Minecraft FNAF KIDS - THE PUPPET MASTER - Ep 1 (Minecraft Roleplay)

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before the video starts make sure to subscribe click on the bell so you don't miss an upload leave a like on the video and leave a comment down below enjoy the video [Music] oh you like that um like what i did there i liked it yes it was it was great can't handle all of this upsies get upsies oh obviously whoa please do you want us guys why what i was trying to tell you before um i i'm grateful that we're all having such a good time and all but don't don't you guys feel a little weird not inviting puppet out let me try it's just they they don't want to they just don't want they're not interested i know but it wouldn't hurt to try again again they can hear how much fun we're having or how much fun you guys are having you're not having fun because they're not here with us i just haven't been having fun for the last six months i have that's not what i'm saying i always have a good time with you guys i just me too i think it's time to try again you know yes yes yes yes oh sorry yes yes i agree with you that's what i meant maybe i i don't know what what uh what would we do differently yeah what would we do do we give him a cake what uh let's be more extreme with our offers yes yes very extreme i got an idea watch this watch this we can offer them a baby be careful that extreme i don't think they want a child okay um i haven't asked puppet are you in your oh okay they're in the box still hi puppet i have one million dollars for you i don't want a million dollars that puppet is a good idea it's a lot of money play along it's hidden in the pizzeria you gotta come find it where's the million dollars gizzy up john i was playing john i was playing so i can't buy my lambo don't break the floor come on we need that floor to stand on raise the money i have bills to pay oh god why don't you try to pop it oh can i try can i try can i do it can i go go go try go for it i got this does he not know that there wasn't a million dollars with the disease i thought there was guys no no there was no money though oh i oh i have yes this you playing a song right now come out and play with us when you need someone to reach the top shelf we need this million dollars before i go broke so come out and play with us oh sorry i put me to sleep what what did i miss i rocked him you rocked me to bed well i guess it's going to be my turn to try something dude lick them whoa dude do you want to build a snowman [Applause] okay guys i think we're going about it the wrong way what do you mean well we're trying to bribe the puppet out and oh threaten got it no no no no no no no not threatened it has to be lonely in there all by itself right so we get another puppet ah that doesn't fix the issue i thought you were lonely puppet where'd it go uh it's in my toy box i think oh what are you gonna try okay i have an idea i'll watch and learn boys um first off i kind of want to give them their privacy um puppet i i know you've been in there the past couple of months since everything happened and i i just want to let you know that we're all here for you and we went through the same thing but you saved us and we just really want to thank you for that properly and repay you and also just be your friend no i love k but that ain't going to work just because the power of flanks it will always work i guess it didn't work guys i'm not crying i can't cry i'm a robot [Applause] wait i heard something yeah yeah it's me crying no no shh be quiet right turn down the tears okay [Music] oh maybe give them are you a girl yeah i'm a girl oh honey um another girl oh sorry i don't want to overwhelm you or anything but it's it's we also have a woman face to face yeah i'm sorry i haven't talked to you those past six months i was just scared everything going on it was just horrible i couldn't handle it i'm sorry but you saved our lives yeah we are totally grateful he took up my knees and you saved me he he did he took out his knees literally why are you on the floor i don't know are you reacting to me yeah we're just jumping in joy oh yeah yeah yeah we have a new friend yay oh what's your name yeah what what is your name we've just been calling you puppet this whole time my name is charlotte [Music] i'm such a pretty name i am [Music] why don't you introduce yourself um um i'm not good around girls can you do it for me what what what do you mean you're fine around me yeah you're different you're not a girl that's right i'm not a girl you're not a girl you're my friend there's a difference wow i see howard anyways that's the red one is john and my name is kay and i'm gizzy you already introduced that sorry um but let's not be rude have you you haven't seen all the updates we've made to the pizzeria or i don't even know if you've seen the whole pizzeria can can we show you around give you a tour please please please please please please please why didn't you tell me that sounds nice [Music] yeah so the last six months we have been uh remodeling with my dad who owns