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to a brand new video where today we've got the real punishment brother Joshua my little sister Keely who are going to play and I guess you could say are gonna be punished today if you guys don't know how this works everybody gets one spin the wheel and then we're gonna go play game of Minecraft hi and see with the punishment that is on the wheel also there's a fourth person Sam we're gonna spin for him because he's offline yeah because Sam's not here we should do his punishment I say we give Sam about okay what is it land on what it land on like it I like it okay so Sam gets to ask us one hint let's do it we're going into Game one Sam is the seeker first Sam we promise we did not spin the wheel a couple extra times to give you something really bad let's get that bread said where Lord so you could ask us one hint each that's it so I don't know if you guys recognize this map but we did play this map once we raised $400,000 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation charity and a giant life event near Texas yeah it was Luke if he was there Josh was there we were all there it was amazing oh it seems about to be released guys okay we should we should have done more time yeah Sam why don't you give us a couple exercise okay just a couple extra just a couple of extras I don't believe Sam Sam's Alaia what we're almost ready we're almost ready God Tyr hi yeah dear Rose do we actually have a God dear I think gourd you got to be patient Samuel this is hiding takes a lot of practice okay Josh Josh okay fine I said throw your glitching through I'm coming don't you don't punch a mix ounce and Josh by the way I just want to go and point this out because of where we are well we're not gonna say anything but we might be underneath the house isn't that right Josh Josh don't you remember on the house don't Dean here we might be near I might be near something that's pink okay yes I'm here something that's one pick something that's pink oh my gosh Jeff Josh Shipp no that doesn't help does Josh know you you just over your knee or something you already gave up ahead brother brother little I've gotta give him a hint awesome game could keep you give me an extra hand no no no no no no no do not give this man an extra him my name is Josh yes I do I am also in a hole oh you're Anna Oh Keeley's in a hole around pink things the question is is Kili oh I'm not even gonna say anything I mean guys really do you do realize we have to be sold like three minutes left on the clock okay we can't let Sam win I'm excited to see what I get on my wheel spent I'm excited to see what I get I feel like you guys did not do something good for me no no Helion scouts honor right kili scouts honor hi scouts honor I was never a scout so I can't % % scouts honor josh Josh Josh okay Josh does here come yeah I'm not really bored I'm stairs battle maybe Josh okay we should stop trolling him we haven't seen in this entire time hey guys I'm trolling him Kelly we'll watch it oh wait no no Josh Shh you're the play I didn't seek with Josh if you have to shift you're a seeker now kill your seeker yeah yeah you guys are both seekers so now you guys have 80 seconds so that's why I didn't think it's so difficult because the hiders turn into seekers Josh I will literally ban you I I have the /ban command ready Josh stop stop stop Josh Josh why would a win stop stop you're being toxic the big toxic Josh is being so toxic right now just stop stop stop stop stop if you're gonna do it you gotta do it at the right time okay you can't just do it like okay mmm Joshi MA Josh Josh no no Josh no no no it's bad Josh stop stop stop stop stop stop some sums up Josh do not wait a second I saw something in that tree but I don't know how to get more josh Josh josh Josh Josh gave it away okay so now we got to go to spin the wheel and we got to see what Josh will get I just your turn spinning the wheel decide your fate I'm gonna go the other way Oh reverse we remember which one it does get what adjustable ten-second side what yeah really good ten seconds on okay that is a noob Joshua by far just got the best one he is gonna win this round so easily right guys right so feds you need to be the fastest hider you've ever been in your entire life oh gosh oh my I know where to go I know where to go oh my god Joshua knows I'm not in a bad spot I'm not in a good spot I'll just leave it at that oh my gosh see Josh's nametag I see Josh's nametag I've actually never really played this map before we played it for like two seconds guys there's a jail down here what in the nany oh my gosh I just found a potential god spot if you pleb literally had 10 seconds to hide okay we got to find Sam Sam is a partial map crater guy so he does have the greatest advantage why even the Freak that you can't play like that that's dirty plan where Sam burn your nametags I just see them Sam see this is a flight with a map trader he knows the secrets guys Sam hotter cold warm what what what does that mean okay if I was if I was Sam would I be where would I be if I was a Samuel Jackson oh my gosh I just found me world's really coming in handy Optifine you would understand if you play more minecraft with us guys he's not up here everybody check Josh go somewhere else he's pretty close to me let's go see what I can do because I'm ready to demolish you all okay so now it is the beautiful TV and our sister a Katy Lee's turn to spin the wheel to spin it to something good let's do it invisibility wait wait wait what's happening wait wait it just rolled back that means when you get to be the seeker Josh myself and Sam can't stop moving we have to move the entire time okay if we can't stop moving well we're gonna have to do guys is we're gonna have to just you can hold shift though you're like stop moving you still could move all shifted Sam we're gonna have to play this like really Ruthie really strongly do you have a no no no wait Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Johnson okay cuz if this Bob we technically don't stop moving we move the entire time we gotta go fast so guys okay spread spread spread when you're in the water Josh just use the spring