Minecraft has a HIDDEN Achievement?!

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For years in the gaming industry, achievements of any kind have become extremely common place in most titles. For a lot of games, achievements are seemingly handed out on a whim for completing specific tasks or finding a secret that the developers thought out. In Minecraft, however, achievements can sometimes be given to you for the weirdest things. You want to write a pig off of a cliff? Well, that's an achievement. Plant a seed and watch it grow? Achievement. Block an arrow with a shield. That's literally an achievement. But in this video, we're gonna talk about the hardest achievement in the game, while also briefly mentioning a few others that you should definitely try out if you get the time. So without any further ado, let's get right into it. If you guys want to discuss this video, or any other video that I release, in my public and fandom discord server, be sure to check out the link in the description down below or check out the link on screen. So let's start off with the easier of the hardest achievements. The achievement "Monsters Hunted" simply put is created for you to go out and kill one of every single hostile monster in the game. Shockingly put, the only monsters that aren't necessary to kill on this list are the bosses themselves, namely the Ender Dragon, the Wither and the Elder Guardian. Come 1.13, it's assumed that you'll also have to kill all of the new hostile mobs that come with it. This achievement, in comparison to the upcoming ones, is pretty simple as most of these mobs can be located in specific places throughout the game, and aren't based completely in randomness. The only thing about this achievement that might be hard for most players is exploring the world to find all of these mobs in specific, which ironically brings me to my next advancement. While you're out and about looking for all of these crazy mobs to kill, why don't you also hunt for all of the different biomes in the game, specifically 40 of them. Yeah. That's right, 40 biomes. And in 1.13, all of the new ones that come with it as well. To fully get this achievement, players will have to visit very specific biomes and their multiple variants. Simply put, finding a Mesa biome isn't good enough. On top of that, you'll need to find a Mesa plateau, and then the Mesa plateau F, and so on. Find some extreme hills? Well, you're gonna need to start looking for the extreme hills plus variant as well. If you're super dedicated to exploring your Minecraft world, you might just find all of these variants, but it'll definitely take you some time. Being able to claim that you visited every single biome in Minecraft is certainly something that not many people are going to be able to say. However, if the idea of doing this alone seems too boring, then start up a server and give it a try with some of your friends. So, one more item before we get to the hardest advancement. Have you ever thought, "I wonder what would happen if I drank all of these different potions"? Well, if you didn't, somebody else already did and luckily, that somebody works at Mojang. By having every single potion effect granted to you at the exact same time in Minecraft, you'll be given the advancement of "Furious Cocktail". The required potion effects to be given this advancement are: fire resistance, invisibility, jump boost, night vision, poison, regeneration, slowness, speed, strength, water breathing and weakness. Looking at the culmination of all of the craziness that is this advancement, it's hard to imagine that it could get any crazier. But it does and it's actually pretty shocking by how much different it is. Let me explain. So, sure, drinking 11 different potions at once is definitely interesting, right? Having to go out, collect all the ingredients to make all of the different potions and then use them all at once seems like it'd be kind of fun when you think about it. But because Minecraft is Minecraft and Mojang loves to challenge us, they made it way, way harder, and even secret. That's right, a secret achievement. On top of getting all of the effects previously mentioned, to get the achievement "How did we get here?", you also have to get 11 more effects for a total of 22 different effects happening all at once. While it can be quite the difficult task to get those eleven other effects, it's definitely worth the challenge. Here's one way to do it: What I'd recommend is you get all 22 effects from these listed sources, specifically. As you can see, you'll be getting a majority of your effects from either potions, beacons or other consumables. The real challenge is getting the Elder Guardian's mining fatigue, the Wither Skeleton's wither effect and the Shulker's levitation effect, at the same time. There's definitely a few ways to go about this, including a method that Xisuma void used to do everything in the end. But I'm a bit more insane than that. Instead, I set up a massive minecart contraption from the end gateway to an end city, move the Shulker all the way from the end city to the overworld portal, transferred it into a boat, because you have to do it that way, maneuvered in an incredibly calculated manner as to ensure that when I get out of and destroy the boat, the Shulker will be exactly where I want it to be. Then, I place a boat in the portal and then push the Shulker through the portal. And miraculously enough, the Shulker will appear in the boat in the overworld. Yeah. I never said this would be easy. So next, bring it and a wither skeleton from the Nether to an area just outside of an ocean monument to set up a base of operations. Now, go to the ocean monument, get mining fatigue, return to your base of operations, and apply all of the potion effects, eat the pufferfish and the golden apple, hit yourself with a spectral arrow, and get hit by the wither skeleton and the Shulker. And, there we go. We have now gotten the most difficult achievement, advancement, whatever, in Minecraft. So, yeah. That was definitely the most difficult achievement to get in Minecraft. If you guys want to discuss this video or anything else that you'd like to in my public Antvenom Discord server, definitely be sure to check out the link in the description down below, or check out the link on screen. So, what did you guys think of these challenges? Have you ever done one? If so, was it difficult? Do you think that you're gonna try them if you haven't already? Let me know in the comment section down below. But other than that, that just about does it for me for now. If you guys enjoyed this video, please consider leaving a like on it, because it would really help out myself and Michael McChill (?), who co-wrote and edited this video, the channel and the video quite a lot. But anyways guys, I hope you all enjoyed. My name is Antvenom and I bid you all farewell. Thanks so much for watching.
Channel: AntVenom
Views: 3,424,592
Rating: 4.8714747 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, antvenom, achievements, minecraft achievement, minecraft advancement, advancement, minecraft top 5, top 5 minecraft, best minecraft, minecraft best
Id: xmeC_ZCXQzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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