tired and I freakin organized I feel so it was like a breath of fresh air well during flubber hello [Music] yes d housing all right so this guy definitely like I don't think he digs anything out of the walls it's only what is directly in front of him okay which a little bit so this guy wants uh wheat baked potatoes regular potatoes so a little bit of good news hopefully um so there's a there's another computer company that I'm hoping to hear from for this this giveaway I'm wanting to do mm-hmm so hopefully you know something will come of that I hope so I really really hope that we can get this going so does this dude have like a random chance of like adding diamond to the mine or is it just refresh what was already there I dropped the beat no I didn't drop the beads Oh drop the beat man like I say hopefully I'll hear from them and we can get this thing you know going on or something but rookie rookies subscribed free subscribed for 11 months says save X B all year dang it get that X B fam love in the chat thank you thank you oh so the druid has has a chance to re resupply the mine there that's what he was doing he was he was resupplying like he was yeah words words are hard dang it right please calm down we're come fan wait wait I heard something heard what I heard like a G yeah I think that was the druid doing his thing ah okay I'm looking for I have beats in my pocket I'm looking for Cub fan right now are they by dre yeah that dudes a level 30 farmer with the buff he went into the store he went into the store dang it ok hold on I got this I'm looking at him right now wait we're out at the farm wait swear jar swear jar oh I owe you 5 bucks don't I 32 stake is 10 emeralds wait did I well I thought I'd prepaid did I prepay so you know how you said them whose it was how many diamonds was it for 12 emeralds you really don't remember no cuz the pair of boots I mean it has to be I don't remain he doesn't have that deal anymore it has to be dot you know like villager boots but yeah that's not hard to get ok Durkins lover you go give XB some love Wow calling me a smaller streamer nice Oh [Music] go I'm starving today that's up a K um okay before you got here rookie Rookie REE subbed and said save XP I just add that to the pool from yesterday please thank you very very much I said that word that's the same as what a beaver lives in oh that's not a swear I don't count that it wasn't the f-word or anything she was just talking about beaver houses just calm the Frick down okay people Oh Oh big potato okay come back here Cup fan where is he now does anybody know he's walking up the path from the farm from the fire tunnel okay you can head him off at the pass I'm gonna try and hit him hello would you like these huh how about it oh no I need 32 hey Cherie how's it going how you doing wait anonymous gift er just gifted five tier one subs in my channel thank you so so so much I appreciate it thank you blooms and hearts in the chat hole the anonymous gift are also giving five tier one subs in this chat thank you very much whoever you are we appreciate your face love your face dude whoever you are in that you know tense in the chat you're still a dude with that guy foxing mask on right see you you can't hide from us we turn off Pam's no we didn't turn off Pam's Pam's harvest craft no no it's on it's on we had to move the hold on just a second we had to move the farms though because they were like if the if our villagers got on them they were like twirling around I forget the bombs in the scheffel's sorry a joke Oni and furnace how you doing you got ghost pepper cheese spread nice holy crap you one roof ticket wait what roof chicken one mm Oh baby I'm doing well thank you I got some sleep oh I just crashed I crashed last night I was dead tired and I slept so good last night it was let me have a moment thinking about it it was so good I needed sleep so badly hey you K granny gamer how you doing I feel like we all want sleep okay so we were working toward something last does anybody remember that yeah Jerri do you guys remember what we were working on cuz we forgot I I was not I was asleep yesterday during stream I don't know if he could tell but I was I know we were working on something so sherry there's this really good butcher here in Fond du Lac that you need to visit we got the best meat sticks oh they're so good you'd love them I think de Tubbs is only like 10,000 and we and what is it is it top points weight j-dub ziz gonna beat me for fourth place he's like Oh 25,000 under you Frick ish twenty-fourth Alison he's close he's getting weird he's getting there dang it hey BC rodeo how you doing alright so we could work toward the enchanter or the school well I think you know my preference enchanter right or a rancher to start increasing the number of things we have but then we'd have to make animal pens which are 30 something apiece okay so I silently wicked why don't we what's this dude hello Charles bookworm wait the tavern now is nine blocks of emerald wait what that changed did it oh hold on do I don't have any emeralds in my pocket it was 63 before no it's 9 block why don't we ask chat hey kid how you doing oh I didn't want to put Wow ever if you could just leave then wait roof chickens leaving already umm the school will boost bubbles they think or some I just I don't know what the enchanter does like does the enchanter just enchant stuff randomly I have no idea I think you're just walking along boom you got detection for eggs or something oh it's so those I'm gonna sell some stuff here and make some moolah cashola you know what I'm saying what's that mr. Nicole how you doing hey Randy how's it going oh no I think we need 32 [Music] do you all hear him laughing at me do you hear that they don't I think you're hearing things begin xpeke crafted that's all I have to say freaking freaking freaking freaking night so school uh-huh which means we need a teacher uh-huh we need teacher the teacher is only 14 okay which I mean part usual right right teacher should be thus although yes is 63 of course it is uh these prices what are you doing with these prices hang go get your price is right the teacher should cost way more than the school just saying ashtag schools are expensive yes really expensive teacher should be paid more so wait what schools cost like millions to build I I agree teachers are underpaid but Millions I mean if teachers were making millions think of how good the education would be would it be though yes it would be trust I don't I'm not saying that that you know they're not doing important work because they are i also the number-one influencer of young children in the world i also a time with children than their parents do I'm just saying I also yeah don't think people that play you know basketball for a living should be making millions upon millions of dollars a year either ah so you know there's that sure preach it oh sorry guys I'm really passionate about it used to be a teacher so we need to we need to upper production of like everything I know that this used to be yeah right now I'm a full-time youtuber and twitch streamer there you go we lift stress we list yes and still helping people everyday right Tom raise your hand if I've made you smile or I've helped your day in any way in the past month but you can't see him raise their hand you can't granny gamer's hand is up there we go see st Sanders up yes beastie rodeos hands up thank you guys and that's why I do what I do I love you guys I really do that XP he helps people every day to love your faces what's that Mick maghen how you doing is that like mclovin is that like a McChicken McLaggen what no I'm sorry I'm not trying to I'm not making fun of your name I'm not I'm not like mclovin what are you talking about we're talking about awesomeness and you're talking about McDonald's apparently somebody hasn't seen Superbad what's super bad exactly okay the fact that you haven't seen that movie is super bad wait am i is that a deal-breaker no it's just disappointing oh man we have a full stack of Emeralds guys freaking hype in the chat buy your cracker hype in the chat please we have a full stack of diamonds Brandi Nicole is gifting five tier 1 subs in my channel holy holy holy thank you so much Randy booms and hearts in the chat well stack of diamonds or emeralds well did I say emerald he said well I think he said emeralds and then he said diamonds and emeralds emeralds emeralds Emeril Lagasse [Laughter] ah-choo ah whaa okay what are we doing tonight mr. Bissell what do we do every night try to take over the Emeralds what we tell you we got to get emeralds I mean that that's it's that's what 90% of your time is spent doing is just getting emeralds I mean it would probably help if we afk it a little bit but then I'd be worried about like the necromancer coming through right all of that all that stuff okay I'm emptying it hold that that alert noise is gonna be going off for a moment just appreciate it yeah so guys I actually have more than 200 subs yay first time it'll fit that I've had more than 200 subs so thank you thank you thank you all for the support Superman was an awesome movie soon as bad was superbrat bad it was a great movie it's coming to Netflix just saying woot bad or it's already there I don't know it's one of those is it is it already they're not around it might be thank you so much guys so hey did you just throw a bunch of gubbins somewhere I just picked not okay Matthew 1890 thank you for the sub three months holy crapoly booms and hearts in the chat this is the necromancer okay the necromancer spawns in the corner of the blue wall as far as I know mm-hmm what's up the gap stir so at the beginning of the month I had my my sub goal set to 525 and then there was that stream where we lost like 30 subs so I dropped it and I feel like I should have kept it oh man I was gonna be spawned oh