Minecraft FNAF 6 Pizzeria Simulator - THE ULTIMATE CHOICE! - FINALE PART 2 (Minecraft Roleplay)

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before the video starts make sure to subscribe click on the bow so you don't miss an upload leave a like on the video and leave a comment down below enjoy the video I can't believe I come here you see me spring-trap to that camera [Music] lefty what ok let's eat me oh hello it's me oh not you yes it's me Ned bear bear wake up oh oh hey oh where am I never let my spring chip is doing its final thing wait what work I'm oh no yes Brian no I just had a kill rocks are foxy and Orville's dead too what what no maybe have you seen Moulton I haven't seen Moulton no and he's the least of my worries my what's happening I don't really out of here I don't know I this spring chef went to the pizza and he hit me in the head and then I welcomed his bathroom and then went through this corridor corridor and Orville was evil and looking and I had to stop him and I stopped him and he unlocked the key and and and then roxtor foxy was in this room of with lava above him and it was either me or him and he chose for me to live my god how do I get you over here this is it huh yes Ned Ben are we are we going to die Brian oh no no I promise you that you're not gonna die I promise oh gosh she's not folding well for me we're gonna get you guys out of here all right I don't think you understand I look like any of us are coming to make it out of this right and what is what is the button do Brian I don't wanna do I don't know out of here I'm gonna get you out of here as you can see some of your kind of a douche gender cross form another fourth this strong I'm gonna give one of them to you think of it as a partner to help you on your journey [Music] hi can you guys listen I knew I was gonna be thrown away prepare to be thrown away it's okay no I can't do that lift anything that bears in better shape he might be more her live but you don't say that Lefty it's okay that's fine you you take him Ryan no no no I can't yeah you can it's lefty no there has to be another way I was born to be thrown away Brian no but remember I found you in that vent system in every sense I've been falling apart this can't be happening I can't choose between you two my friends that's what they want it's okay Brian just hate Clifty and I'll be fine no no you you go on without me it's okay no net bit now please I know I never contributed anything no but you did it don't say that Brian yeah it's okay I can't tell you what to do you need someone who you need and I think you need him more than you ever needed me I need both of you no you don't promise just promise me one thing keep smiling I'll be okay tin can here I come sorry I'm so sorry nothing happened what your watch no nut bear no no never please crying it's okay never look at me I'll be I'll be okay Brian never look at me [Music] left me it's the door behind you open ah oh yeah good this door hi what what do we do now we continue on there was nothing we could do what about the others we have to save the others lefty you have to help me save right I'm just a kid Brian I know we have to eat boy I can't believe this is happening factory [Music] [Music] even though he wasn't barrel hot he made a great impression on everyone honestly he's probably the one I looked up to the most are you ready oh no but continue with a smile [Music] [Music] [Music] what modified know what other amateur he get might have all of them please no no what was that was it a light source it's a flashlight oh okay should we look for the levers yeah oh god this place looks disgusting it looks like it's been here for a long time well it makes sense I guess how many people open up as bare locations anymore no Ryan Lefty bye oh my god animatronic that's righti nothing like you left me he's old I'm old he was a rock star in the tropics I guess they put the old ones in here for parts look there's one up there oh no no it's big match and sometimes Iike and no chip god what do we do no privy but rude right do you remember ah Oh Jared Braaten ojika lefty we need to run what are your name wrong mine they're nothing they are spread too thin to them okay I know I'm scared left you broad come on you can do it Ron follow me I'm gonna trip over by too wet don't trip where are we gonna go this place is a circle I know hold on it um I know go back to where we were just I have an idea okay okay good to know okay come on hurry Brian I think this is the most I've ever walked in my life Co come on you've walked to John's Pizza all the time I took an uber sometimes what are we - he brought me follow me oh look there's another enema Tommy your parts from God look at that one well looks like spring try this is nothing okay I see them coming Oh Brian what are we doing oh look there's a letter Oh what is said oh that is a faceless Bobby yeah let's go out come on oh well this place must be where they send animatronics to be repaired let me see if I can just see them from over there Brian it's not a good idea to get their attention they're smarter than we are at least you good yeah Brian had I just I don't know what what are we