Minecraft But You Shapeshift to a Superhero Every Minute...

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imagine a world where all your favorite superheroes defended you in minecraft but there's one problem one day the evil villain thanos snapped his fingers attempting to take their powers and erase them forever luckily i managed to leap in front blocking thanos from taking the abilities now i know what i must do find thanos and destroy him in order to bring these superheroes back but what villains want to summon to stop me and can i find thanos before it's too late stay tuned to find out holy guacamole we are now shape-shifting into different avengers and look at this venom has absolutely decimated this poor village we must save it all right spider-man is epic because not only can you shoot webs that deal damage to other players but you have strength six it's crazy there he is oh no and we're about to lose our spider-man abilities oh we got him trapped boys oh my god no no no no no all right the shape shifting is about to commence we have now become thor honestly this might be better i don't know how much damage we can deal with this but it might be enough to take out venom come on oh yeah there we go this is it dude these webs oh venom yeah we are now captain america but look at the items venom dropped a power stone and a map look at this all right so not only can we fly as iron man but we found this village and this is definitely not vanilla minecraft now that we're ant-man we can increase our size and become ginormous literally almost as large as this temple so i'm assuming my objective is to collect more and more power stones so we can save the avengers oh look at this look at how tiny we are now we can actually use this instead of fighting the zombies now that we're tiny we can literally just sneak straight past them and into this oh yeah look at this okay we're just so fast the skeletons can't even hit us wait we just shape-shifted into superman which means not only the avengers have been snapped by thanos but so have the dc superheroes oh dude this is way worse than i expected what is this hold on hold on let's take out the skeleton so as superman you can actually shoot laser beams sorry skeleton get laser beamed and you can immediately break blocks as well it's going to take some of these diamonds but look at this this looks like the infinity gauntlet but something about it's off oh look at this oh wait what have you done run now wait a second oh it is okay we definitely should not have done what we did wait did we just become oh wait wait we just became superman hi look at this we can literally just fly away buddy it kind of looks like we're swimming away that's right temple you can't contain the power of superman wow that was very convenient i'm very glad we transformed into superman preston red skull hello son of david you have been cursed by an ancient magic you should know what you've done the gauntlet you possess request a terrible price from your soul no follow the beacons gather the rest of the stones and use them to reach thanos red skull red skull look at what red skull left behind the reality stone we now have this and the power stone if we collect every single one i think we can power the gauntlet and defeat thanos okay these are the beacons that red skull was talking about oh wait we can make it there look at this oh dude being iron man is amazing all right so if i'm being completely honest right now this all dude being ant-man is the worst dude he has no weapons other than his like shrinking and increasing size ability all right we got oh but we might actually be able to make a weapon out of this yes hold on hold on we can clutch this out boys and yes hold on we found the space stone in that chest as well i was so excited i literally almost forgot to mention that okay this isn't my preferred weapon in minecraft but this is better than nothing ladies and gentlemen come on yes there we go all right is there anything else in here that we're gonna need for our journey i'm gonna take any of the supplies that we can get at this moment in time got all of our stones up here i think there's only a few more we're missing before we can take on thanos in the end this is so exciting oh man oh and we just became superman which means we've strained six also dude superman is just op guys i mean the fact that we can literally just look at this yes oh this is sick look at this iron golem literally we can even shred the iron golem oh my gosh this is ridiculously overpowered we took no damage from these pillagers and you know what just because we are superman and we can we break everything you will pillage no longer oh shoot okay now we've become batman so batman's pretty sick because what batman can do you get this grappling hook that basically teleports you and i see another beacon right over there that we can actually go to so using the grappling look at this you literally just teleport over and over again all right and then also there's one thing we're not gonna have enough time to show this off but one thing batman can do is if you have a pickaxe and you break things you get op items so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go and make a diamond pickaxe so we have it for the next time and we can make a regular diamond axe just in case we need that extra damage oh we became spiderman dude i love being spiderman the jump boost is huge all right what do we see what do we see do we see anything all right check this out look at this using the webs look how much damage you can literally kill this zombie by just shooting webs at him or how about this creeper for example look at this it's op man can't do nothing can you buddy oh yeah okay so we've been following the beacons and it's led us to a woodland mansion which also has a beacon so this is a little bit sus we're using ant-man to quickly traverse the terrain although it'd be really nice to be like iron man or superman right now so we could just fly oh ask and you shall receive okay so hold on hold on hold on what is this whoa whoa whoa wait a second there's another portal on the top of this with these beacons now the wait should i ignite this i mean i guess we can't we have iron ingots we just need to get some gravel which should be super easy because we just like fly over here okay where's the gravel gravel gravel gravel hey there it is all right let's even get a couple of pieces of flint all right we're gonna grab these up and then before we shape-shift we need to fly back to the top of