Minecraft Players Simulate Medieval Civilization

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you want to see something magical this is a unicorn and this is our kingdom you see These Guys these guys are all crazy and each and every single one of them want to kill me but these silly little nincompoops don't realize that the house of the unicorns are here to spread love and joy throughout the lands don't you just love love so much joy yeah she understood the assignment plus why would you want to be part of the other four kingdoms run by Forge labs sneve lagundo and Ryan because for the next seven in real life days we're all going to simulate Medieval Times in Hardcore Minecraft in the theme of Game of Thrones and at the end of the seven days we're supposed to all battle for the Iron Throne they can do that but not the house of the unicorns we're gonna spread love and joy and peace of course unless we're threatened but who would do that who doesn't like to spread love and joy and we still have room because each kingdom has around 10 players each and my team consists of seven well we had nine if you count two of them but they died within like three minutes so we still have room why kill when you can hug why battle when you can dance so why not spread the love and the joy love joy joy can I have my fan no silly your family doesn't love you we do because here at the house of the unicorns uh I hate to cut you off but we're kind of under attack ah great here we go again I don't know how you want to intro it's this is kind of your thing Shadow so follow suit intro I don't got no intro I just go I don't know how this works I've never got a scenario yeah we just go in I do I do the intro later over voice that thing oh go all right he said go whoa whoa whoa bunch in a tree don't punch the kangaroo we got dark oak nice okay uh nope nope nope nope that's not how you do it there we go okay okay I got this i got this don't worry don't worry listen this uh tree was floating when I found it okay the group was collecting the early game materials and things were going pretty well so far but I had to keep in mind that the members of my Army only have one life each and even though this biome felt warm and fuzzy I knew things can get very dangerous around here very quickly so with that I made it my mission to get the small shelter put together before the sun set no elephant get away you're too big oh my gosh it looks like he's angry don't get mad at me get out of here Crow I can't put the roof on if you're in the way all right I got us a food source we have chickens nice and was starting to set as I was finishing the shelter now it wasn't pretty but it worked I was also able to make some tools and a sword I'm not used to people getting materials for me so hopefully they didn't need these if they did I'm sorry maybe yeah I'm sorry don't trust that elephant I know he's a little scary he keeps running around and take us out like he's mad elephants you're really close yeah they're scary one came charging at me oh they do that yeah I don't know if he was trying to kill me or trying to get in but that is cones maybe all right I gotta get some light around the area I don't need mobs spawning right on top of the group so let's put some of those down okay it was very important to light up the area as much as I could because we didn't just have the regular Minecraft Mobs we also had to deal with white walkers I mean it's the Game of Thrones what were you expecting and yes they were equipped with medieval weapons and tools and considering the state myself and my team are in we could easily be taken out in one hit these weapons were no joke oh they got armor around here they're like they're white walkers basically [Music] it's getting pretty uh spicy we got three of these bad boys oh we got a lot more oh yeah we're getting raided here um Stone Max sorry uh red oh no wait oh come on come on come on come on okay so I left my food out there cooking oh these are slabs I'm on four hungers will they burn in the morning or are they not gonna yeah that's what I'm asking maybe exactly but the helmet I'm not sure I am but I gotta I got a nice sword that's laying right in front of me oh get it don't die okay I hear chickens yeah I got us chicken I got a rusted sword nice oh wow that's oh nice and long since I'm stuck in this house with these three I might as well take the opportunity to let you know that these were the three Subs that were chosen to participate in this event little red ionis and it Shannon are all great creators so make sure you check out their channels all links are in the description below and if you want a chance to participate in future events don't forget to like share and subscribe and hit that notification bell too plus it would be greatly appreciated alright moving on with the white walkers dropping medieval weapons I thought it would be a good idea to get on top of a roof and pick them off in the hopes that they would drop more weapons or even armor because with the team this size it would definitely help to give us a good starting boost I can't necessarily reach you my boy oh the crow is pecking the crops oh yeah they'll steal the crops we're gonna have to build an indoor Farm because of the Ravens so you have to hide these things this is lame [Music] all right come on you guys oh my God that bird oh my gosh that's a big sword must be heavy look out oh look out there's a spider behind you yeah okay good to know your reach [Laughter] es they're scary their Shields are like croissants a little bit now I'm gonna get hungry oh no [Music] with the first night over and done with it was time to start getting our defenses together you know crafting weapons and armor making our White Walker traps All That Jazz but mobs were not our biggest threat if you remember other kingdoms can attack and state claimed your lands your army and your crown look at all these chickens do you want a bucket for water I have a bucket I was gonna go look for some water somewhere cool cool oh my gosh wait we can make soup oh yeah we got tons of mushrooms mushroom soup oh yeah actually yeah look at that it's gonna have super for days oh I fill in the chicken hole here here's some stairs huh I was like no if I die it's been green that's the spirit did that bird take my last seed I have 15 of them there we go I'm gonna go grab some sheeps all right seems like everyone is out getting their specific supplies I might as well go out and get some sand for glass because the Ravens keep stealing our crops and uh that's not good because I'll just basically build a glass roof to allow the light in at least instead of using torches super convenient when we're right next to the ocean too so so that's good really good oh we got tons of horses too and all types of other animals holy but I'm not really gonna mess around with them because uh I have no idea which ones are hostile and uh I don't want to get killed I might as well grab some of the sugar cane and replant it because I'm positive we're gonna need it later it's not just me on the team now I got quite a few people so yeah we're gonna need the paper for books for enchanting all right looks good oh sheep nice yeah I'm making a fence they're Temporary Home I got a bunch of sand so we can make glass yes perfect you know until we get a proper firm going at least plus the birds won't bother us so yep that's smart what we're upgrading at yeah is all that's going to be cleared out one layer I don't know any of the fancy recipe mods or anything so I know we that's about it so you bet my main focus was to get that interior firm up it wasn't much but it worked this is gonna be the wheat field right yep okay I'm gonna go make us an infinite water source I just need one more all right sounds good be careful though come on over guys come on in there you go oh my gosh this one looks like me there's a zombie that looks like me yeah you come on come on if you want I got a nice place for you it's over here this way come on oh creeper that's one guy I don't want to mess with not gonna lie I was a little nervous everyone on my team was out Gathering materials all night I mean they should be all right but I was concerned for a little red as she went out to collect a bucket of water ages ago and now it's night time hopefully she dug herself into a hole or something I don't want to be losing anyone so soon oh hi no we're a little worried about rad I don't know where she's at um we could go on a search for her if you like uh I think I think she'll be fine she hasn't died she hasn't died yet homes are you ready I was like oh no she's stuck out there no I went uh exploring the Seas and I got some lapis as well oh nice I got us a bunch of sand for glass and I was gonna go back down but there's just a lot of whales there now and uh yeah I don't want to you know tick them off really nice um looks like it's time to start building a wall and when I mean a wall I mean a fence okay for now anyway is that yes it's me okay I was like is that you know someone we should be worried about [Laughter] it I don't know are the raccoons hostile um maybe I'm just assuming all the animals are hostile every time these kangaroos come towards me I get a little concerned don't mind me just making a barrier I see how it is okay I guess um blocks me up you're trying to get in yeah oh yeah all right are we safe we got the perimeter look at this I think so yeah [Music] oh elephant you can't come in here go away one yeah it's got to be careful that elephant yeah yeah we're not really sure about them I know they're dangerous I've been killed by them oh no oh they got a carrot oh dude yes carrot where yeah we got a carrot we're living now yay you can go right there a little large yeah take this I don't think they'll mind eh we got a skeleton hanging out he's hiding underneath the floating trees yeah who left those floating trees boys look what I found out yeah look at that