doing oh we tried a little we're trying to get to high ground is it it okay we're playing right in the springtrap's hangs there over there when we must have lost them I mean as long as you don't get into like a 50 meter distance they shouldn't be able to track us jalisa good he's more evil more smart hey Brian oh boy ladder over there how high of the ground do we need again high to see everything maybe we can find one of the levers here Brian if you fall you're gonna you're gonna get hurt I've already been hurt yeah but I'm talking like both your feet breaking on the ground kind of hurt Brian let's see if we can find anything up here speaking any lovers or anything there's another ladder have a ladder as I would say ya know it's weird I feel like it wasn't too long ago I was looking for an assistant it's a lever okay I'm gonna click it be careful well did you that I something just went online does that mean the factory is gonna start running I'm scared Brian I don't like this is where animatronics go to die what how do you well look down there just to making an absorption though those are broken animatronics ones that I need to get repaired and they haven't been repaired so I guess is this is where we go to get scrapped it must be a scoop or somewhere I won't let anything happen to you left do you hear me nothing I would like to believe you of everything inside the screaming run come on okay I have an idea maybe we should go oh are you okay myself caught myself at the last second or are they I see the red over there I don't see them well no I seem that the Pigman walked that will hey when we coded to Brian if we make it outdoors area too let's see if there's anything inside here I'm just what happened what were we gonna do if we get out I mean we've lost so many already I know do you have a plan left you have no plan I don't know what to do this was unexpected remember what Jah told you what did John tell me you're very smart if anyone can defeat him you could you said he couldn't do this he said you were smart enough to be able I can't I've already lost so much Brian I believe in you I bet the others if they were here they'd believe in you too you're just not fighting for yourself anymore oh good god I say three we have to run are you ready what happens if they catch you I don't know okay ready three ready two one you smell like taco this way let's see is there anything over here look uh I don't see anything they're just empty crates come on come on behind the designs here to flip them oh right ah lefty I'm gonna try to keep them off Brian no less he follow me but what happens oh lift everything good inside here what are we getting getting in are we just in here doc damn don't know it's all dog's attention [Music] right I don't think we're getting anywhere Shh pick back just looking but I just see if there sorry those that come on oh my god wait what left you look the red lights on if the red lever is this the door this must be that were to come to the other side okay so we have to find a green and a blue lever come on well well the process of elimination Brian where was the first one up there maybe the second one will be in a different area maybe they're all located differently it was likely where do we check now anywhere maybe it's in the sea no you check that side I wanna check this side in here right nothing just empty crates left you stay where you are stay where you are behind here behind your Coco here left you know this baby look Sonny's people FG there's a green pudding oh my child on rinse Oh another sound before they hear Brian they're coming this is a tight spot Brian you loose a place ok so we hit the green button that's her none when we need one more we need the blue one blue one I don't even know the color blue oh where do you think he could be no wait look scoop beat the room every way you really Lefty hi Brian lefty police what's I'm gonna go inside no oh look it's out of order you're good it doesn't work they always say do they actually say that all the time well there's a lot of accidents that happened in that room Brian like I said I was like one step away from being scooped [Music] yeah slice gives me nightmares let's see what's over here electrical safes wait electrical supply is key here here look maybe this is where the blue button is we all know Brian there's a lot of buttons and levers here let's try switching them I'm gonna push the buttons nothing she's a cunning man I don't think you'd put it in plain sight do you see any of the enemy tracks not right now but it'd be hard to miss them with those red eyes can't believe after did this the doors open minds are gonna see that [Music] I think they left that you are you right here behind you okay um let's keep on going in one do you see anything behind this these storage crates maybe behind here I I think we either split up and we stay together where do you think's - safer route us stay together lefty wait waist area nice key here it won't budge it's made out of metal we need to find a key besides your fleshy human arms aren't that strong do you see anything inside good sauce compared to me thanks Lefty well is there anything inside these