Minecraft | NEW HOUSE PACMAN ATTACK!! | Crazy Craft 3.0 #5

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everyone down here welcome back to another minecraft video where today we are back inside crazy craft I'm sorry it's been a while since the last episode I didn't actually realize it been so long but today you could actually see right in the distance over there you can see James is crackin kind of in the mist looks very very spooky indeed but today I lost something very very awesome to show you you might just be able to see it on the map there on the mini-map on the top right but I have finally built my house or what's gonna be the star of my house in this series and I'm so excited to show it you guys are you ready are you sure because I need to bring my horse over to it so James is in the distance there look at that look how creepy that is I showed you that in the previous episode but I'm gonna turn around in three two one look at it so if you watch the previous episode you will know that I was planning to build a coffee mug house and I've done it look how majestic it looks it looks amazing it's made out of marble and wool and clay and you will notice I have no items on me whatsoever and there is a reason for that hello chicken how are you doing roaster little roaster over there so I'm we're gonna hop over and we've got our girlfriends over there as well so what we're gonna do oh did I not throw that egg egg that was weird anyway I'm gonna show you the inside from the best site and our girlfriends are around here I kind of made them stay but look this is the first bit we've got a little path going up we've got a nice little I kind of like this location because James's house is right over there Justin's gonna build his house soon in this location we've also got it quite close to this village just in case we to run away from nasties and stuff and get behind a thick stone wall but then I've also got on top of this hill I'm in-between biomes I'm near this awesome river and I've got this little pond here which looks kind of nice and the flowers surrounding it it looks awesome but anyway here is the coffee cup let's go ahead and walk around it just to show you what it's like oh you are standing very very close to the edge there friend why are you doing that how are you doing that you're clinging on by a toenail that didn't say right so this is the coffee mug I don't wanna push you off okay I'm gonna go around the other way just just so I don't hurt her because that would be bad that'd be very very bad and the reason I haven't got stuff is because in what was that was that a frog was that a frog frog there it is down there little frog whoa there's so freaky really freaky bad the reason why I don't have any stuff on me is because we decided as a group of three that any building of structures we can do in creative mode now I know that sounds really weird but what it does is allows us to create really really crazy massive ultra awesome structures without having to use the time to go and find the materials but there are some very strict rules of course number one you can only build the structure so I've literally only built the outside of this with with your creative mode you can't spawn in any items anything anything else that will help you apart from building your structure so I hope that's made clear it does sound kind of like a random thing at first it seems very unfair but it does make sense because then we can make this world a lot crazier a lot quicker and then we can focus on the the actual gameplay of crazy craft so I hope that makes sense and this is awesome and that explains why I haven't got inventory because I put it all into another chest so I didn't lose it all back soon but anyway because these awesome candles which are actually torches changed with the chisel mod so I'm we definitely look into the chisel a lot a lot more we've got a carpenters door covered in this woolen clay stuff which looks very very nice indeed we open up this door and we walk into what is the amazingness that is the coffee cup look at this it's actually got quite a bit of space it's got some nice lighting I found this cool stuff called bubble glass which is very nice indeed it's got kind of like that bubble texture on the side there's panes and stuff and I put in preparation for the second floor which we don't currently need just yet I put these carpenters ladders because we can kind of walk up and down they save space I was gonna put like a really big staircase all the way round but I thought you know what it's gonna it's gonna interfere with the windows and ladders are just a better space kind of time saver also we got together all of these chests so I can go ahead and fill them up cuz I think that's all we gonna need so far and this is all the stuff that I did have so let's grab what we're gonna put on ourselves so we're gonna grab this in the previous episode we rate this the glorious ultimate sword which looks so shiny with shaders wow that looks really shiny it looks awesome what else we gonna need we're gonna grab our portal gun we've got a diamond pickaxe a lightning thunder staff thing I'm gonna need some of this and you know what we don't actually have a furnace yet we don't have enough for a furnace what we're gonna go