well I will go for that achievement it's not like I need that achievement but you know so everything in here just sells for one emerald right so couldn't you block off a 10 by 10 by 10 space to stop it for me his face is off I don't know how that works I don't know if it'll like eventually just glitch through er yeah I don't know either oh you wait who's on fire girl is on fire okay that's trying to get rid of the creepy McCree pert ins over here were you though it was worried I was were you I would get away from me boy Nicole giving five-tier what subs to the channel thank you I think you Randy I don't know you know titty LEDs it would be interesting to science it because uh you know use the mechanics of the game it's not cheating it's using the mechanics of the game right oh hello Thank You Randy for the gift subs hearts iose bombs of the chat nothing holy not looking underneath the world at this moment yeah mechanics of the game week we could turn off the necro we could what's up regale 9900 up woot alright so we got a new babby cool umm I like it I do I'm having fun with it it's I I like it a lot better know that we added Pam's harvest craft be sure not there uh we have a problem though what we have nowhere to bed it oh we need to make another house y'all okay well we have all those house signs do you want to make a six house or into a house yeah I'm trying to see if we have a six wait where are those they're right in here yes we do have a six left mm-hmm should we do that what I'm thinking okay and it doesn't seem like we have to make one this big I think you know the big one yeah like they they've they seem perfectly fine mm-hmm with the other ones so I don't know what their issue was before but it definitely wasn't the size of the house it's not the size of the house XP so if we go hmm hey Ark how you doing uh hey J Allen five hundred bits thank you for the five hundred bits and given reward or sharing rewards with ten others and chat check your emotes see if you got one of them their rewards art science tents of the chat show that XP fam love that we are so famous for right I'm doing really well oh yeah we went to we rated another village and got the house thingies from there yes we did yes we did okay so I'm thinking right cheer yeah and they do work in our village as of right now I mean that tango could change that at any minute but right now they work in our village hate bringer how you doing and English is overrated is it though it is English is hard man and overrated and overrated I speak good English I word good yeah I word good too crap assets huh oh this dude sleeps during the day who does the necromancer I'm not a necromancer the cleric yeah nice decent he's sleeping right now cool heard a noise oh there what the crap is that well tonight said they wouldn't work I mean it there was a debate but we scienced it so we we literally the so the one that's on this house here this one came from a different village that was like so the village the original village is a little bit to the east we went all the way over to this village over here got that six yeah it was nowhere near exactly so a little bit to the east was the starter village way to the east that's where we got the six that we're currently using oh did someone say raid wait what wait what who raided he sleeps during the day so he can heal the guards at night ah wait do we have any cards I don't remember do we have any guards no no they all died somehow oh right okay you do it I'm clearing out a place to make a new house what are you doing I was bringing the path around this house that was already here the guard board and the guards were noob minecrafters apparently it was XP he killed them what's up pay the black actually true story I killed the last guard by accident accidentally hit him II killed him but to be fair he didn't have very many hit points left what's up man to green Panda when I got to him he Amanda green Panda how you doing they got in the way FERC soared I mean he jumped right in front of it that's all I'm saying that's my story and I'm sticking to it you I ran it there we go so I think I'm gonna change this one if we have so that's the corner uh-huh thinking if we do the door kind of off to the one side a little bit yeah no all right so these ones here we're just gonna go with the same size I guess okay nine blocks XP killed the rest well yeah they died does a single zombie combat killed the rest they done did dead it that's all I have to say about it they'd added but that's how that's gonna go okay gotta make it look pretty here guys hey monster how goes it wait I heard something somebody was giving somebody love I guess let me go check with Cub fan see what he wants today hello how you doing what do you want he wants birch haters spruce uncle wood okay I do believe we've got some birch and some spruce aha no spruce oh son of a-- pretty go where are you I just saw him he's probably hanging by the farm he's a farm hanger [Laughter] where are you god I wish we could catch him and contain him no don't leave I've got your branch hold on hold on dude I got birch for you I didn't realize it was that late in the day yeah we're going for more of just like single building type stuff one freaking diamond for all that work okay more of like an actual kind of town oh good semi vanilla ish style you should unfollow some people because I'm under the show more limit I yeah I'm just kidding I appreciate that monster okay let's see hmm our guards had armor dude yeah they did they were they were the armor fall iron armor and iron swords and they still lost one-on-one with the zombie it was annoying let's just be honest they all just got roffels stomped Oh play it Bard you've been on unfollowing the ones that haven't done a Minecraft stream in over two weeks nice do I hear a baby-making I don't think so [Music] you heard somebody tingling somewhere all the happiness going on in that house as I'm saying people are happy so yeah oh crap it's too close usual this is getting shorter by the day well I'm glad to be one of the ones that you're interested in I appreciate I have the dark oak it in Alps not like that though hey password what's that password no [Music] right summer you then he's a good ran Enoch all gifted a to unsub to password they've gifted 133 subs in this channel GG my friend Gigi guess I'm loving the chat Randy oh I might actually hear him this huh what's up kool-aid kool-aid what's up kool-aid kool-aid kool-aid oh no this is I don't have grass do you have grass blocks some yeah um we need one so we can make this a path block okay and then I need more right you loop I have these yup that those okay do you make um half slabs oh crap I got it I'm gonna make dark oak no I'm just looking at the front it needs to come up one oh shoot okay Wow dang lurk away my friend lurk away no I can't reach I hear you snoring in there people [Laughter] do you have the birch I do not have birch there's some in the birch in the wood chest upstairs I believe I didn't see any if not we've got a I mean there's perch stairs and stuff but okay then I will I've stole the villager brooch oh you did okay see you later password I'll see you later password - have a good one yep that's what we heard - that tango recorded himself I think he did a fake snore though I'll have to ask miss tango I wonder if he gets more songs as he levels up or if tango added more songs hey uncle oneplus how you doing thanks for the one-month sub to your better half I didn't give you a sub to me Wow tango added more ah I see I mean we haven't updated since we started so if there's been updates to it we don't have it oh I wonder if it green bed means that it's taken mmm as we stole some beds it yeah it won't matter once it's a house okay so I put the beds in I guess we need to make some chairs get the door one of the songs is that youtubers theme song nice and I go down some oak Wow what okay no we've got three wait why is this bed red right I those are the ones that we got from the village I guess I've just never seen him be red is a torch above it no it was read in my inventory - yeah just I'm used to him turning yellow right oh there it goes it turned yellow good there's the power outage Oh No sorry to hear that fade to black all right so it's it is a house it just needs the chairs I guess okay I'm working on it hey plays minecraft gifted a tier 1 sub to Ray guile thank you very much okay for gifting that sub some hearts I ask tents in the chat hey zero sniper yeah I organized the chest yesterday after stream thank you I appreciate somebody noticing thank you alright so now we get more bits now I can use this heart okay one two three four five six makes six chairs right kid's name is Adolf no no poor child you don't have a chance in the world with that name ah that looks so good okay cool beans X [ __ ] what what speak words my dear take it out of context yeah I don't know am I missing [Music] it might be us guys we've been dropping frames all day I'm at 4100 drop frames I met 5211 I don't know if it's or if it's twitch or if it's both there I don't know twitch took a bit of a Dookie yesterday it's PAX West isn't it or pax something or other I'm not sure but if it keeps up we may have to call it oh dang okay alright I need to fix this or we're gonna have villagers getting stuck over here so [ __ ] Oh Oh got it I didn't know I totally did not mean no I know yea-ah what you're teaming at gotcha oh I'm so glad today wasn't an art day I was so done with art yesterday I mean what never done with arc arcs an awesome game it has its moments yeah your art I love you the game maybe not so much only ten more our kids to catch up on well get on it best get watching there's some good content right in there right up in that arc stuff it's we move this over one we can of course wait what boo oh you're what are you blessing your blessing