Minecraft Star Wars: S5 E7: The Rancor

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move so this piece of filth right here is chad joseph watch your tone with me stupid mandalorian scum so you want me to finish him off so you're gonna finish him off no take him to brian brian will keep him in prison in his jail so why don't you just finish it right now because i gotta return i gotta see if i can get my dog saber back from john and uh i want to find out more about why chad joseph did what he did your father was a scumbag who got what he deserved you you said you wanted him alive didn't you you're right take him back to brian please yeah no problem are you kidding me my jet pack is busted too great now i have to walk over i have to walk over there and it's not that far of a walk anyways i know but in order to see if i can get that dark saber back i have to go back in jabba's palace and i know for a fact i'm not welcome there after that whole incident with boba fett i'm gonna have to try to find a way i'm gonna have to try to find a way to sneak in i don't know how that's gonna happen i'm just gonna have to figure something out great if i break the side get into the side yeah i could try that i'm going to try that i'm going through here oh this might take a little bit hairs like hell too but this it's good then this armor is giving me more strength i won't be able to do this without it come on what the hell don't even want to know come on gotta be through soon come on [Music] [Music] no i got a punch harder than that oh light yes [Music] what the hell what are you doing in here a bubble fight but with it i know i promise not to show my face anywhere but i don't have a choice i i need my dog i need to find john john him and the jedi master oh god they left no i was paid a lot of money by my friend to make sure they never leave tatooine alive they're in the saltx pit as we speak what now overfed [Music] come on please i know we haven't agree i know we're not in the best terms why did you have to do that to john because it's just business can i at least have my dog saber if you have it no but don't worry i'll keep it safe unless john somehow survived if he somehow survives you'll get this stuff but that's impossible you better let me get this my dog saber or i'll kill everyone in this palace bubble fred press the button what what button ah we're let we'll let the raincore eat you alive the wink was asleep now we gotta get out of here before he wakes up [Music] oh my god i gotta get out of here i i just hope john somehow escapes the pit and gets his stuff back and gets the dark saber back it's i can't risk it i i i can't go back to the rancor whatever that what the thing was crap intruder get him get him i gotta get out of here i gotta get up here come on come on yes freedom john why does it have to be john man he was cool now he's gone and i don't know what my dog saber is either unless john somehow escapes the celex pit but i don't think he will i just have to hope jabba will keep it safe and won't do anything done with it but i'm not sure i can trust him i don't know what to do man i don't know if john's dead or not i don't i just have to hope hope he somehow makes it i gotta go back to brian
Channel: Keller Productions
Views: 17,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #PS4share, Minecraft, PlayStation 4, Sony Interactive Entertainment
Id: IblaI73ryEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2022
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