the pizzeria yeah our dad we've agreed this yeah all right so just a little dance floor if you want to dance you know no pressure if you don't want to come here there you go all right the show must go on as well come out here those are bathrooms but as robots realize that we don't actually need them mainly for my dad so it's also a quiet space so if you need to just go somewhere quiet or you could just go to the boring though the beat the boys bathroom has a p spot on the ground don't go in there no that no i thought that was lemonade it's p no you took it from a dog anyways this is the dining area and the stage where we like to play music and and the the the the prize area and there's another stage over there and then did i tell you that i was a singer oh wait we don't know what you're doing speaking of where did my keyboard go oh uh i thought they swapped it for a hop yeah hard times you know the economy all right could you just imagine how pretty the fan art would be if you want a heart lover oh yeah i just changed when i played the guitar oh so a new update that we have is that we all have our own bedrooms now um i wouldn't say our own but okay no we all have our own except brian brad doesn't have one no i have one i'm saying but i'm i'm humble about it so i don't complain until i suppose your space yeah it's kind of small you can't play in here well i have my own room yeah i mean that's so nice my room is even better though give me wait wait wait wait you just what there you go my room you can feel free to hang out here any time we have cake and it's nice and colorful and i have a computer you can play with this room is that the whole toy box you have a window whoa anything but yeah i have a window um john can you stop bouncing on my bed are you talking to me yes i'm talking to you guys have you ever jumped on your head before i do a lot but you're messing up my comforter i also have a bathroom over here even though i don't like the bathroom to gossip to herself in the mirror oh uh-huh wait have you been watching me no you told me oh okay please it's my room uh and i guess we come to our room uh my uh our room room i mean you have to share it i want in my own room this is my room it says radiant bony room it wasn't in the budget yeah we did that there we didn't have enough space for everybody to see this is my side of the room the better side and i have a window closer to me oh the window's really cool actually can i have the window no oh and so we have a tv and then um it was wardrobe and this is where i i go and watch youtube actual vending machines um i don't know what you're talking about this is not what no we wouldn't never write kissy this is actually why we got our own rooms together so we could share the vetting machine yeah but he takes all of it uh rude anyway so those are all our bedrooms i guess all that's left is the kitchen and security office oh the kitchen's my favorite way to that's where we get all the snacks all the pizza um i learned how to cook finally yeah yeah i learned how to make play-doh spaghetti oh you always eat my play food come on pizza stoves we got pizza a double sink and a freezer that's really cold yeah i don't like going in there oh i don't have tears for god anyways on to the security office yep the very last room there's a generator at the back but it's kind of smelly you don't have to go this is where you go if you go do a bad thing and like timeout we had a friend called mike who was a security guard he died yeah that's basically the whole pizzeria um i guess you'll just have to meet gizzy's dad at some point hey have you seen the box have you seen the box there's a box have you seen the box what box this sucks there's a box what are you talking about what box the box is it what you what do you what the have you ever seen it oh i always love looking at it uh this is hey pilots room this is charlotte's marionette oh what we could do is turn this entire room into your room wait what is sherlock in the room i mean i have to share still and don't you i have to share too i have been here before all of them should share with charlotte fine charlotte we're roommates now brian you're in the box or maybe charlotte could come room with me well maybe she could just have her own room like yes so then foxy gets his own room really yeah but his is basically a closet still his own room wait was that the door wait i think my dad's here dad dad dad children around oh my god least favorite one oh you're you're just where's my little pee and carrot right here is he right here no you're my little chicken nuggie oh like yeah i guess so yeah it's me i'm the pee okay it's kizzy my little pig look at me look at me old man there's a million dollars somewhere around here we gotta tear down the pizzeria no no no no no that wasn't real unnecessary daddy are you forgetting it's me i'm gizzy hi i'm your son he must be playing tricks on me i'm getting old my little boy hi dad how you doing i'm doing good i got great news my little children oh wait wait wait wait we actually have news first us