Minecraft HermitCraft S6 | Ep 90: Massive Netherwart Farm!

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[Music] what's going on everyone my name is impulse and welcome back to hermit crab season 6 it's uh it's kind of loud where I'm at there's some firing Pistons going on and that kind of thing and that is because I am afk well not anymore obviously I'm here now but I was and trying to get some string you guys know I'm on a mission to collect enough string to fill strings and things back up and I've been here for a little while and I just wanted to check on the dogs to make sure that they're all good because we've solved the issue finally solve the issue of the potions spitting out and flying across the room and it was actually quite simple we took that dispenser and we we just we we faced it down it goes right into a block under it and the splash effects will get in range of these dogs and if we can see their tails if they will cooperate we should see that they're okay I hope actually we can demonstrate this right we turn that off and we should see a potion spit out at some point here in the next couple seconds I don't know we'll see it though I may hear it hey anyone anyone guys hmm hello oceans do we gonna see tails at least there we go tails are up so that's good at least on that guy I thought that potion was gonna spit out maybe it needs to drain all this stuff needs to drain back in I don't know you've added we missed it but either way it's working their tails are good there's a show in full health and that is a good sign also a good sign is are you kidding me the second we turned around the potion spit out are you kidding me okay well you're gonna have to trust me on it I heard it you may have heard it I don't know nice timing there impulse jeez all right so anyway we're getting some string you see I filled my inventory because you know somebody's got a hot potato going around we don't wanna get potatoes so why aren't these stacking come on why are these us I was weird she's nice to be able to do that what's going on here things are being weird today alright anyway so I filled my inventory so I couldn't get potato and we got some issues I think because I went to check I mean I've been here for quite a few hours yeah that is not a lot of string something is very very wrong what is going on we should have definitely have more string in here for the amount of time I've been a of Caine look I got a hundred levels I repaired all my stuff even we got some pig men roaming around because that's what happens when we're afk they spawn in the portal and roam around and then end up in the nether because they usually typically go back through that portal but yeah we should be getting more string than this so I need to check on the system and see what's happening maybe it's getting clogged up somewhere why don't we do this let's jump on the camera account and see if we can figure out exactly what's going wrong here all right so the first thing I'm noticing here is that there's not actually any spiders in here but I do hear them so let's take a trip behind this wall and see what's going on oh I see what's going on now ok so we've got a spider is just one it would take more than just one to block the sponge of more coming in but it looks like it's somehow maybe got aggravated on its way out and climb the wall and then got stuck up here which is not good what also surprising me is that we're not seeing more spawns is that because there's more spiders in the immediate area somehow I mean he's very loud the way he is too maybe there's more than one in there it's just really hard to tell I don't know this is very weird though we shouldn't be getting spawns from blocking although definitely don't see more happening there very interesting let's take a look around make sure we're not missing anything else yeah I don't see any spiders anywhere else so ok so we need to fix this we need to fix this right here when you make sure that if they climb the wall that they don't make it basically and I've done a for this in the past I think will work but we need to get inside here we need to brave it a little bit and get something set up to prevent this from happening all right so here's the plan we're gonna go ahead and bust through here get into the spawner room and we'll give it a little bit of light and everything see if we can reduce the spawns a bit let's see can I put these scaffolding down excellent so we're gonna do that and get up here using scaffolding again oops if I learn how to use it that would be great okay hold shift and then we can go up that's excellent all right what we're gonna do is we're gonna get up here I think and then we're gonna put some water in let me go ahead it looks like they're still spawning quite a bit we'll just put a couple more torches around just to be safe here and then what do we want to do when I go out here maybe over a few so we have some room yeah so what we're gonna do is put some water in here so that when they do climb they are going to drown basically so if we put some signs across here then we can also put another one out a block across the top and that should hold the water in so that would be right there that's the block that's going to hold the water it's kind of hard to do this when you're on scaffolding you have to you have to shift and if I shift I'm gonna go through the scaffolding so I have to hold space and shift then I start jumping and bobbing and pressing the spacebar and all sorts of things are happening