ahead and do is grab some actual I'm gonna go and grab my horse first because I haven't done that yet because he's still over in that marble and that marble thing over there so I feel a little bit bad so let's go and grab him we haven't had a chance to use our ultimate sword yet because there's no durability been used on it just yet but here it is and why is there a sign on it who's been messing with this let me guess it begins with J oh wait both of them become a J Hey look oh hi dad welcome to the neighborhood I get it I get I see what you did there hey buddy how you doing this crack you out of this let's ride you into the distance so the eagle-eyed viewers of you will notice that yep the horses are still a little bit laggy but that's why I'm going to use you too much today but on the eagle eye viewers will notice that there is a fence post here oh no do I have a lead oh no I didn't think this through did I I didn't think this through at least like don't think I have a lead let me go and check you stay here don't go anywhere cuz you'll be in big trouble the service being a little bit like it today guys I'm sorry about that but I don't think as much I can do is there a slimeball in here um there's not there's no slime balls is there I'm being very dumb if there is no there's no slime balls in there which is a little bit unfortunate so you know what you just have to stay out here a little bit can he come in the house wait let's see if this works let's see if this works could we put him in the house put him in the house put him in the house put him in a house can we push him in the house push him push him ah we can't even push him in the house what am I gonna do with you horse huh what I'm gonna do with you I need some more fences and stuff to be able to keep you keep you safe and warm you know what we could open up the coffee you know I'm gonna do that I'm gonna open up the coffee cup and then wheel him in and then and then we're gonna keep him in here for a bit so let's see if this works cuz we will get all this stuff back I think don't break okay it's good it's all good it's all good right now can we push you inside here mr. horse give me all this good stuff the sauce is getting too nighttime so we're gonna need to put you inside the cup for now here we go here we go at night I'm dying I'm dying okay we're good we good the horse has arrived guys we need to name this guy actually because he's too cute not to name but there you go he's safe for the meantime while we find the slime ball are we near a why are you staying open you're freaking me out door you're freaking me out I don't like this I don't know if we're near oh yeah I did this um it was supposed to look better than that it was the most look a lot better than look at that epic sunset oh my goodness that's amazing yeah it was supposed to better than that but I'll kind of make it a little bit better supposed to be like a waterfall because I wanted to make the most of having this really awesome bit of a bit of land here this river going through it so I tried I tried my best and I failed a little bit but it's okay right we need to get a little bit more organized and sleep and I'll come back to you guys when I'm ready oh wow look at that look how cool it looks I've got the smoke on top as well and I don't know if I showed you it but there's kind of a I don't have a torch on me do I need to get some torches um was I gonna say what are you gonna say oh yeah the brown and the top I'll show you in the roof but look how awesome this is it's so cool I love the way it kind of shines up through those those awesome glass panes I'm loving this already it looks so cool so I'm yeah look the the top is filled in with brown because obviously it's a coffee cup I did um I did color its it or fill it in with brown but um it didn't look oh very close what oh oh where is he where is he I kind of need to sleep let's see if we can see are we James to sleep as well that's a little bit of a problem will he need to Steve oh I don't know because I moved this bed as well I'm just but sleep let me see if you can see but anyway I was saying about the brown I filled it with brown glass and he didn't look too good so I just filled it with the woolen clay the woolen clay looks very very nice indeed hopefully this pack man doesn't come near us because the pac-man munches blocks like crazy absolutely crazy so we should be able to sleep and then we can check if the pac-man is on the loose puck went out he's right there oh my goodness he's so close what am I supposed to do the pac-man is munching I don't even to see me will he munch my house I don't want him to munch anything I do does he eat every block question mark oh I'm worried I've just shown you my amazing new coffee muggins now pac-man's chilling oh that's bad anyway I don't think I showed you this side okay I had the girlfriend so I completely forgot about you guys I can give one of you this actually there you go oh it usually eats wood that's not too bad I need to take this diamond off of this person as well we need to go inside because there's a giant pac-man so um follow me please ladies follow me and then I'll give you your diamonds back don't you worry come on inside come on inside don't even are there gonna swim are they gonna change clothes