first okay we've made a friend a new friend who where i can't wait right there right there look look look look yeah you're a little closer everything's blurry far away come on oh this is dad dad this is charlotte charlotte was the one who killed purple guy she's your nippy and carrot well there's only one being carrots and it's messy she's your girlfriend why don't you like me i love you just in a different way thank you dad i love you like the least favorite son it's all right boy one day you'll be able to catch a ball this is charlotte nice to meet you you're you're you're a pretty tall taller lady lady yeah lady lady a ma'am tall ma'am she's the only girl of our group hey what about china you know he's just like you're not growing [Music] oh aliens oh cool and this is why i love your robot robots as aliens no focus you guys can do pokemon oh my god we got a new puppy no we're not getting a puppy give you the pee and carrot slap if you don't stop okay i'm gonna go over here oh no no no it's okay don't don't be scared he's just joking right there don't worry i i would never lay a finger on any of you we'd kill you if you did anyway tell us the news already okay okay so i've come in contact with a nice fella uh he's a robot engineer how about engineering we've been talking for months and it turns out we might be able to cure y'all carols but i'm not sick animatronics silly oh i can only eat a boy again wait you could take me you could turn me into a little human meal again you could be a real boy i could be a real boy are you sure you found an engineer or a wizard i'm confused no wizards are not real [Music] from here dragons it's okay okay what do we have to do with this this robot engineer mr guide you're out there no i'm emotional okay dude so what's going on what what do you mean we've gotta go though we all gotta hop in daddy's van and go meet this fella okay let's not wait anyone uh come on charlotte let's go come on what kind of van do you drive oh wait oh six what engine i'm a little nervous i'm not sure if i'm okay with going outside right now but i'll just stay here for now okay i'll sit so uh we if we if it works for us we'll come back for her yeah exactly we'll come back yeah we'll we'll come back for you regardless okay i'm not going to abandon one of my new friends all right thank you okay yeah we'll see you soon charlotte stay safe okay stay out of my room okay bye you can stay in my room make sure to trash gizzy yeah to bed come on john don't eat the video you have your own okay charlotte wait so we're going outside for the first time since since we became animatronics outside i forgot what it looked like i mean we have windows brian oh yeah and can we go already please please please please please i'm the one waiting for y'all let's go let's go move i want to go first oh gosh [Music] yes it is me not that foxy over there what's he are you doing survival hey none of that more get over there put the tree back together all right no we can do that in the new place once they're all back to normal am i going to be hot excuse me like when i'm human am i going to be hot well probably define a hot place like attract temperature am i going to be 20 celsius can i be 21 celsius i ordered 22 now i i don't know them celsius i only know them fair and high sorry i'm british i'm here dad we had a british mom got a problem with that why would you know that if she lives here i lived in the uk foot a little bit that i moved to america with my daddy dad can we go with my dad yeah let's go my little children okay dad i can't wait to be human again i'm gonna be a real girl all right oh my gosh this looks so good gotta set down some rules it's like a museum you don't touch anything we spit at them no that's why we had to have your hands removed you touched everything everybody lost his second one in the the great war of the show oh we had a chef battle and he lost his uh his second hand is he gonna have hands when he's a human again you know that that's a question for the science people uh i want to make sure hey john remember to ask the science person people i i ain't them smart not their words i'll i'll ask them good why are you gonna ask him what he can do it himself it needs more color i want to make sure i can hold his hand when he's a human maybe they'll let you finger paint the wall really what oh you're not oh let's go inside yes let's go can i take the lava dad i'm gonna flick for nothing oh my god i'm so sorry what happens if i stand under it while it closes no don't do it what happens don't do that nobody goes no no nobody close it come on oh my god you guys are boring wow hello [Applause] just made me laugh out loud sorry yeah you really laughed me dying wait what happened i knew you weren't dying if you died i would have been very sad anyways uh hi mr doctor engineer man kick him in the leg no done all right i have now i have inserted my dominance on him lower males be nice be polite oh excuse me no i got it i got it i got it oh not a very talkative one trying to be nice he's not i'm just letting you guys you