oh wow oh my gosh Shadow these floating trees are giant I know I couldn't get up to them you know there's these uh thing called dirt blocks um they're really great for pillaring up um yeah I wasn't sure if you heard of that oh good idea I should try that sometime yeah you should oh sorry it's okay quicker than that yeah right this elephant is freaking me out what do you want huh I know they are scary they just like lunge too no don't you scream at me get out of here [Music] no get go I'm learning the new crafting stuff and all the recipes here I keep finding diamonds I have enough to make this oh shiny I like with everything above ground going well it was time to help Shin down in the mines because I needed to get my Army armored up I need to keep them alive hey there we go there we go anymore no I think this is just it one oh we got two ah just two now how do I get out of this place I'm lost help me somebody uh here Mathias take this and take this just to you know increase your durability a little bit nice look at that thank you yeah that's what I'm saying we really like I said we really gotta step up our game whatever Shin was talking about I knew we needed to up our game well see Shin went to the Nether and he came across the nether Kingdom's team member they were already in full diamond Enchanted gear and have already blocked up Blaze Spawners as well as already looted to Bastion which wasn't an issue per se but it did give me the incentive to go to the nether myself to start looking for ancient debris and maybe also start Gathering some nether material now the nether is a neutral ground so no PVP is allowed there and you cannot claim an area or structure everything there is fair game I also have a little Tunnel right here that kind of I started to go down towards netherright but um yeah I wanted to come up and let everybody know okay I'm just gonna go down here and do some digging though get some ancient debris hopefully and that's what I did I mined for ancient debris and I wasn't gonna leave until I had at least two bars it was a long and boring job but someone had to do it all right um I want to see what's on here how bad is this nether are we in a bad spot because there's a assault biome it's just terrific I love it actually really hate it now Shin said there was a Bastion or a fortress around here oh my gosh the Piglet's got medieval weapons that's that's really cool that's awesome oh I don't like I don't like the nether You're Gonna Want To Die Here it's not fun oh wow I'm like there's like three biomes and one right here that's kind of cool yeah I'm pretty sure that's uh that's a fortress all right okay we got a fortress next to us that's cool that's good that's good that's good Shin also said that there were custom mobs here whatever that means I don't know I'm not sure I haven't seen any yet looks like it's clear don't mind the piglens the zombie ones oh hey Blaze what's up don't mummy okay so there's a blaze spawning around here then did you see what Bastion was looted or or the Fortress oh whoa no no no no no no what was that what was that the way I'm fighting that thing what is it I don't like that I don't know what it is actually you know what let's get into this blade spawner and see if we can uh secure it because it'd be nice to have an experienced firm you know nope I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this okay yeah yeah bad idea I gotta I gotta do this properly here how to do it properly I have no idea we're just gonna go with it okay okay there we go there we go okay I'm just gonna leave this beat for now I'm gonna go back uh we're gonna possible experience Farm see you later blazes we'll be back okay I got some blaze rods nice well you could have been a little bit more excited geez I'm just risking my life out here so you got some netherite that's good yeah I found a few pieces here take some Diamond would y'all I will gladly upgrade I gotta get everyone Diamond up thank you dang oh my goodness thank you I get chips for my husband and diamonds from y'all that's pretty good moment nice yeah there's a zombie in a boat yeah uh villager zombie villager oh nice okay yeah we gotta get him somewhere safe probably a night we have a bow in here oh the bow a bow you say huh this was a very good reminder that projectiles will be a very important element in this scenario considering we couldn't rely on Traders at the moment and I need a way to collect chicken eggs and Feathers efficiently and effectively okay chickens let's start collecting your feathers through some arrows okay just uh move out of the way please oh my gosh chickens get out of the way I'm gonna start punching you move okay chickens you don't get away you're all gonna die okay we like our chicken nuggies so uh oh a baby already got up um we haven't found a fortress yet right yeah there's a fortress I found but it's already been it's already been okay there's no Nether wart uh there might be I mean the other team could have lied to us because if we just get one another oops sorry if we get one another word farm and throw it if we get Soul Sand because then we can uh cure the zombie villager and choose what we want him to give us okay I can go look I'm gonna take a little looksie why not all right little red needs some in other words so let's go get that for her so let's check the Fortress if it was looted hopefully they left some even just one would be nice whoa watch it would you fire hazard oh there's another blade spawner down here too so they must have been around there's a lot of armor in here that's kind of weird oh nice look at that look at that look at that here we go we're gonna take it all take the Soul Sand too I'm gonna need it anyway do I risk it for the biscuit uh how do I want to do this oh yeah there's some here too good good oh nope nope oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no oh my gosh okay just want to be careful oh let's go oh my gosh this is lava everywhere oh there's a blaze okay nope we're done we're done I'm out I'm out of here oh nice diamond armor that's good that is really good that's going on my horse so where do you want it want another word did you get Soul Sand by chance let's move it down by the zombie villager which I stuck over here I got um quite a bit oh sweet yeah I thought it was I thought that place was lit it wasn't you guys got a chest I can throw out the extra I have I found a whole stack of it actually oh my word all right three potions of weakness coming right up yes yeah Golden Apple I have a boat I have a golden apple okay all right so we can make that villager right now yeah because if we do a Fletcher we can get emeralds easy and then we can get arrows easy yeah and then if you're really lucky you get the tipped arrows too oh that was scary probably not the smartest idea oh that was half my health oh really oh wow yeah I'm gonna get your diamond up I know yeah my rusty leggings aren't doing me too good since it was night time I figured I'd take the opportunity to go out and look for more zombie villagers unfortunately I didn't find any but I did come across the pink sheep so I ran back to the base to get a lead YouTube [Music] elephant we all like that geez don't kill me one of these times now you're probably asking what is so important about this pink sheep well there is a king in another kingdom that is obsessed with pink sheep so I could potentially use this sheep as a train for peace and Alliance or even materials but for now I will leave it right here until I figure out what to do with it after that I spent a considerable amount of time mining for diamonds crafting diamond armor and making sure everyone on my team was in full diamond gear like I said it was very important to keep my Army alive as we still have a kingdom to build and protect once I got everyone suited up it was time for me to go back to the Nether and grind out more ancient debris all the food all the time yes I tend to I tend to cook a lot first before I do any building oh yeah no it's smart I'm gonna do some pickling bartering I'll be back I got all the gold yeah we need summer no I'm just making sure you got it off hey I got gold on here look at this take take the gold let's do some trading okay let's barter yeah you wanna try okay give me something good I have no idea what they give me for what they trade come here where you going I thought we were trading he's done with the day ancient hog shoes is that what he gave me I don't want ancient hog shoes I don't even know what they are okay guys your trades are starting to get a little boring here okay let's Let's uh let's switch it up a little bit ow e you attacking me you want to trade gold or not oh now they're fighting each other okay ow what is going on stop shooting me what did I do to make you angry oh wait it's probably the chest oops my bad crying obsidian I think my thighs needed that okay you gave me something decent I guess I traded with this piglet which felt like forever and I really didn't get anything useful I mean does he even trade anything useful I don't know what am I doing wrong did I miss the memo whatever doesn't matter anyway as I was rudely interrupted okay come on something good is that a gas is that a gas don't shoot at me oh my gosh did you just did you just thanks just ruined my whole barter situation okay Mathias I got a gas tear and did you say you need to cry obsidian I got a bunch of those too I don't know if they're oh sweet we can we actually do we also need glowstone because as soon as we do we can arm these as bombs oh really okay that's good I got a bunch of these like hog shoes I have no idea what they are what ancient wait put them on we'll see what they look like show them off do you wear them yeah I don't know if you wear them so your tootsies oh wait yeah that's there so things were coming together we got an enchanting table set up and my main man Mathias the master of Brewing was supplying the