the ground you didn't even hit a tree dude you just blessed the ground what the actual f order Lance three stream t better get on that borderlands then huh wait someone's streaming Borderlands 3 at PAX maybe I don't mind him blessing the ground but geez if you're gonna be you know if he's meant to bless the trees he should be blessing the trees right and I what's up Krunk it's flippin hot I know turn the open the door babe I'll open the door once we have houseguests okay guys just so you know if anybody makes any noise that'sthat's what it is we're gonna open the door cuz its broiling here hold on [Music] no it's not my mother packs is supposed to have a new improved today sometime no idea when oh yeah okay uh wait is that the ground he blessed what I think that's the ground I think he blessed the ground over here in a tree grew without anybody anybody planting anything there holy cow okay well that's what that happens that's that's the thing oh this emerald grind is oh yes so hmm we are in Wisconsin and we are in a room and both of our computers are hefty computers so if we're both using them it gets really hot in here like really hot because both our computers are liquid cooled so it pulls all the heat and we kill xp for no reason we got to win the Biddy war to kill XP now you want to kill me give some biddies or some subs or something it's the way it works I don't manually kill her either so did I say unfortunately I didn't mean that that didn't come out the way that I wanted it to come out we're in a broom we're in a room a room our office and we have the air conditioner going as well hmm I don't like how that looks my mom's visit was good yeah I wish you didn't have to leave like you know gotta go alright Ark have a good one yeah mm-hmm that's just how good at this game I am are you mmm-hmm raked oh yeah we just actually moved into this house I bought it in we closed in March so we haven't actually spent the winter in the house but it was freaking I we have an old furnace like it's a house that was built in 1900 and the furnace is over 15 years old and it freakin cranks out the heat like no joke pranks out the heat so I'm a it's gonna be warm here is that it is that including yesterday okay yesterday and because I know Randy gave her five subs and me five subs and Randy's always said no matter what it's for it 4xb master man just gifted ten bits died XP die thank you so much you know me I'm not I'm not questioning you I just like to make sure to the chat they're fair shake you know I mean not questioning good carpet I wanted out of my inventory yeah it'll be fun I know that since X be moved here from Arizona that there's it's gonna be a blizzard this year die be no doubt we talked about that yesterday he's like you know cuz I'm here we're gonna have a blizzard and I said yeah I know anyone read yesterday how you doing okay we've got seventy emeralds I have one in my pocket too sailor moon 20 biddies booms and hearts in the chat holy crap [Laughter] papa just used 500 biddies to play the screamer scary sorry I rip headphone users thank you so much pop have how you doing booms and hearts in the chat thank you thank you I I did accept but I guess it I don't know wow that was re monster III so the school is 63 enjoying a chill day nice yeah well your husband stationed in Oklahoma so you have to shovel ie it's a 77 total I guess nothing like shoveling in the winter I'll tell you that much j-dub 500 biddies thank you very very much for the biddies I do appreciate it hearts i ass tents of the chat show might be fam lows yeah word we might have to look into a snowblower we don't have all that much of a driveway and front you know thing but if it gets to be like 3 or 4 feet that's a lot to shovel try living in Saskatchewan new no thank you I'm sure it's beautiful but Wisconsin is enough for me say the moon fitty biddies thank you very much for the pity biddies get some more XP fam love in the chat so you heard me yes seventy-seven total my pocket well then well no we needed we need seventy-seven total we have seventy oh okay um yeah as soon as oh god this that frickin bard is in my ear um as soon as I can I will go out and harvest some more Pam's stuff and get some more emeralds for sure we've got seven emeralds worth of crap out in the field there okay or actually I could do it now might as well once it gets over five inches shoveling sucks it does especially if it's a wet snow that's murder on your back does anyone know if 2-0 ticks sugarcane farms work in this version because that would be great we can sell the sugarcane we're playing one point 12.2 no death-grip said no well that sucks hi J dubs hurry back main let's get rid of the granite oh god oh my gosh Wow met King hello pop have Raimondo used 500 bits to play booms and hearts in the chat oh sorry Matt what an entrance oh did I my I can't pick anything up but I just you I could put stuff down why can't I pick anything up I have I have space in my inventory or maybe I don't hey mr. Chi Chi how you doing are you ok XP yeah I'm just getting sick of this emerald grind make a chest it makes me want to stop playing this I freakin hate grind you know that I know I despise it I know I know I don't know about Ethos mini farm or anything I don't know what that even means if it doesn't I mean if it's not producing as fast as the zero tick farm it's I mean I mean we've got a sugarcane farm over there that probably produced just as fast I'm sore I didn't scream I didn't scream I just made a loud oh my gosh Matt King king holy crap Matt King 12,000 biddies I'm sorry for this firecracker I know this will make X be so happy but this add firecracker oh wait save firecracker kill X be much love higher thank you so much Wow holy holy crap and how many Wow 51 people in my chat God Osamu shot an award and I got a looks like a sandwich fight burger thank you so much Matt thank you thank you thank you thank you okay what did we plan on buying next X baby alright so how far my behind no I forgot what we were working on a school school and a teacher yeah oh holy crap it's about time XP died for once right we hate to grind just remember your visitors they can do it we would yeah they could log on to the computer and do it for us I have died several times thank you it's her fault she's so good at it if I was better at dying people would want me to die more sure it's just the way it is one read yesterday I'm glad that we could help you can we sleep through this stupid rain yeah we can I'm a-comin I'm 610 down oh wow holy poop Matt King right this is why I never say you know it's done and over because Matt King all takes is one person to thank you thank you thank you perks dying is not hilarious it's not but it is hopefully you guys don't get hit too bad there Lucian we've got several friends over there in the in the pass the illusion sorry I didn't say hi before hopefully it's all good what should you build in your stream it's so hard like hmm how do I want to say this people can give me ideas about what to build and yet when I get there I'm really not inspired because it wasn't my idea bapak Raimondo $10 thank you very much for the tip man I appreciate it arts I asked tense in the chat I don't know I guess here let me do this instead why don't you think about your favorite movie or you know your favorite song what does that make you think of in terms of what to build like if you love Sons of Anarchy maybe you want to build a motorcycle factory or whatever if you like a stairway to heaven then you could build a stairway to heaven I don't know something that's really gonna make you jazzed about doing it I saw this dr. Seuss inspired build and it really really really inspired me to do something dr. Seuss if you're not inspired you're gonna lose interest and it's not gonna be good for you all right zero sniper I thought we could sell string we could at one time or maybe that was to the dude it's definitely not to the shipping bin [Music] it's looking better and better like better that it's not gonna head your way kind of it or kind of like that tree okay I am gonna go try and do some training see you later papa have a good one man thanks again for doing what you dude right I honestly couldn't think yesterday cuz I needed to sleep it's a thing sleeping needing sleep brain is a thing they call it mom brain because you know new moms don't get a lot of sleep you're attracted to pen cow Wow okay let's see what we've got [Music] ah go back aha peanuts where are you aha skirt Florida rather than hit it directly that's good if we have any order to receive we did actually I think it's down in that chest by the by the mine if not we're gonna have to go out and mind some more I think I'm just gonna move the mine downloaded miners not working any ideas is a vein miner cuz vein miner was discontinued in like 1.8 or something or excavator you you oh man working at a daycare it's tough Hey all right I just made for more emeralds so we've got 64 plus 12 also you got to make sure you have forge the right forage installed yeah that's a mod so it requires Forge right back we go one read yesterday I feel I feel your pain some days talking or typing is hard but luckily we're not judging make judge or to know me I wonder where these creeper holes came from an XP craft yeah I feel like that wasn't me [Laughter] [Music] I appreciate anyone that works said to day care because Wow I taught four-year-olds it I had 25 four-year-olds and to me that was it no wait no nothing so I came home from work and I was just oh somebody making the babies Oh who's making the babies hello [Music] there in different areas ah but still I don't know what what age group watching kids all day can be tiring you cannot let let your eyes off of them for a second you've always got to be situationally aware he's four alright here we go we're gonna have a baby you ready ends up