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all right guys welcome to ni's Water World wo this is my new water park what and I built this all by myself is this a lazy river yeah oh my gosh I hope no kids pooped in it get me get me out it's only us today that's gross cuz I WR it out this whole place for myself because I built it wow how did you afford this the miners so you didn't build it Nico yeah you were supposed to keep it a secret I want to cat a shaded to be impressed by me oh Nico what a great job building this yep you already spoiled it and look guys I we made our heads over here and we have cash and Nico right here Nico is this the wave pool over here the wave pool yeah you want to try it well does it even work um no I haven't gotten to that yet okay all right and why is there only two slides because I haven't gotten to building the other ones he only Built one for himself and Zoe you guys should just get married already hey word all right M let's go to this one and then you guys will go on down that one let's see who gets to the bottom first all right let's go go I'm at the bottom guys you totally skipped a a you did too that's because uh you skipped so it inclined me to as well I think someone's leaking cat litter in the pool what do you mean CH sorry this is a lot of fun Jimmy the water park's closed it's just supposed to be me and my friends today the water's very warm around him I'm getting out of here Timmy what are you doing Timmy Timmy Timmy do you know want to swim yo you're going to get him sued guys help timy get him timy uh Timmy he teleported uh uh okay that was interesting guys guys wait what's going on guys guys come here come here yo that water is poisonous what happened to the water it's cuz Timmy pooped in it Timmy what did you do what what all water hurts ow ow gosh I only peed twice it's not just the water in the pool wait let me check the Lazy River pick me up oh gosh Come here you're picking me up M oh gosh guys oh no I fell in I fell in break that block break that block break that down now I'm at half the heart I had adrenaline going through my veins guys what happened I don't know this is your water park what do you mean it's not normal for water to damage you well it looks like it does look yeah you're smart do you know how we could solve this problem maybe it's bad piping bad piping I don't know there's a vent broken down there wait a vent maybe the impostor went into it but that would be that we would have to swim Shady what are you doing Shady let me know if there's anything over there wo wo wo wo shady is there anything down there guys get in here there's like a sewage system you guys know that she could have swim for a shorter amount of time going through here and Timmy what are you doing I'm just chilling bro oh gosh this hurts oh gosh oh gosh that hurts so much no guys water's killing us um guys where are we looks like we're in the pipes right now maybe you were right me and maybe it is the pipes it's got to be that's the only explanation Jimmy do you have an explanation for this no what Nico get over here bro what there's like a room did you build this no I built none of this this is so weird wo what why is this here water wet Shady what are you reading wer shady I think the sign says water it's water wo so I guess water is coming out of there guys I think something's infecting my water what would it be I don't know they're plotting against you yeah I know Shady but I don't know exactly what it is um maybe like a water villain or something I don't know maybe we should continue going down and see Nico this literally looks like it was made for us to die in yeah there's literally water everywhere all right I'm doing the parkour we need to get to the bottom of this guys and figure out who's doing all of this no Mia tried hitting me off guys we have to work together all right let's do this Shady oh my gosh the water hurts a lot but you know what I could probably go over here and oh oh gosh ni Watch Out it hurts it hurts Nico what are you doing brother I don't know but I'm finally done let's go pick me up please pick me up Mia we can't pick you up I'm sorry hey oops ni get in the water what someone place the ladder what's going on all right I'm just breaking through guys we need to control ourselves I'm controlled I just keep getting hit into the water by people what's so funny about dying in water this is not funny at all and oh my gosh what is this room I think we just got to jump no water comes in at a time but you have to time it so that you don't jump in the water oh we got to go very slowly at this Mia okay and Mia I just noticed this is the worst for you you don't even know how to swim I know oh my gosh this is like a double-edged short you don't know how to swim and water damages you all right I'm going through it oh gosh we got take each room one by one and let's go let's go Miss I'll be careful be careful oh gosh oh gosh you got to get out of there be oh jeez all right let's go uh guys what is this next room a shark Shady are you sure that's a shark oh ouch it's water oh gosh yes you're right what is this thing guys I think I found a safe spot wo oh never mind this place is not safe hi Shady hi Nico so how did we end up in this predicament well pretty much we built a faulty water park and then we yeah no I didn't build it Nico this is not a safe spot bro someone's responsible for all of this and I know it isn't my fault no shie why get out of the water ni what if it was Aquaman Aquaman who's that he's a superhero that swims in water but why would he do that then the water would hurt him maybe he wants the water all to himself Nico what if it was an aquatat what is that it's an aquatot I have no idea what you're saying guys can you look at this what are you looking at Timmy it looks