the woodland mansion there we go all right get rid of these mobs now that you can't even touch superman wait this is amazing all right remember how i mentioned earlier that if you're batman you get op items look at this cake not as op as i thought it was gonna be oh look at this netherride pickaxe oh i'm keeping that bad boy a stack of apples what else we gonna get look at this literally netherright gear oh my god dude this is insane this is actually insane notch apples totems have been dying literally everything you freaking need to defeat thanos well you need the stones as well but like hey does it not hurt to have some notch apples you know what i'm saying all right what else we're going to do come on come on come on at this point we're about to have like literally four full method right here if we wanted for thanos i'll put it all on baby all right come on come on come on come on and okay we're transforming back all right boom but you're now spider-man so we no longer have the op breaking but we can't make the flint and steel and ignite this portal give us the flint there it is oh man all right so i'm really nervous to ignite this portal a lot of strange things have happened in this youtube video and i've got another feeling that when we ignite this something bad is going to happen so please leave a like down below subscribe and let's do this and three two one boom oh we've got the joker all right all right wait a second but i'm iron man doesn't the uh can he shoot rockets oh there it is there it is all right jokers oh wait this one like fell all the way down oh this is not good hold on oh god we're just exploding everything is iron man right now all right hold on hold on come on we've got a couple of jokers over here i'm trying to kill them i want all right give me your items buddy yes the eyes of ender and the mind stone let's go all right wait that was probably the real joker these must be the clones but we can take these out as well come on baby oh no we became ant-man oh no dude this is the worst superhero that we could have become he just doesn't do anything man i'm grabbing the bow this is it boom the jokers have been defeated all right let's get back to normal size over here look at this this is perfect all right we now have the mine stone as well and isa ender which basically means don't even have to go to the nether which is perfect because nobody likes another because you are so beautiful we are doing 20 off the entire website if you want to get the 20 off use this code tag us on social stay beautiful and we'll see you all next time all right we've got the eyes of ender ladies and gentlemen the stronghold i believe to be directly beneath us which means we must lace a beam oh we only have superman for a few more seconds yes and we are now batman who again there's nothing wrong with being batman it's just that batman is not as good as superman hey we didn't have enough inventory space for the grappling hook oh jeez oh yeah yeah yeah okay okay that's fine it's fine we found the stronghold that's what matters also i don't even know why i was worried lately because we have the notch apples man all right come on all right literally we need to we're shape shifting in three seconds we can get back up to the stronghold yes oh this is perfect there is no superhero that could have been better for this if we could literally just climb up bro look at us all right big jump yes yes now the thing is when you're spiderman it gets a little bit tricky because you can accidentally climb on things that you don't mean to do but it's super helpful for navigating the stronghold because you can just cobweb any mobs oh we must be getting close dude i have a super good feeling about this erection too lots of dude lots of chests boy oy hi guys go look at this yes oh we found it oh no no no no bad creeper bad creeper oh my goodness gracious all right let's take out this last creeper over here we're placing the eyes of enduran ah dude this is exciting no it's silverfish oh it's a yeah no no no spawner we do have the second last stone the time stone the only stone missing right now is the soul stone which we know our boy thanos has and he's gotta be somewhere here in the end i just don't know where this whole end literally looks like thanos oh man all right all right okay sneak stink street ruby wipe quiet quiet quiet listen it's hard man all right when you're thor you just have so much muscle you clomp around all right this is good this is good you know what would have been really nice if we could be ant-man right now so we can turn tiny but something's weird here there's no ender dragon in the end in fact wait the dragon's been turned back into an egg did thanos kill his own dragon we saw him riding at the beginning no no thanos why are you so derpy and lovable and also you deal with quite an extreme amount of damage but you can't defeat me and my notch apples all right wait is this the real thanos is this the real oh okay wait a second maybe he's got more damage than we oh wait this is kind of bad hold on oh dude if we didn't have the notch apple right there we would have died all right let's try this captain america shield go all right captain captain your shield is bad captain your shield has no okay it has a little bit of effect on thanos not a lot uh all right oh yes wait we just became iron man this is perfect we don't have to take any fall damage now watch this watch this here we go here we go yeah get him with the lasers all right it takes a long time for the rockets to recharge with our boy iron man we got to take advantage of this if we could become superman we could blast this guy bro he did he take my notch apples thanos took my notch apples i swear they're not in my inventory anymore oh this is bad i don't know what happened to my non-chapels boys all right we're going in for a little bit of punch all right come on we still got the bow from earlier oh dude he's relentless no no no no balance must be restored come on dude come on okay tell me we're gonna get a good swap not ant-man dude i hate to disrespect my boy ant-man like that but he is no use to us other than being super tiny and being able to get angles yes we've got everything we need the stones the infinite gauntlets we can snap the avengers and the dc heroes back into reality let's go
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 4,973,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: YeytxXUoQlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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