Minecraft: PACMAN CHALLENGE GAMES - Lucky Block Mod - Modded Mini-Game

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what's going on guys it's patent welcome back to the challenge games hey guys so today is actually the best day of my entire life really yeah we are fighting a boss it was like my entire childhood oh we're fighting Barney don't even be like that Elmo oh my god oh my god Chicken Little part of my childhood but first up we are using a brand new lucky block the Bob Luffy block it looks really cool I wanna see it looks amazing my god that's amazing I don't know you like that so what is your guest for the day Bob yeah we're actually fighting my uncle Bob through the big part of my life my childhood pac-man wait what's pac-man there's a pac-man yeah there's a pac-man in Minecraft it's not even like a little Pacman like you would expect it's like a beast of all pac-man a giant pac-man that's amazing I'm excited so there's gonna be a fun episode guys if you're new to the channel what we do is you open a bunch of lucky blocks a little bit of trolling happiness right yeah there's a lot of bad guys dance a lot of deaths but then we trading our stuff for some awesome gear over there with those fine men they're fine looking yeah awkward moments awkward moments are a two so definitely subscribe and yeah we get we get to get fighting in the arena right feet and we also don't speak English very well so if you came here to learn how to speak English you might want to go elsewhere yeah it's not a english-speaking channel so basically we see you can survive the longest against bosses and usually it's me I win on occasion you do happen you see what's happened I didn't actually mean to do that I actually do all right I'm gonna show you I meant to backup going hello this bumpy dude so it's your guest today alright let's check out the trades alright so over here guys for a beacon which did not come from well which is the comment on every single video on my channel take the make up from the well um we can I get them from the wild that it's the main role we get I don't even think Chad's gonna understand the traits today I might are you a big fan of pac-man I'm aware of pac-man be aware of the ghost names all right so we got Blinky's death blade that sounds familiar 20 attack damage knock back to for another star we get collides powerful poker 11 attack damage and for a dragon egg we get pinkies shiny sword oh I want that one 13.5 attack damage there and this is the only piece of armor today only one blinkie is ghostly chest plate it's got protection - but it's 12 emeralds for it oh that's expensive so we can trade it dies for emeralds like normal and we do have some other trades over here so let's check them out all right so as normal guys spawns for a block of emerald and portal frame for emerald the sound for 5 emeralds cake for a block of emerald and that ATT r2 ender chests for inky's crystal cutter nice 11 11.5 attack damage and then today for the first time ever diamond horse armor will give you a beacon so definitely worth getting guys today alright so we have a chance of getting you or really a real I can you really can't speak English my god we have a chance to get a really awesome weapon 5 diamond smart and very lucky Bob block 5 diamonds for the champ table and 10 burning chanted golden apples lucky blocks by Barry lucky blocks into unti lucky block you'll see you draw the pac-man alright I'm weighing look exactly like it does every single time no it's not this is pac-man um that's heavy no it's not wait Han I can improve it ok better wait Oh frictional is on is important to me it's important to me here's some more - it looks a lot worse I'm gonna go I'm gonna go I have supreme building skills in every way um so yeah guys definitely subscribe for really boss of building block bags will be down below oh that's Peter hello Peter it's my uncle say oh oh my god yeah now what happy I got something you would freaking love I have a gift for you Oh what you get you're gonna see in a sec yes I'm not even making fun of me I'm not making don't make fun of people that's not nice on call for name yes it's actually the poly alcohol Oh the polio co that's the best however create that's the best one remember ya gents Channel yeah I got beat to death by a poly alcohol it was so epic we both had hoes we had a hoedown wait I got another one Peter oh my god guess what I got what you get the booty slapper I got the booty slappers Peter and Bob it would make sense though wouldn't it as it's the Bob lucky block it would it would make shy booty slap - dude do it I want to see it happen oh my god it's really it's just a shovel oh you sly booties with it right now thank you for the meat wait I can't do that I cheated I'm sorry I'm so sorry I just got excited excited booty slap oh now I have to I've got Betty ooh this is good Jen this is 12.25 attack damage oh I got Betty how much damage is yours mine has 9.75 a little bit better sharp is three mines got sharpen is fine oh pretty awesome okay all right so I got another booty slapper it's um sighs good I got a booty slip