you can't be changing clothes when there's a pacman ready to go can you come in to all geez I knew you'd mess it up I really knew you would mess that up like come in here can you come in here please what if I go like really high up here will they go on the roof maybe what's going on they aren't listening to me you know what if you don't feel like being useful then you can kind of stay out here actually let me give you this and then let me open this and go in here inside inside there you go that's better and oh she took both of my diamonds that's so cheeky I'm only gonna get one of them back on I I'm only gonna get one of them let me see if that works actually let me see if I get both I do get both awesome she's got a little bit mad I took our diamonds off you can you grab me air please can you come over here stop swimming there stop swimming that dog you she's coming near the pack man come over here thank you is James to help us out I'm trying to I'm having girlfriend troubles at the minute I love James's armor it looks so cool it looks really nice right you hold this I'm gonna push you back inside get in there get in there because there's a pacman on the loose is he gonna take it out what is he doing don't aggravate it don't make it Angry we don't need another app we don't need an angry pac-man around here pac-man could drop some awesome items by the way I don't know if I'm ready to kind of take him on should we try shall we take him let's see if we can I don't know if we're gonna be able to do it I don't even to get too angry and just destroy cuz he has 624 health okay three oh geez okay okay he's going for it oh you said I'm on fire okay that's good James that's the ultimate bow I was gonna count down but we're good okay here he is I'm scared let's get okay it's really powerful oh jeez oh my goodness he's very powerful our girlfriends you stay in here you stay in here quick I won't get out I want to get out I wanna get out Oh No please this is not the time right I have no ranged weapons no ranged weapons Justin Justin help us we're fighting a fact matter that's not going well there we go Oh James is destroying him look at that I think he has to oh no oh no please don't put the hay bales on fire that if the hay bales go on fire I saw you guys in the comments say the UM a a mob spawns like Oh a chickens down here nice I think I think it helped so oh he's giving me something oh he's giving me the pole wait don't you have isn't this yours do you have to okay I'm gonna try here we go yup yes the ultimate bow nice okay let's try and take him down because James does a lot better off than me I need to get to better armor because mine is terrible come on get out of here get out of here get out of here oh man that pushes him far but yeah I need to get some better armor at some point come on come on come on come on go he's on his side did you see that it was so weird oh wait wait is he dead why is he on his side he's on his side oh my goodness kill him there we go 8 left hey left 8 left 8 left come on let's take him out pachow oh oh wait you drop something let's see what he drops right you can have this back now thank you you can have this BAM there you go what's he got he's got a nether star some crazy boats two boats rotten flesh what else are those piston boots that's crazy tie you're so nice thanks so thanks James for the help cuz I was gonna get destroyed we're gonna see what he dropped now he gots a lot of piston boots a Vernon's upgrade of boats a strawberry chocolate bar not too bad grilled mushroom nether star that's probably the best thing out of this are you Charlie's piston boots Oh what's this a wooden sight the bacon we already have um let's see okay these piston boots make us jump higher look at this this is awesome this is really cool so yeah we definitely jump higher right let's take them off yeah okay that's that's pretty cool I like that they don't have how much armor do they have at sea just a little bit less than diamond okay we'll keep those for now well that was unexpected we got attacked by we've got it all we got speed as well because look on the top on the top left you mind about six is my arm at my FaceCam but there's a speed boost look that must be from the the boots that's cool I like that a lot listen when you jump a make piston sounds that's really cool okay we weren't expecting that today a big old pac-man Invasion cheese to shame II didn't drop a slime ball huh what Oh a biome radar what do we use for this let's see if we can use this for something that's who happens it does nothing so far there must be something this does but I have no idea what's going on in here can you guys lose you're in the way you're in the way let's pop some of this stuff in here upgrades Alka medical alcoholics a alchemical chest that's pretty cool we've got a boat as well and they're the star it's grilled mushroom got some foods oh yeah James gave me this black forest coffee when we were talking on the server before we started so I'm gonna try this su happens dirty mug fantastic okay that wasn't too bad was it too bad - what we must be able to wash that so what was I even planning to do before the before the pac-man appeared I actually have no idea I remember now we actually we need a crafting table well we've been