that are very awkward in this placement but we'll get the job done and then once we get that end we can start putting in the water okay signs are in now we can start placing the water let's see well let's make an infant source excellent that's gonna make life easy and in fact it kind of goes all the way across but I think we better do full blocks of water here just to make sure these guys gonna actually drown and how come that didn't ok just took a little bit took a little bit maybe a little server lag all right let's do that and if we do that I think that fills in all the blocks if we look at them it's hard to tell from here but I think that is good to go so now we can just break our scaffolding to get out of here and hopefully I drop some scaffolding over there I'm gonna have to go get that art I can't just leave it there that could lead to bad things get that out of here it looks like that guy's having a hard time oh he wants to get to me okay yeah he definitely got to me that's that's for sure Oh he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me he's so angry okay let's get out of here before we okay all right things have gone very wrong here and we're okay though we're gonna live I think did I I gotta get out here okay we're safe we're good we're good no the good thing is nobody panics that that's the good thing no nobody panics all right let's go ahead and block this back up oh I left torches in there can't do that you guys were already heading to the comments to tell me that I left the torches in there didn't you great great this is turning out wonderfully all right let's put these back on the ground and get back up to hit our torches out of here how many did we put down we got that one we got Oh with you up there okay I gotta do this right come on come on learn how to use scaffold I mean you sell it in a shop and you don't even have to use it geez all right last torch there we go and I will try to get out of here in one piece nope that didn't happen did it we're gonna die in here okay we're safe and there we go last bit of scaffolding this out double-check that all the lights are just gone and more coming and fill that back up okay I wasn't scared I wasn't scared at all oh good now what should happen and we'll try to get the camera count back on and really watch it to make sure this is the case but we should have anybody that climbs to the top dying in the water dying of suffocation and then the string hopefully we'll just come in to here and we'll be able to collect it so I'm gonna go ahead and and stand here again afk a bit and we'll see if that solves the problem all right things are already looking better we got some spiders in the system but let's go through here and take a look and see if this is working as it should be see if we got any guys that are gonna climb the wall and oh there it is already there was one up there and you can see the string is coming in is it gonna work its way into our system though should go through these hoppers see if we can catch it on this other end there it goes okay so this looks to me like it's working it should come up here get spit into these hoppers here and make its way to this item filter yep there it goes perfect now this is working his way into the system and we are actually collecting string again yes okay IAF Kade for a long time and I don't think I really got anything out of it so this is great that this is working again and also that the Skelly farm is working we're able to keep our dogs nice and healthy now that is perfect if we can finally move on and get to an actual project I got a brand new project for today it's gonna be a good one I can't wait to get started and of course the project's gonna have something to do with our potion brewing room as you probably suspected last episode we realized that we needed some ingredients to actually brew these potions and also one thing you guys suggested was to waterlog these stairs as well and a lot of you agreed that we should just leave the sea lanterns exposed and I think I agree with you so there you go that's looking much better so I've been thinking about this and thinking okay there's lots of different things that we could start trying to farm in order to get these potions going but there is one thing that they all have in common one ingredient that every single potion has in common in common and that one's out of it already here we go so obviously it's already a problem because one of our setups is already completely out of nether warts so we're gonna set up another wart farm today and I think I'm gonna be smart about this and actually build the nether wart farm on top of this room so that we can just feed the nether wart straight down into these droppers here as needed so I'm gonna go up above here and see what we have going on above this space hopefully nothing's in the way and we'll find out here in a second if we got enough room to build a gigantic nether wart farm and we are in luck I found some space right above here and we should be able to fit in a nice size another word farm right in here I've been doing some digging and yeah my pic is hating it now but yeah there we go so we've got I got about four chunks worth dug out here and if we wanted to we could go a little more in this direction I believe I don't think there was any going off that way if we go this way I think we're gonna start running into other people's things and we can't really go up much more because there's the ocean floor about five blocks up from this so yeah