this is a weird lucky block isn't it and such a weird lucky one wait what comes out does anything else come out and he's oh god I got a lost pick actually don't even look at these lucky blocks I'm gonna be honest with you I think you know the answer though no I'm gonna say no as well I did not look at these I was like it's got Bob's face that looks awesome right cuz all I'm getting are hos booty stuffers I'm sorry I thought they were cool I was like he's got Bob's face on it you know yeah you know I know you're saying oh my god you're right oh I got a bob are me wait I'm in a booty slap we'll come up with a solution we always do oh my god I'm getting gear off the Bob army are you yeah yeah booty slap him to dick that's what I'm doing so I'm doing where's the rest of that I got the lost pickaxe oh you did yeah it's pretty good isn't it I got Bob's pants nice are they good oh god good diamond all right Peter I will kill you wait I got his weapon I had a sword I'm trying to get Peters gear oh these are pretty good but the thing is they're actually gonna break like really soon oh yeah they are all right so I got myself a diamond pickaxe you're right dad you're right about this they only sell tools have an issue do an issue wait we're gonna open all these right yes and then we're gonna get some normal lucky blocks to balance it out right that sounds good we'll bounce it on back well I want to fight with this is a good weapon this is as good as the stuff for sale jump inky sword I'm sorry that's not happening oh dude I got the Bob Army and up dead hook job these these are actually really tough aren't they hey all right Peter come on I really like them you can take him out all right I'll try come here they're still powerful though don't be like this dude don't be like this God time economy I'm gonna try to avoid Jen she's fighting back doesn't that isn't that just an Omaha which mod was it there actually did like a ton of damage look at the paint book you look the pink one it was amazing in that one and this one's kinda just at home yeah I pop let's see what we do I'm scooter grab as much stuff as I can I'm not getting anything from my BOB army oh you're not no oh my god yeah this is gonna be crazy oh I got a pair of pen wait it just me do you think we shouldn't use other blots can just try to get all the gear we hand from the bottom armies let's do that do it oh my god it's gonna be tough today be interesting wait okay carry the trades that's true no I don't were to do Dori we're gonna add in some lucky blocks of that all right I take you out we'll bounce out the match bit I got a chest plate give me your helmets come on yeah I got a chest plate in pants so far all right so all I have left is super unlucky Bob blocks I got really nice diamond boots I got um pants that are about to break but my chest plates your last a little bit longer I just got her a little bit better but they're about to break give us a problem the durability is awful I'm probably just gonna use the other ones that are slightly worse better durability hi Bob done give me something booty slapped got him now we had some experience though which is good hi this one Bob again you can open them all it's so many bobs this is really the Bob lucky block isn't it I didn't know he's gonna be all bonds of years I really didn't know that little I mean yeah today we fight Bob why you asked if we were fighting Bob we probably are fighting for Boston pac-man today we're not fighting pac-man just a lot of Bob's I'm taking them out here what I like to try to do for the series guys give you a bunch of variety so we're always fighting different stuff and using different blocks to make it interesting and I figure the Bob lucky block would be worth taste it's crazy now listen it's what I call mine I think this one is mine so I'm not sure anymore okay I got a helmet in more pants all right I got it now come on dude you got oh I only have one more block to open about you said it do it Peter Peter yo dad dude Oh Chad Peter actually dropped the lucky ball I'm killing Peter now I'm checking all my weapons to see which one is the basketball yeah he dropped a helmet I needed that alright so I have like five thousand weapons all right this one ten tech damage I think my best one is actually Betty I think the boots I was wearing already broke really yeah we got a needle of load actually I fight these things so my best weapon is 12.25 attack damage how many blocks you have left I have oh do that well one left now whether you get this appear in here stop it don't like you stop it Peter come on dude David died alright Jobson boots another just plate your chest plate again yeah you're the cool set no I did the only thing I'm missing is boots - actually my last block I got a polio cow so we actually do have some armor but I think you'll be cured or 'nobody why is it the arrows yes he are the better of me but next time Jen I'll bury him right in the face alright guys we are back and we've got brand new Bob lucky blocks that are config to give us different drops awesome so we each get eight super lucky blocks and we get