using our whatsit cool you've been using our geez this is so weird so wait we've been using our backpack for a while so that has a crafting table inside in sorry if I'm all over the place today by the way guys there's a lot going on and I'm just completely lost it's insane I love these boots they're awesome you can do really long jumps because it gives you the speed just before you jump oh there are any trees near here I kind of I kind of need to borrow some wood actually there must be come on it must be some wood in my backpack to bits to bits to bits of wood is that all we have what have I been up to oh my goodness right I need to go get some more words wood girlfriends you stay here look out for pac-man's and stuff you know what I was gonna take it from there I kind of like that where is the word I don't go near those guys too much fighting for today cool another thing I want to test actually look at this handle as well I don't think I showed you that properly I hope you like the house what do you guys think we can expand it in the future we can either go we can go up floors inside the cup or we can extend out to other stuff that is to do with a coffee cup maybe a kettle maybe a giant tea bag who knows who knows well this biome is cool look at this oh I just figured something out watch this watch these boots look I'm not touching the jump button we can run up and down this this is awesome check this out look grow and I want to test if we get full damage as well let's see only I think we should have taken more but still being able to run blocks that's so cool these boots are nice on another note we also need some of those awesome ultimate bows we need one of those I think you need another piece of uranium and titanium is that what it is uranium and whatever the other thing is we need some of that to be able to make see I didn't take for damage that time I'm pretty sure I've got reduced for damage as well so these boots are actually really really good yeah we need an ultimate bow because that was just in saying let's get back to the house make a crafting table and try and make ourselves a little bit safer ah there we go right let's make as much wood as we can make ourselves a crafting table there because we only just got the crafting table achievement I'm gonna put that down there actually right we need some sticks to make some torches now the cool thing about this is that the torches when we hold them they make light as you can see it kind of gets lighter which means we're not gonna need to use as many when we go into caves which is really really cool actually and then we're gonna make some furnaces as well let's make four of those and stack those up like that's or you know what no let's move this one like this and then put it down here there we go okay right let's load up half the coal in there and half the coal in here and we need to start cooking some stuff let's see what other foods we've got I swear we had yeah we've got 10 pork chops that we need to use there we go right let's get some food on the go this bacon is very tasty indeed by the way how do we make this which is oven okay okay I didn't know that you could actually you can actually make bacon in an oven oh you just smell bacon how do you make the bacon though it doesn't tell me it doesn't tell me I think pigs just drop it but um I'm unsure what to do in today's episodes now because we're hitting maybe like 20 minutes and we've cured a pacman I've showed you around the new house and I think this is just a good place to leave it for today um by the way guys I'm not sure we got these piston boots as we always look amazing and are pretty awesome so I also want to ask you guys how often you want this series it will never be every day but if you want it more often than every like three or four days there breezily a big fat thumbs up and if you enjoyed this video as well I am gonna leave it here for today we need to find a slime ball and let me know what you think of the house as well I really really enjoy it and also as always go and check out the other two guys in description below to see what they're up to because they're probably a lot further ahead than me but anyway guys thank you so much watching if you did enjoy it please leave me fat thumbs up that'd be awesome and it happens to be the first video c-money then please do consider subscribing to join team TDM say for daily gameplay videos and I'll see you guys in the next one you can also follow me on Twitter in the description blog if you do so wish see you later guys
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 5,437,970
Rating: 4.923635 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mod, spotlight, showcase, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, yt:quality=high, 1.6.4, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, Minecraft (Video Game), 1.7.10, 1.8, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, colosseum, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft mod showcase, minigame, mini game, mini-game, 1.8.7, minecraft 1.9, minecraft custom map, custom map, minecraft map, minecraft crazycraft, crazycraft, crazycraft 3.0, crazy craft
Id: 4Bg6PnopWXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2016
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