team with all kinds of potions this was good oh this was good now having an enchanting table was nice the only problem was that at this point I didn't had the levels to enchant with so I had to try to make a safe mob experience farm that wouldn't bog up the server so I thought farming zombie piglings would be a good idea because as you know you only have to hit one for all of them to aggro on you now it did work well but it didn't work long as spawn rates seem to be wonky on a server full of players so my next idea was to try farming the blazes I seen earlier but I needed to make it safe and easier for me to get around the nether not just for me but for my team as well because I know they're gonna need experience too and there's no reason that it needs to be a risk for them to do that but it's okay I'm crouching I'm doing good so oh no no no no no no no no no thank you no thank you okay where'd it go okay as I was saying I want to get this oh my gosh cast leave me alone I'm trying to commentate here okay so what I was saying is I'm trying to get this like tunnel straight from the portal to the blaze uh spawner that way we can whoop the what's that what was is that a Strider throwing baby Striders at me why can't I just commentate for two seconds stop throwing your babies at me what's going on what is going on with this nether okay all right um yeah let's try to trying to build a tunnel here well you guys got to be so hostile oh okay um you're not supposed to be in here I'm not light it up enough what's he doing oh he's just trying to throw his babies at me stop throwing your babies at me here take an arrow take that get get out okay oh my gosh what are these things all right well that was a thing all right let's light this up and then uh let's finish this tunnel or try to at least finally after all that I was able to complete the tunnel that made a safe path all the way to the blaze spawner so now my team and myself could do some safe experience farming and at the same time obtaining unlimited blaze rods okay so you're probably asking why am I being so careful in building a tunnel so far well this is the perfect time to bring this up the kings are on a life drain just like previous events we had before so every death we end up losing one heart a maximum health but here's the thing very early on in the event I ended up dying to wither skeleton that was decked out in medieval gear and one shot me and I was wearing three pieces of netherite armor sure it sucked to be one shot with all that armor on but after discussing with the other kings they all agreed that it really wasn't a fair death because neither one of us thought that getting one shot from a Wither wearing medieval armor was a thing we decided that the death didn't count so I didn't lose a heart because if you think about it it's kind of like the Wither Skeleton got a god roll for a weapon which is not something you usually expect it's kind of like a freak accident but from this point forward it was a warning for everybody to be careful in the nether because it could happen again I did die a second time but we'll get to that a little later we got the tunnel done which is good and I'm just trying to get the blaze Spawner in a way that I can Farm them without getting hurt was I successful sort of I think I really was but okay so they can come down here on either side all right and I just whack them like this and occasionally I get put on fire but it's okay I'm all right I'm good with it it's okay that's my uh that's my Blaze spawner firm so it's great just just trying to get something you know something going I only got so much time leave me alone okay with everything underway food was plenty experience farming was possible and it was time to get a temporary outer wall up so this wall was not meant for the mobs necessarily it was also to keep other kingdoms out or at least slow them down because you see opposing kingdoms while on your lands are not allowed to break or place blocks to keep the spirit of the stimulation of actual CG so this would mean placing TNT would be allowed and I understand that one single wall of cobblestone will not keep them out but I'm also using it as an outline of where the actual wall will be built plus in order to keep building safely within the Kingdom the wall will protect my Army from hostile mobs and to keep them from spawning Within These Walls we gotta Place torches all over the place so that's what I did what was that toast you okay you must be disconnected or are you dead toast so toast is my master of disconnection he's on some spotty Wi-Fi so you kind of you know just randomly drops and sits in place you know what let's uh let's do my favor let's uh cover them oh never mind actually you know what we're gonna cover them up anyway just in case he comes back oh hey tell us what's up just uh just covering it buddy don't worry keep those nasty creepers away from you are you there thank you thank you yeah no problem oh creeper just blew up next to you while you're in the world I'm assuming you were disconnecting but am I gonna oh no I'm gonna disappear on it oh no [Laughter] poor kid how you doing now toast good okay I gotta find a horse I gotta find a friend a horse not your chicken get out of the way somewhere there's tons of horses here before where'd all the horses go I don't think we killed them all oh you come here buddy I see you what are you doing up there come on come here you're gonna get hurt up here whoa just no no no no no don't run don't run it's all right it's all right I I know you're scared it's okay come here come here we're buddies what are you doing ah come here stop running away okay come on let's go oh we just gotta take it slow though I don't want I don't want you hurting your ankles you know oh Excuse Me Kangaroo uh coming through you'll be safe out here look at a torch and everything couple night lights all right good is that little red up there yeah she's building the uh the base of the tower right now nice to the castle little red was starting to get together a proper base so we can move out of our temporary one and into this one the tower would also be a secondary defense position if an opposing Army was to breach the walls speaking of which I really need to buff up the walls here soon I really do it's gonna light you up a little bit here hey thank you no problem appreciate it uh so shape wise this is what I was thinking for like a main Castle bit I was just about to ask did you need a did you need a chest up here with uh items I will gladly take more Stone and stone Gray Cobblestone and regular Stone yeah yeah those three would be great um I don't know how much iron we have not a lot I'm trying to just work with Stone um don't tools yeah I mean I have like hairs you got diamonds yeah um an iron pickaxe right there too what I'm sitting here in half netherright and everyone is pretty much rocking diamonds and little red is over here working with stone tools what anyways okay all right do you guys think you are huh huh ow okay never mind oh you shot your buddy in the head that's too bad okay level 30. Let's uh go enchant something just hope I get uh something good because levels take a very long time to get okay let's see we win let's see oh my gosh look at the arrows in me Jace okay give me a fortune please uh I'll take efficiency Mission seats good too oh so touch oh look at that huh what's going on oh never mind Hey Shadow I found more diamonds yeah I got a bunch of diamonds and um Iron it's all I got silk touching my uh pickaxe so use me nice we don't have to smelt as much yeah after I just came up here with 10 stacks of cobblestone um you were still worth it I promise oh my God fell in your Trench oh sorry I'm sorry I was digging it I dug it like that so I could see where I was going first so we don't fall in it no biggie now Phantoms mess off they just want hugs and Cuddles that lead to death something like that yeah okay let's check this mailbox did I get anything yet maracas who sent me Maracas okay right on here I'll send something to Sean I gotta make sure it works I'll send them some chicken or a chicken I think I think you'll like that I'll give Steve one too there we go oh my gosh Phantoms again did I not sleep lately I better go sleep hey why is this closed the only beds are in here I need to get in get out of the way I'm not in the mood I'm gonna hit you oh my gosh get out of the way see there no no oh my gosh you're pushing your luck buddy get out of the way see I just need a bed just need to sleep get stop getting in my way oh I'm done with these guys we're gonna move to bed are you guys breeding down here do we have more babies I punched a couple yeah you punched babies no no the the the what you call those guys they wouldn't get out of my way admitting to punching babies so casually okay let's go don't mind this chest out here this is my garbage is that what they want yeah it's like I don't know where to put it I literally I walked out here after organizing and I looked at this and I was like oh dear God no any immediately Clinton hey Matthias you want to see my luck yeah I had silk touch but I didn't want to break them until I had my fortune this is where we get the money yeah what was that 30 36 Diamonds oh my goodness there's 20 in the chest though I guess we can start mining with diamonds in this case Okay so PVP was now enabled on the server and if your kingdom was breached while you were online and you neglected to patch up that hole or you didn't realize a hole was made anyone could walk in and steal anything they wanted out of your chests even if the leader of the kingdom is offline so it was important to check your walls every so often okay Mathias I'm gonna get this glowstone I don't like that there's a ghast right there but I'm gonna do this quick quick quick Shadow come on oh come on no no why why just let's get a couple get a couple at least before the gas kills me oh my