barrels no we need to find a key Brian if we want to check that waist area out Oh Oh No Oh doh let me run oh god don't look but there's one thing we'll go in I bet they will go in the scooping room that's right it probably just as afraid of it as I am okay Brian oh it's our one chance is this it just get in here close the door are you sure this is a good idea I hate even big mix of its thing if they hate it just as much they won't come in here just out of fear what if they do and we deal with that well once it comes Brian come on you just snap out of it look at me tell me you could do this I can't do this lefty I can't no it's your job now Brian this is your pizzeria you should your animatronics and Afton's making a joke out of you now you can either sit down and take that and have whatever comes next or you can stand up be a man and take them out show them you're not gonna be pushed around there are my friends they can't hurt them they're not them it's different when it was Ned bear he's changed them okay let's do this told you they wasn't going there okay now what I think we need to find a key the waist area seems like her best shot doesn't it could be anywhere this is probably where they would assemble parts metal would come in they would smush it and tore at the endoskeletons you don't want to be put inside of a soup Brian I suggest we get our get ourselves out of here what I thought they would have been or if they go you know tell him Oh God God really Brian left II have an idea have an idea have an idea follow me what Oh animatronics we're over here are you kidding me we're gonna get us killed it's okay over here follow me what are you left even when I say three you're gonna run back towards the door dad's right what follow me what are you doing we're running away from them going the opposite side what were you looking let's see here and here yes I don't know where you went here Shh [Music] run run run run dr. human breath is gonna scare them off we duck down duck down wait what took a kid I don't know how I can see the rise for you take that jacket off [Music] it's a dead giveaway a bride there's a nicer chest here what's inside on what don't crease waits teriyaki oh my god are you kidding me just because we were running away we found okay Abed spring-trap come on she's probably controlling the animatronic come on he'll after we have the fountain we found the last kid hurry we have to burn the last one which way was it again um I I don't remember this later this was near that place we went the electrical one yeah this way come on oh my god okay okay where's the key what is the key right there right there okay hurry look for the look for the switch have to be somewhere around here I'm gonna go into the top and get a bird's-eye view my bird's-eye view a thing where is it it might not be here Bryan has to be here there's no other spy here I I found it I found it where are you I've on the other side of the trash bye see you yes okay I'm gonna turn it on okay yes he turned on it turned on I guess there's a good thing about that huh rain trap just wanted you dead he would just you know I've done it already wonder what his plan is I don't know I think he wants me to suffer like he did I don't think you could ever suffer the way that man has okay there's no end of atronics nursery with the what about the door it's not open what the doors open we have all three lights we've pushed all three lights spring-trap you tricked us what are we doing okay okay think is there anything else that we're missing is there a lever over here I don't know there something's a great job we open on three switches open the door we did what you wanted why isn't it opening maybe there's open up we did your stupid test what but it opened okay okay go go go let's go no time to waste I know you've got a job behind okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what let's take a breather you okay I think I'm ready you're sure yes we have to keep on going why I don't know I don't feel very good is there something wrong well no I just I don't think this is a companion very well I know what you mean all right let's go open all this room looks oh [Applause] [Music] happy frog no no not you no no no no no no no no no no all right you can't get new order you're gonna get electrocuted no Brock just wait just wait we'll get you out spring traps gonna talk so just give it a minute okay okay whoa I hope you brought your puzzle solving skills too guess we'll be playing an actual escape boredom me a more youngest son used to horn playing nice when we were alive so now it's your turn to response the wash in front of you is healthy frog you know our lover your life is in your hands for you will have to solve the puzzles in order to shine the beacon to savor you only have to help escape our let us begin shall we your first closed right in front of you numbers the numbers the numbers okay huh wait it didn't say how long we had I think he said a few minutes yeah but how gotta hurry okay the numbers there's science everywhere here I tell you just go around four nine one one three zero four what was it zero for what zero four nine one one three eight