in the baby section and Lowell and lo de little boy are you doing I don't know if are you playing tech topia don't know what version of Forge we use it I think it says oh yeah right there that's the Virg affords we're using which if you installed the tech topia pack that will be the version afford you have and then we have where is it am I just not seeing it or excavation one point four point one four Oh so you gotta make sure it's for excavation not vain minor what does he want today he wants cooked chicken wheat lapis just bought bit sunny send them so you got to put the word cheer and then a number that you want to cheer one word so you do say you want to cheer a hundred you do cheer one hundred all is one word and then you hit Enter like that there you go nice honey bits Redmayne right Sonya's ten to the check that XB fam love in there all right so I'm thinking mining I'm gonna go okay can you hang on just a second let me see if he wants any of this I can't remember if he did or not it's what's up Boss Hogg what are those rascally Dukes up to today dang it no I don't have enough of anything okay let me put this crap away and then I will come in this is where's Rosco Rosco P Coltrane that's got her bought G all I'm ready you ready ready as I'm gonna be it's 6 a.m. you should really get some sleep Shh I appreciate you hanging out so long riffraff go get some sleep man welcome back Jay Tubbs how's mama dubs no night have a good one sweet dreams all that kind of stuff life's been good Boss Hogg I'm good life's been amazing actually I mean what mom's a pain in the backside nice I know that feel Wow looks like JWM gamers this week is at 13,500 so if you want to be number one you got to beat that are you wait red men are you wanting to be like top bits or like win the death bits like what do you it depends on what you're aiming for here man Oh Lucien Kane M so it's also me to hear that I mean when death bits um it depends on how how how people and her chat want to go but I I'm not sure what we're down at you probably aka will probably post it here in a second so just look for a case post she'll post it let you know how far down I am 1 million will guarantee that's funny but you know just to say the higher you know the more we get the higher we get the less likely we are to lose just XP is only 610 bits down I'm just putting that out there right I got you something there you go oh thanks Oh flowers Thank You Man alright so are we gonna do our own or how are we doing this I'm sure I can do my own poke hole so you're two birds one stone okay divide and conquer divide and conquer it is let me tokens Oh couch is couch coach couch ouch it's a Kochi it's a Kochi if you all want to hear typical Canadian go watch rust Valley restorations on the flicks of net Wow Lord riser Wow Wow Lord Jason knows how it goes does he yeah he does mm-hmm coach couch same thing aha emeralds I got one with Fortune three freakin sock wad but seriously you know Redman even if it's not for the death Bay it's like you know at the end of the day it doesn't matter you know if I win or lose I had a good time right it's all good I won't hold it against Matt King for too long I still love you Matt you want to see perks live right perks wants to see FERC slim for once made mine now hang it then get good I mean she's winning right now J Tubbs I mean wow g-dub's apparently she got good Nikes I make dyeing look easy in my I make dyeing look easy in any game golly I really hate dyeing I do in any game but like I said either way I appreciate y'all's faces and what you do for us it's it's it's it's awesome yeah we have our excavator actually I save a minor but I mean Lucy had twenty biddies XP lives Thank You Lucian I appreciate it Lucien Lucien Lieutenant Dan heart science tents of the chat thank you and another 20 bits for perks lifts thank you very much but obviously the competitive side of me wants to win [Laughter] same for her though her competitive side takes over and I'm not competitive at all right it's not a competition I can't play favorites I mean you could be absolutely could [Music] whoa and no their lava are you doing yeah it don't get excited about lava yeah are you excited about lava yeah exactly I said why [Music] holy frickin gravel are you doing mm-hmm-hmm you do you haven't have a bucket with water in it mm-hmm do you think that I could borrow said bucket but then what if I run into lava I don't I have a spare bucket if you know where there's lava I have to spare three spare buckets is there water around we can steal I don't know I just need a bucket well let's see if there's some water around we could steal I think there's a little bit of water over to your right coming up Oh Oh Ava oh geez it's bad news here oh crap on a cracker this is when we miss 114 swimming mechanics right okay well I mean it gets some gold right right where did you come from where did you go where did you come from where did you go did I walk just walk right past him cotton-eye Joe wolf storm raining with a party for what's up lady rain how you doing man hey how's it going you very much for the flash movie how was the stream did you break any more land speed records or game speed records things I got the water did you okay I was lighting it up and I was getting iron for our you know lame miner forty-niner none unfortunately well I mean practice makes perfect right I found Averill's nice how many did you get from it ah to boot there's your water thank you you beat your own well sometimes you are your biggest competitor you don't say I didn't hear him shooting happy what's up trims ghosts scrub on eyes 'dry subscribe Tier one for 16 months says I can now legally drive in this chat wait thank you very much for the resub I appreciate it get some love in the chat it where's my pokey hall here it is here we go watch big Chris just use 500 beats to play the screamer scary boobs and hearts of the chat hello hey scrub amazed how you doing holy Perkins John yeah exactly holy John is right how you doing Chris kill the XP kill the Riddick hello oh excuse me well speaking of lapis I wish we could get we need lapis to sell to the traitor I wish we could I wish I'd still touch okay and nope that's not a pic see what's back here oh silverfish oh crap I should have known that I should have known that when it wouldn't break right away and like I said English is overrated speak American and then you just you can't go wrong okay there's no diamond back here anyway alright monster have a good one I know I can't screw you have a good night no diamonds though nice [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] you good I don't know just leave it like [Laughter] oh that first steps a doozy you want might want to watch your first step they're just saying okay there we go I think it's exclamation subscribe or something I just vane mind if you're wondering what happened xbi I've a mind okay just a vain mind all the things you know you whoo how far are you away from me you went pretty far didn't you I'm pretty far down here yeah it's sub and it's mod only oh all right so XP can make fun of me yeah pretty much oh that was brilliant oh yeah good times has that enter minute oh hi do you find him yo Amon is friend you wanted to see what all the laughing was about okay I got to show you Redman here we go so this happened I can't even remember what it was try to get out of the wall but I made mine am I still safe ah I think I think I am okay where are we on the death Biddy's I'm still behind you downloaded or excavator good we could help it's kind of funny oh okay she's on a BRB right now with some iron pics it might be faster it might be diamonds today's my day for diamonds yay I found diamonds no I would didn't say you didn't but I didn't find any yesterday or the day before good Wow I'm I think I'm a little hurt are you I think I am oh I'm ten ten up so that's 1010 up what's up Jaron do and I how are you doing but you know that could change at any second Mad Hatter could come in here and drop a bomb never no hate or fee how's it going she's got he's got things going on okay diamonds woot and also welcome back okay sorry I hear you have a new job tour fee House how you liking it how's it going how's your family it's up to me gotta get that for the minor and these always mind because I found emeralds and diamonds behind them before ha Chihuahua Nicky just used five hundred biddies to play the screamer scary wolves and hearts of the chat thank you Matt so much I appreciate it it's cool they're weird but you know we don't talk about that right same with my family how do you clip things there's a thing at the bottom right of the stream this is clip what y'all want in a clip hopefully not me I never do anything clip worthy okay you ah I found diamonds wow that was pretty cool I'm sound really close I am really close him right underneath there was like a little cave underneath where you were digging a lot of them too right Oh Mac King ten thousand biddies don't tell XP but hashtag say firecracker hashtag Dufty XP much love thank you so much check your pockets that cheer just sent rewards 251 others in chat and I got one on hold on I got fight Barry thank you so much booms and hearts of the chat I'm looking for that egg yeah it's a private server dude it's only got two slots on it okay let's put one of those in there and get rid of that my little excess capade into the you know bedrock area kind of slowed me down a bit oh hi hi CX B's been here is aha he went we fer there should I go further or should I come back towards the thing babe up tea you should be safe for a little while thank you so much don't worry I'm pretty sure she's safe period you oh maybe I won't have to die today just remember when I die and it's boring y'all can think Matt okay hashtag thank Matt is she my significant other she is thank you so much Matt I love