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I think what you mean to say we are running from the ugliest man in history big mouth doesn't lie and when you see it coming after you you're gonna be scared no I'm too hyper you know what okay I'm gonna be you I'll be you okay how do I be you Nathan how do I become the Beast you gotta be how do I become the Beast I want to become him you go into the guys be very careful Nathan okay get the slides you can see through the slimes guys - just be very careful oh oh god oh god I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm so dead no guys the kids where I died the key was where I died oh no it was I think it was really close wait Nick are you kidding me you guys gotta work together you guys gotta work together community every guys community and okay baby that was V roll there we go there we go Mario theme guys Maya theme it's Tyler it's definitely Tyler all right minotaurs a minute arms out minotaurs out hi everybody I'm unspeakable gaming hey everybody it's me unspeakable games all about generic you sound Tyler hey everybody it's me unspeakable gaming you already there it's me unspeakable gaming this is how he sounds god bless america I'm like the first person tonight I could not find it saved my life Tyler's camping okay I will say this guy's I okay well yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my god [Applause] [Applause] okay I can't see I can't see it I don't know I'm gonna find it guys you change for a while you guys see it anywhere you guys seen anywhere I'm the equalizer I think this map is broke is there no final chance just there's gotta be a chest dude I've literally looked in every crevice at every corner of the map I don't know I have Jukes you so many times Nick it's been great good good be bothered get mad I've seriously seen no chest he's flying around you're flying around and you still can't find it where's their home there's no hope for me guys if Tyler's flying and can't find it what hope do I have where was it it will right by the tree definitely yeah no no I was by the tree like 700 times give me the Beast no I was just Gigi I was hardcore joking all right we've already got to jeez guys three keys I've gotten three keys already come on wow dude he got me right at the end chips I was a step away from the ribbon exit though be careful voice the exit is B is where you guys started I snuck sneaked if you turned right you found oh my gosh dude I was it was trying to be the sneakiest snake I could have ever been oh no why is it this one that you're dead to me your decibel is it Nick if it's Nick we can win if it's make we can win no offense Nick guys he's faster than us he's faster than us go guys go you're both good you're both good is that the map go go go go bushes will do bushes bushes will be fine [Laughter] [Music] yeah I did I did I [Music] [Laughter] okay whoa whoa calm down guys I'm coming for your booty I'm going to final round final round yeah oh geez good dude I feel so slow now not being the Minotaur it's sad oh gosh she's already been released guys we have to be very careful right now oh boy just know this is gonna be like my round where was the impossible key so well small chest what would I hide I would hide probably right next to me what's up buddy oh he's camping he's the camping one guys I will gladly volunteers tribute I will sacrifice my life for hire I will sacrifice the lease subchannel here sorry Nick it's just politics baby they don't like your politics these walls are closing in where is he where's Nathan these walls he blends in I got your good if you're in the gate you're good you're in the gate you're gonna sure what my sacrifice will not be in vain can I get one light for one sacrifice guys monuments over you guys look look from the side of unspeakable space look at his tongue dude serious math alert yeah it's not attached yeah that's weird you guys like check out everyone description [Music] [Applause]
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 2,818,239
Rating: 4.8965673 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids
Id: bXUIR5ei27I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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