gosh I'm actually up pretty high here no no gassed stop stop oh my gosh I'm gonna have to try to hit this oh my gosh okay no no no no no I'm I'm down okay I'm down nope no no no no no no no Matthias you better be doing something good with this blow desk because I'm literally gonna die for it okay um I'm getting it all I'm determined to get it all okay take two oh there he is he's pretty far away though [Music] quickly just quickly quickly quickly quickly okay this is good I see the guest he's over there he's not shooting he doesn't even notice I'm here it's good it's great I want to get them all because I don't want to do this again what is that thing what was crawling on the ceiling you know what I don't even care I'm getting out I'm getting out give me the glow dust I'm out of here see you later uh that was actually pretty scary I'm not gonna lie knock knock how do you get in the door knock knock it's a poor man's locked door yeah your glowstone's in the uh this chest here thank you and to get in it's a bring your own button type of thing the door yeah all right bomb is in place it's in place yep I got it attached to the wall directly right next to the potions that would be a benefit to anybody invading speaking about invasions the second time I died someone from an opposing Kingdom hopped over my wall came down and killed me but unfortunately for them this death did not count and my kingdom was not claimed and I'll tell you why the person that killed me was an assassin and broke two rules first and foremost an assassin cannot go kill another king unless their King is online and is commanded to do so from their King at that moment it's a you gotta do it now not when you feel like it so in this case for this situation I was online by myself so when this person signed on I did not expect to be assassinated because an opposing King wasn't online not just that a second rule was broken they got into my kingdom by jumping over the wall which is not allowed you can't Purl you can't jump you can't break blocks and you can't place blocks unless it's TNT and you're sieging so for that with those two rules broken my kingdom was unclaimed and the kill was ignored now all the rules for what we were doing was explained at the very first of the event and I personally found the rules were very clear but when you get 60 plus people in an event like this there are bound to be people that misinterpret or confuse the rules so it's gonna happen that's just the way it is all right all right moving on with Matthias setting up his trap in ayondus building our kingdom burn and Stables I got to work testing out the type of wall I could build to surround the entire Kingdom with I wanted to make sure that we as a kingdom had time to counter any Siege if necessary so I needed the walls to be relatively thick so for the next few in real life days I worked on getting this wall up no the wall wasn't Hollow I used this casting method that would create layers of stone in between the inner and outer walls five layers to be specific I did build a single layer in the center of the walls made of obsidian there was only three to four blocks high depending on the location of the wall at first I was mining obsidian but this got old real quick so instead I went to the bottom of the nether with a bunch of buckets and filled those buckets with lava every trip I was able to fill an Ender Chest in my entire inventory with lava buckets this was the easiest way I could find to make that one layer of obsidian will I can continue with it maybe probably not depending on the time given so hopefully any opposing kingdoms don't Siege right away the kingdom was starting to come together walls were being put up Barnes and Stables were almost complete and the tower was finishing up great and then I ended up getting a letter in the mail from a neighboring Kingdom dear shadowmack I write to you to formally invite you to send an ambassador to discuss terms of a potential Alliance and or a trade partner we have many treasures and healthy Warriors if you're interested please send a reply to this letter I hope your kingdom is as prosperous as ours love the house of the iron crocodiles you know what this actually isn't a bad thing I can't want an alliance you never know if I'm gonna need them or not so um I'm gonna go write them back deer Forge Labs a potential Alliance is intriguing we have a kingdom south of our borders that could be a Potential Threat I can send an ambassador to discuss details on your proposal where would you propose for them to meet and when we can do trading as well is there anything of Interest love the house of the Unicorn I doubled down on getting the rest of the wall finished but also set Matthias to build up the parts of the wall that I couldn't get to in time I needed him to make sure that no one else could easily make their way in that night I took a walk around myself and checked the height of every wall everything look good but either way if someone was going to enter the kingdom the only way they could get in is by reaching the wall jumping or purling over the wall was not allowed it had to be a proper Siege all right you know what I'm gonna do right now I'm gonna name my horse I'm gonna call him nightmare because it's a cool name there you go nightmare you got a name now there you go buddy as I was working along minding my own business it happened the house of Ryan declared war on my kingdom but why where is this coming from what was the reason either way I couldn't delay there was a threat in the South and I needed to prepare for the worst it was time for me to start looking for help looking to form an alliance because who just starts a war for no reason well I guess the house Ryan does great after some time passed I received a letter in the mail dear Shadow I have heard the news that King Ryan III has declared war on your kingdom although we are unable to Aid you directly in a hand-to-hand War we can attempt to slow Ryan's advances through other tactics please stay safe as long as you can build your walls stick prepare your troops and stay alive if you can live long enough we may be able to stop the assault good luck iron crocodiles okay I don't know what his intentions are or what his plan is but it's just good to know that they're on my side it was good to know that the information about the threat of the kingdom in the South was making its way across the land I could potentially alliance with the house of the iron crocodiles but I knew of another house that could help me in this time of need not knowing if my kingdom was being spied on or not I decided to flee into the darkness of night accompanied by my horse nightmare I just hope I'm not being Fallen because they could take me out at any time okay I gotta be careful it's not smart running out at night but that's fine I'm assuming it's going to take me a couple day cycles anyway so I might as well leave at night oh spiders get okay sun's coming up that's good I'm sure I'll get there I just went North right okay I may or may not be lost uh what am I doing here where am I going okay I'm positive this was the place maybe not I don't know which way to go and it's raining oh this is iron crocodiles but they're East on the map did I did I go in the complete opposite direction it doesn't seem like anyone's here though all right let's keep moving I guess I'll find sneeze place somewhere oh who died who's that okay I think I think I'm going in the right direction now I just wish the rain would stop because I've been running at night and now in the rain I'm dealing with Mobs the whole way I finally arrived at what felt like days of travel I was at another kingdom the house of cringedom it was time to ask for help from the King sniv himself oh is somebody here I think somebody's here oh oh Shadow how you doing hello hello Shadow hello I I come in peace you come in peace come in pieces yes that is a lot of netherite my man that is a lot of another welcome very nice tablet Welcome to our kingdom the king of the Unicorn oh I forgot you could do that I mean it didn't really matter because my horses decided to go to space but it is yeah go outside shadow get out of the rain yes sir okay we have food ready uh one second has been cooking not well probably Devon's really the cook let me get something fresh out okay please have a seat yes please have a seat head to the table this is this is super rocking my master of building it's a it's a jam so Jim Jam Jam gelat who is my uh hello my master hello medicine and Magic uh Robin is just a peasant girl I believe nice I know we're talking through through the mail um yes he has very big plans to take over everybody well we uh we are more than happy to assist you I believe uh so long as you scratch out back in the future I will definitely 100 these these guys got to go down they go to good because I just ran I just ran past Sean's place and it's it's literally just logs so okay impenetrable that's a good point actually so we can't place blocks when attacking can we use flint and steel because yeah that's true no it's literally just logs I ran the completely opposite way I guess and I ran into Sean's area but it's good hello hello do you guys have another chest we do uh yes we do oh wait where's the where's the end of chest oh it's downtown yeah it's upstairs no no there's one down here there's one down here I'm gonna come with a gift for you okay Steve you can have this oh God so I I leave this gift for you Steve it seems like it's right up your alley oh yeah yeah actually we can't even see your eyes anymore [Laughter] I feel like the Game of Thrones does the Game of Thrones theme may be dissolving at a rapid Pace but that's amazing order [Music] very well okay take a seat yeah right over there so master of War you actually very very much need to know this so oh sorry I need to send short an email he's screaming at me right now oh he's been screaming for like an