zero one okay we're not gonna mess up we're great at this I'm great at puzzles Brian find the day I'm looking oh come on Brian think outside the box lefty don't worry about me just find the dang box it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay we're gonna we're gonna find it Brian's a very smart guy over here I found the numbers zero four nine one three there's a chest of a book clue everybod okay here we go okay clue 1 if you follow the color of the clouds in the sky the light will shine upon your next answer what if you follow the color of the clouds in the sky the lighter colors of clouds wait this looks like a laser beam this leaking it would light up or something okay well the color of the white what do we flip I don't know yeah what what no one one no one no one yes Victor Gallo come on treeger whoa noloty don't grind cloud touch anything clouds are white wait wait why are you oh god what just look over here ah wait a laser look I told you well come on okay newspaper article the Daily Mail kids vanish at the local pizzeria Barney's not found to local children were reportedly lured into the back room during the late hours of the operation of Freddy fazbear's pizza on the night of June 26 the video surveillance identified the man responsible and led the this and led to his capture the following morning the kitchen themselves like children themselves were never found and are presumed dead please think that the suspect dressed as a company mascot to earn the kid Children's Trust however the furtherance investigation has uncovered a more shocking truth three more potential children have may have been killed by the hands of the suspect but this is not yet confirmed yet as for the pizzeria itself it has been closed due to investigation what what does that mean but to keep things exactly what it says I guess thought was the book lo I think that's when after you killed those five kids Boyd's well a long time ago before he was in the suit after his family was gone he sort of lost control the crease at the time we got to get this right there the numbers of course the numbers in the pandas nice article are the key okay so let's see let me see the numbers of T 26 and then and then we won - okay no no no - 26 and three okay - 26 - two six and then three I did it I did it Lefty oh my god we're gonna get you out of there have you probably promise okay stop wasting time um you're not go pulling lepers okay okay okay uh we get em rules applied you now go but yeah Lefty don't pull any more levers okay okay pressing random buttons or timer would decrease what does that say one move move enter wait what three buttons this must be for something okay the book okay let's see come on code message cracking code international Morse code what what does this mean more skull would make a secret sentence is what and then I have buttons okay something it has to do with the buttons or weird we place them circuit and put up down okay Oh God you know I think about my words count by chains [Music] wait a minute oh yeah what Brian wait let me look at the book code maybe the buttons are for this it's doing something [Music] wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute force it's Morse code okay so we have to think of the numbers okay what here I'm sure you know what you're doing okay so looks like wait no let's listen again just in case no all of them are Long's okay so all of them are zeros okay so zero zero okay then what okay the next thing I have another button for something look for something that looks like is this simple but somewhere else in the wall ah there so there's one over here there's one over here both an AI and AI right here okay all right let's see [Music] what did I do don't know where where where what is it wait what is this wait to thing Oscar November echo Zulu echo Romeo Oscar okay those are in the book okay let's see um okay let's see you have to look for okay wait you actually you give me the you tell me what they are okay say say only one of them first ah Oscar November oh oh okay Oscar November echo echo wait a minute okay that's one okay one and then what's the next one Azul o echo Romeo Oscar wait say Zulu Zulu echo Romeo Oscar okay zero of course oh my god yeah that's zero huh you know one's white oh that's it that was pretty cool I'm sorry happy frog ah let's come on come on okay so it's so far zero zero one zero okay okay okay okay okay okay and then I have one more button look for another symbol more button I don't see anything else it has to be something happy froggy right over here over here hello both of us yeah what processing request for this is it a puzzle request accepted logging in loo logon a location detected verification required please answer the following let's seek request questions and voice what is your favorite fancy food what's your oldest son's common food what's your favorite kind of car ride music and what's your what we did throughout a book I have a diary so I have to read this and abbreviate the code okay so what was the first one that said favorite fancy well let me read one did you do the other fine you read the first one okay diary this morning was pretty