eight super unlucky blocks for the trolling by the way the best weapon that I got was the booty snapper it does 10.25 attack damage I think that everything is available for trains is better than that boy who born that I got is 12.25 but I really want like that you know the the blinky sword I want the pinky sword so hopefully we get better stuff I don't for the beacon this is 20 attack damage it's so much better I know I let's do this I'm ready I'm starting off with my berry lucky this time oh my god Chet I got the big tower you did first one oh this is awesome I wanna come watch all right I'm gonna grab all the gold first you've got all gold - I'm jealous I'm gonna be able to make all like the super all lucky we're lucky let's get this grab that I'm here to watch I'll help you I just broke one accidentally my pickaxe is so good alright are you ready for this yes I already know that one is probably gonna kill me that's why I got the gold first so ready for death oh why yes wait I took off my gear just so I wouldn't have a problem you know with using this later you want to route all the dirt building to take out for that I don't want them to break before I even start fighting wait so you didn't even have anything on you still surviving here all right this is gonna be safe we get rid of all mucky wine scared chicken chicken Ron flesh embarrassing I opened one for ya meat oh I got another lucky black I've got some iron diamonds and gold I'd like no room let me to open another don't do it okay don't trust you I'll trust Jackie it's probably gonna kill me as I'm grabbing the stuff out and they'll be gone forever I put the point I'll calling you I don't need it what you don't need the Palio huh what kind of person are you what kind of person are you I just got ti-ti can buy that weapon now and that looks to be a normal diamond store which I don't need that was a good start rubies good actually how much damage oh it's not as good six point five yeah that is nowhere near no wait a second so I got the TNT shreddies trayvis now yeah what do you get for that so for that one it's inky's crystal Connor sadly it's a little bit worse than mine oh my god look I'm coming I don't even know where you aren't you oh oh there you are wait is that way it looks a little creepy no way it'd be dripping as dry as can be it'd be dripping so wait a second be good alright we make a deal right now okay if I get the paint one can we make the trade wait how much does the pinkie do by 12 it does thirteen point five and twenty I mean it's pretty but I'm gonna say no all right all right twenty I was hoping for the best on that one maybe I get some something your trade with you later anyways Dragon Age oh that's my pinky oh my god lives better than your other sword I believe it is nice yes it is 13.5 it's buyers right now gonna get the tower not the huge one but the normal one you got the pathetic one oh well at least I get gold to make my unlucky blocks luckier alright so I got some lucky leggings but it's made of gold so I mean morning I sounded really good one I hear you're lucky village what do you have dude mmm no water trap I'm saying is it gonna be worth it because if I don't have enough gear what does he have he has the lucky potion but it's not that good it might be helpful though should I do it I can't about do it cause it's 11 I have 12 I'm doing it do it alright what does what does it have on it it doesn't have her generation is the issue but it's not like everything is pretty awesome so the thing is the villagers can have the visitors ever the villagers they only sell one lucky potion yes I don't know why they like rip you off I know they really do all right say what I didn't freeze I'm making my unlucky blocks luckier right now I sell three super lucky wants to go you open doors oh yeah no I sold more to saddles things have turned around yeah things are going good now alright well this is where things get good are they gonna die surprise you to die let's leave them don't leave up no I don't want to die they have a thirst for bathroom I'll bring em they do they do I have poisonous potatoes for do you want some poisonous potatoes no thank you there's a ton of all tempting but I'm gonna say no really yeah like I like bake those for you all things are getting so good Jen I have one normal lucky block so let me try this one music come on Jane what is that I don't want it I'm gonna put down my craft you can go to craft here later so Jen I do have something pretty nice figuring enjoy what is it alright so I got some music oh I love this one thank you - no it's kinda creepy though the herobrine's mansion my theme song could you stop it no oh there we go okay so I'm super unlucky box I guess what I'm gonna do is make these luckier straight to 100 Locke awesome I have two very lucky blocks let's another lucky sword is this one gay no horrible of course that's how it always is isn't it more events are being that's pretty cool I got 200 lucky blocks this one let's do that and I've got a ton of iron I should probably do all this hold on a second I'll check it in a minute I just want to