hour okay where do you go back shout out you didn't close or lock the door oh sorry we don't have doors in my place you don't have doors in your kingdom we just have God all right well listen listen Shadow your final morning okay I have a guess yes sir okay so master of War Shadow is here is a refugee Ryan has declared war on him last night um some Shenanigans happened the war against Shadow is very much a go uh Ryan has declared war on Shadow and intends to overthrow his kingdom as soon as possible he has come here asking for emergency aid yes yes what's it you master of War I think we can give you Aid or any of your people still like they're all alive right yeah they're all alive and uh some of them are rare in the go and they're going to build up the defenses tonight and then tomorrow we can either Siege at my place or just directly attack them well I I say I say we attack from the sea honestly from the sea that's what that's what what I've been thinking for a while in terms of attacking Ryan so if we want to attack Ryan we should go around not towards right yeah no that would be good that'd be a good idea as long as both sides going together it should be it should be fun that's true that's true it should be Cleanup Crew be too sneaky right and yeah and if uh if your King dies or Falls um and we win and he's with me he can take he can take my flag and he can be the king I know the girl the girls definitely love your flag more so it's amazing it's super cute we love that one I feel like that represents us more it's not to see such patriotism from my my people good God the worm the worm we love the worm yeah but also the Unicorn yeah yeah we're all like yes we all like the Unicorn okay well yes uh okay well I'm happy to form a uh very defensive alliance with you Shadow and we will attack tomorrow okay I've received new a new email from what's his name uh the crocodile man uh okay so Sean says Dear snow of mania things have become desperate in this Kingdom a dark cloud is above us all Ryan plans to launch a full-blown attack on cerdo please send an ambassador at once to discuss terms of a potential Alliance I will send you our coordinates as soon as you reply I see I I shall I tell them that you're with me shadow I think you and I perhaps head over there yeah we can instead instead of sending an ambassador just you and I uh that makes sense that's safe Sean I don't know I'm not sure about that I don't think I don't think we trust anyone honestly okay well maybe Kip as you come with us as well then yeah I would be fine with coming with you guys okay I say we head over Shadow you can leave your horse here because uh uh my horse does not exist anymore yeah let's go oh let's go good luck don't die yeah you you lead Shadow will fall you eat okay screaming about the mountain I know this man does not like being left on red at all [Music] we're behind you come on yeah I just gotta make sure you're not talking about me you know your real secret plan is to kill me so you get back a little bit Shadows fashion style is so last week we're getting there you guys just gotta put Auto jump on and be a lot quicker no oh God Auto job oh there's a swamp oh wait is this a swamp yeah we'll have to go around it I'm not going through it no crocodiles but I don't know how big this biome is uh yeah yeah just straight through we could get we could get on top of the trees they're thinking yeah she's the smart one that kipley that's why I have her do the thinking and I'll do the kingliness there you go oh yeah it ends pretty quickly like eggs that also works gotta wash those [Music] oh gorillas oh don't play oh my gosh no oh I think I found it yep I see the walls oh so he's not in his old place oh yeah I see someone someone or walls it's Kim I think yeah it makes sense hello hello hello I'm wearing the sombrero a piece oh wow all right it's good to see you guys you want to come in yeah come around come around to the gate it's over here on this side don't do nothing the kangaroos yeah don't hit them do not they will one shot you you put all yeah be very careful around them wait you can tame animals oh you can tape a lot of animals don't go near the Bears either Don't Go Near The Rhino or the Rhino this thing will hold this thing right here will annihilate you inside let's go come on go in here this is our meeting area right here we're still under construction don't mind it yeah yeah no our Builder's been offline for the majority of it yes we don't have chairs for them build on some chairs We Stand it's all right I wanted a dining room prepared for shadow we gave him a meal and everything yeah we're we're behind okay I'm sorry sorry I'm sorry oh wrong way get our guest chairs come on oh sorry excuse me sir oh don't go outside now don't go outside the Rhino will kill you next to my master of War please see the gentleman the maracas are so cool yeah how'd you get those I think the one to my left Skippers uh these were a gift from Shadow a piece how did you get them Shadow we had I had a water wandering Trader and he was selling them oh I'll keep the Maracas a piece wow thank you I appreciate this what the heck you look so good yeah this is awesome Okay so we have business to discuss yes we do we do right now we have a problem not the bear outside the problem is Ryan but that problem well yeah also the how noisy our base is so right now we have a problem that problem is Ryan yes he's advancing on Shadow we had plans to make a play at Ryan but I'm not getting many responses from Ryan I've been sending letters and he has not been replying yeah our plan was to weaken him before he could get to shadow um but that's proving to be difficult [Music] [Laughter] so that's what we're doing we have visited Ryan's base we have scoped it out oh we have been there um it's deserty it's all it's a desert with some walls and uh I don't know how else it's just Wheels it's really a yeah I was there too just on the outside we've also um visited lacundo too we visited him today we didn't visit him we visited his place and someone was there yeah who was it HP we actually we actually slept in his house wow really showing dominance I was the man of the north doing did he go past the wall finally or south of the wall right where the frost begins basically he's ready to get out of there it's actually quite nice up there after a long discussion we came to a conclusion that the house Orion must be taken out as we believed he was gonna keep making his way up North and conquering every Kingdom along the way there was also this other Kingdom in the north The House of lagundo the rest of the Kingdom thought them a threat because they came from Beyond the wall and that was a wild card to all of us so that was another element we needed to be aware of once the discussion was over gipley Sneed and myself made our way back to Steve's Kingdom and updated his army on the details just to keep safe I decided to stay there that night and make my way back to my kingdom in the morning because who knows who could have been waiting for him that night just waiting for me to be alone the next morning I made my way back to my kingdom and continued to work on the wall the house of Rhine was potentially coming and I needed this done once most of my kingdom was around I decided it was time to inform them on the situation okay guys suggest that you're aware I went to uh what What's the house called uh me meanton or or cringe cringe town I don't know yeah the creams yeah yes yes yes yes so we had War announced on us uh yesterday so I quickly fled to a nearby Kingdom to hopefully gain an alliance because I know as soon as they take us over they're gonna take them over which is not good it's not what we want another kingdom heard word of this uh they were the House of Iron crocodiles and they are also with us on this oh okay with us not against us this is good all right sneeve the king of the cringe dump is actually on his way now oh we have some things to discuss plan wise uh maybe potentially a trap but we'll see all right I like it I like it all right good we're getting some alliances this is good uh who declared war on us uh house Ryan a house around okay okay welcome party favor Welcome to My Kingdom oh little red hello hello hello are you the kingly bodyguarders uh I am the kingly Builder and uh as a token of our appreciation of our alliance I offer sir snive thy boots with them dear sir who's with the fur wow very good this is the worst gift I've ever received all right um Shadow yes you wanted to talk yes uh Sean sent me an email stating that we needed to discuss something what did he did he say anything or something about luring someone into something a trap oh yes indeed um if you happen to have some kind of Throne Room do you no um I don't have a throne room we're all equals here I don't uh [Music] I see you have some very nice animals in your kingdom too we got all types of animals over here I got an email from Ryan asking me to not take part in the war oh really yes oh that's not good oh you can you can see our Kingdom from there what the heck can you wait oh wait no sorry can't wait no no you have to say I don't think I saw anyone when I mapped that up that is really nice map well done well surely get some of your peasants to make us up a couple of chairs at least I haven't been offered a single Vapor biscuit since I've been here uh King's King Steve I I don't I don't know if you want if you know but we are under siege or War chairs are our last Jays are our last concern right now okay yeah so okay Shadow yes we know you go under attack um this new kingdom would like to defend you we we we certainly don't want Ryan to get the upper upper hand you see although you'll you'll happen to notice something particularly interesting kiply Grady and I are currently locked in in Sean's basement currently yeah what yes yes we we are currently locked in Sean's basement Sean wants you us uh and lagundo to