this is about the size that we're gonna have to start with and we'll see how much we produce and if it's gonna be enough I think it's gonna be a nice sized one we're gonna utilize some really cool tricks to make sure it's super efficient and now there's only one thing that we need to do to get this going and that is maybe turn on some music get some time-lapse action going and get building [Music] oh yes this is coming along quite nicely look at how big this is there is so much room for nether warts in here so much so I don't even have enough on hand to get this thing going just yet so I've got the first maybe three or four rows done five maybe yeah so we're getting there but slow and I want to fill this whole thing so the way this is gonna work is we are going to write in a minecart and as we ride along in zigzag through this farm we're gonna be harvesting the nether wart with our axe and that is the important part of this because the axe that I have has fortune 3 on it and that actually makes a difference when you're harvesting so most people would just automatically harvest and then have to replant you know by pushing these off with pistons or shifting the whole row with pistons or something like that I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna actually harvest it with my diamond axe because we're gonna get much much more nether wart out of the deal and so check this out typically you get two to four nether wart when you harvest by hand or automatically and in this case with our axe here we're gonna get up to seven and there we just got six so so you can already tell that we got more with the fortune three than we would have otherwise because four would have been the max that we could have got so now we can take that and replant it and we just netted five nether wart out of the deal which is awesome so we're also going to utilize the hitbox of these nether warts so the difference in height here if we can go down to this one that's fully grown you can see that the hitbox right here has got that little black box around it a little tiny little block there if we hit right here we'll harvest that but as we move along anything that's shorter and an earlier growth stage we won't hit so we can face basically right here and keep that kind of angle and as we go through on our minecart we will only harvest the big ones and so you might be thinking okay well that's great how are you going to replant well what we can do is come through harvest all the big ones and then come back second time around and look down and right click and do it that way but now we can actually don't even have to look down at the blocks anymore you can actually continue looking up at that same angle and if I right-click it'll actually plant on the Block below so another change that they made I believe in 1:14 that allows us to plant without even having to change so the only thing I really need to change is going from left click to right click in order to harvest and then plant I'm looking to see if we can get one more grown up nice and big here so we'll do this I will put these another word in my other hand here and we'll pretend we're kind of coming by on the minecart and we would left-click to harvest right-click to plant and if I want to get really cheating about this I could program a macro to do that really quick but hopefully quick enough that is we're kind of rolling along it could be hitting every block or we could just roll through one so like I said and and be left clicking the whole time and the second time through holding down right click the whole time so if there's any empty spots it would just automatically plant so there's that idea as well so both ways are going to work evilly good I think I'm probably gonna utilize the macro one so I don't have to do as much manual stuff myself but that's kind of the plan that's kind of how this thing works now a lot of this I will pick up in my own inventory which is good because we need to have restocking our offhand in order to keep going but we also want to be storing anything extra so you can see I ran tracks underneath the soul sand here and we're gonna have to have hopper minecarts kind of roll underneath and pick up anything that I don't pick up I've also put these trapdoors kind of on the back here to hopefully encourage these to stay on top of the soleus and for the most part we may get some loss here on this track but I think it's gonna be just fine I think we'll be getting quite a bit of nether wart throughout this process so anyway that's how this is gonna work the next step for me is to get the collection carts kind of going and I kind of probably redo this track I kind of had this idea that as I came through all the way I will just kind of snake all the way back in and then start all over let me see we're gonna be kind of in the way of these tracks that are picking up and so we're gonna have every other one kind of coming out on this side and dumping off the extra nether wart and then same thing on this other side so that we're not kind of getting in the way here so you can see like we have these outlets as well to collect all the nether word from underneath so let me try to figure out how I'm gonna do this how we're gonna collect all that it's gonna involve some hoppers and some opera minecarts and whatnot but should be should work great we'll see okay the collection hopper mine carts have now been installed and it's pretty simple deal I've got it turned off at the moment so anytime we want to actually