your face too I don't read or watch or anything with anime or manga or any of that not sure about significant suckin scrubber mised miss Matt on the list yet of course I'm Matt's been on the list since day one I think the list of Awesomeness finally on the list right uh I want one torch in my hand so I can see what I'm doing yo we're gonna have a lot of or for that miner by the way mm-hmm I get I'd opened a new mine for him so cool we need a backpack or something maybe let's think about adding iron chests I'm gonna go as far as XP went and then go back if you feel like coming down my path and doing some excavating feel free babe I'm still working on mine plus most of the stuff we're leaving behind is just cobblestone it doesn't matter what we need is a dev null right just Billy the cobble Oh diamonds you just missed him cuz his should be right here hey oh did I come well there it is if you would have just gone one further boo you would have gotten some diamonds I've got 27 already I got a stack it's not a competition because you're winning [Music] yeah I know bus off yeah that's what I say we need devils I'm not gonna add the mod just for Devils it's not worth it tbh the ones I'm thinking about adding I think like iron chests which will get us back packs and bigger chests and stuff that other one enchanting plus just trying to figure out what I should take it what I shouldn't take diamonds you got infinite cobble storage though wait whoa every time huh yes we found where all the diamonds have been hiding take my [ __ ] you yeah lots of packs have the devil in it Douglas were ya you dug really far you I'm gonna have to repair my Mon red for my pick cuz I freaking veined mine with it yes I understand that hashtag don't judge maybe I should save it Giovanni would do we have a crafting table down here yeah I got wood I should probably make an iron pick and just save my fortune pick four of the diamonds I don't have any wood I got wood okay I'm to the end you hi Jaron no I'm good I'm just I'm I have something on my mind that I'm it's nothing bad it's just it it's consuming my thoughts right now so see you later Jaron have a good one you you are you thank you mm-hmm what's up SERPs brah of course he has what he's in the same room with me right I would hope so I'm also a professional minecrafter and stuff this is true true story he is a professional minecrafter you just added iron chest yeah I mean I'm assuming the villagers don't use it but which I mean it would be awesome if they did but I'm pretty sure they don't act no that's not what I wanted get out of my hand so I'm just I'm really hoping that this company gets a hold of me so I'm thinking I'm probably gonna be able to do the giveaway without it hopefully I mean we get it we got to figure it out because it's not my thing you know I really want to do I'm just I'm having trouble figuring out how to go about it and so it's just it's something that I've been thinking about doing for so long that it's just it's consuming everything you know maybe I'm just weird I guess you are not just weird I think the the biggest giveaway probably ever do but and just wanted to you know to think the peeps for doing what they do and that's not making this like the greatest job for the last however many years I've had it given Ferg's away Wow you couldn't afford that solemnized well not I mean it's a giveaway [Music] what's the giveaway a gaming computer and a year server server paid for a year yeah I should have blocka fide the lapis in the stone I shouldn't I'm just leaving the red stone I mean I've got four stacks made inventory everything after that it's just gonna stay where it is I mean obviously it's not gonna be like a top-tier gaming computer because those things are like expensive I'm gonna do more than I can afford already but nice one it'll be at least somewhat decent probably better than you know what most people are playing with it's already used to it'll be something and like I said it's just small thank you to do y'all really right cuz without you guys here every day given us love we wouldn't be able to do this for a living one of us would have to be I'm thinking at least like a 1080 TI at least an i7 or equivalent AMD so it wouldn't be a slouch of a computer constant carp right you do give us constant carp and to answer your question DJ King no it would not be the US only because I have fans across the world it would be open to pretty much everywhere that can be shipped - right that's why we're we were looking for a place that would be able to help if something happened or somebody needed help around the world so think they might be playing Minecraft how do you enter the giveaway is gonna be a sub at which sub patron giveaway so anyone that's a sub or patron will already be entered so technically if you're a sob or a patron you wouldn't have to do anything you just do what you do can I win Kate Jack and thous bits thank you very much for the thousands biddies appreciate face art science tents in the chat I already won I don't need anymore obviously Forks would be disqualified oh good I love doing nothing you need a bet well see there you go death grip if you're a patron or a sub of XP you get your entered in the giveaway hopefully it'll happen cuz there were there were many many many many months there were twitch subs and patreon were my only income many months though I literally Oh them my career pretty much it's not them you should count no it's not the only sub you know giveaway I've done but it's the only one so far that's been patron twitch sub only I do my own giveaway if I was gonna do it yeah we haven't talked about it it I would agree that subs to her should count but this is mostly just thinking people that have been around thinking the peeps that have supported me over the years and if you're not a sub to me then that kind of defeats the purpose know a little bit don't worry good things on my channel are coming here I'm not and I'm not discounting people that are sub - you know it's not I'm not saying you know anything that thing people have been around for a few years get bonus chances for their number of years or fyast SARP sprows says XP i would like to pass forward so if and when it is drawn to redraw for someone else who would need it more oh that's awesome dude I'll keep that in mind if you win you're fine with what you got yeah don't worry about it we understand that people are broke we do we've been there I think that doesn't know I don't know not to talk about it can people that have I mean we could we could see about doing something like that I so tore fee like I don't really I don't read her chat it's very rare I read her chat so if you want to ask me then you probably gonna have to ask me over here um we could see about maybe doing you get an entry per year but I mean I don't know like obviously I want it to be fair so I'll have to think about that like what would what would people think so new people speak up and the people that have been around for a while speak up how would you feel about like giving out you know like they get a bonus entry per year that they've been around I mean I don't timi five hundred bits says death deferred sorry folks but XP has helped me through a lot ever since I first started watching him on YouTube on his first season of arc very happy to hear that Timmy let's get some XP BAM love in the chat for Timmy I understand Timmy I got it he's an amazing guy just double checked only an i-5 with 2.3 gigahertz cores and 4 gig memory oh yeah like I said I was thinking at least an i7 at least hopefully ten atti we'd have to you know I guess like I said I got a budget it like it's it's not something like it just like buy and just be like oh yeah I don't you know we don't have the disposable income but I figured it'd be something just a little something I could crack up maybe for the peeps I need to make a new pick just remember guys if you are not a sub 2 XP he does get hit with some sub bombs so there is a chance that you'll be caught in it I feel like it's if you were ever in somebody's channel or if you spoke I can't remember um if somebody could somebody that's like in the patreon discord or something start like a patron and the twitch sub discord start a like a straw poll or something about that I got a couple three that said that sounds fair yeah I just want to yeah it'll be completely random but we yeah we'd have to figure out how like if that if people are good with that we'd have to figure out how that works how that looks kind of stuff I don't know like that was something I didn't even like take it you like think about but now that it's mentioned you I wouldn't even like take possession of it that's why I want to work with a company I won't have anything on the you know computer will never be here just upgrade our system and send you the old parts so the way I was thinking it would work is I would I would get together with the company and be like look you know I'll pay for the computer and the shipping but you know so that once the winner is chosen you just ship it to them so that's that's what I was thinking a notorious Black Hawk all you do it all for what now the whole if it's sub you know like one entry per year or something like you're those that gifts subs the people that gift subs should get an extra chance to win Wow you think one chance per person is fair tour fee but you were just trying to get an extra chance hey Jedi strike how you do it you already na'kal is disqualified he will have 50% of the entries ready to call has been around for a minute yeah yeah you know tom was toffee like Turkey's better right yes so there's there's a few a few people that have been around for a minute like y'all just better be scared if Zardi decides to take part right gifs sub gift errs do help the community girl they are amazing but how would I figure that out you