make everything as lucky as I possibly can so I can get the best drops possible you're totally gonna punch up or something today all the walls yeah yeah I'm gonna stab them I'm really sorry in advance wow you really do have an army though yeah I do I'm not gonna open blocks next to them because I know it's gonna happen 500 walk that's horrible 400 look hopefully they can survive these very unlucky blocks oh god they're going for the giant zombie okay I got a lucky sword it's not that good though all right come on I got another dragon energy you did yeah then awesome right I'm fine my wolves are right I don't know they're trying to fight kind of already dead all right all I have left is some on monkey blocks so I imagine some bad stuff is about to happen yeah me too Edgar chess I got that too cool come on this one's bad Betty saved me Betty all right let me make you thanks we can actually see there we go not too bad rainbow lucky you got a sponge from an unlucky block really I did that is insane and it's so unfair don't worry a little bit of iron survived did you get you didn't get your iron from your well all for the potato while potato oh you're right I had to grab that I'm some poisonous potatoes on top also you might want to get those I don't want those I don't want it where's the well it's right over here right yes all right I'm coming to get my stuff gave it almost forgot this yeah you can make your block luckier I believe I only have one left what it needs plenty of luck all right I have to go stupid I'm excited all right I have an idea actually give me all this stuff and I'm ready to make a trade with you for that weapon soon what I'm ready for it no it is it is happening all right so let's see how you do here we can make this the bit luckier I don't need a lot of hire to actually do it so like that we're going like that we've got 100 lot awesome should I use this bow I got from Peter today I got arrows you might as well I got another well all right my wish came true so I definitely don't need all this iron that's my last block perfect that went really good any on top checked in I hate when it lands right on top and you don't even notice it I know I hate that too all right so I got the dragon II I'm just gonna buy this why not all right dragon egg face once again I can buy that chest plate oh you can I kid Oh so can i I'm buying it right now it's 14 right um I have no frickin idea it's 12 I'm getting this it's amazing - it's so much better than anything else it's much better than this let me put that on yay all right what else do I need I think pretty much all this stuff is gonna be better than the lucky here just because the only good one I have is protection for leggings and it's like kind of broken so it's not as good better than emerald watch in the gear that we got um the diamond gear yeah as long as it has protection on it it's better okay if it doesn't if it just has like fire protection then it's really not that helpful you all right so I'm gonna put on legs let's get the helmet here this is like extra gear anyways everything's gonna break oh maybe I should make some emerald gear just in case that's what I'm doing I'm afraid this stuff's gonna break I could have put all the legs it's probably a little bit better but the thing is it's gonna break in battle and I'm just gonna die all right yeah I'm gonna make legs too and if you didn't know Jen when they have lore durability they actually give you last protection oh really yeah it was pretty bad oh and I need to make some loot gonna make those out of diamonds all right so I can trade these in right here let's do this q saddles for some more emeralds everything else ABC levels by the way you 13 I don't know a table did you get one buy us one how much is it five five diamonds yeah okay alright so I'm getting some chance to golden apples for leftover Jen I'll give you four diamonds this sword oh wait I don't know if I want the enchantment table wait I've got a deal for you I'd rather have an enchanted golden apple I'm gonna put down quite the deal over here all right are you gonna be impressed be a bunch of junk that I don't want alright I'm willing to sacrifice this for that weapon all right so I'm gonna give you the pinky sword okay hold on don't steal the stuff from the chest right now I'm making such a fabulous deal alright so take these put it right there and then we got some golden apples perfect all right jet if you say no to this then I'm sorry this is all I guys in the chest right corner pinkies shiny sword eight blocks of iron three golden apples four diamonds No Deal no no I tried so hard for that tail now the weapon is pretty awesome I admit it is a great weapon am I ready no I got to make a little more here a little extra just in case something breaks or the enchanted date and check the table up till how many do you have I have three I have three also all right so I think what I want to do is just make this into like extra boots because I have to do something with it and then hmm legs out of this and then I guess more boots there's so many boots anyways guys I think we're ready