like a staircase what's a staircase for I don't know maybe we could go up I don't know if we can go oh gosh wait but there's one part is not going to look down here oh but it just leads into water no so how are we supposed to do this there's Cubbies for you to camp in oh yeah you're right there are Cubbies I could go in yeah that's what you're supposed to do Nico but you got to be very careful okay I'm going to wait for it to get removed when is it going to leave Nico it's leaving now all right let's go come on come on come on come on come on come on come on to the Cy out of here oh goodness Nico look up bro hi Shady here jump jump I can get you oh oh you know what it's okay the water's going out go go go go oh gosh oh no coming Nico you missed a man hi Shady what's up what Nico cash how are you just break it through wait how'd you end up over there I don't know but we got to run the water's gone go go go go oh Timmy made it yeah we did it Mia Mia are you okay down there a thank goodness you made it Mia shady I let my intrusive thoughts win I hope she comes back she probably will spawn back up here yeah something like that what Shady that was not me that was MIA no I'll be back gosh I can't believe you made me do the whole thing again sorry Nico and what is Timmy doing I'm building back up why was this scrip so delayed I don't know all right we should probably go to the next room let's go guys let's go oh gosh another one of these rooms OU oh gosh you guys notic how the water goes down faster I think the difficulty just increased yeah this is going to be hard jumpa no me where'd you go I'm back at the store Nico try and jump three times on this next one what what I did it I did it four times though wait four times wait what about five can you do five times I'll try on the next one all right I'm going to try to do five times 1 2 3 4 five oh six I got six oh seven oh eight I guess cuz there's the water on these sides yeah no kidding he oh gosh cash uh I was distracted by cash I couldn't make it this time ni go already what are you doing I was waiting for you what oh my God Nico's going to die I got to wait for a water to fall it's fine it's fine it's fine I can clutch up I can clutch up w m come on get over here I'm coming guys we're at the end oh you guys are yeah we're waiting give us a sec okay we're taking a minute all right oh gosh Mia we have to take this slow and steady oh man I don't like water do you know the say Mia slow and steady wins the race yes I used that all the time I don't think we're winning the race though let's go all right uh what's this next room it looks like a parkour area area yeah you're right and wait what is this area for I'm going to sacrifice myself I don't think there's anything over there I'm searching for a hidden room and no never mind never mind never mind you can't go through the pipes don't do that it's just shot out potions Nico what are shot out potions these dispensers but they're not shooting out potions they just did oh gosh wait there's splashes of water bottles in these oh gosh be careful these things are splashing watch out for the roof Timmy's trying to hit me off the edge Nico Tamm we control yourself no where do we go next I don't know but we have to somehow Dodge these things all right let's go watch it watch it watch it e oh no oh no I fell I fell I fell ow ow ow ow ow oh okay nice all right I'm going Reaper F nice JY why' you just make that noise that wasn't me was that shady that was not me who made that noise then ouch I keep getting touched by water I guess we'll never know what's this next room oh another water bottle room guys you probably want to be careful you got jump oh yeah you got you got this I keep getting touched by water it's already to hurt a lot actually there's so much water be careful shie why are you making those noises it hurts okay there's no water over here okay we're good we're good all right uh cash why are you spam opening that Sher box because it's fun what look look look cash all right I'm done okay well what is this let's go boating it's time to go boating cash are you ready I'm ready you just picked up my boat cash sorry here take a new one oh ow ow ow ow ow wait what comes out of this dispenser should we be worried I think it broke where the manager when you need him it's weird it's not coming out this one is still coming out oh God be careful wait cash you in my boat yeah Nico get us out of here dude timy what are you doing timy sabotaging it's weird both fire and water do damage how do you even get extinguished I don't know fire extinguisher all right guys we made it and uh oh gosh there's crocodiles in the water oh no Nico I got you ready boom wait maybe that's a strat we pick each other up and then come on CH I got you wait can I do this oh wait I think this one might be possible no oh gosh it is really impossible just NE jump it yeah we got to jump around all the stuff here I'll just throw you over the top that's all you got to do no Shady don't do that wait that actually works no Nico I got you come here look boom wait what all right shady I got you oh no I don't got you I don't got you all right I'm doing it I'm doing the job I'm doing the job can't just break it Nico don't get in the way okay let's go time to do a bunch of Neo jumps honestly these are harder to do if they're Neo jumps cuz it's like hard to see all right I'm going again I'm going again W guys I did it please uh Mia M did a booster hit me hit me up no no just break this block just breing it no no no be you can't do that t cheating oh I'm in there Crocodiles guys be careful oh gosh and it looks like we have even more of that stuff no but these on look a lot slower so I think this possible to do it yeah you T it correctly all right you got to make sure you go into nice be very careful and