know it's it's already hard enough to figure it out for years right let alone like if they've gifted cuz like again take Randy he's gifted 130 some subs in the chat like does he get an extra entry per sub gift wow that would be awesome plus the years that he's been around like and then do we take tier 3 sub into account nicely like look at that Randy's just bringing up all kind and then still speaking about rent he's a patron twice right he not chased one on two accounts like so like how do it like how far do we take it I think what we've learned from this discussion is that Randy's a superfan who can't be touched so it like that's like how far do we go you were the only one enjoying yourself welcome back monster just give Ricky the price just like so that's what I'm saying like how far how far do we take [Laughter] Randee wins by default [Laughter] Randi's over there just like this just like big old grin uh we love you Randy even though you give me Shh stuff all the time obviously I would love to be able to do something for everyone right we would there's just there's not really a way to do that honestly guys if we could if we could be millionaires we would we would give back that's what we would do we would spend our time just giving back you so I will say that when Borderlands 3 comes we are doing sub-only streams for that we are just because it's gonna be out of our normal time sorry and it's gonna count against her view count if we don't do some on these streams right and neither one of us are really gonna get any kind of views on it so we're gonna do it as sub only streams on Twitch so I guess you know that is something we're doing just for subs right no hopefully y'all like borderland Street oh we're gonna have a special guest it's gonna be playing with us not gonna mention any names well there's there's a chance oh he's you know this person said they're down there down we'll see we'll see I don't want to say it will happen and then it never happens right but hopefully this person is up for a threesome Wow I mean or two LAN threesome Wow I mean what do I mean [Laughter] hey Cherie how's it going our content is less giving back to you thank you I think it would be good to just keep it basic and then ask the winner if they would like to accept it or pass it on if I can just you know help you guys out with your day make your day a little bit better that's all I'm that's all I'm trying to do just you know smiles and laughs and streaming Borderlands 3 yeah we're gonna be streaming borderlines 3 course we're gonna be streaming Borderlands 3 ozzie some freaking love Borderlands name yeah Borderlands is awesome and she's never played played why do non subs count against you okay so uh hate bringer if i stream sub only it doesn't count against my viewer numbers is what XP is trying to say yeah I didn't I didn't mean that people that aren't subs count against her I'm just saying that we're gonna get low view counts on it right so we're for streaming something that the majority of people don't want to watch and I'm streaming for like 13 people then it doesn't affect me trying to get to a partner status right you've never played Borderlands either dude scrabble mised you don't even know what Borderlands is oh my goodness contain Tubbs I feel like y'all are just qualified oh you're not no I feel like they are I say they're not I say they are no I'm just kidding he's just kidding or am i is it like the series on Netflix no no no means no it's actually I mean it's a shooter game but it's like like the art style that they chose and like it just it's like a whole thing it's not you know yeah it's a good game how did I get off I'm off off what I think you got off off off what off account we were parallel and then now your holes aren't matching up with mine I'll just do two that's fine it's all good is it though it is is it perks is lost in the ma I'm not lost I know exactly where I am and exactly what I'm doing XP trying to mess me up that's all I have to say Marta happy born day how was it you looked smashing in your photo by the way you you we're so very happy that you chose to spend some time with us it's like for night but co-op oh uh sorry to hear that boss hogg hopefully things get better for you main fizzle what's up um I found I wanna come here and play with me what's up here sound a little not sure how far it goes sure what's all down here either I don't think it goes too far would it not be faster just a vain mine um yes and no it would be faster on ruining our pigs and our health because we starve a little bit hunger I'm always like I am NOT always lost suck a big fat one sherry and I can say that cuz I know we're in real life even if she does get lost she'll still get there before you do cuz she's doing this alright we fade to black say hello to your lovely wife and give all your family a kiss from me see you later afraid black appreciate your face my friend also Berlin's 3 has a six-month exclusivity deal with epic hey who cares like honestly who cares it's whatever honestly I don't care what game launches the game as long as it doesn't affect the game right he could be on frickin Nintendo whatever launcher as long as it doesn't affect the game I don't care [Music] okay hold on wait now we're back wait I'm so good right now steam is not hurting so steam is and will be for a very long time the biggest game launcher on the Internet so they're not hurt and they'll be fine all they're gonna do is run a Steam sale and they'll be the yo we got money snack run oh wait are you bringing none enough for everyone cuz I'm a little bit hungry ah die yeah it would be one thing if it was like an Xbox exclusive for six months Oh scheisse that would suck I think I should probably you know I just I mean I've got a big store or an epic I think we should launder thing should we block this or should we let try and light it up what do you think like what what so I found a thing going up a tunnel going up mm-hmm let's say just leave it okay anyone near Nashville come nice there you go I mean Wisconsin is close to Nashville isn't it compared to lay you know Italy or something uh you silverfish suckwad what are you doing I found a silver pickups what time is it five just want to see how much closer we are to you dying my friend yeah I mean I'm dead it's I'm so excited how far in the hole am I not that I really want to know pretty pretty far in the hole yeah it's ads you know numbers here numbers you know pretty far ten thousand five Randy failing to save XP whoo oh yeah we still got some strips or pokes to do here babe do we have a way to store our XP no yes we have or excavator in this pack what's up Ritchie cranium doing alright how you do it yeah the site is connecting with the ones I did on the other side Oh diamonds emeralds yeah just reminding me yeah I am I still ahead I am ten thousand something I had yes thanks to Matt King see you later boss hogg hi boss hogg thanks for stopping by anyone have a count of total deaths between the two perks is winning that one there's no competition for she is absolutely winning though absolutely crushing that goal yeah I mean just put it in person I haven't died since at least starting this people love to watch me die that's all I'm saying yeah I did 999,000 2x peas four or five because you're better at it I know people like to watch me too I fully fully understand why it's the thing I'm like I died I done hath died again at least I can win at something right I say if you're good at it take advantage of it you know does XP even know how to die I mean there's that I've spent too much time trying not to die but like I've said at the end of the day it doesn't really matter I mean it does it does it does we're my we are a tad competitive yes especially with each other yeah like I don't I don't let her win games I don't let her you know I don't do any of it because I'm like no I want to win what are you talking I want to win nope he doesn't let me win that's a silver finish that's a silver finish and vil XP stood Alwyn he's dying well yeah I mean I fully accept that he does agree Oh thank you that's so sweet I can't argue with that one either thanks granny you ready hmm no he's so good at this game yeah you I'm a blocking everything young blocking your blocking okay took everything important took that last redstone block it okay uh-huh how did we get in here that was as happy as all heck really close to where we go to the mob farm let me find the mob farm I know fun right when you find work [Music] [Laughter] wait where is it yeah what do you dama where is it stop messing with me I thought it was right by the mob farm scram amazed I am I how you doing you see all the torches Sartre says by the way I'd like to take a chance to take the chance to say Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there today is oz or today's is Father's Day in Australia if you're confused oh boy happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there especially the ones in Aussie land who are a celebrating it today and we drink water from the tap in the u.s. pretty much everywhere except for Flint Michigan I think and I don't know if they fixed that problem yet or not sorry I haven't been anywhere where you can't drink the water from the tap though except Mexico but that's not the u.s. unless you're talking continental but then you know right in Mexico I wouldn't drink the water I know Montezuma right hey a bubble good oh it's bad I've had Montezuma's Revenge think you got two little friends afternoon three holy crap its triplets don't worry they'll be after you in a second they are fixing what the water in Mexico good luck it comes for you from using hmm on sanitized human waste as fertilizer oh you talk about Flint okay one third of time but mix oh I thought you were talking about Mexico - do they even have the infrastructure for that like