key there we go there we go there we go we're good we're good we're good Josh no we're not no we're not no and I know julia has no idea no she no but she does that she has no idea I'm sorry she knows how to do this Josh yeah exactly exactly so Josh you can't leave you can't leave Josh because then yeah thanks we all get yeah exactly I say water there's a lot of water on this map though there's a lot of water so it's good we're good yes sir is there signs of water there's tons of water there's tons of guys I got a I got a keg I can't stop moving I can't stop moving and I can't stop moving I can't stop I can't stop how do you know how do you know probably due to us yeah you think ahead I left the water like so long ago I was so worried no it's not cotton candy it's not cotton candy oh my gosh guys I have three minutes on the clock can I do it ladies and gentlemen Preston might be the first man alive to win the Olympics of hide and seek can he do it he's got to water it lonely Preston versus three ugly siblings Sam - won't be a sibling it's okay okay you guys are all handsome three handsome siblings one ugly Sam will it work I love Sam Sam is a great man so wonderous I found a cupcake oh he found a cupcake I'm moving I'm moving just from like one block to another block to another block I have three blocks that I'm currently going on continuously I'm not being cheap I'm not being cheap and like in a one by one you know I mean like to stop paint like I'm not in a one by one spot okay I am continually let loose everybody we got the green zip up Hoodie new holiday lit bags the Fire Nation team holiday stocking stuffers autographed Minecraft sword very new orange flame team and new distressed fire team please go to Preston style calm and check out all his new items for Santa want to be nice to you this I thought you said you said you would [Music] the water pipe okay hi guys it's the one of the only presents let's do it ladies and gentlemen the moment you've all been waiting for the thrusting plays is going to be spinning the wheel creative alright guys let me just siphon this really fun command he's got an alpha spot how helpful is your spot if I have game-mode really you don't I mean like hell alpha can't be if a man's got game over where are you guys at he's backpedaling guys he's backpedaling you know what guys for this round I'll put on my paint sunglasses that were made specifically from Preston Sal's calm for NB C F nation you're blending in you're blending I am living in [Music] this is like my dream I think this is a dream come true I'm just I'm just fought I'm just flying around America looking for klutzy Sam I hope you have a backup of this map oh yeah oh wait what in case I break stuff do you have a backup Sam you should always have a backup do you think I have a backup let me make one just in case okay well you know what yet yeah you have to be a smart idea Sam all right take it the sunglasses off it's too hard to see dang it get a nice aerial view I'll take you to make Sam yes'm didn't make this map here you go have fun Gilly double tab double tap spacebar Gary when you punch stuff Keely when you punch stuff it breaks it so just be careful or not technically line a break stuff welcome in seekers get creative technically right Keeley's now a seeker right Keely yeah and now guess who is a seeker I mean you can't you can't argue with that logic nothing enough no you can't argue that logic oh good Sam and Joshua would be they're doing a really good job hiding considering the fact that you and I both have creative mode I feel like they're moving really fast just in unison hi how are you doing I'm Sean just blinded here you know living my best like flying life wait why do I feel like there's something in here oh my gosh no nothing in there nothing in there wait dude having creative mode is probably the best thing ever because I have found so many cool things just saying do not oh oh just found do I've met so many God spots [Music] where Sammy I think Sam's trying to fake us out he's faking us out Keely don't trust him am i yeah yes yes you know because I know where you are you're next to something pink mmm really just don't know where you could be he was at a cotton candy tree he was actually really good wait is he oh wait is he at the piston jump no way I don't think he made it there now he's on the piston spot okay guys where's this bottom a little brother no you're not gonna win you're not gonna win come on we all have creative guys or is creative making it more difficult I think we're overthinking it ask creatives we're not thinking like people on the ground you know we got to think like the people that are on the ground I don't think we've checked in this area guys there's this other under the map you found him saying well there's only so much we can help you Keely I'm sorry gosh if Josh wins this there's no way [Music] yeah but guess what I had creative mode so you know what guys in the comments you get it decide because technically Josh you made me lose my first round of hide-and-seek because you kept jumping and you go to the tree you know what stuff you know what stop Josh getting banned later dad what you get oh now who's Maya now he's coming in now he's coming in you throw the shoe you hit the setup you're done you're done that's right you know Josh I did pretty good for hiding i won I don't Sam kita what do you think do you think Josh won yeah I think yeah I mean i teleported to him but I could top this one because but I had creative mode and creative you can teleport to people so I'm just saying okay guys comment down below did I win did I cheat let me know down below in the comments this was spin will hide-and-seek if you get for it staple of this head I but I wrote subscribe the channel have an amazing day and we'll see you all next down
Channel: Preston
Views: 3,273,646
Rating: 4.9150538 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, prestonplayz, prestonplayz hide and seek, preston, prestonplayz minecraft hide and seek, preston hide and seek, preston playz, hide and seek
Id: W-IxXgG8_6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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