be in his in his cells in his dungeon oh thank you perfect he wants us to be in his cells in his dungeon and to lure Ryan down at which point we will spring from the dungeon okay so that is going to have to play out as I'm assuming Sean is claiming that they're going to do no lines together with Ryan Sean Sean has said to lagundo you see so Laguna is supposedly allied with Ryan okay um so I'm not sure exactly what's true because of course never trust Sean but yes so that's where that's where we're at it's it's it's a matter of do we trust Sean in that Laguna and Ryan together I think there is actually a considerable amount of evidence to say that that is the case um when we when we were there lagundo didn't want to be put in the basement with us because the initial plan was to put us all in the in the in the cells and then pull you in uh but I think he said the email to the wrong person um good working guys very well done so oh yes upside down backward back to front kingdom is this so the question is uh is doing his best is Ryan and Steve or is Ryan going to Sean's first before they come here I don't know because of the timing the timing is a little awkward right now where we initially the plan was for us to actually stay in the dungeon but uh Ryan were both not online it's like we can't just wait there forever so I'm not entirely sure what the plan is now but that was the initial plan okay please take a seat Shadow I feel awkward okay there we go so yes that that is the information that uh I have been given I'm not entirely sure how this is going to play out uh have you checked your email recently shadowed should we perhaps head to Sean's instead of heading back to my base yeah probably we should head the Sean's I don't think we you'll have room to bring everyone though I can I can take what two on my ship at least yes okay I think so I think so I think two maybe three but we might have enough room for everyone all right I think we're ready to go to the ships man I thought it would be a good idea to inform the house of the iron crocodiles that I was on my way with sneve so we knew it was true and not a possible trick once I sent that out we are on our way on boat to the house of the iron crocodiles or at least we thought we were whatever everyone be careful if you see a whale tell me I'll make a whales can eat you into the air quite high if honestly I was thinking it would be hilarious if all of us died oh God do not just let him in the dinghy then oh God no no no no no no no no no [Laughter] all right we're at Ryan's Kingdom everyone say hi my king sounds like a seasoned veteran seasoned that's for sure [Laughter] yes on uh sale simulator 4000. I mean the buggy mess that always crashes every time you try to launch it yes yes that's the one we'll go tomorrow all right um it's okay [Music] oh God no I'm pushing the whale it's okay it's okay it's good oh there's a white whale oh God we're gonna we're gonna run over the white whale I can't turn fast enough okay it's fine it's fine we're veering oh God my king at this point we are all tired of feeling lost and potentially risking our deaths by continually running into these whales so we decided as a group to go on foot and make our way over to Sean's area by foot oh kipley's AFK sorry Kimberly come on we're abandoning ship it was bad call my bad uh we've gotten stuck now greedy don't attack the chip I don't know the ship I was angry at it my king it betrayed you we're sure we're going the right way this time yeah I'm going up oh Kevin rattlesnake rattlesnake will they kill ya crocodiles crocodiles crocodiles oh my God this is a good idea no leave the way Shadow I think yeah ready zero this is this is going up oh it is between me and my king you got this we got this oh yeah congratulations can you tell that we are born to be leaders um be careful of the rattlesnake slabs shut up yeah it's okay it's okay it's okay a snake won't stop me and unfortunately a rattlesnake did stop me well sir nah I'm just kidding that wouldn't happen to me well maybe it possibly probably maybe anyway moving on doesn't matter yeah are we supposed to be heading north yeah we are heading north there's a crow here the trees that jump in the water with the boats that I've already created wait where are you okay watch out shadows I'm getting away I feel like fellow Shadow he's got the coordinates up I don't got coordinates up I'm just winging it nope oh good okay well you can't do a worse job than I did no look at that great sense of direction going on the right way so we'll get out break the boats and uh continue on a lot of creepers in here so careful oh and probably crocodiles oh my gosh yep there's a lot this feels so dangerous right now but this is what we signed up for yep um there's another pink sheep [Music] [Laughter] never mind it was my imagination oh dear oh we are here well done oh I fell in the water I'm moisturized that was my monthly bath oh my God I want to be the first one we're here hello hello come on in we thought it a good idea to uh arrive simultaneously oh I like the doors I agree I agree um hello hello Shadow hello we got him we got we got him good [Laughter] my kangaroos are down here so don't hit me oh yeah unless you want to die very quickly they're Decked Out yeah they got better armor than you do oh yeah yeah don't worry about those guys Okay so this is a good news looks like we got everyone here yeah I'm gonna go send the letter to Ryan and say that we bagged him oh the US are you all in speed potions right now yeah yeah just running um and so you guys will have to take your armor off make sure you give them Keys put them in cells I don't know if they're gonna believe that we got all of you we brought these potions as well oh you're so smart perfect that was the plan we were to trick Ryan into thinking that the House of Iron crocodiles caught me which I mean they would have because I definitely fell for it quite literally anyway Sean promised Ryan that he would capture me and allow Ryan to take over my kingdom without the need of CG what what Ryan didn't know that this was all a ruse to have him come back here to where we would all equip back on her armor use our keys and break out to defeat him and his army in one go unfortunately we waited and we waited while Sean and Ryan were sending letters to one another for some reason Ryan didn't believe Sean anymore almost as if he knew this was a trap either way after a while we devised another plan about possibly raiding Ryan instead he didn't want to come to us so we were gonna have to go to him and catch him off guard you know the only the only thing with the raid is that like this whole thing could snowballs so let's say he does land a kill on me or Steve now Ryan's Army's even stronger it doesn't have to be Ryan it can be anyone in his army Ryan has three people we have how many people here nine we have yeah Oh I thought okay I thought the guy had like let's go get that freaking boat and let's just sail up here he only has like three people oh my God oh here we go this is the night I can't get it oh oh my God we're all on the phone let's go all right I don't know anyone have any sea shanties they want to sing radish that is off take it away yes I know a couple of them off the top of my head I'll start with my favorite one give me a second uh cause all the king oh wait hold on how'd it go he brought the guitar okay hold on uh cause all the kings that aren't my king are lame oh okay okay enough trust me trust me um now listen beautiful I might not all make it out of this alive chances are someone on this boat maybe multiple people are gonna die all right so remember we want to kill Ryan the other is not so important don't don't get yourself bogged down fighting someone you don't need to fight okay so everyone just go after Ryan then we thought it was going to be an easy battle but as we were coming up on the shores of Ryan's Kingdom we've seen a boat and that boat belonged to Laguna lagundo was here where I have no idea this fight might be harder than I expected because if a laguno is really with Ryan it's going to be quite the battle with that on our minds we all got out of the boat and started to look for Ryan's Kingdom until Sean finally seen a torch in the distance and then we seen another torch and then a bunch of them we were on the right track and then there they were Ryan's kingdom was right there and they were waiting for us away from that wall we're gonna blow it up I'm gonna blow it up oh that's Shadow hey Shadow how are you doing bud good I should have blew that hole in that wall when I had the chance because what happens next none of us seen it coming not one of us oh yep oh my God they might have thought this was over but not quite [Music] oh my God a lot of pills what just happened oh my gosh I'm sweating Sean's down Matthias is down this isn't good what am I gonna do I gotta I gotta go back and talk I gotta go back I'm gonna try to do a flank oh no sneeze down too oh my gosh this is this is not good for me at all oh my gosh what am I gonna do Shin's back there oh my gosh she didn't died okay okay Shadow think think maybe I can go and kill Ryan sneak up on him or something maybe I don't know I think I I think I missed the opportunity it's been way too long do you know what I gotta try I gotta try I did not expect that of course with Laguna I should have known ah he's good man he's good I respect it okay so there's a couple down there this might be my chance maybe I don't know I shouldn't be doing this I don't care I don't care I don't care let's blow this up maybe I can distract them I can circle around okay I'm gonna Purl up here see if they come to the wall see if Ryan's alone I jump them I guess I don't know I think my opportunity's gone I really do what am I gonna do now what am I gonna do now [Music] how how did they know we were coming it was a perfectly placed trap and we all fell for it most of us did