Minecraft, But It’s Only 1 YouTuber Block…

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Minecraft but we are trapped on one block the YouTube algorithm if we break the algorithm it drops rare YouTuber items that will help us take over YouTube headquarters and defeat the dragon of demonetization bro I'm so scared if I break Preston's beautiful face well I Fall to my death wait what your first subscriber huh and what is this the Subscribe block what does this do here guys wait when I'm standing on it I get instant Health that's crazy oh my gosh is that YouTube headquarters and bro it's literally floating on a cloud of gold they are so rich what other blessings can this YouTuber block give me guys pray to the YouTube God wait notice this video will be demonetized we can be reasonable here oh no this is bad this is bad guys I need to head to the YouTube headquarters and get my money back give me something other than demonetization plus if it was something to get over to YouTube headquarters what was that the potato this thing is literally just mocking me right now anything else Stow the dirt I really do not get a bucket to get over there come on wait guys as I'm digging it up here look My Views counter across the top is increasing I don't know exactly what that does maybe I start getting better items as it goes up like now we've got a bed and we can actually use that to travel over there Guys Farm those views oh yes we've got Stone all right guys we're getting better items Johnny boats TNT I don't think I want to test this just yet because it is literal TNT yeah we barely have any block now what else we've got oh yes some wood okay we can use that to make ourselves a crafting table that's brilliant hopefully we'll get some items out of this block that will be useful for crafting you know bless me all right some dirt we can add that to our little path okay and is that a literal flavored sword yo that is dope what is that Preston oh that makes sense I'm assuming it lights mobs on fire I don't know we don't exactly have anything to test it on quite yet other YouTuber things are we going to find in this block what what is this the Moose box this is moosecraft's head on top of here guys what happens if we click this oh my goodness guys this YouTuber I'm a wacky ass all right let's see what else we're watching come on come on come on come on I've used the past halfway I wonder what happens whoa what is that thing guys what is happening I've got blindness dude what does that get the app now bro a zombie but he's wearing a YouTuber outfit what is this okay hit him with the hit him with that oh no what was that wait what just happened okay we killed him with the app out bro and he like tied hearts and he dropped cooked chicken and cooked mutton the items may be getting better but it seems to be getting a little bit unstable as [ __ ] yo that's a witch with a YouTuber hat okay wait we're gonna try the prestonia what yo it literally lights them on fire that is so dope okay we're literally on a heart right now what effect do I have I have poison and blindness bro what okay wait I can sit on the YouTuber block this gives me Regeneration all right cool the block has regenerated me now I can't say yeah when we're so close I wonder what happens when our View Bar gets to 100 guys is there any other things we can get out of this oh we just need to keep farming it for blocks okay we're making pretty good progress guys we're about halfway to the HQ now I am getting my monetization back come on bless me well bless me bro what is that thing is that jelly the YouTuber what the jelly block what do you guys think this does okay it looks kind of like a cake wait can I eat it can I eat this okay what does this do jumping yo that is so dope what was this thing grain of cobblestone how is that different from normal Cobblestone I know I know that green is an absolute boss Builder but what do you think this does builds us an instant house let's give it a go here guys we'll place it on the end wait guys it just replaces so hold up is this an infinite stack of cobblestone no flipping away what guys this is awesome we can get to the YouTube headquarters finally I had reached YouTube headquarters surely someone here could help me get my video monetized again we made it to the cloud of gold the YouTuber headquarters it's okay we're just find a support team or some interns or something that can help us get out video remonetize and I can get back to making all kinds of Minecraft content oh there's plenty of YouTube employees in there let's talk to them hey guys can you help me get my video remonetized again why are you coming towards me oh bro what the flip guys they demonetized me as well no no no no no oh we're gonna die we're actually gonna die get out get out go go holy flip what a surprise YouTube doesn't want to give me my money back which means we're going to have to take it by force but how please tell me subscribe block thank goodness for you the only thing I can do is just hope that we keep digging up this YouTube block and it's gonna get us better stuff again this is so bad oh flip that was way too close so close to filling up that views bar to 100 but hopefully whatever it is it will save our butts boom impressive your channel seems to have reached a massive audience this cannot go on oh no Daddy YouTube is coming for me guys come on doesn't give us better stuff all flipped netherride chest plate oh yeah it does give us better stuff and a golden apple easily help us destroy that entire team of YouTube employees guys oh my goodness wait what is this dream Booth oh my goodness guys they give me speed holy slip why do I walked off wait am I just walking on air guys look at this I can literally walk on air right now whoa the dream boots are op I don't know how I'm gonna use those in battle but I can see those being very powerful okay what other YouTube items can we get now what is that what is this thing bionic helmet what does that do it gives us infinite Division and I literally look like bionic the YouTuber right now oh that is dope guys Diamond ax donate that come on is that a pickaxe surrounded in money yo the Mr Beast pickaxe what does this thing do all right we'll place down some blocks and see what happens if we break them we can use our green Cobblestone here for example all right ready three two one do they just turn Cobblestone into Diamond just to turn everything into diamonds so any armor how we can just dig