know get comfortable and excited for what we're going to be doing today huh you're not excited about us being animatronics in your face ooh orange phonics oh i i'm so excited for this i we've been working on this cure and me and your dad we've been talking a lot and we think we've got it i think we have the cure for you all right what's your name my name the name's elliott nerd but you can call me uh doctor nerd you get bullied wait wait wait wait you were on with the name dr nerd and you became a scientist that is so on point hey thank you you guys are so well behaved are you bullied in school for the name nerd no actually a lot of people had a kiss did you ever hold anyone's hands why are you asking john they can have as many cookies as they want they're here for you guys there you go eat as many as you want i got them all over there okay i'll eat the flowers i can have this flat oh okay yeah flowers left out in the cold what's through this oh oh oh okay well i guess you guys are so eager to get started aren't you i am i really am i really want to be a real girl over here please please please please please please please don't worry little one you'll be big hello it's trash oh trash hi i'm gizzy hello brian he's wayne oh oh hi oh hello hi can can i help you oh we just wanted to say hi or the animatronics that they're doing the experiment on so well you said hi that's that's nice guys um the room what are you playing are you playing minecraft i'm not i'm not playing a game i'm working on security footage huh why did your life leave you hey man i'm so sorry sir about that sorry my dad has full kids now i i do i got four children beautiful children this is my little chicken nuggie hi my sweet pea no pee and carrot oh i'm sorry my memory's bad my dad doesn't like me i love you boy my son my boy and you're uh he's and then he's my little musician oh you did oh you'll have to play us another song later well so do it after the man gives me music and we'll get you guys all cured up and you'll be questioning your time will he yes really i have a question i have a question asking pick me pick me up i i'm gonna yeah yes yes yes little one uh is that guy over there a night god he is that's our night guard he gave me a little grumpy times i'm not left in the marriage are you being mean to me are you worried that's going to happen to us so was i saying what else do i need new doctor oh i just need you uh i need just five hours with your kids and then they'll be back to normal can my dad hold my hand the whole time oh no i i'm gonna need him to leave me can i hold john's hand the whole time sure you guys can can i hold my one hand right hold his own hand yeah can i hold my whole hand yes you can yeah i get to hold my dad's hand oh i'm sorry my my little my little buddy i gotta go all right what why doctor here says he needs a little bit of your time and uh right they're having an emotional moment stop the chair oh i need you need to be here dad you can't leave it's alright you take care of the group chicken nugget you keep them in line i will dad and um john yeah you keep the the spirit's high what is that you got it bro okay well as long as elliot keeps very close eye on us and keeps us safe that i think oh yeah don't worry we'll have them safe nothing's gonna happen to them they're in the safest place anywhere on earth maybe you shouldn't nothing back in the house [Music] he'll be back maybe in about five hours or so all right okay five hours dad i'll be back five hours we'll be human when you see us again yeah for that we could all go on i hope you would never come back please i love youtube my son goodbye that's a lie you know i can't figure out how an engineer would be able to make us human oh look at this explain it yeah you know what that stuff is boring you're not going to want to know all that sciencey math stuff okay seems more like science can we have a tool oh yeah yeah great idea you are a smart one ah yes yes all right let's go this way okay all right you're gonna love this place children you're gonna we don't have toys it says safety glasses and i don't i didn't bring my glasses with me it's okay it's okay you don't need safety glasses we'll break the rules what does this do hold on little ones all right let's go let's go break the rules uh just the glasses though are these the inside of us wow they're like skeletons for robots is this my sleep paralysis hello how are you doing this is what we look like guys look over here what is it oh don't forget kinda yes animatronics too mm-hmm where's the phone it's i don't mean that's not even a foxy yeah yeah it is you know he has both what is this this doctor what is this one called uh that one is called mangle oh i thought it was cool so it's not boxy okay okay i'm just gonna wait i don't understand so you've been studying all of these like animatronics so is this why you have these sorry what come again i said you you have these as to study right that's why you have yeah we study all kinds of animatronics for the good of mankind is this what i'm gonna look like when