survive the Trap aside from a few Sean King Of The House of the iron crocodiles and my master Brewer Matthias unfortunately Steve also perished along with my masterminder shin I was the only King to survive two kingdoms taken down in one swift trap but I went back to Ryan's Kingdom to try and possibly sneak in and assassinate him right then and there because I thought maybe I would have an opportunity to do so with all the chaos going on but after I blew a hole in the wall I noticed that there were a bunch of people standing around in a circle this was not my opportunity not right now so I headed back to my kingdom wondering what was going to happen in the next couple days so what now how am I supposed to survive this with the help of lagundo's army Ryan was able to defeat the other kings Ryan took over the house of the eye and crocodiles and lagundo took over the house of cringe them I was now one of three remaining kingdoms and I was pinned between two large armies not to mention that the war between Ryan and myself was not resolved so things could still get messy I needed to come up with a plan and I needed to come up with one quickly while I was talking to my team I really didn't feel like it was fair to drag them into this fight plus I could have the advantage of using the Shadows going solo but this would take a considerable amount of time and planning so I headed over to Ryan's Kingdom to scope out the place [Music] yeah he's gotta have a weak spot last time I was he oh my gosh look at them we died in the pit it's not a huge base I mean it's still pretty big but last time I was here I blew a hole in the side of this wall but sure they would have patched it up anyway oh did they not did they not fix it no way they just this was like a day ago they haven't fixed this yet I could go in here right now and just Rob them blind I can't like blow anything else up or like you know wreck any of any of the structures but I can steal I don't know I don't I want to give them a chance to you know actually fix it yeah I gotta give them a chance to actually fix it because during the battle I made this hole so technically I was sieging during war so it's it's it's good but I don't want to enter right now because I don't think it's fair I want to give them a chance okay so here's the rundown this is what's going to happen or at least my plan on what's gonna happen I plan on making my stand here I'm going to take over Ryan's Kingdom by myself it's really the only way I'm gonna get it done and my chances of taking him over is pretty slim but if I can't claim his kingdom I need a backup plan I need to slow Ryan's Kingdom down because for one we are still at War and his army has grown and two unpinned between two large armies so any sabotage I can create for them the better the only way I think I can achieve this is the battle with Ryan one on one which which I have no idea when that opportunity will arise if anyone in his kingdom is around I will try to lure them out and lead them away from the kingdom or chase them out entirely because remember I don't want to kill anyone I'm trying to grow my Army if that hole in the wall is not fixed and I got the kingdom clear I'm gonna make it apparent that I'm stealing from their Kingdom to hopefully draw Ryan out and if my plan works perfectly Ryan's Army will not be close enough to get to him in time allowing for that one-on-one battle there's a lot of moving Parts I know so many things could go wrong I got one shot at this that's it the next day I made my way back to Ryan's Kingdom and it was obvious that him or his army was around at some point as there was a bridge now built over the Trap but they made one Brave mistake the hole in the wall was never patched up this was good this was great but just in case the opportunity of assassinating rying doesn't arise I need to sabotage his army like I said before I am in between two large armies if I can slow them down or even weaken them it overall helps me okay so it's the next day and it looks like that hole hasn't been patched I don't see anybody from Ryan's Army around and there's a new bridge so there's that if it's one person I think I can drive them away if it's two maybe not I might have to fight them but for right now I just gotta wait think yeah he sees me hello I don't think you can hear me oh where's he going where are you going oh my gosh you went inside I'm the king come get me if you kill me Ryan can take me over okay I'm just gonna poke I can't kill him as soon as he attacks me then it's all fair game where'd he go oh he's up there hello still I think you can hear me oh he's probably like what is he doing in here how do you get in here I don't know you guys left the hole in the side of your wall for two days where are you going date your business sir yeah I just noticed that a huge hole in your wall funny how that got there yeah I wonder how it got there I wonder and considering we're still under War I couldn't make my way in pretty easily take what I want you could I did have some Alternatives I could uh propose that I was I was thinking of just yesterday what would those be sir well you are at a bit of a disadvantage you know two parties oh there it is there it is two parties against you perhaps uh an alliance with one of them could help Alliance you say don't you think perhaps maybe full-blown attacking me now which gives me every reason to go after it okay I'm gonna loop around go back into the hole I don't know where he's at oh no Enderman not the time not the time I'll take your Pearl though thanks is he still shoot him where is he oh wait is that him up there oh yeah it's him he's right up there okay so he's on the wall he's staying on the wall oh is he coming down yeah I'm just gonna get on the wall he's shooting v-line I gotta be lying v-line it b line it all right this has got to be upright now I don't want to kill him hold on where's he at okay so I excuse me okay so I don't want to kill him I want to drive him away which seems like we're just going around in circles well that lava didn't work because I still want team members when I take Ryan down so if I can get him to leave or run or hide then Ryan will be alone if he comes online and he's not here where are you going stop running I just want to talk you keep shooting arrows at oh TNT where are you going where'd he go where'd he go we might have went uh you know what he might have went down I don't see anything I don't see him did he jump off hello are you there I just want to talk that's all I want to do oh I guess he's gone where did he go he could have purled away too I don't see him huh okay land worked that's what I wanted to do I wanted to drop him away now who just leaves TNT sitting around it's dangerous I gotta take care of it okay it's a safety hazard there good all better after Ryan's Army member was long gone I made my way back into the kingdom to sabotage their storage hopefully this will draw Ryan out I'm not gonna lie I thought with Ryan's Army member online he would have worn the rest of everybody of my presence and what I was doing but there was nothing no one came after me no one tried to stop me so the sabotage was really easy so I thought just in case I can't overthrow Ryan's Kingdom maybe I can have the two large kingdoms fight against each other instead so I may have tampered with the mail making it seem like the other kingdom was demanding or working against Ryan now and that I was sent over to do the bidding for the kingdom in the north with the promise of an alliance will it work I don't know probably not but it was an insurance plan okay I don't know I don't think Ryan read this yet let's see what it says here so basically rookie cookies sent a message about trading things okay I can use this to my advantage let's let's see this let's change this okay let's make this a little bit more hostile okay I see great urgency to let you know that my king in the north is planning on betraying our alliance he seeks to flatten your kingdom in the next few days to come I would prepare yourself many regards rookie cookies okay let's hopefully uh he uh Falls for that probably not but let's just see now I gotta send him a letter from me but I'm gonna do that back at my kingdom I don't know how the mail works I don't know if he can see where it came from I don't know we're gonna we're gonna be safe and do it this way dear House of Ryan I hope you understand my motives for robbing your kingdom Dry King lagundo has offered meaning lines and considering I am without an army and a lone wolf in this Game of Thrones and the fact that we are at War it was an offer I had to take and it was the only way I could seal the deal with them I was sent over to retrieve a few key items but was told to destroy the rest my apologies he may send me out to do more but that for now I am unsure of Love The House of the Unicorn taking a chance might be a swing and a miss but better try I gotta try okay I gotta get back to Ryan's Kingdom because if I'm not there and he's alone I won't be able to kill him so at this point it's just basically a Stakeout this was it this was my chance I know I only had a few minutes to do this Ryan is going down his kingdom has been a threat to me from the start but now here's my chance to make his kingdom mine and get back at him thank you hey shadow [Music] well there we go there we go I did I did take your stuff for the content but anything that you need to get replaced I'll replace it yeah I saw I was uh looking in there for some standstone to like fix the wall up but yeah because I was like because I I said it last night that there was a hole I was like hey I'm not gonna do anything tonight because I don't think that's right so then I waited and then I came on today I was like okay the hole's still here I got to take advantage of it but anything you need Ryan to finish like building and stuff just let me know oh no we we were pretty much planning