the tourist towns might have that infrastructure but all right we rich brah alright so we can do the school and the teacher very few bottled waters mmm sorry to hear that should I go see the my seed the mine my daddy's made any progress on it honestly I just did it before we left okay oh yeah and then we were out of wheat the chunk unloaded so now we need to figure out what school needs to be a school uh sherry I hate to hear that you you the fresh taste of Icelandic water your mom called you again mmm she doesn't know her babybullet love you too sherry have a good one they had a bonehead for me you you okay you okay babe structures mm-hmm escuela so the school requires chairs for the children to sit in in addition to all the other structure requirements angleworm good question do the minors get extra xp for mining up iron ore I do not know the answer all right where should we build the school but I do know that uh back where all of our other shops are maybe I do know that the trader is looking for iron like smelted iron so right next to the tavern so the teacher can go get his drink own her according to the picture to him oh dang I mean you'd probably be a girl why you just automatically assume it's a girl because all the best teachers are girls yo Wow sexist I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I've had some really great male teachers my favorite teacher was a dude wait still yeah because you weren't my teacher you are a teacher not my teacher I mean we got a big open area over here right yeah oh hey come fan what do you want today let's see how you doing did my chat break there people still there hello bread spruce beats diamonds how's he getting diamonds man [Music] okay major and then a message in a minute go to the tavern dude oh I can't make those into bread just suck okay beats I don't know if we have enough there might be more in that one thing we need spruce how much space do we have my favorite teacher was my shop teacher why are you not planting spruce yup hmm he was cool dang it well guess we're not gonna sell Cub fan anything but I am gonna go and plant some spruce trees oh this is a nice spot that chair let's put them right here and then let's bonemeal hope that's too close isn't it dude what's your issue that one's probably too close nah no no no yeah great teachers can make stupid subject not stupid but you're less than favorite subjects really fun hey Nicky how you doing how goes it did he just bless that tree he did oh wow we got two clerics maybe yeah why don't we see these both of these guys are clerics Oh druids druids sorry Julian druids yeah that I was like wait how do we get two clerics druids right right right no no you never had a favorite teacher that does not sound good yeah I went a little over zealous with my picking of the sugarcane hey TV lads welcome back you're about to go to a wedding you forgot your dress shoes and belt in the tie whoopsy doodle oh well wait what just got blessed the crops huh nice you does that make them poisoned potatoes nice I have blessed poison potatoes okay what's your deal do got a new electric nice man all right so you mmm-hmm we gonna work on this school building it's back there in the back Maggie's back I will get my my buildings stuff and I will be over there ASAP this and this and those yeas no get on the freakin fence okay yeah food poisoning does suck I've had it Oh more than once I that's why I get real now if I have food in the refrigerator more than three days I throw it away my ex was like always like if doesn't have fuzzy stuff growing on it it's just fine no thank you how's that look looks good it sounds like you yeah just if you've ever had food poisoning it's not fun yes so this goes up here right what you doing okay so this is all this okay I got it um what are we building we're building a school so our chillens can learn oh wait are you going up and back just the the stairs are just coming to this point so the back matches the front there okay then I think we're gonna go like this who's ahead in death bits I am right now 10,000 I had or something thanks to Matt King the awesome yep I am dying today okay we got that oh did you miss anything unusual I mean not really what are you talking about she's you're winning the death bits pretty unusual pretty on you yeah I'm yeah I'm winning the death bits that's unusual you are correct what did I get I got a couple of really huge bitty donations from him oh yeah that was the thing do you need more stairs should I make more you call hacks wait what we do need more for the other side okay I more than 19 yes okay got it you no don't close the door on me I don't know how this is gonna look but whatever I'll be fine you you yeah we know about chairs doesn't need tables just need stairs okay hang on I'm gonna try and copy woody the stairs need to come up to here yeah stairs up okay she's trying to make it look a bit more impressive than the other roofs I guess in honor of the first one nope you No I got this I got it uh-huh nope i frickin hate stairs even in creative I hate stairs what's up nickname how you doing nope you super concentrate mode mode engage so we're thinking about ordering pizza tonight what are we doing got it block rotation tool you get another stair to put it there aha yes boy it's dark in its dark Oh No dang it someday I'm gonna get good at this game now there's gonna be windows I just don't know where to put them yet well that went a little further than I thought I just did it for like a second it just sucked everything nice but it was worth it just to scare you you're right guys oh yeah it opened the little thing down here under the gate are you good ziddy yes oh my gosh sir bad Matt cake poor man he played the screech a for Matt King Wow April I'm so sorry that I that I did that to your earphones I'll think god I didn't fall into lava a the holy crap just holy crap Oh thinks fine who's gonna make sure everything's lit up again oh my god did anybody clip that I'm sure somebody clipped oh holy cow okay so that's okay dude how you doing give me your meat Wow how do you sell it dude getting some weird frame lag I don't know what's going on it's all the dirt I guess I don't know oh you don't know how clipping works yet hey roll Vander it's magic how you doing what's up bro Vander you looked away just as it happened yeah as soon as we stop streaming I'll clip it and put it in my discard now she dead no I'm dead today man mm-hmm thank you Matt King I only have 25 minutes to get like 10,000 bits or something and I know exactly how I'm gonna do it Rome and are you in those BOTS I tell ya you make me smile every time you Toby did yeah she loves your buns your chat broken no I asked that a little while it just it's super slow right now no okay I know you guys were just mesmerized by everything that was going on okay time to harvest whoo just chill what bud [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] too bad you can't make it read that out but but but but but the text-to-speech would gladly we read it up I don't know what I have my donation not donation bitty things set up for I think it'll read stuff out but I can't remember what the threshold it oh crap I got to go to dump stuff off badger English is bad there my english is bad everyday don't worry about you do to do to do do to do to do where do you want the clip ah just put it in my general fun maybe the people that aren't subbing will see what they're missing all the excitement and fun we have here this cord this cord oh I guess I don't know teal it's can you post it in disk or are in this chat I can't remember if I enabled that or disabled that there you go that's T staying around til I die that's what she's doing she's been waiting waiting s you like go to bed no way i want to see XB die same thing here monster cxb people staying around to watch you die I know I don't know why not gonna be anything special just be dying let's eat tail Fox how you doing it's gonna be special all right is it though Matt King ten thousand biddies safe fire kill XP whoops did that just slip out thank you so much boobs and hearts of the chat T if you got an mo from that he hold on let me see how many did 57 people in chat got an emote from that I just got one thank you so much you're you're also hanging in tool XP dies nice you so much did I say booms it hurts the chat booms and hearts and the chat 20 K in 20 minutes yeah right yeah oh thank you so much Matt you just made my week no lie that's I'm by your don't worry we'll let you win once in a while right once an agree walk ok potatoes still want spruce and bread it'll spruce and bread Oh spruce and bread I am part of her craft where's the freaking to have been since season two hang it nope nothing I can sell oh yeah you should we should make some tools and stuff before you die babe wolves and stuff enchant oh now we're losing all 38 levels Wow yep salt he want me dead we're die I'm dying salt I mean I wouldn't say that but all right let's go with it aren't you inactive no wait he's not inactive he regularly no go look at the inactive list man yeah it regularly goes to the discord you got a new badge whoo whoo let's get some hype for Matt's new badge in the chat I'll pass Wow I'm supposed to celebrate him killing me yeah no yeah that's not how that works yeah not quite how that works ie food fight expedite what's that brownie how you doing babe hey brownie right I agree with you titty lads oh let's see let's the other one was so is that it just needs to the chairs and them and a crafting table I think [Music] and then we're gonna dig nope that's not what I wanted to do that mm-hmm oh the the blast poison potato that's a good one that is a good one you a buck Shelford I mean it's not showing a bookshelf in the so it's doing a 360 view of this school bookshelf I mean that would make sense but it's not showing it he