use the farm we can just come over here and turn on the switch and that will send the minecarts off and basically the way it works is if we have some items here in our inventory let's just toss these droppers in as soon as it picks them up it's going to stop the minecart so that it can dump off all the items so when we see it come back we should see it stopped and that's because this comparator is detecting that things are coming through that hopper and going through this block there's a torch behind or underneath here and basically that is what's giving the signal and then as soon as that turns off the torch turns back on powers that rails so we can continue on its way and we're feed that into a dropper there with hoppers underneath and there you go they all end up right in here and got that for all what do we got one two three four five six seven seven different carts running along here and we're gonna have seven on that side as well I believe so yeah we got a whole bunch of collection happening and now all I need to do is basically put in a rail I needed to do this so I could understand where my return line could be for the rail and I think I'll just come over top of these repeaters here and that will work just fine so alright let's go ahead and turn the system off and all those hopper mine cards should come back into the dock that's because we've pulled back this block that was over top of this torch to eliminate the signal here and so you can see they've all returned home nice and safe so yeah let's go ahead and get this rail in and then I think we'll be ready to run our first test as I was putting in the return line here I realized that I could simplify this whole thing I don't need all these minecart drop-off stations in here I could just trigger the cart to go once I rolled past it after I'd gone through with a detector rail so basically as I go through here I've harvested all these and then as I come back we can set this off with obviously when we roll over it with the minecart that we're in and then that will set it off it'll roll down collect everything and then just come back and empty all on its own because we'll have moved on and it can stop and just wait for that to happen all over again so yeah I do what I always do I guess and way over complicated the things so I'm gonna replace all that with detector rails now okay that really simplified things it is so much cleaner in here and yeah much much better so we are finally ready to start our first test run here and it's been a while so obviously all of this netherwart pretty much is all grown up so here's how we're gonna do it I'm gonna get in this minecart here and we want to angle ourselves up as high as possible on that button there and that's gonna put us right at the right height so if we check out f3 we should be around 42 degrees or so 45 would be about perfect but I think this will do and then also we want to make sure that we're kind of like 90 degrees so that negative 90 there we'll be good and if we do that press the button now we can just hold down right click or left click I should say I should probably get the button right left click and there we go we are harvesting all the nether wart also the cool thing is this doesn't actually use durability for the axe so you don't see that green bar going down at all and that's because when you're harvesting things that are insta break it doesn't actually count for durability and of course we're not breaking any locks right now and that's good we're not getting the lights broken or anything like that so we should have a full or a whole bunch of another word in our inventory and at this point we can obviously stop doing that because we don't have another word planted we'll take a look for the rest of the ride here make sure that there's no creepers or anything in here I gotta clean this place up even more make sure all the walls are nice and pretty in this place is perfectly lit so that no mobs can sneak in here because that would be a travesty to have a creeper blow up in my face and that should send off that cart yep okay perfect and if we hit that fast enough I did not but I'm gonna hop out go ahead do that so you can see here's where we kind of messed up in the beginning but the idea is yeah you just aim it towards the top and oops if you could if we go a little faster than that a cart so that doesn't happen but yeah you towards the top you're only gonna be breaking these tall ones like I mentioned before so that's pretty cool and let's see did we did the cart keep going I think it did okay so yes some of the nether wart is landing on the track but I suppose if we keep going round and round we probably will eventually pick that up if I was replanting that probably wouldn't have happened as much it does look like okay so yeah we had a few that weren't fully grown here let's stop the cart it's going really slow mm-hmm now that I'm not in it I'm wondering if I should actually remove some of the powered rails because I could go slower and it might be better for the whole thing so let me do it again but I'm gonna try planting this time and we're gonna write oh my goodness look at all that another word awesome I'm definitely gonna have to figure out something different for ending the ride here I was trying to hit that lever and have it bring us into here but I couldn't do it fast enough and we started another trip around so now I've got the nether wart in my hand we should be able to just put the axe of my hand again - we should be able to