on uh moving over to Sean's place oh okay okay yeah yeah no you're you're welcome to stay here to do your build man let's do whatever you need to do no that's all good oh yeah Ryan the holes over here it's small but it's here but with that the house of Ryan was mine as well as the house of the iron crocodiles as of right now I just ordered the houses to maintain their locations and to build up their defenses as the fight for the throne was on the horizon between the kingdom and the North and the New Kingdom from the south which was the house of the unicorns in all kingdoms that bent the need shadow was that real that was that just happened wait what does this mean so that means that we control Ryan's Kingdom we should control Sean's Kingdom um okay well we do have their banners already so that's good yeah and then as soon as they see Ryan I was like okay this is it I gotta get in there and then the hole still breached they didn't fix that they didn't fix the whole why didn't protag come back to fix that after you were in there I don't know with Ryan's Kingdom overthrown I was finally able to get some peace and quiet for now at least because I guess I have to battle for the iron throne in a couple days why do I have to fight people why and I just built my Kingdom you know spread the love the joy All That Jazz but either way I had a devise a plan because the final battle was approaching the sad thing is my kingdom was going up against some highly skilled Warriors from both the house of lagundo and Steve's Kingdom so I needed to try to balance that fight and I really only had one option and that option was to go and recruit the local wildlife and when I say recruit I mean tame so I spent a considerable amount of time recruiting gorillas kangaroos bears and even elephants hopefully this can give me enough of an edge to claim the Iron Throne so I can at least get some peace and quiet around here jeez today was the day the final battle the fight for the Iron Throne it was time to March our armies to the battlefield the trip would have been fairly brief but for some reason I felt like riding an elephant in the battle and they're slow although I don't know why because he didn't really help yeah anyway that's that's a whole other problem but the fight started almost immediately because both armies kind of ended up in the same spot so my Army took off and headed inside to meet up with Sean and Kim who were already in the castle come over to me we can splash I can Splash yeah let's Splash first everyone come over splash potion oh no they're shooting at the top at the top arrow down at the top someone shot down from above there's the throne despite in the throne room might as well if they're gonna do it like this yeah no we're shut up yeah come here we want to hear him speak why because you guys are tricking us what how what how would this be a trick at this point none of us died so oh uh no no it's just me it's just me okay I went around the perimeter there's no one out there well like they're at The Outpost why are they at The Outpost like I'm not going there because I ate one before they're over there but like don't attack them because otherwise you're gonna lose your like kangaroos I lost my my 100 dog Army you lost from their bones yeah oh they just they murder my like with with their bows they're just gonna boast spam and all your kangaroos are gonna die so our best chance is to lure them into the castle and then we all charge with our mob mites okay before they have a chance to build them okay yeah let's just go they're shooting already Kim is that you boys Shadow sorry you're on my team I tried to murder our King okay they're all at their Outpost so they're just chilling I nearly killed our King it's okay that's not good someone's on the beach who's got someone on the Beach Boys it's one of the Laguna's people they're firing they're firing all right let's go just watch out they've got careful they're gonna he's just trying to ban this over there because they're all they're all left yeah I see them one guy's hiding down a tree yeah he's just trying to bait us out Shadow I'm sorry for shooting you my king it's it's okay it's okay you all right no I'm kidding be warned my king sneeve is in this Castle as we speak invisible sneaking around oh now and we'll let you join us join us Steve get get back at your adversary that got you in the Trap this is a chance for Redemption the ghost of they're entering for the South Side I see one person sneaking through the South Side that's the shift shift shift let's let's wait for them here and then let's like surprised they're charging look look down look down where what direction Kim what direction Tim where oh where I'm shooting give it away okay yeah they're assaulting they're salting the castle look who this Army has arrived let's go down I'm back I'm back stay in the middle otherwise we're gonna push people they're inside they're inside they have to go through the door they're entering the castle at the Top This Is How It Ends these kangaroos are gonna kill me Jim please I hate someone they've entered the castle let's bring them the fight send the kangaroos down there let's go they can't do it I'm going down and I'm gonna Slaughter Laguna myself I'm coming I mean wait for me let's go Sean got this yeah let's go wait wait all right I guess we're trying to go no oh no yes we're charging everyone warm on us form on us someone forgot the kangaroos that's where we actually need to be this is walk into the throne room lagundo it's waiting for you goodbye sound from isn't this Throne amazing I love being on this are you ready to have a good time because I sure am oh my gosh this is chaos right here get him shadow let's go oh my God come back come back Chad are you okay over here yeah I'm good I'm good I didn't hear you cowards just dead people everywhere what is a what's the game plan shadow someone's hit me in the throne room okay to the throne room there's a hole in the wall we're all out there yeah I think they're trying to uh yeah let's hold the line here thank you it's muted a song get louder oh my goodness there's death here watch out they're blowing a hole on his own Shadow's on his own over here on his own right here he's right here there's Steven Steve's in the throne room you're going down Steve by my hands yeah guys yeah good stuff good stuff all right you killed your own man look I didn't say I was a very smart fella okay and it was hard to distinguish between friend and foe so I might have whacked a few of my Army members and they might have died ah yeah [Music] it's coming down [Music] back up back up back up just in case he's got a bow loaded he's got a bow loaded right here on the right okay so Sean's up they were making their advances and I knew my Army was dwindling I had to switch my strategy I had to go on the offense but I knew I wouldn't be able to take them all on alone so I purled away out of the castle in the hopes to be able to flank them from behind while the rest of my Army was keeping them busy Shadows outside on the left here on me store room on your right [Music] PT right here [Music] how long the timer I thought Shadow is right here it's right here he's pulling again [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign members died that was it it was just me nobody else so I decided to try to use the Shadows to my advantage and try to sneak in for the kill but the problem was he wasn't alone so I made myself present out in the field to try to draw some of them out to get them to come after me which worked I had a few of them chasing me on the mountains and I had a couple others over on the east side of the castle the only problem was I couldn't get close enough to the kill as there was always somebody there and at one point out of the franticness of trying to get away from an attacker I ended up getting lost I just kept pearling and I just kept running maybe this was a good thing time was running out and I had to make a decision do I try to go and claim the Iron Throne because the odds for that are pretty slim at this point and it doesn't make sense for me just to throw my life away my people need me wait no wait they're all dead doesn't matter I can find new people and as I was sitting there deciding on if I should go claim the throne or walk off into the sunset I notice the family of pandas they could be my people but the pureness and innocence of these pandas reminded me what my house was about so instead I went to the pandas and I bent the knee to them I was one with the pandas now now the stress of War and the battle for the Iron Throne was now just a distant thought so what's this all mean well that was it lagundo officially claimed the Iron Throne he was now King of the entire Kingdom and I'm not gonna lie I think he deserved it because his journey alone was impressive enough this man started in a harsh environment and overcame the odds so no one else deserves it more than him congratulations lagundo congratulations as for me I'm gonna go find a nice part of the world that's far away from this place and start another house maybe the house of pandas I don't know and with that shadow Mech out [Music] [Music]
Channel: ShadowMech
Views: 473,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft civilization, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days, medieval times, minecraft civilization mod, medieval warfare, Minecraft, Simulate, minecraft, #minecraft, minecraft song, minecraft music, minecraft video, 100 days in minecraft modded, 100 players minecraft civilization, minecraft civilization experiment, 100 players simulate, 100 players simulate civilization in minecraft, minecraft zombie apocalypse, forge labs, players simulate medieval, white walker
Id: gl_iOj9Fa8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 8sec (5708 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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