oh Goa I failed ni failed and time this correctly nice get through this go all right we got to be very careful of these walls right here oh oh oh gosh wait I think I might be able to run through this whole thing let's go all right I'm hearing a lot of redstone here this one's actually very easy yeah this one's a lot easier than the first one we did I made it it's best to do it in F5 so you can get the full view that's true go around like this and I did it too that was so easy Mia come on no no Mia are you failing please ladder please here Mia and then I stand and I jump wait what how did you actually do that 200 IQ play all right it's time to do some more boating why am I floating I don't know Timmy's in your boat but good luck with that let's go is he tickling your butt no Dodge the fire guys Dodge it ow ow got hit oh gosh oh gosh n look out jie what are you doing I'm on fire go go go guys go help M you're just spinning in circles right now I don't know ow ow gosh let me get in the boat let me get in the boat oh okay you know what I'm going to get my own boat instead again yo we made it already Mia's just spinning in circles what are you doing Mia I'm spinning out I'm spin it out Mia you're blocking my way typical Mia always getting in people's way I know right is this a shark mouth guys it looks like it is that looks like dissected fungus when are we going to reach the end of this we need to get to the bottom of who's responsible for all this stuff where youall going I don't know I'm just exploring Shady yeah are we not allowed to explore blood's the Explorer wait where are we now W looks like we could just Escape these doors over here and oh gosh no we cannot which side are we picking first Nico what do you mean is this a maze I don't know oh no this is a maze where it damages you oh no Timmy stay at the door I think we're supposed to pull some levers down in the Maze oh wait there's doors there's doors oh and the doors act as safe spots oh ow ow ow gosh it's very hard to get in the middle of the doors come on come on come on come on come on let's go gosh there has to be something no way I reached a dead end are you serious right now wait guys there a Shar in here is that trying to talk to me why are you making those kind of sounds I found a button wait cash let me go to you real quick let me go to you okay where are you I'm at the button if you need a reference what does that mean just so you know I'm at the button what does the button mean I'm at the button I'm coming to you hopefully I don't die before then oh gosh I need to find a door fast oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh I'm about half a heart Nico the button is a safe spot well yeah I'm trying to get to the button get to the button all right come on come on come on come on come on I see it I see it I see it go get that button did that do anything to me I don't know oh gosh I think we're supposed to press two buttons there's one over on my side there's another on your side I'm coming over Mia all right all right let me get out of here Mia where is it come over to my side you should see my name down here oh I do okay I'm coming over to you it might take me a while though cuz it's kind of hard to reverse this maze cuz there's so many dead ends to this place owow oh gosh I can't find you where are you I got sharks on me oh man it's going to take a while again am I getting warmer am I getting warmer you're almost here uh okay um regenerat rning hearts a little bit all right I'm coming the lever it's right here all right we got to pull the lever oh is it a button it's a button it's a button all right I'm pressing it looks like we press both buttons so the door should be open let's go back real quick I'm ready going to help all right I'm going I'm going I'm going wait the doors haven't opened oh they just opened let's go Timmy open it up no Timmy you guys have been messing with me all the time what did I say Timmy I'm busting down the doors Timmy come here what's oh gosh another one of these levels and wait guys you see that thing over there the great white shark I see another thing wait can I have spy glass cash I got you it's right here um hello you have entered my Cave of Doom and now you will die wait are you the one responsible for all of this yes of course he's the one that poison our water he looks gross I need to get back on him for taking over he's probably got boogers in his DNA I'm coming for you whoever you warm uh why can't we just talk about this um species to species hello no be careful do not trust that guy he's evil um hello sir hello is there any way that uh you could turn off your machine so that we can have fun in water again no why I'll never do that well what do you want uh probably a six piece bck and nugget uh what well why did you even do this I didn't want Timmy's poopy butt in the water what I'm a Frog I need fresh water no that makes a lot of sense what if we abandon from the water park and then you turn off the water machine Timmy I'm going to eat you come here no what's going on y some my back yo yo yo okay you know what you know what they just got the Frog I'm turning this machine off break it down I'm burning Timmy's poopy water uh I think that worked I have a better tool for you to break this machine oh you do yeah there you go all right thank you let's break it break it down get this thing all right let's see if wait guys water is safe yes let's go do you want to know what this means water park there what a birthday if you want to watch more Adventures the C on the screen if you enjoyed then please subscribe bye guys subscribe bye
Channel: Nico
Views: 791,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft
Id: nMcBfqSWn8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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