up diamonds and then craft some more that is awesome I didn't even realize we've now got netherride leggings as well oh we are fully kidded out guys all right quick what is that thing that just dropped what is that oh my goodness two things I've never seen before the PewDiePie chest plate what does this do eight armor two armor toughness okay I don't know exactly what super powers this has I guess we're only gonna find out when something attacks us but we also got this little cookie oh we got full hunger so we can't actually test this out now anyways but hopefully it'll be useful when we do go into battle what is that what is this thing bro The Crafty heart how do we use that do I do I hold it in my hand here maybe if I put in my off hand oh bro that literally gave me another roll of Hearts bro I am op oh we are set guys all right we're going after them guys this is it this is the end for you hey trash cans you better give me my money back or I'm gonna take you out this is your final warning I repeat come on you're gonna give me my money or not wait they're attacking me guys but I'm not getting the demonetization effect they're not even doing damage to me what that must be the power of the PewDiePie chess plane he's protecting me from demonetization first I had to defeat the YouTube interns without their power to demonetize they didn't stand a chance yo the door opened up for us I reckon we're gonna have to shut this place down ourselves all right what's up the stairs here guys wait YouTuber plays with bows who gets the boats you want to take me on bro yeah I wouldn't recommend that all right I think that's the last of the YouTube interns guys what is this caution okay guys there's yellow at black batters if this is where they're hiding the demonetization stuff they don't want anyone going into you that's reckon where I'm gonna have to go as well hey let's jump in wait uh guys what just happened did I just lose all my items what the flip no they've taken away my YouTube Powers oh this is bad what in the world is this guys where are we supposed to go but I wasn't stopping I had to beat YouTube security and deathly obstacle course where one wrong move could result in my death uh we have a problem there's nowhere else for me to jump that's way too far for me to reach the only thing I can think is down that hole I don't see any lava all right jump in on the on the honey whoa was I teleported wait actually more importantly do I have all my stuff back I do now we can figure out where in the world I've been transferred to guys we've got a giant YouTube rug here what this place guys old flip was that a witch YouTube employee oh oh no and a winner skeleton too it's a room full of YouTube Executives they are so much stronger than the interns oh no I am literally on half a heart and there are still more of them okay we're gonna try eating this egg cookie God cookie please do something for me all right what's this doing wait I have resistance 10. that means I'm basically Invincible oh my goodness this thing literally gave me invincibility all right let's go in there oh bro I'm actually unbreakable yeah see you later Mr weather skeleton yeah this is Loki awesome what this is very dark in here what what's this Youtube CEO office this is the guy who's been demonetizing me we take them out and we're done full clearance K required okay maybe there's a full clearance key downstairs wait what's this thing hold up what is what is that oh whoa you can go inside of it what is this some sort of like ventilation system maybe I can sneak into the office wait what no no no no I'm gonna die I'm actually gonna die no no no no no no what in the world where am I right now guys what is this wait PewDiePie YouTube has PewDiePie trapped underneath you what have they done to you bro what happened to your nose we need to help PewDiePie out right now guys wait what is this here A Barrel Fork YouTube full clearance key this is brilliant all right I'll grab one of these for ourselves I'll get you out man I promise all right we've got our YouTuber full clearance key thanks PewDiePie I don't know what they did to your nose but I'm sure plastic surgery can fix it but hold up what's this wait bro we're back in the obstacle course room okay we just need to get over to that hole and we're set all right let's go open up FBI haha we are into the CEO's office what the font bro what kind of office is this huh there's just stacks of gold Beacon and giant end portal okay guys this is beginning to get really really strange what the flip is going on here what kind of operation are they pulling I guess there's only one way to find out to the end wait is that is that a demonetization dragon did it eat the CEO of YouTube is this why everyone's videos keep getting demonetized we must kill her you're gonna die mate I'm coming for you for all the YouTubers once and for all so I tried to scans people into coming to the end for Mid eight what's the big deal what's the big deal oh no guys he wants to numb on us for lunch what do you mean I have to wear clothes on YouTube I'm a dragon they don't make clothes myself mate if you're going to demonetize me for that I'm expecting you wear clothes too all right guys we've got to take that thing out but how do you think any of our YouTuber items could help us oh yes the dream boots that's what we need all right come on we should be able to get up oh yeah here we go guys oh this is gonna make the end of dragon fight a million times easier also base pickaxe our way through that whoop I have all right all right there we go come on yes take out that one right there we go get the arrow right yes just time to take on the dragon all right what just to get a ton of damage in yes yes will the Preston sword do more damage right it's so close right now he's almost dead come on one hit the what it did it guys Dragon wow
Channel: EYstreem
Views: 2,376,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, minecraft pe, family friendly, roleplay, funny, troll, trolling, prank, secret, hidden, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, minecraft but its only 1 youtuber block, minecraft but its only one block, minecarft but its only 1 block, one block minecraft, minecraft but youtube, minecraft but there are youtubers, minecraft but there are custom blocks, minecraft but there is one block, minecraft but
Id: spfspXsKn-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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