for battle all we need to do is organize our inventories and then we're gonna fight alright guys we are ready for battle and I have about 500 weapons that's ridiculous I do have a little bit of extra armor I decided through all the folder ability I thought it was smarter yeah I'm doing with that rule because the other gears about to break yeah the problem is when it drops off to dudes it has like no durability at all all right so that's buyback and by the way it's so much cooler than you think it's gonna be it's absolutely amazing and by the way I kind of lied we need to talk what's going on I didn't grow up on pac-man I grew up on miss pac-man all right I love miss pac-man they should add her to this mine she's got like lipstick on she's beautiful she was like my first like girlfriend I told myself that things are getting weird all right so we're warm up we got goose pumpkin Skelly's and ghosts and I'm a spawn of the mods because I want last time Oh what you're doing there cuz they bite the ghost thing is do you mean pac-man dude do you pac-man all right let's go yeah deciding you I really want to get one of the arcade machines for our house yeah be sure it hey daddy ready oh oh hey seriously like the MAL cool you think this is gonna be is gonna be times by over 9000 okay let me see it's that cool do you even believe me no I do I might be hyping this up too much gonna be so tiny no I'm hyped this up so much it's so freakin cool like I feel like I feel good in science I feel good inside me are you ready I'm ready all right because this is pretty packed are you sure this is killing me all right this is okay oh it's so cool [Laughter] EPIK who he drops a lot of stuff did you take any damage in that battle no he was too focused on eating you all right so my god it looks amazing yep I got it nice Wow that was crazy that was awesome by the way guys this mine it was me but my undergrad so I'm gonna leave a link down below to their channel cuz I was awesome boss I've ever seen wait that was cooler than mob Zilla I know alright so should be Oh two three yes alright do it you live one wolf laugh all consumed by pac-man they say died wonderfully oh you have a lucky potion yeah let's go I'm gonna soon I don't finish stronger yes she should have 500 health she should then be five times that size cool I love this back man like I said my girlfriend I think so look I mean not her hair but it's an alligator okay but he dropped off him okay mean all right okay ready three two three again let's do it for ya hmm how are you I'm okay I have an idea since they eat each other I think the best way to do this is to fight two at a time all right so one goes after me and one goes after you are you ready for this you're welcome Oh God wait the wizard he's going for it yeah clearly an alligator so obvious you killed it already I think your when today I think you got this one and of course earlier I said that you never went against your childhood dream my dream my baby my lady's husband I guess Wow I'm just trying to get in a good position for this how many you have left I have seven okay that's a problem I have an idea there's only one way I could weigh this let me see all right get ready for something that you don't expect all right do it are you sure yes all right so two more yes well I need a big potato head I just need a second all right wait I restored rights in here and I'm doing again how did that happen I think I respawn in his mouth all right it looks like I've lost I tried to tackle Janice oh that might work it's because we didn't fight miss pac-man if we did I would have won your dad enough to look at them oh my god the dough yeah just look at him yeah let's just look at wait let me go into creative wait I have an idea just for fun all right are you uh okay ready I'm ready what are we doing oh he ate them you'd smell gold oh my god eating arena what are you doing back man put some steak in his mouth I got some steak for him it's a cow but whatever oh god he ate it that is the coolest place I've ever seen it's amazing but it looks like Jan one today as you guys can tell hope you enjoyed this video if you did definitely crush that like button and subscribe we do this twice a week so stick around and we will see you next time hey guys peace out [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 14,276,525
Rating: 4.8264399 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft challenges games, minecraft, lucky block challenge, challenge, games, lucky, block challenge, mini-game, minecraft lucky block challenge games, lucky block mod, mini game, minigame, modded, modded mini-game, traps, trolling, pacman mod, pacman, ghosts, inky, blinky, pinky, clyde, mobs, weapon, sword, armor, tnt, explosion, bob, items, crafting, creeper, skeleton, zombie, minecraft mods, mods, mod, showcase, minecraft challenge, custom, parkour, map, 1.7.10, minecraft games, popularmmos, villager, lets play
Id: XReNgll8nvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 48sec (1968 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2015
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