normal dad was getting ready for work mom was cooking eggs benedict Elizabeth was playing her with her dolls and Michael was on his phone okay Eggs Benedict but that's Michael's favorite meal so that's a and that's a first answer okay and then Oh give me the X will give me the next one okay wait a minute hold on messages the key to solving this is to point out the words that seem to stick together to what is being told example question what is Brian's favorite clothing line a question Iguchi answered a little bear stole the man's credit card to France Benetton Gucci answered in the story answer is Gucci clothing store no - Brian seriously though Brian how are you like 20 years old of age and gonna let help you store your credit card choose away this is the fiber jokes I'm sorry I don't know that's my he's Molly distracted me it's a distraction okay so the first one okay the eggs we're gonna get you out the timer's slowing down it means it's about to be almost wild okay dad left I had left for work and hugged us goodbye I had I love my dad so much I love mom too she took me away and my sister to school and played some casual Bongo music me and the ilysm Eliza think it's catchy mom thinks it's so too well what kind of music Bongo music I don't even know what that means never heard of fog of music something no I what did the book say wait a minute wait the first one was eggs benedict okay way I see it does page the eggs were good and smell great everyone loved them but Michael was being a big bummer today guess it's just the same old nap at angsty teen we all know him as nonetheless he is my brother and I love him faster I don't know what no just up I'm going a boy ah mom made dinner today and even if it was good even with megameters I can't concentrate you're ready lift him Oh Brian God dang it da the the morning was pretty normal dad was getting ready for work mom was cooking eggs benedict ah we read this already things were good god dang it dad had left for work and hugged us goodbye I love dad so much but I love mom too she took me into the school and played the bongo music Brian were they at the book what do you mean mom made dinner today and it was good even Michael wanted to know how mom made it it tastes so good mom told us that dad bought here some exotic butter than that he found at the store dad that is such a good spotter I love my family the other book said there was clues Brian what were the clues we need to answer there's nothing in here um give me the book give me the book okay the morning was pretty normal okay this is the first one what's your feet working read me all the questionnaires of the what is your lefty I don't know I don't have that Oh God what is your favorite fancy food okay Eggs Benedict and then what's your oldest son's common mood angsty bummer bummer is I think it's bummer it's a bummer okay and then okay let's see Bongo music and then exotic buggers okay so it goes in this order okay here we go eggs benedict big bummer Bongo music and exhaust butters is that is that the answer come on we tipped your stupid test no no no alarms going off Brian we passed the test no no that's not a good alarm that's can we do is there something I could pull well I don't know uh-huh oh god oh no happy frog okay Oh [Applause] God happy frog no please no happy bride Bobby for happy happy frog no no no Abby wrong no note no no the left him so sorry goods it was right justic you happy brought having frog maybe it's better if you just go on without me Brian no no lefty you're gonna come with me you're not dying here you're not gonna stay here please it almost I'm walking to lefty come on you even told me yourself we have to stay strong I thought you could do anything I tried my best that's what I do I try at least it's gonna pay for what you've done [Music] we just come on leave just don't wait getting to hurt we have to move on what if there's others we need to save how many of you saved you The Doors not open though we did something do we have to finish it okay we have five more seconds of time maybe you were right okay spring-trap are the answers this eggs benedict angsty teen Bongo music and exotic butters is that what you wanted is that the real answer door is now unlocked burn in hell I'm gonna call the elevator Lefty [Music] it'll be okay he's gonna pay for everything he's done everything [Music] it's here come on let's see where this takes us next okay you [Music]
Channel: TheFamousFilms
Views: 945,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft FNAF, minecraft freddy fazbear's pizzeria, minecraft freddy fazbear's pizzeria roleplay, minecraft freddy fazbear's pizzeria simulator, FNAF Simulator, FNAF 6, Minecraft FNAF 6, FNAF 6 Pizzeria Simulator, Minecraft FNAF 6 Roleplay, five nights at freddy's 6, Roleplay, roleplay adventure, five nights at freddys, five nights at freddys roleplay, Minecraft roleplay FNAF World, FNAF, thefamousfilms, FNAF Roleplay, fnaf help wanted, Minecraft Roleplay, VR, fnaf 7, fnaf vr
Id: Cr75V_QDTu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 56sec (2816 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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