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minecraft is probably the best game to just wander around an adventure through all the different worlds well not anymore we are playing on a minecraft world that is only 100 by 100 blocks and on top of that it is shrinking each 10 seconds and to make it even harder we have to complete the game by finding diamonds the moment we find diamond the world stops shrinking that's right that's how this works if you press the like button we will manage to do it press it right now do it three two one thanks thanks guys if you want to get some merch go to the jelly store i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it wait no why am i not doing it guys no no jenna you need to get away whoa the world is shrinking guys i dare you to stand on the edge like me this is a really bad uh okay wait guys wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait trainer what how big is this chunk that we're on guys i don't know it looks like a hundred by one hundred maybe but the chunk it's not actually like it's shrinking guys like every ten seconds [Music] [Applause] shall we start please make me feel better let's get some supplies i always feel better when i'm riding the horse okay crainer that's a good story but trainer please concentrate the world is shrinking and we need diamonds to make it stop crainer no horses safe horses okay worry about it so guys do you think if we if we find diamonds and chop it that this will stop like the world will stop shrinking oh no i think you're asking too much i mean it would be good it would be good i mean we can always try it we can always dream for a better future it's deep i know it's deep all right i'm going to start with the base this world is pretty deep too so we need a lot of tools guys okay ah see i just took a moment to ask if anyone would have made a crafting event for making one we're learning we're learning here we're learning there you go it's only like three million videos in have you guys checked the chest off what do you want from me josh you idiot all right listen we got ourselves stone pickaxes now we need iron i haven't stolen one yet how do you already have a stone one jill i am really good at this game are you new here jelly usually never gets anything before us all right i'm gonna make another special he knows something that we guys listen we can do two things with the diamonds listen listen the world is shrinking can we please hurry up we can either find a cave to get iron or kill the galaxy drink to jelly size yeah nice drink like you did should we kill the golem no no oh my god guys literally get him it's it's already almost at the village what are you doing need like iron tools did you hit the gauntlet yeah of course i did you told me to do it jelly oh and it's still all right all right do it again do it again there's a horsey about a fool hit him jelly guys okay there's a horsie that's not a fool horsey okay well the video ended no thanks jelly you're freaking you're such a dummy you got something you want to tell me josh all right now we're going to have to break the rules and let jelly live no it was crainer's fault he told me to do it he told me to do it okay who was the first one that brought it up jelly why i didn't do it did i you want to fix me jelly we can fight okay all right all right all right we're changing the rules i'm going to find iron are you really just digging have you even looked for a cave no thanks okay i'll come back up all right i'll start looking for a cape we are so bad at this game and we've been playing this for many years another edge no you haven't been playing it for many years you're such a poser jelly poser what does that even mean yeah you know what it have you found means cave yet guys you're just following me maybe all the caves have already disappeared or something looking for a cave how long is it gonna take you i don't have guys i don't i genuinely don't think there's a cave yeah i think we're gonna have to dig jelly's right we might just have to dig down all right well i started a hole um i started the whole why do you have to start it like at the edge guys follow me come on maybe close it to the middle you know okay guys we need the staircase yeah yeah i'll make that case okay good good good good good i make staircase right now guys look guys we have one issue though we don't have any visibility like this yeah we don't know when the borders gonna be at our level we'll just have to guess okay i guess it's in around two minutes yes that's what i think i actually think that's a correct estimation of time and i will agree with that yeah hey guys this place feels real tight already like i mean that's because jelly's down here too no i'm actually up here dang it man you ruined my guys jelly i have a genius idea no i doubt it we can look down for caves wait watch out what's up we can look down like this guys is that cave there i see a cave it might be attached like on this side it will shrink and then we could die but wait there we go what if we go down the water water oh the water oh there's a gate there's a cave there's a cave right here right here right really where right down here yeah there it is oh my god oh this is a bad idea this is the best as long as you get back yes found one game we did it okay guys we have an issue though uh our staircase is going to go in roughly 30 seconds that's fine just follow me nope that's not fine let's not go there okay we're not really prepared for this i can't see it what to do guys you realize how much we need to do before yeah i don't okay guys we need to go we need to go right now we need to go we need to go down there i'm coming i'm just digging down straight down okay i'm gonna make a crafting tape oh cool i found coal all right all right oh you could have at least warned me salt's out we're gonna fight boys what's up okay granny we're gonna go at the same time i'm going in oh yeah that's right i mean that removed some of the zombies oh josh that was me don't get in the way okay you know i'll let you guys do the work nobody saw anything okay and then we'll get out of here okay get the eye and josh i'll i'll cover your back i'll cover your back okay we'll meet you back on the surface trainer wait it's not dying this actually connects to ravine yes but jenny we need to get out always we don't know where we're going to be okay okay you guys are the worst water come up come up we have the iron we have the coal we're good to go why do you put it on the edge quick boys okay you know what i'm taking that i'm there we go put the iron in what why do you have two i guess we'll split it up yeah that's actually wow you guys are clever today yeah very clever good job you know while you guys work on that i'll make a little staircase all right all right no i didn't get nothing i i found the iron all right where do we go now boys listen we need a crafting table boom there we go keep making i had three you could grab the tables guys i had three iron ingots you know i said i have two someone give me dirt i mean i'll get josh you stole my ironing get out of my hand i had three in my inventory and it disappeared yeah that's definitely a feature of this game yes all right i swear pickaxe is done guys the world is very tiny right now we need to hurry up okay yeah this is getting tight this is really bad okay well now that we have an iron pickaxe we need to continue going down wait hold on bring the alarm bell no it's not it's down here right you know what i'll make a sword i think i remember things wasn't it this way no what are you asking for literally gonna get eaten are you asking for the ravine josh josh you need to hurry up the ravine is underneath of the water josh the ravine underneath the water come to come to the furnaces we're gonna start digging down here on this guy's look where are you where did you go [Music] you guys fell out yep we fell out of the world am i the only one who can do this properly i think this is becoming a challenge okay what's this this is so bad jelly i found a cave no this is fun the spawn is ruined hey jelly welcome back buddy okay listen uh there were about a hundred gazillion creepers down there so uh oh my god where'd it what i can see all of the edges wait guys i'm coming down here guys i'm coming down oh whoa hey diamonds i want diamonds i'm with diamonds i'm with diamonds come to me come to me come to power back up to papa i don't want you to be papa please please i don't have an iron pickaxe okay follow the rule now follow the water down wait i have i in here i can smell something i'm down he's down wait all the sensory diamonds yes i swear man wait do you have all the way down i don't have an iron pickaxe oh trainer are you kidding me this is really stop dying it's not my fault okay you know god i am making myself and i am pickaxe trainer can you get to us there he is there he is two one [Laughter] stop it i don't know what train it his time we got the diamonds yeah crater come on we got we got the diamonds man there's no way i could actually make it stop stop you can't fight i'm here i'm here you have the diamond you have the damage quick okay what are you doing there's nothing left of this world wait i think you're on the edge mate i am i am wait you're the wrong one and i still have a furnace yes where do i even respond now oh i just want in the sky oh hey guys that's amazing hey oh come on [Laughter] thanks for watching click here to watch another video this was a crazy one um we died more than we were allowed but this was much harder than i thought it would be if you agree and click on another video do it right now this one's ending
Channel: Jelly
Views: 1,689,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, minecraft, shrinking, world is shrinking, mini skyblock, skyblock troll, game, games, gaming, funny, new, mine craft, minecraft skyblock troll, minecraft shrinking skyblock, jelly, MINECRAFT But The WORLD SHRINKS
Id: Wi4d9zxLDxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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