just hold down right click this time instead of left-click and I put the lever the wrong way whoops yeah we want to go that direction all right try that again here we go holding down right click and let's see if we start planting oh yeah you can definitely hear planting now the big question is is am I going too fast to actually plant every single block and we may be skipping some blocks it sounds kind of like we are and Here I am picking up more netherwart as we go along so yeah that's probably a good thing and the real getting this thing to be perfect Frawley wool oh that was just like okay I was like why would the card stop I think somebody must have just gone through a portal alright so anyway yeah the real test would be if I was to get that macro up it was alternating left and right then we should be harvesting and planting every single block if it if it's perfect so I'm gonna see if I can actually get a macro programmed real quick to do this properly and we'll see how it works all right after fiddling with some macro technology I think I finally got it dialed in to work properly here by the way I am using a Logitech g19 keyboard and so that allows me to use what they call G keys to program macros but you can also do this with something like Auto hockey and alls I've done is told it to hit left click then hit right click and then delay for about 35 milliseconds or so before repeating that over and over again so it happens really quick a lot faster than we could do by hand so I'm gonna get in the cart now I've added a little bit of a system here for rail switching and things like that so we can detect whether I'm in the cart on my way back but we're gonna hit that button we're gonna turn on the macro and I just realized that I didn't exactly set the angle right but I think we're good I think we're only getting the large they're fully grown at netherwart now and yeah it seems to be going pretty fast we're gonna have to second time around see if we missed any spots hopefully it's breaking them and replanting them in the same block and we're not having any gaps but yeah well wait work our whole way through here not every another word has grown just yet so we're just doing the ones that have which is a good test alright we turned a full cycle there I turned my macro off and this is what's gonna detect that I'm still in the cart and you see let's just come back through now we're gonna take a look and see if there's any empty blocks you can see all the newly planted nether wart and this is looking pretty good I think I got this perfect now and what I've done with my inventory is basically just filled it up with nether wart and we are picking up a whole bunch and of course once we're full in our inventory then hopefully the minecarts will do the rest and pick the rest up except for these ones on the rails main but we may have a little bit of loss once the inventory is full but after a good session we should at least have a full inventory here plus whatever gets collected so I think we're gonna have quite a bit and it is looking good I want to demonstrate the cart mechanism to here once we get through the end look at how many we've got we've got almost a filled up almost my entire hop bar with another word and it also kept my offhand completely stocked for replanting which is perfect so now if I'm tunnels I need to do is hop off the cart and you'll see it docks itself because I have string here detecting whether or not you're in the cart and as I say that I just realized if we are using our macro and swinging our axe over and over again did we break the string that may be an issue I am gonna have to tell ya we broke the string no it's still there okay maybe we'll be okay I got a test that while still running the macro but yeah that's kind of the idea is that it's going to detect whether or not we're in the cart and if we're not in the cart it can dock itself cells we have to do is jump off when we're done so that's pretty cool oh my goodness this thing is working great obviously the room needs some help and I've been notified that there are caves that are unlit around me as I was afk and waiting for things to to grow up here yeah we got some mobs collecting around us in nearby caves so there's some cave lighting too had to be done yeah a lot of little touch-ups to be done here but we are collecting lots and lots of nether wart now so this is super cool and I think this is gonna work out great so yeah nice nice episode today we got a farm up and running from start to finish basically with just minor touch-ups like I said but that's gonna do it for me today hopefully you guys enjoyed the video if you did hit the like button if you're not subscribed make sure you do that before you go and we said I will see you guys again next time have a good one everyone [Music] [Music]
Channel: impulseSV
Views: 135,890
Rating: 4.9517865 out of 5
Keywords: hermitcraft season 6, lets play, hermitcraft 6, minecraft hermitcraft, hermit craft, lets play minecraft, hermitcraft 1.14, minecraft server, minecraft 1.14, no swearing, family friendly, survival minecraft, let's play, let's play minecraft, minecraft hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft 1.14 village, minecraft 1.14 lets play, survival minecraft timelapse, impulse, impulseSV, minecraft lets play, netherwart, netherwart farm, automatic netherwart farm, automatic nether wart farm 1.14
Id: i42HjcpE0XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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