i'm older maybe one day no because i thought you were making us human yeah you're making us human yes humans yay you know how are you going you guys are you guys ready to become humans yeah i want to keep looking around oh okay over here the kitchen kitchen the best place every i have a question uh yes uh john what's up looking on the phd well it seems like you went to yale why didn't you get into harvard like a good person would oh fine you know look at the time i think the cake is done the kick in the oven let me uh go yeah yeah john you need to stop asking these people why are you being so mean garbage i don't trust him wait who is phd in the garbage all of them he's going to make us human again we don't have to trust him if someone goes to cornell it's not a real degree all right you know how i feel about them let's let's let's follow the nice man who's going to turn us into humans and not upset him well also i'm going to show you guys where the bathroom is just you guys have horses um we did oh you're not and that's why we had this is an old rule sign we had horses running around the lab we had uh be very strict [Music] when i get sad i stop being sad and be awesome instead true story that's that's what i mean when i look at john i mean what what jenna need your bathroom yay progressive wow you guys are so funny oh i need to go to party oh well you can go right ahead hey don't look oh don't worry we don't want to are you having fun i just put a question to wash your hands please oh yeah yeah wow [Music] and i wanted to move it around empty oh i broke it in the office um i i saw that this tv was not walking around like get out now i'm sorry i'm scared i'm sorry i'm sorry yeah maybe we should get out you get get out of the chair make me oh jon you kids are so funny curiosity i love it i think with time to become human again as much as i love being out yeah so let's can we get away from you how do we start well let's head on down to uh the lab let's go i don't like him do you have another layer of the lab wait a minute in school did dad trick us oh my gosh it's a lamp yes it's a that's what you're excited about i got excited about school and uh kate got excited about a lamp restricted down here i don't really like it down here can we go back upstairs is this blonde is this building like old god oh my gosh that probably explains this building is up what is oh ah good thank you thank you i can always depend on you why isn't this machine bonnie guys it's me but i'm purple elliot what's happening what is this oh oh now you're paying attention it seems that you uh got yourself stuck in a little pickle children can i go home you can't ever go home what do you mean i can't go home what i mean i'm going to dismantle every single one of you alright let's run right guys evil he's doing this you can run you can watch a cup it's okay i'll bite him okay [Laughter] oh look how they squirm and scream [Music] rip them off and put them where your elbows are yeah all right daddy got me oh he got me oh it hurt electric shock you oh no no no no no no no not again no all right get over there hey get over here i'm sleeping i am one of them is gonna hit you with your head don't get hit all right games get in there oh hey where are you going [Music] you have a good heart right i don't care get in there we'll find a way out our dad's going to come back for us yeah our dad's coming back in five hours this is gonna be fun question what why don't you call your mom anymore oh my gosh you know what i'm going to dismantle you first don't touch him sleep tight she's disappointed in you whatever happens are you serious we gotta talk about this gizzy we're trapped i know but at least we're gonna die situations i got the top bunk so crying stop crying it makes you look weak i just wanted to become a human again i don't i don't think we're going to become humans he's going to destroy us we're going to die i don't know we'll figure it out we'll figure it out we've gotten out of worst situations i mean we we we ran around with that other guy we can get past this it was much more scary than what this guy has what a wrench i can get a wrench opal guy we can we could survive against elliot and the security guard no i don't think that's the same thing guys i think this time is different i think so too you're right they never gave us a toilet you
Channel: TheFamousFilms
Views: 890,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft FNAF, minecraft freddy fazbear's pizzeria, minecraft freddy fazbear's pizzeria roleplay, minecraft freddy fazbear's pizzeria simulator, FNAF 6, Minecraft FNAF 6, FNAF 6 Pizzeria Simulator, Minecraft FNAF 6 Roleplay, five nights at freddy's 6, Roleplay, roleplay adventure, five nights at freddys, five nights at freddys roleplay, Minecraft roleplay FNAF World, FNAF, thefamousfilms, FNAF Roleplay, fnaf kids, fnaf movie, fnaf roleplay movie
Id: 4v1noT6QZck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 58sec (2458 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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