still has 15 minutes somebody could pull yeah it's not gonna happen I don't normally say it's not gonna happen or anything like that like if I'm winning I definitely won't say it but to be clear I'm not happy about XP dying I'm happy about first living thank you I am absolutely unequivocally saying it's not gonna happen today oh wait all right ah eat it when the wall gets in the way like that don't you okay how far how far down are you like nineteen thousand some odd something or other yeah so just to put that into perspective that's like two hundred bucks two hundred and five dollars down basically alright so what did I oh where are where are the things where are all the things where's the item frames the item frames are in that one chest that had the beds in it so where we were keeping stuff by that crafting table but on a path I got it yeah I'm playing the tech top you dude Oh son of AB it's a polish fiving a bit hello mister xB how you doing today I'm doing I'm man how you doing and I don't mean man isn't thinking you're a man I'm just you know the royal to general Mann the Royal man the Royal so what happens if our teachers dumb mean what usually happens when the teachers dumb kids rule the school right mmm you lady you are the teeth Curt get back over here be a teacher yeah that's what I thought Karlin oh wow level 32 holy crap oh we got a good teacher huh gasps look at her she all she burned shorts though or those capris I don't know she's you know would you classify those as shorts or capris wait did she just go outside Chico was she going to drink she just became a teacher she's going to get her trained girl she gonna get her drink she's like wait really Oh screw this I'm going to drink [Music] he was man all right yeah wolf I don't think those counter days XP lives I think he was just saying what's up No what level teacher was I well I taught graduate school I taught college and then I taught early elementary school I taught four-year-old kindergarten I taught first grade I taught third grade and I taught fourth and fifth grade combined what's up my old account was hack perks now mercs isn't around today no not around sorry I like the young ones the best we have ten minutes to get twenty thousand four hundred and ninety bits ninety-one so like a level fifty teacher right can I count all my gift subs yesterday dude XP is younger what's up Sammy how you doing where did you go I didn't know how I didn't know his age when we first started talking at all I didn't know how old you hey you feel like sleeping sleep yeah let's sleep not good I'm sorry man hope things get better dude I know I give you crap but I don't want you to have a bad day No alright is this kid going to school go to school stupid Wow did you just call a kid stupid I did he ain't been in school he ain't smart Wow right I don't know how I feel about that he ain't been at school hmm and lo Nando is his name where you going dude to st. the way to school oh what'd you get you're getting an apple for the teacher is that what you're doing no you got it cold a nap golden carrot thank you I am I really won short by the way factorio better than minecraft if you're crazy it's a kid gonna go to the oh crap ah go to school I forgot that this version dark Hulk makes Terkel defense I need food escuela why is this kid not going to school there's a clear path to the school right there is a clear path to the teacher found it but let's just be honest if you were a kid uh would you find your path to school I stand by what I said about the kid all he's doing is going back and forth on stairs he's like Herpa derpa her perturb anyone else going through all the food emotes I would love to have all the food II I've got like I've got so few so far I've got like so few it is Saturday that's probably why he's not in school here he goes he's finally going is he there he goes get in there and get your learning on and stuff get some learn on ok I am playing tango Tex mod yes boom done I think I have like 11 like even with the bits I got today I didn't get any so I've still got to love it no it's Sunday in 8 minutes for you know I think there's 32 total KJ Allen another hundred bits thank you for the head of bits our lawyers tend to the chat and show that xB fam love right show it show it no on a cracker oh yeah kids learning nizzy this place is looking pretty good actually wait oh he's leaving what place looks pretty good what our place hey Cup fan what do you want to buy today potatoes again and beets and care of carrots I have carrots for you I have carrots aha am I gonna try Wow classic probably not wait do we have more potatoes no or beets let's see if we have enough potatoes I don't think we do know the true in the back wait what you know well druids have got to have fun too all I have to say nice why do you want jungle wood dude we don't have jungle wood he wants it cuz we don't have it he scanned the village music they don't have this I want it yeah exactly what happened oh but I made for emeralds oh there's that yeah 15 now five minutes how much is the market stall 28 or something 28 I guess no I don't think I'm gonna try well classic I haven't really been into World of Warcraft in a minute so you get more emeralds for things you haven't traded yet right gee I don't know I honestly haven't been paying attention we just hit rarely have anything he wants I'm so happy when we do have it that I just don't even pay attention I'm gonna farm this sugarcane again cuz we can sell it to the Pam's breeding thing I don't know if we just got a sucky trader thing a eye on our playthrough or if it's like this naturally but it's been rough getting emeralds and oh it's a grind I've gone through several different Wow please like I don't know when I first started playing I played it pretty heavily and then I stopped playing it for I don't know like a year or two and then I played it pretty heavily again and then I stopped playing it then I played it again I think my account is still active I don't know it's been a minute since I've even paid attention it's one of those things like you just forget and then no new babies imagine if you didn't have pans on here yeah I don't know how people are doing there's people doing it without it I understand like I don't know what they're doing they're better people than us that's all I have to say yeah I wouldn't go that far they're more blank punishment than we are brownie three two bits don't worry boss man we will get hurt next time death two perks always thanks man I appreciate it let's get some love in the chat man you pronounced somebody's name wrong one freakin time and they hold it against you for life Wow yes the ax works faster in pumpkin yeah it sure does nature does what you doing I'm counting down the minutes two minutes Wow when it's my time to kill her I'm just oh wait is it five already she's just like come on time come on I'm just I all I'm interested in is the murder that's all I want y'all see the creature you have created Gigi Mad King it's polish thousand Middies boots thank you very much she's got something that time I am I got fight cheese thank you or the biddies I really do appreciate it arts is tensed Oh y'all are about to take out the street boss awesome Tony's the stream boss luckily I got yours right the first time gotta go get laundry out of the dryer don't kill XP till you get back hurry up man wait waiting for you you got one minute that's not how this works we don't wait for you well that's a nation in a second see now I'm sitting here staring at the clock yup there you go it's done over wood and I'm naked alright where are you do your worst no follow me yeah you know me I see you in that suit and I just get all googly-eyed for you I'm guessing this is something she had like planned out for weeks she's got like this whole elaborate thing somewhere that just that chuckle makes me realize that I'm right she got on here when I wasn't around and like did something to it alright right here okay hey keep that okay okay you ready hmm I still got the flames on me and the fart bubbles not impressed I've got the flames at the fart bubbles look at me I'm starting dang it the flames went son of a and II ate the poison potato that was blessed it was a twofer no it wasn't the most imaginative I know warms your heart odd stir a hundred biddies thank you so much boobs and hearts of the chat XP was a fire alright now that that's over I'm gonna I'm firk or proofing this fire pit here okay there we go just remember for next time it is completely and totally up to you guys to who dies just say still number one in your hearts well right who we read what are we rating XP is gonna remember where that is yell up now I won't I won't even know is it my turn to pick yup do you think crafting the townhall is faster than finding a natural village it only requires iron tools so I'd say yeah fix the gifts oh I'm gonna do that right now let's do run dog let's go say hi to ran Wow there it is alright guys say hi to Ren tell him firecracker in X be sent you tell him we love his face there it's fixed and we'll see you all next time that's not that's the one there it is Ren oh that's not it cancel cancel what I know mind so yeah it's Ren dog TV hold on hang on okay here we go [Laughter] you
Channel: xBCrafted
Views: 181,929
Rating: 3.8892171 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft update, new minecraft update, xbcrafted minecraft, xbcrafted, tektopia, tektopia ep 1, tektopia villagers, tektopia mod, tektopia playthrough, tektopia villagers mod, minecraft, modded minecraft, family friendly, what if villager mod, improved villagers, tango tek villager mod, minecraft better villagers mod
Id: gpFaBbaMios
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 50sec (11210 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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